
The Haunted

A few days have passed since the night of the full moon, and everything seems to be going back to normal. 

Well, as normal as this crazy town can be, Joonmyeon thinks. 

Jongdae is still as crazy as he’s always been, though he’s mostly preoccupied with Baekhyun so he’s out of their hair. Minseok and Luhan are still tense in a way, but closer than they’d ever been before. Jongin’s still glaring at the outside world and daring for it to mess with him. 

Yifan, however, acts differently now that the full moon has passed. Joonmyeon doesn’t understand it for a little while, but Yifan seems more quiet than usual and drawn in on himself. 

Especially whenever Joonmyeon is around. 

Joonmyeon is up early one morning to prepare Jongdae and Jongin’s lunches when Yifan’s translucent frame trails into the kitchen. He looks at Joonmyeon for a moment, opens his mouth to speak, but closes it and turns to leave the kitchen. 

“Did I do something wrong?” Joonmyeon asks his retreating frame with eyebrows crossed and his tone edging onto irritated. 

Yifan turns around and there’s a frown etched onto his face as he shakes his head, “What would make you think you had done something wrong?”

”You’ve been very quiet around me,” Joonmyeon starts off with a rumble,

”and it feels like you don’t want to be around me.”

”That could not be further from the truth.” Yifan promises as he steps back into the kitchen, but being together seems to make Joonmyeon himself flustered. 

“Then why...?” Joonmyeon asks, and he looks up at Yifan’s tall frame in concern. 

“It is nothing for you to concern yourself with, Joonmyeon.” Yifan tells him as if it’s supposed to reassure Joonmyeon that everything is fine,

”I must be able to handle it myself.”

”Why can’t I help you?” Joonmyeon asks this time, and he can feel his shoulders shake and his heart drop. Why did Yifan always have to do everything alone?

Yifan is silent for a moment as he watches Joonmyeon, and a sad smile takes hold of his expression as he reaches out to hold Joonmyeon. 

“Do not cry for me, Joonmyeon.” Yifan says under his breath, but he’s clear as day to Joonmyeon. 

Joonmyeon wants to retort and tell Yifan to stop making him cry, but his throat is suddenly dry and he can’t find the words. 

“You are still alive, and have so many years to go with so many that cherish you.” Yifan tells him gently, and he pulls back so they can look each other in the eye. 

“Do not waste emotions on the dead.”

He walks away, then, and Joonmyeon actually does cry a little bit. Yifan sounded so empty and broken like he himself didn’t believe he was worth anything. 

Having already packed the lunches and made breakfast for his brothers, Joonmyeon leaves the house. He’s earlier than he needs to be, but he wants to be alone to think. 

Angry, heartbroken, and a little lonely, Joonmyeon pulls out of the driveway and drives off in any direction. 

“Why am I so worked up over a ghost?” He questions himself in aggravation, but he knows the answer. 

Some time between moving in and the night spent together during the full moon, Joonmyeon’s found himself thinking of Yifan as more than a ghost and more than a friend. 

Maybe Yifan could sense it. Maybe that’s why he was so distant lately. 

But what hurt more than knowing he could never be with a ghost, was knowing the ghost would never want to be with him.

He’s so frazzled by his thoughts that he winds up in an unfamiliar neighborhood and pulling over to rest his head on the steering wheel. 

Which doesn’t last longer than five minutes, because someone is suddenly knocking on the window. Not knowing anyone in the neighborhood, and remembering that in the party someone had tried to attack him, he turns to the window warily and with wide eyes. 

That boy, Sehun, is standing there with a cigarette in his mouth and his free hand tucked into his pocket. Joonmyeon isn’t too thrilled to see him, of course, but finds himself rolling the window down anyway. 

“You should stay out of this neighborhood.” Sehun tells him, and looks around them like someone can pop up at any time. 

“Sorry. I’ll leave now.” Joonmyeon sighs, but Sehun doesn’t move, just continues to stare at him with an eyebrow raised. 

“You have no idea, do you?” Sehun asks, and he tosses his cigarette bud onto the curb. 

“No idea about what?” Joonmyeon asks, and his head feels a little heavy at this point. 

“You. Your blood isn’t human.” Sehun explains, even going as far as to pointing a finger at the confused Joonmyeon. 

“How is that possible?” Joonmyeon questions with furrowed eyebrows,

”My brothers and I all  have the same parents.” 

“Are you sure about that?” Sehun asks as he pulls back from Joonmyeon’s car,

”We wolves are known for our heightened sense of smell. Your blood wouldn’t lie.”

Joonmyeon just stares at him for another moment, and there are a million and one different things floating around his mind that he can’t quite figure out.

“But why do you care enough to tell me?” Joonmyeon mutters, because he can’t quite understand this Sehun or his intentions. 

“I’m not doing it for your sake,” Sehun admits as he pulls another cigarette out of his pocket,

”I’m doing it for Jongin.”

”What does my brother have to do with this?” Joonmyeon demands, and for some reason, his heart beat is quick and heavy. 

“He’s special to me. I don’t want him going after someone he’ll only lose to. While you, on the other hand,” Sehun gestures,

”with some training, can protect both yourself and your brothers.”

Jongin is special to Sehun? And what was all of this about Joonmyeon not being a human? Joonmyeon’s mind continues to think up questions and scenarios he has no control over. 

Sehun, however, really doesn’t have any reason to tell Joonmyeon any of this. 

“Will you help me?” Joonmyeon finds himself asking, and Sehun just nods. 


Luhan doesn’t have a job, so while Minseok is at work, he spends the day sleeping, cleaning, and keeping tabs on the ghost. 

Minseok steps into the house and expects it to be completely empty save for Yifan’s constant presence.  

The cool breeze that usually envelopes him as he steps into the house is missing, and with a frown, Minseok goes up into his room... where Luhan is half and on the floor doing push ups. Luhan’s been a bit of a health nut since they’d first met years ago, but Minseok stares at him and feels his heat skip a few beats.

"Lu?" He calls out slowly, and he's unsure if he should stick around or just back away and let Luhan do his thing without interuptions.

Luhan looks up, and there are beads of sweat trailing down his face. He stops a moment later and stands up, grabbing a towel from where it had been left on Minseok's bed. They haven't been sleeping in the same yet, but after the night of the full moon, Minseok had refused to let Luhan out of his sight.

"I didn't hear the door open," Luhan says with a sheepish chuckle.

Minseok just shakes his head, finding a heavy lump in his throat that’s suddenly hard to swallow. Has Luhan always been this attractive?

Well of course Luhan’s always been attractive in comparison to Minseok, but has he always been so handsome that Minseok feels inferior?

He was a model, Minseok chides himself. Of course he’s superior. 

“I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Minseok says with a nervous smile, and he debates on whether or not it’s too late to leave. 

“You’re the only one that thinks you’re interrupting.” Luhan laughs, though the sound is hollow and a little forced. 

Minseok shifts in place, finding himself feeling a little uneasy for standing there, but feels his head snap back in Luhan’s direction when he hears the rumbling of Luhan’s stomach. 

Mans then he laughs. 

“You haven’t changed much, have you?” Minseok asks, and his smile widens as Luhan’s face reddens. 

Luhan has had the tendency to forget to take care of himself without someone reminding him to do so. 

“Does that mean you’ll cook for me?” Luhan asks with a sudden burst of enthusiasm. It catches Minseok off guard, especially when he’s in the receiving end of that bright, begging gaze. 

“It’s been a while since you ate my cooking.” Minseok answers as he head back out of his room towards the kitchen.

”Go shower while I cook.” He tries to say in a stern tone, but he can’t help the smile that’s on his face. 

“Yeah yeah no need to call me smelly.” Luhan snorts, and he flicks Minseok’s using his towel. Minseok yelps, but when he turns, Luhan is already running to the bathroom. 

With a mental reminder to get Luhan back later, Minseok clicks his tongue against he roof of his mouth and heads into the kitchen. 

“I’ve been wondering where you were.” Minseok says with a sigh of relief. The cool burst in the room alerts him to Yifan’s presence immediately. 

“I have been waiting for Joonmyeon.” Yifan tells him, though Minseok hadn’t really asked. 

Minseok’s eyebrow raises as he grabs his apron and fastens it around himself. He pulls some potatoes and carrots out of the fridge to make some curry for Luhan, though he pauses in surprise at Yifan’s admittance. 

“What happened between you and my brother?” Minseok can’t help but ask, considering how close his brother had seemingly gotten to the ghost. 

“I said something that might have upset him.” Yifan alerts him, his tone defeated. 

“I wouldn’t worry if I were you,” Minseok chuckles, and he turns to face the vegetables he’s cutting,

”because my brother isn’t capable of holding a grudge.”

Yifan doesn’t answer, but remains standing there and waiting. Minseok is partially amused by Yifan’s behavior and also finds the ghost to be endearing in his own right. 

They remain silent for a few minutes, both sent to their own thoughts. Minseok is busy thinking of Luhan and the fact that if they hadn’t broken up, Luhan had planned to propose to him. 

He glances down at his hand and bites back a sigh. He wants to be with Luhan forever, there’s no denying that. He’s beyond touched that Luhan had come all the way that he did just because of how worried he had been, too. 

His focus having been on his ring finger and not on the vegetables he’s cutting causes him to slip with the knife and give himself a good nick on his palm. 

“!” He curses, and he quickly brings his hand to the faucet to wash the blood off as best as he can. 

“Min?” Luhan’s voice calls from behind him, but there’s something off about his tone. 

Minseok doesn’t turn to see what’s going on with Luhan because part of him isn’t sure of how he’ll react if Luhan is shirtless again, but he’s caught off guard when Luhan is suddenly beside him and peering down at the bleeding hand in a heightened interest. 

“Lu? What’s going on?” Minseok murmurs, and he begins to pull his hand away. 

Luhan looks up at him, then, and there’s this look that he’s giving Minseok that has Minseok’s body shudder. It looks almost as though Luhan wants to... devour him. 

A moment later, after shaking his head with fervor, Luhan grabs a towel and wraps it tightly around Minseok’s hand. He looks a little guilty, though his eyes are lowered like he doesn’t want Minseok to see them. 

But it’s too late, Minseok thinks. He saw that look in Luhan’s eyes. And he saw how Luhan’s irises had gone red. 

“You’re not human, are you?” Minseok hears himself ask, but his voice is almost distorted. 

Luhan doesn’t answer, just lets go of Minseok’s hand and runs out of the house. His question had been answered, so why was Minseok feeling so uncertain?


Its on his way home from school that Jongin runs into Sehun. It’s become somewhat of a tradition between them, as well as the only time Sehun isn’t with the friends that Jongin always saw hanging around him. 

He’s a little sore today, and his head is heavy. Jongin feels a fever approaching and curses his weak body for always doing this to him. 

Even when they were young, Jongin had spent a lot of time on his own, sick, as his brothers and other kids had fun. His health was even the reason he had stopped dancing, as much as he loved it. 

He’s coughing into his sleeve when he sees Sehun waiting by his locker. Jongin hopes the red that he feels painting his cheeks is from being sick and not being flustered. 

“You’re getting sick.” Sehun states, his eyes giving Jongin a once over like he’s doing some sort of computer scan. 

“A little bit.” Jongin admits, because he knows it’s too obvious to lie about. 

Sehun walks beside him with his hands tucked deep into his pockets, and he doesn’t show it, but Jongin thinks it’s obvious that the taller of the pair is concerned. 

“Should I drive you home?” Sehun asks, like an after thought. 

Jongin looks at him with an eyebrow raised. 

“You brought your car with you?” He asks, because what was the point of walking with Jongin if he had a car to drive himself?

Sehun doesn’t say anything, just points in front of the school building where an obnoxious looking red convertible sits. It sits there every day, Jongin realizes skeptically. 

“Why do you walk with me if you have your car?” Jongin can’t help but ask as they near the vehicle. 

“Why do you ask so many questions?” Sehun asks in return, and his expression morphs into a hardness that tells Jongin to stop talking. 

So, because he’s running low on the energy to argue, Jongin relents and takes a seat in the passenger seat as Sehun climbs into the driver’s seat. 

The first few minutes are silent as Sehun drives. The top is up and the windows are closed. The heater is even on, and Jongin smiles despite himself. 

“Why are you smiling to yourself like that?” Sehun questions him quietly, and Jongin’s amused that Sehun asks questions despite not wanting to answer Jongin’s questions. 

Just as he’s about to say something witty, he sees a puff of blonde hair. Jongin knows that hair anywhere. It’s Luhan, sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. 

“Sehun, can you stop here?” Is what Jongin changes the subject to instead. 

Sehun is silent for a long minute, but complies and pulls over to the curb beside where Luhan is sitting. 

“Lu!” Jongin calls as he steps out of the car, and when Luhan’s head tilts up, Jongin is frozen where he stands. 

“That’s why you looked familiar.” Sehun says with a hint of amusement when he joins Jongin on the sidewalk. 

Jongin glances at Sehun and then back to Luhan. It’s the same person he’s known for years, but his eyes are red and there’s a beastly quality to him now. 

“You’re one of those leeches. I thought we chased you lot away.” Sehun murmurs, and he stalks towards Luhan. One of his hands transforms into a claw, however, and Jongin worries that Sehun is going to attack. 

“I haven’t had human blood in centuries,” Luhan says as he covers his mouth with one hand,

”but his blood - his blood still calls out to me.”

”His blood? You don’t mean my brother, do you?” Jongin asks, and he’s right to be panicked. Ghosts, wolves, and now vampires? And why were all of them so interested in his family?

”I didn’t touch him.” Luhan assures Jongin, and then his eyes shift over to Sehun, who has taken a defensive position in front of Jongin. 

Jongin notices that Sehun is taking a guarded position in front of him as well, and his mouth feels dry all of a sudden. Why did Sehun always act so cold towards him and then turn around and do things like this?

”It’s true, then. You do have a bond with Jongin.” Luhan says to Sehun, and the red in his eyes fades as he stands up. 

Sehun doesn’t say anything to confirm Luhan’s suspicions or deny it. He’s good at giving Jongin mixed signals, Jongin thinks bitterly. 

“I trust that you won’t hurt him.” Sehun tells Luhan with a light hearted shrug, and he throws a glance behind his shoulder to where Jongin is still standing,

”but when it comes to him, I cannot risk my chances.”

Luhan nods silently, like it’s understandable, then takes a step forward so that he’s chest to chest with Sehun. 

“Then let me say this as someone who’s known Jongin and his brothers for years.” Luhan mutters, and his gaze is cold despite looking like a regular human now,

“Don’t think for a second that we would be foolish enough to trust you after you and your pack attempted to hurt one of ours.”

Sehun isn’t intimidated in the slightest by Luhan, and for a reason unbeknownst to him, Jongin is the one that pulls them apart. 

“I appreciate you sticking up for us, Lu hyung,” Jongin says under his breath, and he pretends he’s unaware of Sehun staring at him,

”but I do trust him. He’s had plenty of chances to hurt me and he hasn’t done it yet.”

Luhan looks like he’s completely surprised by Jongin suddenly defending Sehun, and even Jongin isn’t sure of where it came from, but he brushes it off as he turns to Sehun. 

“Meet me tonight in the park,” Jongin tells the mysterious bad boy who isn’t actually all that bad,

”I’ll walk with Luhan the rest of the way home.”

Sehun doesn’t say anything to that, either, but Jongin knows Sehun will meet with him later. Jongin’s too curious about the bond Luhan was talking about and he knew Sehun could sense it, too. 


Jongdae is hunched over his textbook in the library when Chanyeol approaches. He’s alone at the moment while he waits for Baekhyun’s last class of the day to finish. 

“Dae!” Chanyeol’s voice calls, and Jongdae is wary as he looks up at the tall boy. 

This is the guy who attacked his brother, he reminds himself to try and keep in mind that getting close to Chanyeol was dangerous. 

Chanyeol just invites himself to take a seat across from Jongdae and there’s a mischievous smile on his face. 

“Hey... Chan...” he greets in an uneasy manner, and he knows that Chanyeol’s aware of how tense he is. 

“I really blew my chances as your friend at that party, huh?” Chanyeol chuckles with a shake of his head, and though he might be trying to apologize, there’s nothing repentant about him. 

“You tried to attack my brother.” Jongdae reminds him blandly, and he’s done pretending that he’s still interested in befriending anyone that can harm his family. 

That causes a sigh to spill past Chanyeol’s lips, and now there is the slightest bit of regret dancing in his eyes. 

“I won’t lie to you. Yes. I did attempt to attack your brother,” Chanyeol admits in a nonchalant manner, even going as far as to shrugging,

”but I have my reasons. I am the protector of my pack, and as such, I will eliminate anyone who poses a threat to it.”

“What is with you and Sehun sprouting all this bull?” He spits out, and he gathers his things to put as much distance between them as he can,

“We just moved here. Before that night you didn’t even know my family. How could we pose a threat to you?”

Chanyeol watches him have his fit with growing amusement but remains silent as he waits for Jongdae to finish and calm down. 

“There’s a ghost living in your house. His name is Yifan.” Chanyeol says just as Jongdae turns to leave. 

How did Chanyeol know all of that? Jongdae stills where he stands and turns slowly, his hands shaking at his sides in fear. 

“You wonder how I know about it, yes?” Chanyeol asks with an eyebrow quirked. 

Jongdae thinks it should be obvious that he wants to know more. Chanyeol talks about how Jongdae’s family is posing a threat to his pack yet talks like he knows things that no one else knows. 

“Stop acting like you know how to do anything more than eavesdrop.” Baekhyun snorts from behind Jongdae, and Jongdae feels bad that he was so focused on Chanyeol’s to notice. 

“Oh. You’re here.” Chanyeol says, and his tone is full of disgust as he stands up and walks past the two of them without so much as another glance. 

“Don’t let him get to you, Dae.” Baekhyun says as he reaches up to pat Jongdae on the shoulder. 

Jongdae turns to stare at Baekhyun for a long moment, and a smile takes place of the scowl on his face. As much as he’d love to keep being annoyed by Chanyeol, nothing felt better than having Baekhyun around. 

“Let’s go get some ramyun on the way home.” Jongdae suggests in an attempt to change the subject. 

Baekhyun raises an eyebrow in turn, but quickly looks away as the softest of reds paint his cheeks,

“Only if you pay! You still owe me for the party!”

Jongdae smiles as they head on their way to the ramyun shop because he was planning to pay for it anyway. 

“How was class?” Jongdae asks as he swings his backpack onto his shoulders. 

Baekhyun makes a face as he stretches his arms over his head, “You know it was horrible. Why do you still have to ask?”

Jongdae laughs, then reaches up for one of Baekhyun’s hands and brings it back down to their sides with their fingers interlaced. Baekhyun stares but doesn’t comment.

He doesn’t need to, either. The blush that spreads on Baekhyun’s cheeks is enough. 

They go and have their ramyun together. Jongdae steals part of the pork that’s laid nicely on top of Baekhyun’s ramyun and Baekhyun pours way too much hot sauce in Jongdae’s bowl when he’s not paying attention in revenge. 

Being with Baekhyun is a good way for Jongdae to forget the horrors he had been facing since moving to this town. Holding Baekhyun’s hand makes him feel safe and protected even though Baekhyun can’t do much to protect him. 

On their way home in the dark, they’re mostly silent. It’s a nice silence, one that speaks volumes when they don’t. 

“There’s something I want to ask you, Dae.” Baekhyun says all of a sudden, and they’re out in the lawn between their houses. 

Jongdae finds he doesn’t really like how small Baekhyun sounds when he speaks. He’s not too sure he’s gojng to like what Baekhyun has to say next. 

“What you and Chanyeol were talking about before...” Baekhyun trails off uncertainly, and he looks at Jongdae’s house in a mystified manner,

”how many people do you think know about Yifan?”

Jongdae is silent as he thinks it through. His mouth opens and closes repeatedly as he tries to find an answer, but for what feels like an eternity, nothing comes out. 

“I don’t know,” he finally answers in his confusion,

“All this time I thought only the four of us and you... and I guess Luhan- but it felt like Chanyeol... knew him personally.”

”Do you think they knew each other when Yifan was alive?” Baekhyun asks, and then he shakes his head in thought,

”I wish we could ask Yifan but most ghosts don’t retain their memories of when they were alive.”

But there was definitely some sort of connection between Yifan and Chanyeol. And apparently, even Joonmyeon was tied into it. 

“It’s okay.” Jongdae shakes his head, and he squeezes Baekhyun’s hand within his grasp,

”We’ll figure it out together.”

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I don’t know if you guys are still interested in reading The Haunted, but I’ll be picking it back up again if you are.


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Chapter 8: Ahhhhhhhhhh i love this au!!! Pls don't discontinue it><
Chapter 8: this fic is too good. But alas! it's discontinued.
Kaisoo_4_Ever121 #3
Chapter 8: This story is really interesting! I hope u keep updating it whenever u have time :)
2442 streak #4
authornim! please continue this...
will patiently wait for your update! :)
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 8: i hope you update someday. i really liek this story. it´s something new
teufelchen_netty #6
sadly no update ;_;
2442 streak #7
was browsing thru my subscriptions when I saw this... you're probably busy with real life right now, it's understandable, but know that we'll be patiently waiting for you to update! :)