Two hearts.

Hungry Hearts.
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Three: Two hearts.


Two souls were walking hand in hand in this street filled with the few people who were brave enough to fare with this cold and snowy scenery parading in front of their path since a while, not even knowing where they were going but they were feeling content to have this little hang out after a long day of work and all those little dramas in their lives.

Time was ticking very fast as it was now more than six years the two of them were living their lives as a married couple while raising a child together.

The small and pretty woman sketched a smile as she turned to look up at the man who was walking at her sides, her husband, talking about whatever he had in mind. Mostly about his work as a potter in his family's traditional business.

"Working with your own brother as your CEO is very awful. Mostly if that brother is your twin." Junsu said with a soft laugh as the man shivered at the strong cold breeze blowing at them.

"...ooh... cold!" Boyoung said as she snuggled against him with a smile painting on her lips. "But contrary of others, you're the only one who is capable of telling him a few home truths in his face." She continued softly. "And you know he is thankful for you to never try to manipulate or lie to him."

The man in his thirty smiled and nodded with his arms around his wife. "It's not complicate to work with him though. He is a good partner. And as twins, we kind of know what the other is thinking. Oh! He said to have dinner with him this saturday." Junsu added as he looked down at his wife, feeling at ease that they could have this quiet alone time together after what happened in their lives recently.

"Let have a family dinner with everyone." Boyoung replied with a nod as she pressed herself against her husband, seeking for more warm from the man. She was trying to behave as normal as she could. However, there was time she could not even smile.

Junsu nodded with a soft smile, his left hand rubbing her back. "Are you sure about that?"

"Why not... despite what happened, we're still family..." She said quietly, losing her smile for a sad expression. But she did not dwell on her thoughts longer as she sketched a smile. "We're family." She insisted.

"Right family... We're a family after all." The man let out in a low voice. "Christmas is not far... Should we do something special?" He asked as they entered a small alleyway, wanting to change the topic of their conversation as well as leaving themselves lead by their own steps as they were passing by a wine shop which seems full with soft voices and laughs coming behind the screen doors. "Hmm... a wine shop. I didn't know there's this kind of shop here." Junsu said with a smile and turned to his wife and best friend, hoping to talk about other things than their family's troubles. "Should we get some wines?"

"Why not! Your brother loves wine. And it will be a good present for this saturday." She looked up at him with a soft smile. And Junsu was thinking that it was been a while he didn't see her with this kind of smile. Boyoung was always quiet and frowning since that happened. The man did not like that one bit.

Junsu nodded with the same smile as he helped his wife walking towards the shop under this snowy path. The man smiled when he slid one of the screen doors, feeling very pleased to know that despite all the modernisation of their country in this time, there was still something timeless standing out among all those concretes.

And the couple were surprised at the kind of warm and special atmosphere ruling in this wine shop with a smiling seller who look more like an actor than a common man in the street.

"I'm yours in one minute." The tall man with a soft dark blue hair said as he pointed up his finger in mid-air while holding a bottle of wine for an old and bulky customer who was standing next to him. Then, the wine merchant returned his attention to the regular client he seemed to know for a long time as he called the latter by his name. Meanwhile Junsu and Boyoung entered into the warm and spacious room as they did not forget to close the screen door behind them, keeping the room warm from the cold and snowy weather outside. "Hodong-ssi, this very refined Baekse-ju is good for your health. It's a rice wine infused with ginseng and different herbs. And I don't have to tell you about its name as it comes from a legend that the healthful herbs will help you live to be one hundred years old." The wine trader added.

"Yunho-yah!" The man laughed softly. "If I can lose a bit of my weight I will surely live to be one hundred years old. My doctor is very sceptical about my tendency to gain weight. And my wife is nagging me to do exercises. That wine is not going to help much if not to put my poor liver into a difficult situation."

"Of course! That part of your health is important. But I'm not lying. It's a medicinal wine with all the dozen of herbs infused in it. Look, my father is still very healthy and he drinks this wine a glass a day. You know how he is, right?" And the older man nodded while crossing his arms over his chest, listening to Yunho's story. "Bulky and very much strong for a farmer of his age. He still picks up the plums and peaches in our fields as well as planting rice for our wines. Not forgotten herbs and all. So? What do you think about my father's physical condition? Good right? Do you want some?" The man insisted with a smile of million dollars. Jung Yunho was there to sell his family's rice wines after all as well as they were not the only one to produce in all the country.

"As I know, this wine is served everywhere in all the restaurants and bars around the town nowadays." The older man retorted back with a smile.

"Because it's better than Makgeolli with its aromatics like wolfberry and locorice. And why do you think it serves a lot in restaurants and bars? And who sells it to them? Me! I tour around a lot, you know!" He added as he pointed his fingers towards his person with a prideful smile painting on his lips, while the old costumer laughed heartily. "You have to know its taste is lighter and a bit spicy on the palate with a fruity finish than Makgeolli. And with its herbaceous yellow colour made from rice and potato, the wine goes well with our cooking made almost with spices. Then, contrary of Makgeolli, you can keep this wine longer than the other which has to be consumed immediately. And most above all, it's very popular with all the ahjussis in our country. Do you know why?" Yunho asked with a smirk at the man over fifty years old.

"The one hundred years old."

"Bingo!" Yunho said as if the older man had won the lottery. "So? Do you want a try? It's good to drink it with friends around a table and good meal. But it also good to have some sips of this drink in quietness at your home."

"You're a con man but because I like Jaejoong a lot, let's say... give me two of that wine of you. And give me also some Beolddeok-ju." The older man chuckled softly.

"Oooh! Good choice Hodong-ssi!" The wine trader nodded with an understanding smile for the choice of the last kind of wine from his client. The Beolddeok-ju was a rice wine brewed with herbal medicines and its sweetness came from the pumpkin malt which was believed to increase male stamina. "But for your information my Jaejoong is mine!" He added with a warning look that made the older man laugh at this possessive man.

"Everyone around knows that son!" The man whose name was Hodong chuckled as he shook his head lightly and Yunho nodded with satisfaction.

Yunho did his work as he got the wines the man had asked for, putting the three smooth boxes on the counter. Then, he cashed the products with a small conversation with the man before giving the light wheat nice tote bag in soft cotton filled with the boxes of wines and with the name of his shop which wasn't very imaginative, Jung Wine House, propped on the two sides of the bag.

"Here Hodong-ssi. Hope those wines will give you satisfaction." The wine trader let out as he smiled his commercial smile to the older man.

"When was I not satisfied with your family's wines?" The older man laughed softly. "Don't forget my champagne."

"Do not worry. You will have them before Christmas." Yunho smiled as he bowed to the man who was now walking away from his shop happily. And not long after, he turned his attention to the couple who was looking around the shop while waiting their turn. "Can I help you?" He asked quietly.

"You only sell Korean wines." The man who seemed to be a cheerful person in the eyes of Yunho asked in affirmation as he was still looking around at all the display of small bottles in the shop.

"Yes and no. But mostly Korean wines. Those are my family products. Nowadays, our people seem to forget that even us, Koreans, we also have a wine culture. However, if you want some French wines or foreign liquors, more than one bottle, it's only on command. I don't have enough to sell right away. More like the policy of my shop." Yunho said as the man walked to step into the couple's space with his long legs moulted into a soft regular black pair of jeans and his smoothed blue and white and black stripped shirt which the sleeves were pulled up to his elbow, leaving out the white sleeves of his sweatshirt to be seen by others. Not forgotten about this kind of dark brown apron wrapping only around his hips, making him look like a cool sommelier with a ravishing smile.

"I see." Junsu nodded with a smile as he was touching a soft bottle of wine near him. "I know what it is to see our people turn their interest towards other cultures than ours. I'm a potter. Trying myself to sell some goods from our culture. But, our company makes more money by selling modern dinnerware. There's no accounting for taste, isn't it?"

"Of course! So, we're colleagues then. Jung Yunho and this is my shop." He added as he took out a card from the front pocket of his apron, the same kind smile still painting on his very handsome face.

"Kim Junsu." The other man bowed as he took the professional card of the wine merchant, then he gave his own card to the latter.

Yunho nodded with a smile as he was reading the name of the handcrafted tableware company. Maybe the goods they sold could interest his lover. Not long ago, his Jaejoong had said that he needed some new bowls. Maybe, they should go there to look for some new goods for the diner.

"What kind of wine do you want to buy?" The wine trader asked as he put the card into the pocket of his apron, returning his attention to his business.

"We don't really know a lot about wines." Boyoung said with a smile. "Mostly about the traditional Korean wines."

"I'm here for that. And if you let me give you some advises, you can try something like this Bokbunja wine." Yunho tended his hand to a few bottles set on a rack not far from him. "It made from our Korean black raspberries. Those berries are fermented with water. And sometimes, according to the provinces they could infused it with a few herbs or flowers even plants. It's a dessert wine. You can also drink it while you're enjoying some French cheeses. A lot don't know, but this kind of wines could be a very good condiment for cheese. Mostly those sweet and fruity wines. The small bottle is still affordable and worth the price." The man nodded as he took the bottle of red fruity wine in his hand, explaining something he had learned from Jaejoong. "But if you want something like budget-friendly, I suggest you to buy some Seoljungmae, a plum wine made with real hand-picked plums." He put the bottle in its place and walked a few steps with the couple following him towards another rack. "The green plum extract is processed in a special freeze-filtration system, which helps create a cleaner and more smooth taste. And according to the region, the wine has its own character." He added quietly while he took in his hands one of the bottles on the stall.

Junsu and Boyoung could only nodded as they were listening to the man who knew very well every kind of wine displaying in his shop. He was an expert after all.

"What kind of wine is appropriate for something festive?" Junsu asked suddenly with a smile.

"Festive..." Yunho nodded. "Makgeolli could be a good wine for the moment. But because of its bitterness and sour taste, people tend to drink Baekse-ju. I'm not going to give you all the reason about that wine as I think you did hear me talk about it to Hodong-ssi." He smiled. And the couple nodded returning the smile to the wine trader. "The flavoured ones are good. But the majority of them has this subtlety of the herbal taste which doesn't really go well with our Korean food at least you drink it in a quietness and want something healthy for your body as it brewed with medicinal herbs. We call them Yagyong-ju." Then he paused with a frown marred on his forehead. "I can say Soju. However, it's not a wine but a distilled liquor. Very famous towards the youth who like to drink it very much nowadays for any kind of occasions. And we can qualify that liquor more as a festive beer of some sort even if it's not a fizzing drink. It's a comparison with the beer coming from overseas. So..." The taller man nodded as he turned his attention to another stall in his left and smiled. "We have those clear ones." He let out cheerfully as he walked to the rack filled with different clear wines. "Those Cheong-ju also similar to the Japanese sake, are refined rice wines made from steamed rice which has undergone several fermentation stages. It's also known as Myeongyakju or Beopju. We have a lot of varieties of those clear rice wines and the name depends of the type of rice we use and the way we make it." Yunho chuckled and nodded. "If you want something to go with a party, you can still buy some soju but for me the best would be this one." He turned to the rack next to where all the Cheong-ju were set. "The Yak-ju. It's a wine brewed with boiled rice, yeast and water. A bit similar with the sweet sikhye which is made with a cooked rice, sugar and watered barley malt powder. Of course, this one is not for children but adults only as the degree of alcoholising is higher while the sikhye is nil."

The couple looked at each other and nodded, agreeing in silence for the kind of wine they were going to buy.

"We go for some Yak-ju then." Junsu said with a nod.

"Good choice. We have some Gukhwa-ju. A rice wine with a subtlety taste of chrysanthemum. Here, some Dugyeon-ju. The boiling rice is infused with azalea. Next it's Songsun-ju, a wine brewed with pine sprouts. And there, Ywonyeop-ju made with lotus leaves. Some Insam-ju. You will find a subtly taste of ginseng in it." The man was showing all the different cleared rice wines he had on the rack next to each other.

"A lot of varieties." The potter nodded. "What best?"

"I'm not a very good drinker. But, I have tasted all of them as it's my work to know them well. But for me, I like the taste of the bitterness of the ginseng. It's a bit spicy and fizzing on your palate. But my lover will advise you to get this one." Yunho showed the bottle of the rice wine Jaejoong was fond of. "The Dugyeon-ju. It's sweet and viscous at the same time. Substantial even hearty. And very strong." He nodded with a smile, using exactly his lover's words to define that wine. "But at the end, it's about personal taste. What I can tell you is to choose the wine with your own preference. You like it bitter go for the bitter one. You like it sweet well buy those wine brewed with flowers or fruits. If you like your wine just plain, the very trendy and budget-friendly is for you." The man added as he made way to his counter. And not long after, the wine merchant set a few pairs of small wine glass on the wooden surface and served them some berries wine. "Try this. And give me your opinion." He smiled softly.

The couple stepped in front of the counter and sipped at the red wine softly.

"It's a bit bitter but we can feel the fruity taste at the end." Junsu said quietly. "What do you think?" He asked his wife.

"Not bad. I like that aftermath taste." She nodded with a smile.

Then, Yunho poured another wine for them in another pair of glass. It was a soft white coloured wine. And the couple tried this one. Boyoung winced at the strong taste of the ginseng, while her husband just nodded with a soft pout. It was like tasting a medicinal potion. The couple looked at each other for a moment with some understanding.

"You see the difference." The wine trader said with an amused smile painting on his lips. He liked seeing the people who entered his shop making different kind of faces when they tasted his wines. They liked it or they hated it. It depended on the person's tastes.

Junsu turned to his wife with a smile. "Let's buy the fruity one. We don't really like eating things bitter or sour. We go for the berries wine and the one with azalea." He added quietly with a smile.

"I give you that." Yunho smiled. Then, he took the two wines the couple asked for before returning towards his counter. The man registered the products and put the boxes in a cotton tote bag before taking the money from the other man with his most beautiful smile. "Have a nice night. And do not forget to patronise our shop to your friends and family."

Junsu laughed at how professional the wine trader was about his business. He nodded and walked towards the front gate with his wife following him. Then, he stopped on his track and turned to face the other man again.

"Could you tell us if in this alleyway there's a good restaurant for us to sustain our hungry stomachs?" He asked quietly.

"Of course." The wine merchant beamed. "Walking out from my shop, you just have to walk a few metres on your right and you will find yourself in front of the same front doors pattern as my wine shop. It's a small diner but the food is very good if not the best in all Seoul. And the owner is a kind soul who will surely give you a discount for your first visit." He added with a nod. "Anyway, maybe I will see you later. I was going to get there after my work."

"Thank you."

The couple smiled at the man and walked away from the wine shop as they were holding hands. And Yunho found them adorable. The kind, familiar and mostly domestic aura coming from them made him guess that those two were more than acquaintances or even lovers. But the eternity band on their respective ring finger was there to let him know that they were a married couple.

"Aah! I should also ask Jaejoong for marriage one day." He let out with a soft smile. Then, Yunho nodded while laughing at his thought. It was after all a crazy thought as there was no law in Korea that permitted two men to marry each other.

Regrettable. But he could do nothing.

The wine merchant reached out his hand phone before walking towards the stairs at the back of his shop. And the man climbed up to the first storey where his apartment was located while whistling a love song.

Meanwhile, outside, in the cold and snowy weather, Junsu and Boyoung were trying to reach their destination with the directive of the owner of the wine shop, walking quietly and surely with precaution towards the small diner with the same wooden screen doors. And when, they arrived in front of those similar doors, they smiled at the gentle and warm feeling coming behind those screen panels.

"Let's get in. I'm hungry." Junsu said as he turned to look at his wife.

"Me too. And it's cold right now." Boyoung nodded as she slid one of the screen doors and she did not hesitate to enter the warm room, following by her husband who could not help but smile softly at this kind of diner displaying in front of their eyes.

The cooking house was twice smaller than the wine shop but everything in this small room felt like a soft and cosy home with those few worn tables and chairs displaying around. And the beautiful man standing behind his counter seemed to come from some fairy tales with his alluring and pale appearance, wearing only a white t-shirt under some grey hoodie with a soft floral red apron around his hips while bickering kindly with a man in his thirty sitting at the counter tool, while having his dinner.

"Welcome to Cassiopeia." The faired man with now a soft dark blue hair, the same coloured hair as the wine merchant, turned to face them with his most beautiful smile. "Make yourself home while I cook something good for you."

The couple nodded in silence as the man and woman took place at the table placing in the middle of the room, a few steps away from the screen doors. They kept on smiling at this kind of familiar warm feeling while watching the owner who was also the cook of this cooking establishment working behind his stove quietly but expertly with a smile painting on his full lips.

"It's cosy." Boyoung let out as she was now sitting on the worn chair. Her eyes were now set on her husband.

Junsu nodded as he put his coat and belongings on the chair next to him. "I love this kind of atmosphere the most."

"I bet. You like everything old." She laughed softly.

"I'm an artisan."

"Jung Yunho-ssi also and this man too." She tilted her head at the man who was making something for them without asking for their taste.

It was odd. But Boyoung found it normal. She did not know why but she liked this situation a lot and felt like being a little girl again, sitting in the kitchen of her parents' house waiting dinner time while watching her mother cooking quietly in front of the stove. And like the good daughter she was, she would eat everything her beloved mother would cook for her. Even what she hated to eat the most. No wasting food. It was the policy of her home sweet home back then.

Boyoung elbowed the surface of the wooden table while still watching carefully this pretty man making their dinner. And she closed her eyes for a while, missing the soft look on her husband's face as she only wanted to hear the hiss of the fresh meat sizzling in a pan, or the thunk of a knife chopping some vegetables with this odour of cooked rice and broth filling the room.

Her memories of her past was always filled with Junsu, her best friend before being her husband. The cheerful and bubbly boy always ran after her if not standing near her while holding her hand with the hope of preventing her from falling and hurting herself.

"Boyoung-ah! Whatever you do I will always cheer for you."

"Don't try to act like you're mature. Crying isn't a weakness."

"You're strong. You're going to be alright."

But hurt... she did by falling in love with a man who had turned his back on her when she got pregnant. But, Junsu was there to secure her path. The young boy two years younger than her was mature than her. And she could lean on the other without any thoughts as she knew he would always catch her.

Her childhood friend, her best friend was still there standing at her sides while holding her hand like always, promising her that everything was going to be alright for her. And he did hold onto his promise. He gave her her honour by marrying her. He gave her child a father in his person and a name to carry on.

There was no one as kind as this stupid man of her. A man she could only fall in love at the end.

Boyoung opened her eyes as she set them on her husband who was looking like a child, fretting on his set while looking at this diner's room with a smile. She could see how the man was in love with this kind of cooking establishment. Her Junsu loved what was old like his precious handcrafted plates he still took time to design after a long day of work in his family's business.

"Here!" Jaejoong set their meal on their table with a smile as the man made sure to put everything on the surface table passing by the spicy kimchi to the

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Kattan69 #1
Chapter 5: Poor Min.....I feel for him.
Chapter 5: I miss your updates But I can understand~~~and Changmin story is so heartbreaking...and Minnie's mother turn out evil mother in law towards Minnie's ex wife....poor Minnie~
yo_yunjae #3
Chapter 5: Pooorrrr minnie, I thought being asarcastic is always s his character from childhood, but it was formed due to the cruelty of the world.. n having a mother like his mother is.. urgghhh...
How can his mother is so selfish.. what changmin need is someone like joongie..
Is it joongie have a magical ability? So curious because the sentence 'The faired and pretty man nodded with a soft smile painting on his lips as a soft caress lingered on his cheek.'
N also because he seems can soothe troubled heart
Chapter 5: Changmin's mother is lucky that he has good friends that have kept him afloat and close to her. Her pride has brought out the worst in her, just when I thought she had redeemable qualities she turned for the worst. If she doesn't change her ways she will loose Changmin.
As for Changmin he needs time to process such a tragic loss, at his own pace.
Thanks for the update!
IAmMissTerious #5
Chapter 5: Demmm
Changmin's mom tsk she gets on my nerves
Also Changmin ;-; I hope you'll be happier now
yjgirl #6
Chapter 5: Changmin's side story it remains me on my lovely poodle dog who's pass away lats month,is hard to move especially have been together around 10years yet he's the most understandable dog i i've been take care,still crying while remain of him coz there's a lot memory...
May be with this changmin's story side,i can learn more from your story,thanks for update ^^
Chapter 4: The yunjae couple should open their 1st ever yunjae hangout cafe + restaurant + bar :-) a place where people with so much thin of hope in their lives can visit to that cafe & have a great moment & free counciling from yunjae couple :-D :-D mian... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ sorry its just i really love how they make/treat like a family/close every people who entered there shop/diner.
Kattan69 #8
Chapter 4: Poor Taemin....but sometimes life doesn’t go smoothly. If he loves his Mother, then he shouldn’t make her worry.
Kattan69 #9
Chapter 3: I find hope in Su’s relationship....thanks to Yunjae.
mary_anne #10
Chapter 4: I like how this story unfolds and i would like seeing everyone who visited the dner solve their woos in life.

I love yunho and changmin supporting jaejoong