Now that things between Hwari and Wooyoung had settled, although with a great embarrassment, Younghyun was super relieved as his steps were much lighter than before. Yet he still didn't have enough gut to meet Hwari. Especially everytime he was reminded of himself being ridiculous when: 1) he was acting cold to her after the last gig; and 2) he was drunk and was in total mess, gave Hwari missed calls at dawn, and ended up getting taken care of Hwari herself.

It was still summer break, and he basically stayed at home almost every single day. Other than one or two gig which after that he went home again, he didn't really go to anywhere as he rejected all his friends' invitation. As good friends, Jaehyung, Sungjin, Wonpil and Dowoon themselves who eventually gave Younghyun a visit. Several visits actually.

"Anyway, I bumped into Hwari noona just a few days ago," muttered Dowoon out of the blue.

Hearing Hwari's name being mentioned, Younghyun almost tripped himself when he was about to get up from the sofa. He tried to keep it cool although Jaehyung and Sungjin already covered their mouth to hold their laughs.

"It's been a while since we saw her, yeah?" Wonpil added bluntly as he turned to Younghyun. It just made him even more behave strangely. Meanwhile Jaehyung still tried hard not to burst into ugly laugh.

Younghyun cleared his throat and left towards the refrigerator. "Who wants coffee?"

"Ah! Speaking of coffee." Suddenly Jaehyung sounded oddly excited. "Sammy said there's a new coffee shop. He asked me to go there yesterday, but I couldn't. I heard he's going there with Hwari today."

Sammy? That Sammy aka Woosung? With Hwari? Younghyun's eyes started quivering.

Jaehyung smirked. Dowoon too. They were in sync thinking of what kind of crazy thing that would happen shortly. If they could make a bet, Wonpil would already be the judge and Jaehyung would put all the money he's got, followed by Sungjin.

In a flash, Younghyun went in to his room, grabbed any outerwear and rushed going out, leaving the guys without words. Jaehyung smiled to himself as if he knew that was going to happen. He then pulled out his phone to text Younghyun some important information, such as the address of the newly opened café.


Younghyun kept checking his phone - the text from Jaehyung - to ensure that the place where he was now is the right place. His eyes wandered around to see there was no other similar cafe or restaurant nearby. Okay, let's do this, Younghyun said to himself.

Unexpectedly, he bumped into Woosung when he was about to enter the building.

"Oh? Younghyun?" Woosung stopped his steps as he took off earphone from his left ear. "Hi, what are you doing here?"

Younghyun couldn't help but to fluster himself. "Uh... I.. I'm..." Somehow he couldn't make up any answers and he didn't want to be too honest with someone he kinda thought as rival. "What are you doing here?" And he ended up asking him back.

"I work here. You?" Woosung was quite persistent to ask. He maintained his wide, friendly smile.

And Younghyun still found himself stuttering. "I'm... I'm seeing..."

"Let me guess. Looking for Hwari?" Woosung snapped.


Woosung beamed. He knew he got it right, telling from Younghyun's shocked expression and how this big guy was so uneasy once Hwari's name was mentioned. "Hwari is still in upstairs but she will be out shortly. Just wait here. You can order lemon mango smoothies for her. I gotta go now."

Younghyun awkwardly waved at Woosung, then made his way towards the cafe on the lobby.

Younghyun sat down nervously looking at the yellow beverage with cream in front of hin. He started wondering why he just simply followed Woosung's words to buy lemon mango smoothies. At first he even kind of disliked how Woosung sounded very close to Hwari, as if he knew Hwari's schedule and everything. Or... maybe he did know it.

Younghyun let out a heavy sigh. He didn't really think much when he left house in such a rush. And there he was, sitting alone, hadn't contacted Hwari telling her that he was there. It would drive him crazy if Hwari already set off just because he forgot to ring her.

To : Hwari

Hwari, I'm at the cafe in the Haru building lobby now. If it's okay, would you come see me?

Younghyun was anxious waiting for a reply. But soon, the figure he was anticipating finally appeared and he could see her in her ultimate favorite maroon dress approaching him who picked a seat the furthest from the front door. A wide smile instantly was curved on Younghyun's face.

"Younghyun, I thought Woosung was joking when he said you were here," Hwari said as she sat before him.

An awkward laugh slipped out from Younghyun's mouth. He definitely felt something when Woosung's name was mentioned. "Anyway, smoothies?" He shifted the yellow drink to her.

She happily received it. "So, coming all the way here, what's up?"

"Ah, that.." Younghyun started to stutter again. "I was just..."

Hwari raised her eyebrows in curiosity as she waited for his answer.

"I just... wanted to see you." Then he gulped his remaining americano on one shot, feeling shy after finally blurting it out.

Hwari got stunned, didn't know how to answer that.

"Anyway, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing okay. Actually I'm working as an intern here, thanks to Woosung."

Younghyun gulped again. "I see."

He would be lying if the somewhat close relationship between Hwari and Woosung wasn't disturbing him. There seemed to be a lot of things that they shared or they had in common. What if he was... late? Woosung seemed to be way more ahead. "Is it okay to ask what's with you and Woosung?" He braced himself.

"What's with me and Woosung?" she asked back, chuckling slightly. She sipped the smoothies that now was half remained.

"I mean, are you... together with Woosung?" Younghyun's voice slowly got softer, almost whispering and mumbling. Yet Hwari still got it clearly.

She chuckled again. "Where did you get that information from?"

Younghyun had put on his pokerface, still bracing himself for the unwanted scenario. To be frank, he was really anxious to know the answer. Shrugging, he only told her that he was only guessing.

"First Wooyoung and now Woosung?" Another chuckle slipped off. "That was a good guess. But, no, I'm not," she firmly stated.

The tension within him finally slowly went away. He wanted to exhale expressing his great relief but he just held it. Okay, this is it, he couraged himself.

"Okay, so.. regarding that, I..." And there he was, still nervous how to say it. Overthinking on what words he should use.


Younghyun scratched the back of his head as he turned away his head a bit. He was blushing that much even before he actually said something. "First of all, I'm sorry for being such a d*ck after the gig on campus, and when you had to get me at the bar in very early morning."

"You came all the way here just to say sorry? Gosh, Bri, chill."

"No, there's more," he quickly told her.

Both of Hwari's eyebrows were raised as if they were the one asking what more is.

"Second of all," Younghyun continued after taking a long, deep breath. "I like my life, more than ever, now that with you in it."

The first reaction of Hwari was no other than being stunned again. She was speechless.

"It took me a while to realize my feelings, that... I like you, Hwari."

Hwari's speechlessness was now at another level.

Seeing the slow response, Younghyun decided to spill it out. "I like you, Hwari," he repeated. "It always gave me somewhat a fright, and a bit rage, whenever I heard about you and Woosung. That also explained when it was Wooyoung at first. You know it's been a long time since I was in relationship. Everything is just odd for myself to finally remember how it feels like to like someone again. To trust someone again. To contribute to someone's happiness again."

"Younghyun..." she slowly spoke.

"It would be nice if you let me spend my days with you," he quickly cut off Hwari's words. "And, if you, too.. have the same feeling about me." He finished his words softly, with his head slightly lowered to hide his shy expression.

— —

Meanwhile at a restaurant only one block away from Hwari and Younghyun, sat two guys who were laughing loudly for one minute and the next minute they went silent.

"Thanks, Sam."

The Sam guy glanced at his buddy. "For what?"

Jaehyung smiled softly, first at himself, and at Sam aka Woosung. "For letting go for Younghyun. For giving Younghyun his chance. I know how you feel towards Hwari. I can tell from the way you look at her."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Woosung nonchalantly muttered as he drank his milkshake before taking a big bite of a large hamburger.

"Anyway, I just want to say thanks."

"Seriously, dude, I have no idea what you're talking about."

Jaehyung chuckled still happily. He knew Woosung was just pretending. He was beyond glad to have a friend like him. “Seriously, you’re the best, man.”


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961 streak #1
Chapter 9: This is the 2nd Youngk fic I read.
I liked the complications and misunderstanding that you threw their way.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 8: Awee! Her confession and little shy YoungK T_T thanks for the update~
Chapter 7: What?! Woosung also liked her? What?! That makes me feel a bit bitter. It's alright, I hope he has a girl throughout the story T_T
Thanks for the update!
Thank you everyone for the good feedback :'''''))
Chapter 7: Another great update! Thank you authornim! ^_^
More please....
Chapter 6: I just found this, and it's so beautiful~ I normally don't like reading from the male's point of view but this is an exception
Waiting for the next chapter T_T
Chapter 6: Can't wait for the next Chap! ^_^
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 2: This is sooo good! ^_^
I really enjoy reading this story. Nice work Authornim!
anniedrei #9
Chapter 5: Awwwwww. Younghyun. This is so sad.

I'm looking forward on the next chapter. There's something you have to reveal. :)