

            “You’re scared?” I ask, honestly shocked to hear Jihoon admit he’s scared.

            “Yeah,” he sighs.

            “Can I ask why?”

            “Well, for one, I didn’t think I’d be a father this young… and second, I don’t know how anyone is going to react. I don’t know how I’m supposed to tell the company when they ask about the dating rumour.” He starts to ramble and I honestly find it cute. “Which I’m surprised they haven’t yet,” he adds quietly.

            “We can get through it,” I shrug.

            “I can leave the group if I have to later on,” he speaks so freely.

            “No, no, no,” I pull his arm so he’s standing up straight once again. “I will not let you leave Wanna One before the end of your contract.”

            “If we have to talk about it later, we will talk about it,” he looks down at me.

            “Can we change the subject please?” I ask, not wanting to think about Jihoon leaving Wanna One before their contract is up. It’s inevitable that the group will disband eventually and return to their respective companies but I will not let him leave Wanna One before he has to. The fans would be devastated, confused, and quite possibly angry and I don’t want that backlash added to whatever happens when fans find out he’s going to be a dad.

            “Okay, I have one more question.”

            “Okay,” I shrug, readying myself for any question he might have.

            “Do you know what you’re having? A boy or a girl I mean,” he clarifies.

            I laugh. “I’m glad you clarified because I was ready to sarcastically respond saying that I’m having a baby,” I playfully smirk. “But no, I haven’t found out yet.”

            “Why not?”

            “I wanted to wait until I told you, and after moving around the world also,” I explain. I haven’t really thought about it, honestly. It didn’t really cross my mind at all to find out the gender of our baby.

            “Were you going to find out before the baby is born?” he asks. He’s so cute, asking questions about his baby.

            “I haven’t really thought about it… I’d like to find out but if you want to be surprised-”

            “No, I want to know,” he interrupts.

            “Okay, then I’ll have to find a doctor here and make an appointment and all that,” I giggle. I pause for a moment. “Which will be hard because I don’t speak very well on my own… I’m always with Eryn who just kind of explains everything for me and let’s me know what’s happening because I have a habit of kind of zoning out… So I’m not exactly the most confident speaker, except with you apparently.” Now I’m embarrassed.

            “We can deal with that another day, if you want? Maybe for a day that I don’t have any schedules so I can go with you,” his voice raises in question but trails off at the same time. He almost seems embarrassed and it’s kind of cute. My heart is melting at how he wants to be involved in his child’s life after just learning that he’s going to even have a child.


            “Would you like to know what you’re having?” the doctor asks. It’s been a few weeks and I’m about five months pregnant now. Jihoon finally has a free day so we made a doctor’s appointment to find out if we’re having a boy or a girl. We did a DNA test as well to, for sure, prove that Jihoon is the father and that there would be proof to show the company when they finally question either Jihoon or myself about the rumour that has surfaced a little while ago.

            “Yes, but you just put it on a card or print out so we can look at it later and tell our friends?” Jihoon asks. I look at him with wide eyes. Neither of us have told anyone else in Wanna One and the company hasn’t even asked Jihoon about the rumours yet. “We won’t tell anyone until the company asks about the rumours,” he whispers to me. “This is basically documentation that it’s legit and it’s my baby.”

            “Of course,” the doctor gives us a small smile.


            Jihoon and I are sitting in the middle of the practice room, alone. Considering I’m staff, it’s not a big deal to anyone I guess. Jihoon wanted to practice for his solo stage for Wanna One’s final concert, or at least that’s what he told everyone else.

            “Okay, moment of truth.” Jihoon holds the documents from the doctor earlier today in his hands.

            “I’m anxious,” I speak honestly.

            “I am too but I’m too anxious not to know,” Jihoon chuckles.

            “Ready?” I ask him, trying to mentally prepare for the certainty and finding out if we’re having a boy or girl.

            “Ready for what?” a voice echoes and Jihoon’s head snaps to the door. I slowly turn my head to see Daniel. Of course it’s Daniel. But where’s Eryn?

            “,” I exclaim quietly, hoping Daniel can’t hear me.

            “Whatcha guys doin’?” Daniel asks with a smirk.

            “Nothing,” Jihoon speaks quickly. Trying to be as subtle as possible, he tries to hide the papers from the doctor that we were just about to look at.

            “What’s that?” Daniel points to the object in Jihoon’s hand.

            “Damn Daniel,” Jihoon looks at him, clearly irritated. I can’t help the snicker that escapes my lips before I can stop it.

            “What’s so funny about ‘Damn Daniel’?” Daniel asks, clearly never hearing of the meme.

            “It’s a meme. ‘Damn Daniel, back at it again with the white Vans’,” I imitate the annoying voice of the popular meme that died a while ago now.

            “Oh,” is all Jihoon and Daniel say; one of them dragging out the short word. “So, are you going to tell me what you’re doing?” Daniel asks again.

            “I think we’ll have to tell him, he’s not dropping it,” I whisper to Jihoon.

            He sighs. “Fine.” He takes a deep breath before speaking again. “Madisen’s pregnant, and it’s my baby.”

            “Wait, what?” Daniel’s face only shows one emotion; confusion. “Since when are you guys going out?”

            “We’re not,” I chime in, shrugging.

            “Then, how? If you don’t mind me asking.”

            “Remember the New York concert, like, four or five months ago?” Daniel nods. “Then,” Jihoon nods. “It was a one-night thing,” he explains to a still very confused looking Daniel with a nonchalant shrug.

            “So, what’s the envelope then?” he points to the unopened envelope still in Jihoon’s hand.

            The door opens and in walks Eryn. There she is! “Oh, there you are Daniel!” she speaks. “Hi Jihoon, hi Madi,” she smiles at us quickly.

            “Hi,” we both wave to the newcomer to the most awkward situation ever.

            She glances at the envelope in Jihoon’s hand. “Wait, are those your results?” she asks, giddy to find out what the paper says. Jihoon nods. “Well?”

            “We don’t know yet…” my voice is quiet. “Daniel showed up before we could look…”

            “Wait, Eryn, you knew about this?” Daniel asks her, still shocked.

            She nods. “Yeah, I’ve known since the beginning before we moved here,” she shrugs. It’s true, she was the first person I told because she was there when I found out I was pregnant. “I’m still surprised the company hasn’t asked you guys about the rumour yet because no one else knows right now, right?” I shake me head. I’m thinking that at this point, Jihoon and I should just tell the company instead of waiting for them to ask us about it.

            “Would you guys like to find out with us? Since you’re here?” I ask. Eryn and Daniel both nod, not saying anything. “Any guesses?” I smirk before Jihoon hands me the envelope.

            “I’m guessing boy,” Eryn raises her hand.

            “Then I’m going to guess it’s a girl,” Daniel smirks at her.

            “Daniel, would you like to do the honours?” Jihoon asks, glancing at me to ask if it’s okay that Daniel reads the results.

            “Sure,” he smiles. I hand him the envelope and he says nothing as he opens it. The air in the room becomes stiff and everything around us just stops as if we’re a movie on pause. “Eryn, we should have bet money because it’s a girl!”

            “Oh my gosh!”

            “It’s a girl!” The smile across Jihoon’s face says it all. “Madi,” he turns to me. “I’d like to do this as ‘right’ as possible, in the situation we’re in, would you go on a date with me?”

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