Thank you, I'm sorry, I love you

Delusional shipper
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To everyone, I’ve always been an icon of strength and positivity.

A pillar of support for everyone and everything,

Someone who’s bright and optimistic,

The source of strength and optimism,

And, in their eyes I am someone invincible who can do everything perfectly.

But to you, I was just like everyone who needed someone.

A child who need a person that would take care and protect me,

Someone that also need a shoulder to cry on to, ears that would listen to my little rants, and arms that would embrace me in warmness,

And, because of that I fell in love with you.

You were there to witness my struggles and problems.

You wipe my tearstained face with your little hands.

You wrapped me in warmness when I was feeling the coldness of this world.

You hugged me and stay with me on those times I felt everyone is living me.

And when I wanted to give up in everything, you grabbed my hand for me to stand up and told me you’ll walk with me no matter how rough and flowery the road I’m taking.

That’s why I’m thankful for you and everything you did for me. And sorry that you have to be stuck with me when there are far more people who’s a lot more better than me that could shower with you with things that you really deserve.

I still clearly remember that day when I was about to confess you. Since I was really broke during that time. I decided to just write you a song with lyrics containing the words I’ve always wanted to tell you. A song that would express my feelings for you.

But Huihyeon, beat me that day and confessed her feelings to you first. How could I compete with her when she literally filled our school gym with expensive flowers and even made a dance number dedicated to you. How could I confess to you when all I could see and hear are the screams and cheers of our schoolmates and friends telling you to accept her confession. I felt scared and just run away because I was afraid and scared that you will accept her feelings but you didn’t.

Instead of receiving the flowers she was giving you, you went out and run to follow me instead.

“Yah, Sejeongah stop running”, I heard Chungha unnie shouted in which I ignored and run faster instead. I do want to stop and just lie on whatever question she’ll throw me but my eyes were already filled with tears and too smart to believe me.

“Yah Sejeongah!”, Chungha unnie shouted again. I was going to ignore her for the second time until I heard some a loud thud and when I turned around to check it out, I saw her sitting on the ground holding one of her knee that seems to be bleeding.

“Chungha unnie, are you ok?”, I said immediately running back to her side forgetting my tear stained face.

“I’m ok, don’t worry”, she said as I’m beginning to get worried seeing her bleeding knee.

“Why are you running anyway?”, she added quickly holding my arm tightly tightly probably to prevent me from running.

“I-ah ahmm w-why did you follow me? Shouldn’t you be at the gym with Huihyeon?”, I asked stuttering trying my best to avoid having eye contact with her.

“Wait where you crying?”, she said as she cupped my face forcing me to look at her.

“Does it hurt?”, I asked referring to her bleeding knee.

“How long are we gonna keep asking questions to

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Chapter 5: I love how flirty Sejeong is here. It's so cute. Thank you for this flowery update, author-nim.
lisamybae #3
Chapter 5: Awwww this was so cute uwu
Chapter 5: oof
sechung makes me soft
Chapter 4: thank you for the update, author-nim. They're so adorable and I miss them so muchh. Fighting!!!
Chapter 3: Thanks for the update!
joker_face #7
Chapter 3: Please update soon. Miss them so much
flower_knight #8
Chapter 3: I miss them so much, thanks for the update.
Dadison #9
Chapter 3: thank you for this update!
Dadison #10
Chapter 2: thanks for the update! i miss them too but they had some interactions a few weeks ago