First Impressions Count

Addicted to You

‘My mother is getting married again’ Was the first thing Jungkook said to Jimin as they walked to school together on that crisp winters morning.


‘Huh?’ Jimin frowned, glancing round at his friend. ‘I didn’t know you even had a mother?’


‘Are you stupid or something? How else was I born?’ Jungkook reached over and flicked Jimin on the forehead, muttering about how dumb his friend was.


‘Hey, sorry, but you’ve never mentioned her before... I figured maybe she died young or something...’ Jimin replied sulkily, rubbing the point on his forehead where Jungkook had hit. ‘Who’s she getting married to anyway?’


‘Some military , I don’t know...’ Jungkook grumbled. ‘They keep inviting me to have dinner with them, but I keep refusing’


‘Why refuse?’ Jimin asked curiously, not caring if an outsider would see his questions as too probing. 


‘Because I hate her.’ Jungkook’s tone signalled that conversation was over, so Jimin quickly changed the topic to homework.


Jungkook was only half listening to Jimin’s complaints about the work load, his mind firmly whirring with thoughts of his mother. 


It was not that she was an inherently bad person, in fact most of the times she met Jungkook she was so sickeningly sweet to him that he could almost vomit. The problem came down to the 10 years she had been absent from his life. 


He could still clearly remember his 7th birthday party where his father had to sadly tell him his mother was no longer going to live with them. He was offered no explanation, and was only reassured that she did still love him despite everything. It was only years later that he learned she had been having an affair with an army officer, and had been kicked out by his father when he discovered it.


Once they arrived at school, Jungkook was soon in his usual position of sleeping on his desk. He was a restless sleeper, often suffering weeks on end with terrible insomnia, so sleeping in class was really the only way to get a decent 40 winks.


Luckily, Jungkook’s grades were some of the best in his class, so he had no worries of failing.


That day was the first day back, however, so teachers were especially diligent in making sure their students were ‘wide eyed and eager to learn’. This attitude soon faded from their minds after a day or two back, sometimes even a few hours into the first day for the particularly lenient teachers.


Unfortunately, the young looking woman sitting at the head of this class had an overly zealous smile that said it would be weeks before she’d let them get away with anything.


She cleared , signalling for the class to be quiet. 


‘Hello students, welcome back! My name is Miss Park, I hope we will all get along very well this term’ She said all this with that beaming smile on her face, even as the only response she received from the group were a few grunts. ‘Now, I expect you all to try your best, and to work hard! Remember that...’


Jungkook’s brain stopped listening to her after that, her voice becoming gentle background white noise.


Despite her smile, Jungkook couldn’t help but notice that Miss Park’s eyes were darting nervously around at everyone. 


He also couldn’t help but notice that she had a striking resemblance to his mother, which made him shudder slightly.


Jungkook’s attention refocused when she began to ask the new students to come to the front and introduce themselves.


The boy directly in front of him stood up, along with a frail looking boy who looked as if a gust of wind would blow him all the way to America.


The frail guy hurriedly introduced himself as Lee Woo something, before rushing back to his chair. 


The second boy was much taller, with an attractive face and warm complexion.


‘I’m Kim Namjoon, it’s nice to meet you all’ He spoke with a deep and rich voice, which was enough to make even the coldest person swoon, and gave the room a confident dimpled smile before returning to his seat.


Miss Park began the lesson, only to be interrupted a few moments later by a student walking in late to class.


Jungkook took a quick glance at the new student and was surprised at how nonchalant he appeared at being late to class. He gave off a demeanour of carefree elegance and wealth, with just a touch of arrogance.


Jungkook rolled his eyes to himself, thinking that this guy won’t last two weeks before he’s been brought back down to our level.


‘Sorry I’m late, Miss’ Jungkook’s eyebrows shot up at the surprisingly deep voice the guy had, which complete went against his appearance.


Miss Park shooed him along to his seat at the back and carried on with the lesson.


Jungkook pushed the strange new guy from his mind and attempted to concentrate on not letting his head droop down. 


However, after 30 minutes of painstakingly trying to stop it, Jungkook’s head was firmly plastered on his desk at the end of the lesson.


Jungkook blearily opened his eyes as the bell rang, yawning as therest of his class began to pack up their things.


He went to do the same just as Miss Park slapped a sheet with a plan of the class and a list of attendance slips onto his desk.


‘Write everyone’s names on here before you go’ She demanded, before turning on her heels and leaving.


Sighing, Jungkook began to fill in his classmates seating plan. Luckily, most had stayed in the same place as last term so he really only had to include the new students.


He paused and frowned as he reached a particular slip, the hangul of the characters were so stylised that he couldn’t for the life of him decipher what they said. 


He nudged Jimin, who sat beside him, and shook the paper in his face.


‘Can you read this?’ 


Jimin picked up the slip and squinted at the characters.


‘K... Kim? Dong.... Dang... Daek?’ He muttered to himself as he twisted the paper around trying to figure it out. 


‘Let me try’ Jungkook and Jimin glanced up at Kim Namjoon, who was holding out his hand for the paper. 


Shrugging, Jimin handed it to him. 


Namjoon also began to frown as he read it.


‘Are you sure that last one isn’t a Chinese character? I’m pretty sure it’s not Korean...’ He said eventually, speaking with confidence he really didn’t have for this particular matter.


‘Of course it’s Korean’ Jimin snapped, snatching the paper back and frowning at Namjoon. He then turned back to Jungkook. ‘Maybe you should just go ask him? There’s only a couple new students so he’s bound to be one of them?’


Jungkook sighed in defeat and glanced around.


Only himself, Jimin, Namjoon and the two other new kids remained in the room.


Could this strange handwriting belong to the new frail boy? He did have the air about him that suggested that even a pencil might make him keel over. Perhaps writing was a challenge for him?


Jungkook walked towards him, trying to give off his least intimidating vibes as he feared the guy might have a heart attack.


‘Hi, is this your name by any chance?’ He asked in a soft voice.


The boy, as predicted, had an expression that said Jungkook had just threatened to strangle a puppy in front of him as he shook his head violently.


Sighing again, Jungkook returned to his seat. 


That only left Mr Arrogant. 


Of course someone who walks into class late with no care would have atrocious handwriting like this.


Jungkook turned to glance at the guy, who was currently twiddling a pen around his fingers, before getting up to confront him.


The closer he got, however, he suddenly began to feel nervous for some unknown reason.


He never usually got nervous around guys, even really attractive ones, and this guy was surely very attractive.


He thought that from afar it could be a trick of the lighting, but really this boy was as stunning up close as from a distance.


Pushing this aside, he reached the desk and began to flick through the boy’s books, searching for a printed version of his name.


‘Can I help you?’ The boy asked, his voice seemed to have become even deeper at that moment.


Jungkook dropped the book he’s been searching through and instead slammed the attendance slip onto the desk.


‘Is this you?’ He asked abruptly.


‘Maybe’ Jungkook could feel himself getting irritated by this guy’s attitude already.


‘What does it say then?’ He pressed on, watching as the guy looked between him and the slip with one eyebrow raised.


‘My name’ 


‘...And what is that?’ Jungkook’s nostrils began flaring, he really couldn’t believe the audacity of this guy.


‘My name is...’ The guy trailed off as if thinking, before looking at Jungkook with a small smirk. ‘What it says on this slip’


‘Maybe I should just sign your name ‘Arrogant Face’ on the seating plan, I’m sure Miss Park would love to read that’ Jungkook retorted through gritted teeth.


‘You’d be the one getting in trouble for that, it’d be in your handwriting after all’ The smug grin hadn’t left the guy’s face the whole time Jungkook had been there.


Jungkook gave the boy one last glare before turning around to return to his desk. 


He had just sat down as he noticed out of the corner of his eye someone was getting up to stand next to his desk.


He refused to look at the guy, determined not to let him provoke him more than he already had. So he carried on filling out the names of the sheet.


This seemingly simple task became much more difficult when someone is breathing down your neck.


Jungkook finally slapped his pen down and turned to the guy to tell him to leave when the guy finally spoke up.


‘Dude, your handwriting is super neat!’ 


Jungkook’s eyebrows rose up as he tried to think of something to say. Of all the things he was expecting to come out of this boy’s mouth, a compliment was not one of them.


Before his brain had a chance to think of some kind of reply, the guy spoke again.


‘Oh, and my name’s Kim Taehyung by the way...’ Jungkook looked round at the guy, Taehyung, in surprise, just as he returned to his seat. 


Jungkook continued to look flummoxed, with which Taehyung responded with a greasy wink.


Jungkook’s brain finally began to work again, so he decided to fire back one last insult in order to regain a shred of his lost dignity.


‘Are you an alien or something? Why can’t a human being write in a human language?’ He said in his most scathing tones.


He turned back round, ready to forget the whole ordeal just as that same deep voice said back.


‘If this is your way of tell me I’m out of this world, then sorry to disappoint you but I don’t swing that way mate’ 


Desperately trying to stop himself from blushing, Jungkook grabbed his things before storming out of the class. 


He didn’t know who this Kim Taehyung kid thought he was, but Jeon Jungkook was surely not himself if he wasn’t going to plan some sort of revenge...

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