
Begin Again
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#np Gaeko's Vacation (feat. SOLE)


My one and only mother, the one who never fails to embarrass me at times when I’m trying to be the best version of my own self. Well, worse thing has happened… Back when I graduated law school a couple of years ago, she just suddenly stood up by herself amongst the crowd and cheered my name in a cringey manner. Even my father couldn’t stop her.

But still, she’s the only mother that I could only hope for and I’d never change her for anyone.


“Please don’t take anything my mother said into your heart. She can say whatever she thinks, even sometimes I feel burdened by it.” I try to laugh at that uncomfortable truth but it fails miserably when Bona doesn’t seem to respond.

“I don’t.”

Her answer was short but striked so hard into my chest. Her cold attitude seems to be perturbing me a bit too much. I guess it hurts when I remember how warm she used to be towards me before.

Maybe she needs time. Apologizing won’t do anything good for now.





“It’s New Year, Bona. Most of the rooms are booked. Besides, I heard there’s going to be a Kpop concert in in few days’ time. A lot of fans are here.”

She doesn’t flinch and continues to wait for the call to be picked up. These days, it’s as if I’m talking to myself whenever I tried to talk to her but I guess I’m getting used to it. It’s like I’m invisible but thankfully, Bona ate the breakfast I made to her every morning, secretly of course.

It’s like I don’t really get her sometimes.

Anyway, I already promised myself that I’ll treat her right no matter what the outcome is. It’s to make up for all the horrible mistake that I’ve done to her. It’s for the sake of her father as well. His words of expectation and hope haunts me each time I look at Bona. I can’t fail him, not anymore.

Both Bona and I are trapped inside this cage, and the least that I could do is be good to her.


“Hello? Yes I want to make a reservation for today… Oh… It’s already full? Okay, thank you.”

I think it’s the tenth call she made today. We’ve already arrived here in Cusco, Peru and she still doesn’t give up looking for a hotel room. She’s been like this ever since my father had told me that he already booked a room for us here a few days ago. He was really really lucky that he got this room, he said and surely, it must’ve also costed quite a lot since it is holiday season.


Our taxi arrived at the airport not too long after and she’s quiet since we got in. I stare at the view outside the car, windy. It’s cool and kinda amazing too since we just experienced snow about a day ago in Korea. Dark clouds looms around the city, people are putting lights on even though it’s still early in the evening. I’m guessing it’s going to rain soon.

Surely, we won’t be going anywhere when we arrived at the hotel soon.




Bona fastens her pace after we went through the revolving doors, hurrying herself towards the receptionists at the right side of the building. My feet speedily follow her figure and when I arrived at the counter, the employee in front of her shifts her gaze towards me.

“I’m sorry, Ma’am. There’s no more room left.”

“Can you check one more time?”

“Actually we already made a reservation.”

As I said those words, I can feel Bona’s sharp gaze shot right into me. Truthfully, I don’t hate that we’re going to share a room so that I can keep an eye on her. Yeah, Bona had been living alone in Japan for many years but just to make my heart at ease, I don’t want her away from my sight.

I just want her safe as long as she’s with me, especially when we’re in a country far from home.



“Wow, the view’s incredible.” I exclaim while inching my body closer to the transparent windows.

Actually, the atmosphere since we got up from the lobby is bad enough, it’s like there are clouds and lightings above Bona’s head. This is just one of my poor effort of trying to lift the atmosphere even though I know it’s not working…

She must’ve really hated sharing a room with me…

I’m still jet-lagged from the long flight but my heart feels slightly at ease when I eye the gloomy weather outside. It hasn’t rained even though it’s so dark since we got here but still, the histori

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random ramblings but have you guys heard that Taeil accidentally followed Seola in Instagram? That was totally random like their pairing in this fanfic xD


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194 streak #1
Chapter 33: TY for this, it felt real,,,sweet
144 streak #2
Chapter 33: This was so sweet! I really enjoyed the special chapters - I'm going to miss this series a lot! Looking forward to more of your work :)
Chapter 33: They made up yeay!!!
olinolin #4
Chapter 33: Yeahhhh i love this chapter... Can't wait for epilog
144 streak #5
Chapter 32: Wonho's still being so sweet here in his own way despite everything. Ughhhh Taeil >.< I hope Wonho and Bona can sort things out :)
olinolin #6
Chapter 32: Yeahhhb thank for update. Can't wait for the next chapter, fighting
Chapter 32: Thanks for the update! I hope Taeil will be fine. And I also hope that Wonho and Bona can talk everything out...
olinolin #8
Chapter 31: Wish you are update, thank you
144 streak #9
Chapter 31: You're back! But oh dang, what a chapter! Hoping for them both to feel better next time!
Bluesapphire17 #10