Chapter 1/2

It was a Typo.
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1 sent a message to Glorious . You missed a call from 3. 3: HYUNG DO YOU KNOW… real_pcy (@coolyeol) has requested to follow you on Instagram. You missed a call from 2.

Kyungsoo who was busy making the order for the customer handed over his work to his employee and wiped his hands down on the apron before taking hold of his phone. It was almost lunchtime which meant that his restaurant was filled with heaps of customers. Now don’t get him wrong. Kyungsoo usually ignores his phone while he is working, but the urgent onslaught of the notifications made him a little bit curious. Plus, he was the owner of the restaurant so who was going to scold him for slacking off.

“I have a feeling they are up to no good.” He muttered under his breath before glaring at the employee who was clearly judging him for slacking off.

“I pay you.” It was all he said with a menacing voice before turning back towards his phone. The first notification was from their group chat; don’t judge him for the name Chanyeol was the one who came up with it. Apparently, Baekhyun who Kyungsoo has kindly named as 1 in his contact list has sent a message. Next, he received a call and message from Jongdae; by now you guys should know that he’s the 3. He casually swiped away the Instagram notification because there was no way in hell he was going to let Chanyeol follow him.

“God knows how many ways he can find to torment me over there.” It was the justification that Kyungsoo gave to Chanyeol every time he ignored his request. Lastly, there was a missed call from Chanyeol too. He assumes that he didn’t really need to explain who 2 is. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongdae; all three of them met Kyungsoo in high school- Oh that unfortunate day. For some ed up reason, they all stuck together and even ended up in the same university. Now that the university has ended they have refused to let Kyungsoo live his life in peace. Heaving out a heavy sigh, he finally opened the group chat which was currently being swamped by messages.









Can we get adopted at the age of 24?

(inserts meme)

Yes! That’s the face of the man who discovered something new.


What the Chanyeol?

He ing gave us up for adoption.

Baekhyun! What the hell were you thinking???


First, of all Byun Baekhyun…

How dare you set me up for adoption?

I own a ing restaurant!!

Second of all, Chanyeol…

Why the are you using me as a meme?

I’m so done with all of you



Who the even adopted us??

Dude, I know I sometimes talk bad about my parents…


I never thought of replacing them!




I meant accepted…

Sorry that was a typo


I was wondering why everybody was cursing at me ROFL


What the hell dude?

I even told my coworker that I was getting adopted.

He is laughing at my face now



I almost wet my pants!

My parents would kill me…

If I ever got adopted.



What were you all thinking?

Who the duck would adopt you?



I regret knowing you…

Where the did you even get accepted?


Likewise, Kyungja!


Jongdae and I got accepted at Oh Enterprises!

I just received our confirmation letters!



For real??

You better not be ing Baek

I will ing kill you


I’m not!

We really got the acceptance letters

Oh- wait

There is someone at the door



That’s the big skyscraper, right?

You guys are so damn lucky


Chanyeol you also work there



A man can gloat subtly




Now do not bother me


“So which one of your es am I?” Startled from the sudden question Kyungsoo turned around in his place to gaze at Xiumin who was reading his text messages over his shoulder. He really would have taught the other man a lesson for reading his messages, but the elder guy was his best chef so he sadly can’t do anything about it. Shaking his head in disappointment, he pocketed his phone carefully before shrugging his shoulder nonchalantly.

“Seven, I guess?”

“You are for real?”

“As real as one can be…”




Baekhyun was well aware that he has never been a good listener. As a student, he hated concentrating on the streams of words that dropped past his teacher’s lips, but somehow he still managed to do it. He still managed to listen to the boring words because at least they taught him something new every few minutes, but this- this was a total torture. He was currently sitting in the meeting room along with Jongdae and the other few employees who have been freshly hired like them- as their head of the department rambled on and on about the same topic for the past hour. Now, this was his first day so Baekhyun was greatly motivated to listen to the older guy’s words of wisdom attentively, but the man was repeating the same thing for the nth time already. He had nothing against the male, but seriously if someone tells you that A comes before B and B comes before C and then continues on explaining how B comes after A and C comes after B and A comes before B and C both you’d flip too. Like seriously dude we get it- the ing A is that motherer.

Kim Junmyeon was a man in his late twenties as he has provided for them at the start of the meeting and was the head of the Human Resources department. He was given the duty of guiding the new employees for the first few weeks of the office and Baekhyun was already dreading every second of it.

At least, I had a nice breakfast.

This morning Kyungsoo was surprisingly nice enough to make them a hearty breakfast and leave it with a small note which bid them good luck. Now, now you guys might really think that Kyungsoo hates them (which he actually does), but the guy has the heart of gold; occasionally. Actually Baekhyun thinks that sharing an apartment complex with his bald friend was one of the best decisions that he has ever made in his whole 24 years of life; adding Chanyeol and Chen to the equation was a horrible mistake though, but the luxurious apartment that they were going to rent wasn’t really infatuated with them. Judging from its price it was surely looking down on their empty bank accounts. That’s where Jongdae and Chanyeol hopped in and they all decided to rent the apartment together. Four men in one apartment complex might sound weird, but it was actually really convenient since all the bills were equally shared; it was not convenient though when any one of them brought someone home probably in hopes of a good . After only one year of them living together, Kyungsoo has kindly put a ban on it.



Baekhyun and Jongdae both stepped inside their shared apartment with collective tired sighs and softly closed the door behind themselves. It was a really beautiful summer night. The gentle, cool breeze was like a blanket of roses against their heated skin and both the males would have liked nothing better than a relaxing shower and a walk, but that had to be delayed because it was their last semester and the exam period was currently on its peak. Baekhyun has never been the studious type, neither was Jongdae, but seriously they were already sick of the university and they wanted nothing more than to see the last of it. It would explain why both of them were working so hard though these things were for the later concern. The bigger concern over there was the numerous posters lining the walls of the whole apartment that greeted them as soon as they the lights.

“What the ?” Jongdae who has always been a little bit lacking in the department of using decent language exclaimed in shock, but Baekhyun won’t blame him for it this time; especially after reading the ‘No hoes allowed’ that was written on those posters repeatedly.

“Heh! Jongdae, get out. This says no hoes allowed.” The fact that Kyungsoo put in so much effort to get his message across their thick skulls was really admirable.

“Ha. Ha. Ha. You’re funny, .”

“You can actually talk without cursing, Chen.”

“It just comes out whenever I see your face.”


It was the beginning of their yearlong draught which is still going on strong without any traces of being removed. He might actually have to look for spider webs down there and he was not even exaggerating. Baekhyun knows that he can easily go to the club and pick someone up, but they have been so busy ever since the graduation. Except for Chanyeol, none of them had managed to get good jobs after their graduation- they all were happy for him though. Kyungsoo has decided to open his own restaurant with his parent’s help which was now considered as one of the most famous restaurants in the district; his friend has always been lucky like that and yes he envied him for that. Baekhyun and Jongdae have worked at a small scale company which barely paid them enough for six months before they finally decided to try their luck with one of the larger scale ones; getting accepted into one of them was a rare possibility, but it happened.

I still can’t believe we got accepted.

“ing finally!” Baekhyun was snapped out of his thoughts by the sudden exclamation that came from his best friend. He tilted his head slightly to glare at the male before trailing his eyes to the front of the room where Junmyeon was supposed to be standing, but now he was not.


Did the meeting really end?

The young male thought to himself with a small grin and quickly pulled out his phone to continue cursing at Chanyeol as the taller male has decided to borrow his boxers without his permission.

That idiot.

Did it even fit him?

Getting out from his seat, he let out a small sigh of relief and stretched his limbs a little to ease the tension that has accumulated in his body after sitting for such a long period. He brought his gaze down at Jongdae again once he was done and couldn’t stop himself from whacking the other on the back of his head; it was just a plus that his friend ended up smashing his face against his phone too. The new employee on the other side of the table was clearly judging him for it, but Baekhyun didn’t care about it enough to bother to explain himself.

He would do the same only if he knew Jongdae like I do.

With that thought on his mind, the shorter male fixed his attention down at his phone screen and carelessly stalked out of the room to make his way to the cubicle that has been assigned to him this morning. From the shuffling from his back, he would assume that his best friend was getting up from his place to follow him too. It was through sheer luck that both of them ended up having twin desks. He was already excited about all the pranks that they could pull out from their joint forces; playing with Chanyeol’s technology was on the top of their list since the taller male was so gullible and clumsy with anything that involved a system processor.

“Hey, Jongdae, do you think we should pay a visit to Chan- !” Baekhyun ended up releasing a small curse in the middle of his sentence as his body abruptly collided with another. Stumbling back a little from the impact, he ended up dropping his phone to the floor. That wasn’t the thing that concerned him though. What concerned him more was the fact that the person in front of him also dropped his phone face first. The new employee wasn’t really keen on spending his first paycheck to pay for such an expensive device.

I hope he would accept mine.

It was a fortunate fact that both of them had the same phone. At least, it looked like that to him from afar.

Why can’t he have a cover on his phone?

It would have prevented the damage.

Baekhyun knew that he had no right to judge the stranger since he, himself didn’t have any cover too. Scolding himself mentally for his carelessness, he immediately crouched to the floor and picked up both cellular devices while discreetly checking them for any kind of damage. The knowledge that they were still intact caused a sigh of relief to escape past his lips, as he finally lifted his head up to apologize to the person who he has ended up causing inconvenience to.

“I’m so sorry…” The next words that he was planning on delivering got stuck in his throat as soon as he registered the identity of the male he has bumped into. There in front of him stood Oh Sehun; the young CEO of the Oh Enterprises and the eldest son of Mr. Oh Seojun. This was the man who owned this whole damn company after his father and gave this job to him. The taller male was most probably the very person who will put his signatures down on his paycheck too and Baekhyun didn’t know whether he was supposed to laugh at his circumstances or cry because this man had the power to throw him out of this company right at that instant.

“…M-Mr. Oh,” He finished his sentence with a stutter and awkwardly cleared his throat before getting up from the floor. He hesitantly extended the device in his hand towards his boss who was standing over there with an imposing air of authority which once again reminded Baekhyun of the power that the man held.


my entire life.


I knew his name was a bad omen…

The shorter male panicked mentally and reluctantly brought his gaze up to stare at his boss’ face who was staring right back at him with bored, impassive eyes as if he was trying to remember when did he hire a nuisance like Baekhyun in his company. The man was tall; extremely tall with shoulders that were equally impressive. Actually, he was pretty sure that he has never met anyone with shoulders as wide as Sehun’s. His boss had sharp features; slanted eyes, thin lips, prominent cheekbones, a sculpted jawline and perfect nose. His figure was lanky and well toned. Baekhyun was really tempted to extend his hands out and feel all the muscles that were hidden under the black dress shirt that the man was wearing; he was sure that there was a lot to feel considering the way his shirt was stretched across his chest.

“I h-” The new employee held his breath in anticipation as his boss’ hoarse, a rough voice reached his ears before the latter was cut off by Kim Junmyeon; who suddenly showed up out of nowhere. He was a little annoyed by the interruption since Oh Sehun was such a pleasant sight to look at and his deep voice was even nicer to listen to. Nevertheless, he was thankful to him since getting fired on the first day of your job wasn’t going to be a great experience. Baekhyun shifted his eyes down to his hand when Sehun wordlessly snatched the phone out of his hold and gracefully made his way towards the head of human resources department who was waiting at the end of the hallway.

Well damn…


“Hey, Baek! Your phone is ringing.” Baekhyun who was religiously working on the first set of files that have been handed to him quickly glanced away from the computer and reached out for his phone with a tired sigh before slouching back in his seat. However, his slumped figure straightened out once again when he saw the unfamiliar contact on the screen.

Incoming call

Mr. Kim (HR)


When did I become so sophisticated?

The new employee thought to himself with a frown. He was sure that the ‘HR’ in the contact meant ‘Human Resources’ which meant that the person who was calling him was Kim Junmyeon. The weird thing over there was the fact that he didn’t even have Junmyeon’s number on his phone yet. Baekhyun continued staring at the screen with suspicion until the person on the other end gave up on the effort of contacting him. What surprised him next was the picture of a dog that was set as the wallpaper on the phone.

When did I change my wallpaper?

Did I do it when I was really drunk?

But what is this piece of wool…

“Jongdae, do we have wool at home?” The question was out even before he can process it.

“What the dude?”

“I mean this,” Baekhyun stressed while shoving the screen of his phone in Jongdae’s face.

“That’s a dog and that is not wool. It’s called fur, Byun Baek. Rings a bell?” Baekhyun occasionally felt dumb in his life; it was one of those moments.

“Forget it! When did we get a dog?”

“We didn’t. Chanyeol is allergic to them. Are you high? Go back to your work.” The shorter male still had an uncomfortable feeling regarding this whole matter, but he decided to let it go like Jongdae suggested. It was not even fifteen minutes late when his phone rang again.

“Dude! Did you get famous or what? This is the most amount of call I have seen you get. Put your phone on silent.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes at Jongdae’s remark before taking hold of his phone again.

Incoming call

Mr. Zhang (CFO)


Now, who the is that?

There is something wrong over here…

Is my phone being possessed?

Is this a prank?

The new employee mentally contemplated before cautiously opening the gallery of his phone. He was surprised to find several folders filled with the pictures of a dog named Vivi.

This is certainly not my phone.

The lack of memes was really alarming.


If this is not my phone…it means its Mr. Oh’s phone.

If it’s his phone that means he has my phone.

It automatically means I ed up and Jongdae along with Chanyeol is probably embarrassing me at the moment…

“! Jongdae, don’t text me anymore,”

“First of all, I’m not texting you. I’m texting in the group. Second of all, , you ain’t getting rid of me. Third of all, why should I listen to you?”

“Because Oh ing Sehun has my phone,” Jongdae abruptly threw his phone on the table and went back to his work.

“Listen to me Byun Baekhyun; I was not texting on work. That whinydae in your phone is not me!” Before Baekhyun could open his mouth to retaliate Junmyeon came trudging in with a cup of coffee in his hands.

“Mr. Byun, boss wishes to speak with you.” Baekhyun slammed his head down on his desk as soon as he heard that.

“He has probably seen all those messages already. I might as well do this walk of shame too.” The new employee mumbled under his breath before getting up from his seat and making his way towards the lift with heavy feet.


“Come in!” Baekhyun in a lung full of much-needed oxygen before gathering enough courage to push open the door to his boss’ office. It was his ultimate nightmare. He has never been so embarrassed in his whole life. The fact that he didn’t even know what those messages said didn’t help his case at all. He could just wish that Kyungsoo was not sending any type of death threats in the group.

“Mr. Oh, you called for me?” He inquired politely out of common courtesy and hesitantly closed the door behind himself before settling his gaze down towards the floor. He could already feel a flush of embarrassment marring his skin.

“Yes, I believe that our phones were accidentally exchanged earlier this morning,” Sehun rep

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Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1350764/2'>Chapter 2/2</a></span>
Oh god i really can't stop laughing while reading this, especially on that one message, sebaek is my fav otp i hope you will write more stories on sebaek
Chapter 2: I really need more of your sebaek stories..... (Quoting Selena Gomez..) ...Cause I can't get enough....
Be it a continuation of this story( i am all in for it)
Or a new story ( can i get both)... Cause i can't help but keep on coming back to read your sebaek stories.... Cause they make feel so happy amd make me laugh.... ( and that is seriously some ) cause i don't laugh alot....
Plzzz consider it once...
Miss sebaek stories... But thank you for these stories too...
Stay safe and healthy
Good luck!!!!
Maro0o #3
Chapter 2: I really need the part. ;))
961 streak #4
Chapter 2: I was reading part one past midnight and I can't help laughing. This is really hilarious. I also have a lot of typos when I text. I can sympathize with Baekhyun. But his typos are really amazing!?
I didn't realize that Sehun wanted to know how Baekhyun saved his number when he borrowed his phone. It was a good thing it was still non-incriminating at that time.
I liked the way you ended. This feels so light and sweet. I feel the will change the atmosphere of the story. But that is just me.
Thank you so much for sharing this besutiful love story full of laughter. ?
Chapter 2: Hey!! Wow this was so much fun... I really really enjoyed reading this.... Does this have sequel ??
Chapter 2: still waiting the scene u_u
Chapter 2: still waiting the scene u_u
binnybunny #8
Chapter 2: scene please ??
Chapter 2: This is so gudddd lols omg i can't stop laughing at all those jokes, thabkyou authornim♡♡
subtitler #10
Chapter 2: Rereading this at work and it still makes me laugh... A lot... Coworkers must think i've gone mental...