I'll be there soon



I miss you like crazy. What did I do to deserve this? I wish I could be there for you, forever. WAIT FOR ME, PLEASE. 
Memories are flashing back to me everytime, I always pity myself for getting sulky everytime I look around this place, in this school, in this environment.
Hi. I am the school's hot guy, the prince, the master. Yes,  that's me. King Jong In to be exact, but I'd rather use Kai as the name Jong In reminds me for being left alone, neglected. But the name Kai, all I can feel is popularity, attention and love  by the people surrounding me.

Kai's POV.
I was sitting in my chair waiting for our first subject teacher, Mrs. Kim. The door oppened and immediately shut down. Ii looked at the person who jsut walked in and I saw no other than our teacher. She greeted us and we replied. I was spacing out, not listening very well on what she is blabla-ing. I just stared outside the window and my mind started to wander.
"Kai." Mrs. Kim called
"Mr. Kim Jong In!" I was stunned as he raised her voice, calling my name.
"Oh yes Mrs. Kim?" I replied.
"You were spacing out lately. Are you doing this, ONLY IN MY CLASS?" She asked.
"Mmm not really ma'am. And besides, your subject is English. It's pretty boring" The class starts to giggle because of my words.
"Why were you calling me a while ago ma'am?" I added cooly.
"I wonder how you make it to senior Mr.Kim? Tsk. As I was saying, please take care of the young lady beside you." I was schocked as shift my body to my left side and saw ang pretty pure black innocent eyes. I was taken aback when she flashes her sweet smile.
"Please help her in everything she needs. And also help her to catch up with our lessons." I just kept silent and didn't hear any words coming from Mrs. Kim's mouth, still lost in her beautiful eyes.
"Please introduce yourself in class young lady." Mrs. Kim spilled.
"Good Morning, I'm Park Hana. I'm from Mokpo and just new here in Seoul. Please take good care of me" She then flashes as sweet smile after her brief introduction.
"So.. you guys, please take good care of Hana-ssi okay?" Their teacher said.
"Please sit beside Kai. That dark haired guy over there."She continued.
Hana then walks towards me and start asking in a nice way.
"Is this sit taken?" She said.
"Did you saw somebody sitting at it?" I replied.
"Hmm nope?"
"Then, it's not taken." I ended the conversation coldly.
She then took her sit and grab a notepad and a pen and starting to jot down as Mrs. Kim started the lesson.
"She's pretty." I said to myself and stared at her.
I can see she looked at me with a curious look and asked.
"Yes? May I help you?"
"Oh no. Don't mind me, I'm sorry" I replied instantly. For the first time of my entire life, I got scared with a simply question from a sweet simple girl.
The class ended and lunch approched. I quickly wen to the cafeteria to get along with my boys.
Hana's POV.
As the class ended, I directly went to the cafeteria as I was too hungy cause I didn't eat my breakfast when I headed to school. I walk through the corridor and I can feel that all eyes are on me. I look at them and slowly put my head down and hear gossips.
"So she's the new girl"
"I wonder how long she'll be able to stay"
"O-oh, not pretty enough."
I shrruged and continue walking towards the cafeteria. As I enter, the same situation like in the corridor happened. Everyone looked at me, staring, gossiping. I just ignored them and quickly grabbed my meal. I couldn't care less, I was too hungry. I asked a girl if it's okay for me to share with the same table and she said yes.
So you're the new transferred student?" She asked and smiled.
"Wooa~ you knew me already? Yeap, I'm the new kid. Hana, Park Hana." I said as I offered my hand.
"Nana, Im Nana. You know, gossips have wings. It can be easily spread." She let go of a soaft chuckle and extended her hand, shaking my hand.
We eat our lunch and kept silent for a while as we are reading of books, having our own little world.
Kai's POV.
I entered the cafeteria and settled in the same spot with my friends. I just grabbed a burger and a strawberry milk for lunch.
"Jong In-ah, how's the new kid?" Suho hyung asked.
"Good." I replied.
"So you met already?"
"How is she? pretty? smart?" Chanyeol  in.
"Naa. Too ugly"
"Oh, so you already met her huh." Baekhyun hyung said, with a teasing voice.
"THEY'RE CLLASSMATES!" The maknae squealed.
"Lucky guy here!" D.O hyung cheered.
"Is that the girl reading a blue-covered book over there?" Chanyeol asked.
I just nodded after I took a glance over the other side of the cafeteria.
"Are you blind hyung.?! She's pretty!" Sehun said, slapping me lightly my arm.
"Yeah, she's pretty. but not the girlfriend material." I replied.
"Come get her!" Suho hyung said.
"Me? NO!" I declined.
"The winner takes it all." 
"So what will the winner gets?" I asked.
"If you can get her, the soccer scholarship is all yours. ALL-YOURS." 
I need that scholarship. The family business is really getting down and my family is broken. I need that and I need that girl. I said to myself.
Kai then run outside the cafeteria after he saw that Hana was out already. He run to Hana's side and said his apologies and started intoducing himself.
"I'm sorry for being so rude early this morning." Kai started.
"Oh, That's how it supposed to be for new students right? Naa, I'm used to it." Hana said laughing a bit, swaying her hand in the air saying that it was really okay.
"Park Hana, isn't it? You know me already right?" Hyukjae asked.
"Yes. I know you! The school's jock, womanizer, the rich kid and what more? Hmmm. Yea, I pretty know you." Hana replied.
"Hey hey. How did you know that? Isn't it too mcuh?" 
"You know, words and gossips has its own wings."
Hana then smiled and started to walk home.
"Wait! Let me give you a ride."
"Thanks but no thanks. I can walk by myself."
"No,  I owe you one."
"I said no. Take somebody else"
Hana started to walk but Kai followed her but locked his car first and grabbed his back pack. He walked at the back side of Hana and looking anywhere else when Hana turned his head, looking at the guy following him for almost 5 minutes. After noticing that Kai was still following her, she finally speak out.
"You're following me. WHY?"
"Oh~no! It just happened that we're having the same path going home."
Hana then continued walking but still he can feel Kai was following him and by this time, she raised her tone a bit.
"No. YOU are following ME!"
"You see, I just want to give you a ride."
"I already said, NO. Why do you keep on bothering me anyways?"
"Just want make it up to you."
"Aa-" Hana's words were cut by Kai.
"It's raining. Run!" He commanded.
They were running, searching for a place to stay. They saw a waiting shed but already soaking before they reach the place. Then they settle down in the bench. Hana was rubbing her arms, feeling cold. Kai took something in his bag and handed it to Hana. It was his varsity jacket.
"Thanks but aren't you cold?" She said.
"Nope. You wear that before you catch a cold."
They were both fell silent for awhile but got chatty in a few minutes. They both exchaged informations, stories and all. They talked about their families. Kai open up with his family problems and only Hana knew about it. Hana thought the she was wrong about her thoughts about Kai. He was the cool yet kind guy. He has his flaws and soft side too. They were busy chatting but was cut in the middle when Hana's phone rang.
"Dad!" She said in excitement.
"I'm on my way home but got caught in a heavy rain pour."
"Yes. yes."
"I'm still waiting for the rain to stop."
"Yes I will. Okay, bye."
Then the conversation between Hana and her Dad is over, so as the rain. Hana looked up the sky,  stood up and bid Kai heer goodbye.
"I think it's time to say goodbye."
"O-oh yeah. Maybe for now" Kai then smiled as he follow Hana's steps.
"Hey! I still owe you a ride!" He shouted tring to get her attention.
Hana then turn her body, looking at Kai's place.
"Yes! Maybe on a better foot!" She replied and started to run.
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the story is nice 🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 2: TT^TT

Nice story..
marina1432 #3
that was beautifully written
it was sad :(
this is so beautiful
/ugly sobbing/

you did an amazing job^^
jagiyaboo #5
*sobs* TOUCHING!! T^T
pikachubread #6
Beautiful ;_;