Chapter 7


Chapter 7


Minju couldn't recall when was the last time she had seen the younger girl. She could only remember how she stormed out of her house in anger when she found out what Yujin had done. The person whom she trusted the most after Chaeyeon, was actually the cause of her misery. The brunette couldn't believe it when Sakura suddenly came knocking on her door one day, screaming into her face.


"I knew it. I should have stop Chaeyeon from confessing to you! Now look at what you have done?"

"W-Wait. Sakura sunbae. What are you talking about?"

"Who else could make my bestfriend to lock herself up for one whole week? Bawling her eyes out and not even eating anything?"

"I...I- ther must be a misunderstanding! I really didn't do anything!" 

"Oh well. Guess what? Chaeyeon already told me everything!"


"You and that Yujin girl!"


The first thing that came across her mind was that night when Yujin was comforting her. That stupid kiss. Minju started to panic at the thought of her girlfriend witnessing that. So right after Sakura left her house, she immediately called Chaeyeon be could only reach her voicemail. She was too caught up with avoiding Yujin after the younger girl had professed her feelings and also busied herself with studies that she didn't even realised that it has been nearly a week since she last talked with Chaeyeon.

It just hits her all of a sudden that Chaeyeon had stopped initiating calls and texts. 


When she came to realise that something was wrong, it was already too late. 


Chaeyeon was avoiding her like a plague. 

She couldn't even explain herself even if she wanted to. 


After the older girl had graduated, Minju could not longer reach out to her. It was clear to her that Chaeyeon wants to cut her out of her life when Minju's calls were now met with no rings. 


Chaeyeon had changed her number and blocked her out from her life. 


It was clear.


And the reason for all of these might be because of Yujin. 

Minju thought it was unfair. 


It wasn't what it seemed like to be and only if Chaeyeon had given her a chance for her to explain herself. Minju swore that if she had the ability to control time, she would rewind back the time and listened to Chaeyeon's words and worries. Those insecurities towards Yujin and how her girlfriend was warning her about her bestfriend. She should have trusted and do something about it. 

Maybe then. Chaeyeon wouldn't have believed what she saw this easily. 


"I should have been a better girlfriend. I'm sorry..."


Months passed and Minju wasn't getting any better. The girl had been beating herself up in guilt ever since Chaeyeon had walked out of her life without any words. She returned to her old-self.


Aloof, closed-up, anti-social. 


Almost the rest of her last year in highschool was spent alone. Right after school, she would spend some time to study in the library before she head home and locks herself up in her room to drown herself in tears again as she looks through the photos and memories with Chaeyeon. Eventually, sleep would come to her and she will wake up again with their photo album hugged against her chest. And the cycle repeats. 


Till, Yujin suddenly breaks into her house and started bawling her eyes out. 

To say Minju was confuse, was an understatement. Afterall, she's still her bestfriend and honestly, there were times where Minju felt sorry for avoiding the younger girl. She knows that it wasn't entirely Yujin's fault. It wasn't Yujin's fault for falling in love with her when she was still with Chaeyeon. But Minju still can't let her off the hook when she know that Yujin might be the reason why Chaeyeon had decided to leave her. 

That kiss that wasn't even suppose to happen. 

That damn kiss that made Minju suffocate with so much guilt for months.

That stupid kiss which broke her friendship with Yujin. 


"Unnie, I'm sorry..." 

With her brows furrowed, Minju reached out wanting to hold Yujin's hand but the younger girl refused and shook her head. Instead, she fall onto her knees, surprising the older girl who instantly followed suit and placed her hands on the crying girl's shoulders.


"Yujin. What happened? Why are you suddenly like this?"

Tears couldn't stop flowing out of Yujin's huge clear orbs and Minju was starting to get worried for the younger girl. Ever since that night, Minju had cut off any possible conversations with Yujin. 


"I'm sorry. It's all my fault." 

"What do you mean?"


Yujin looks up at the older woman with her tear-filled eyes and tried to control her sobbings, "C-Chaeyeon unnie..." 


"I...I deleted the message..." 

Minju furrowed her brows. With how the younger girl was articulating her words while holding back her tears, Minju had a difficult time trying to understand what Yujin was trying to say. 

"Yujin." Minju calls out softly, "Calm down and talk properly."


Taking a few deep breaths, Yujin calmed her sobbings down. 


"Remember that day when I met up with you after that kiss? You went to the toilet and suddenly Chaeyeon unnie... She messaged you. She wanted to meet up with you." Yujin begins, "I think she saw us the other night outside of your house when I kissed you." 


"I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't want you to meet her so I deleted the message and... after that, Chaeyeon unnie distanced herself away from you." 

At the new piece of information, it finally connected the dots and answered those questions that have been wandering in her mind. 


"Y...You..." Minju couldn't believed what her bestfriend had told her. She blank-ed out, nothing passed through her mind as she stares at the guilty-stricken Yujin in disbelieve, "I can't believe you did this..." 


Yujin shakes her head, "I'm really sorry unnie." 


At that moment, anger overtook Minju.


"Do you think just because Chaeyeon unnie is out of the picture, I will like you?!”


That was the last thing Minju said before she stormed our of her house and went looking for Chaeyeon. Ever since, Minju had not seen Yujin at all. Though she felt slightly bad for her harsh words, Minju thought that what the younger did was way more harsh and selfish of her. 







“How have you been?” 

Minju doesn’t know how to reply the younger girl. What does Yujin even expect her to say? After the things she did to destory her relationship with Chaeyeon? 



The flicker of guilt didn’t went pass Minju’s sharp eyes. With a heavy sigh, Yujin pressed her lips into a thin smile. 


“I... I know that I’m the last person you probably wanna see right now unnie.” Yujin sighs, “It took me a lot of courage to make that call after the incident.” 

Minju remains mum and pulls her straight-face out while leaning more against the chair for support. She doesn’t even touch the americano that Yujin ordered for her. She just stares straight ahead at the younger girl emotionless, knowing that it would place more stress on Yujin’s shoulder. 


“You probably think that the last time we met was the day when I went over to your house and confess about Chaeyeon unnie’s message.” Yujin smiles bitterly, “but no. I’ve been with you all along.” 


That made Minju’s brows knit into a frown. 


“What do you mean?”

”I’ve been quietly watching you behind. Those days where you would run around Seoul and visit those places where you and Chaeyeon unnie would go during dates and how you would tend to linger at those places for an hour before travelling to another location.” 

It was true. 

Minju couldn’t let go of Chaeyeon. 

She was so desperate that she would visit their ‘couple places’ every single day without fail and stay there for hours, just to see if she would ever chance upon Chaeyeon. But of course, Chaeyeon had never appeared. 


“I saw how you looked out of the window and smiled when you think of good memories with her and how you suddenly became downcast because now you’re alone and she’s no longer by your side.”

Without realising, Minju’s hand was already folded into a fist. Her teeth clenched, heart shrinking and eyes stinging at the recollection of those moments. The worst times in her life. 

“It was then only when I realised how much you love Chaeyeon unnie.” Yujin looks away, blinking her tears away.


”You’re heart still belongs to Chaeyeon unnie” Yujin smiles in disappointment, “Even when she went MIA on you for months, you still clinged onto that small hope and huge love for her. You waited.” 

“You actually waited for someone whom just disappeared out of thin air without any explanations.” 

Yujin surrended, putting both of her hands up.


”When I saw you crying, it hurts me more than when I see you smiling and laughting with Chaeyeon unnie by your side. I came to realised that I was selfish and wrong.” 

Seeing how the younger girl couldn’t hold her tears back anymore longer, Minju’s wall broke down too. She her lips back as she watch Yujin sobs and wipe her tears away. 


“So... I went to find out Chaeyeon unnie’s information for you and sliped the document into your mail box.” 

“I...It was you?” 

Maybe it was because Minju was overly excited about having some informations to where her missing girlfriend was that she didn’t even wondered how a document containing Chaeyeon’s particulars was sent into her mail box all of a sudden. 

Yujin nodded wordlessly. 


“I watched how you happily skipped to Chaeyeon unnie’s school the next day.” The short-haired chuckled, “It was like the first time i’ve seem your bright smile in months. I was so relieved and happy that you were smiling again.”


”Then I thought things would get better for you. But no, i was stupid. I forgot that Chaeyeon unnie had misunderstood us.” Yujin face-palmed, “You came out of the school looking sadder than ever.” 


“You tried.” Minju finally spoke, “But it was too late.” 


“She moved on.” Yujin completed her sentence. She looked at the fist clenched on the table and with all of her remaining courage, Yujin hovers her warm hands over the shaking iron fist and holds it gently.


”What about you?” Yujin questioned, “Are you going to stay in the past and wait for someone who has already moved on or are you going to make yourself happier again and move on from your past?” 


Minju shakes her head.


”i still love her. A lot.”

“She’s not dating anyone yet, Yujin. Either has she told me that she’s over me. Don’t you think its unfair? For the both of us? We were happily together and just because of a misunderstanding everything between is was gone.”

Minju looks up into Yujin’s watery eyes and said firmly.


”i will not give up until Chaeyeon unnie tells me straight in my face that she doesn’t love me anymore.” 






Chaeyeon plopped her whole body down onto her bed as soon as she stepped into her room. Hanging out with Sakura had never been this draining before. They use to be free and comfortable but after knowing about her bestfriend’s feelings, Chaeyeon had to be more mindful of her words and actions. Which really took her energy away mentally. 

Not to mention how she saw Eunbi and the other guy together in the park. The girl couldn’t help but wonder who exactly the guy was. 

She had never seen the guy around school before and with how mature he looks, with his expensive looking casual blazer and gucci shoes, that guy certainly looks a lot older than Eunbi. Maybe a 5 years ?


But then again, who is she to poke her nose into Eunbi’s business.

Eunbi is not hers anyway.

If she dates him then, it’s Eunbi’s choice. 


“He look sketchy though.”

Chaeyeon shakes her head as it wanders off to the dramas she watched. Close to 90% of those rich looking suave guys would end up being bad boys and hurt the female lead.


”ugh, whatever.” 

Chaeyeon fishes her phone out wanting to distract herself away from the image of Eunbi and the guy and get rid of the suffocating feeling surrounding her chest. 


It was only when she unlocked her phone that she remember that she havent read Eunbi’s and Minju’s messages from last night and this morning yet. 


From: Eunbi unnie 


hey, I hope you are feeling better. I don’t know what you are planning to do now but if you need some advices or simply a person to talk to, you know who to find ;) 

good night and have a good rest. 

dont think too much and maybe just think about me? 


Chaeyeon tries not to let her lips curve into a smile as she reads the flirty message from Eunbi. Before she type in her reply, she got reminded of the picture earlier on at the park once again. 



Oh my gosh! I just had ice cream and their yogurt ice cream is a bomb! I couldn't help but think of you hehe. You love yogurt-flavoured ice cream right? We should totally come here one day!



She know that its childish, but she couldn’t help but want to take a small revenge. Eunbi probably went there to have an ice cream date with that pretty boy. How dare she think that Chaeyeon would even step a foot into that ice cream. She left the conversation with a blue tick and opens up Minju’s chatroom.


From: Minju

unnie, when are you free? We stll have our promised dinner together :) 

hey. You alright? Its been 4 hours yet you haven’t read my message?

are you still hibernating? XD

okay im getting worried, unnie. Please reply me?


"." cursing under her breath, Chaeyeon was quick to send a respond back. 


To: Minju

Hey, I'm so sorry. I was busy the whole day and my phone was flat. 


As soon as she hit the send button, Minju came online. However, the latter didn't replied her and went offline. That made Chaeyeon guility. Thinking that Minju was unhappy, Chaeyeon wanted to send another apology text but a call came. 


Incoming call: Minju 


"Hello?" Chaeyeon picked up the line immediately, "Minju, I'm sorry for missing your messages. I was busy the whole day." 

There was a few seconds slience on the other line and Chaeyeon was washed over with guilt, knowing that she upset the girl unwittingly, "Don't be angry. It wasn't on purpose I swear."


"Are you together with Sakura unnie?"


"I saw her post."

"Oh, we went out together." 

"I...I can we meet? Please?" 


"Yes... I can come over your house now." 


Chaeyeon checked the time and saw it was close to eleven at night. She was also dropped dead tired after her date with Sakura and she really needed her sleep now. 


"Its getting late already, Minju-yah. I'm kind of tired now too. Can we talk tommorow instead?" 

A sigh was heard from the other line, "No unnie. I need to talk to you right now. Please?"

"How about we have breakfast together tommorow? I will pick you up from your house." Chaeyeon tried to suggest another alternative and hope that the younger girl would agree. 

"Promise me?"


"Okay then... Goodnight, unnie." 

"Goodnight Minju-ah." 


The blonde ended the call and heave a sigh of relief. She closed her eyes for a moment before her phone buzzed of again. This time, its from Sakura. 


From: Saku-chan <3

Thanks for today! I had lots of fun as usual XD

I'm looking forward to more dates and have a good night dream yeah? 

I love you. 


It wasn't a weird thing to say I love you between the pair of bestfriend but now Chaeyeon couldn't help but feel strange. Knowing that its no longer a plantonic kind of love. Everything is still new and Chaeyeon is still in the process of accepting the fact that her bestfriend is in love with her. Having that date with Sakura, allowed Chaeyeon to see the other girl in a different light. 


To: Saku-chan <3

I had fun too! 

Rest well :) 

I love you too. 


Unlike the older girl's usual quirky behaviour, Sakura was much more shy and girlish in a way throughout the day and it would be a lie if Chaeyeon didn't found it cute. How Sakura would tend to blush whenever their hand brushes as if they didn't held hands before. The atmosphere changed between them was apparent and Chaeyeon decides that it wasn't that bad as she thought it would be. 






"Eggs benedicts is still your favourite brunch huh?" 

Chaeyeon giggled while Minju nodded slightly and started to sprinkle some salt on her scrambled eggs. As promised, the blonde had picked her up from her house and travelled to one of their favourite cafes they used to go to, to have their late breakfast. (because hibernating Chaeyeon overslept) 

"and you still prefer salmon over bacon." 

"Salmons are healthier." Chaeyeon argued with a shrug, "bacons are way too oily." 

"But they are nice."

"Salmons are nicer."


Minju rolled her eyes at the older girl who just chuckled and ruffle her hair, teasing. That action made Minju's heart fuzzy and warm. Ruffling her hair was something that Chaeyeon always do whenever she finds the younger girl adorable and it never fails to make Minju smile and feel loved. Even though they aren't together anymore, that action still does something to Minju's heart. 


"Anyway, what do you want to talk about?" 

The brunette snapped out of her trances and stared at the older girl who was enjoying her salmon with the toasted bread. Taking another bite off her bacon, Minju chewed carefully before swollowing the food. 


"About us." 

"It's time to talk about us."


Minju says seriously. Despite not wanting to make the atmosphere so tensed, Minju also wanted to have a serious talk and settle things between them once and for all. 

Chaeyeon needed to know the truth and she needed to know if Chaeyeon's heart is still with her. 

Minju needed to know if she still stands the chance getting together back with her middle-school sweet heart. 


The older girl says nothing and signalled Minju to continue. 


"Nothing happened between Yujin and I. It's all an misunderstanding." Minju started, "It's true that she habours romantic feelings for me and I failed to see it. I should have believed you when you warned me about that. I want to apologise for being so dense and hurting your feelings back then." 

"I understand why you wouldn't believe that likes you as well." Chaeyeon shrugs, reminding herself about Sakura's sercret feelings towards her too, "Guess we just tend to treat them as our bestfriend and expect them to treat as back the same way."


Minju quirked a brow.

"Did Sakura unnie finally confessed to you?" 


Surprised, Chaeyeon dropped her knife accidentally and gasped. 

"Even you knew about it?!"

The younger girl shook her head in scoffed, "I once warned you back then too about Sakura unnie when you brought Yujin up. It was obvious since she was really protective over you and she even came knocking on my door scolding me that time when I made you upset. She accidentally slipped her tongue and confessed her feelings towards you." 


Chaeyeon face-palmed. 


"Guess we are both dense." 

"We were." Minju agreed, "I should have looked for you when I couldn't reach you through phone and texts instead of just waiting for you. I'm sorry that I didn't turn up when you messaged me to talk about Yujin. It wasn't that I didn't want to show up, but..."

"...but Yujin saw the message and prevented you from coming?" Chaeyeon completed the sentence and Minju nodded in disappointment. 


"After losing contact with you, it felt like I lost everything I had." Minju looks away, surpressing the suddenly emotions that decided to wash over her all of a sudden. The older girl noticed it and hestitantly reached out to careress Minju's hand gently. 

"Don't cry, Minju-ah." 

The said girl forced a smile out and swollowed her tears back.


"I closed up and only stayed in my room. Yujin got guility seeing me so down and came crying to me and confessed everythingt that she did." Minju recollected, "I was mad. Extremely mad. So I cut off contact with her as well."


"Then suddenly one day, I recieved a mail from someone and it contained your current number and the school you are attending now. So that's how I found out where you were."

"That someone is?"




Minju sighs, "I met up with her yesterday and we kind of talked things out."

"Oh, that's good. You guys were bestfriend."

"Yeah but honestly speaking, it would be difficult for us to be as close as we used to be back then." 

The blonde nodded along with Minju's words and smiles slightly, "Let time to it's job. Maybe it would be better as time passes by."


"Give her a chance. Now that she already knew her mistakes. Everyone deserves another chance." 

"What about me?"


"Do I not deserve another chance?" 


"I still love you unnie." Minju confessed, "I have never stopped."

"But what about you unnie? Is your heart still with me or has it moved on to another person?" 





Author's Notes: 

Eeks it's been 3 months since I last updated >< Forgive me :( 

But yey my queens won first T.T


Don't forgot to stream violeta!

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Chapter 9: Damn everyone do be putting the pressure on Chaeyeon! With Sakura dating Karin, Eunbi has that prearranged thing! She’s got to make a decision quick or else she won’t get none of the girls!
Chapter 9: Ouch my kkuchaen heart huhu
Chapter 9: are you still busy authornim? where's the last 3 chapters? 😢
KendrahCW #4
Chapter 2: Chaemin= Chaeyeon+Minju
this is so good!! update??
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 9: wowwwwww!!!! seems like complicated ship kekeke
Omg cel, didn't realise you wrote this. I'm a betray kwonchaeng nation and root for kkuchaeng in this one . HD
ddddecimal #8
Chapter 9: CHAEKURA >:((
Chapter 9: I can see chaeyeon struggling with her feelings already. She has feelings for Eunbi yet, at the same time she doesn't want sakura to date anyone and minjoo still has a spot in her heart wow how is she gonna choose X.X but i'm all the way for kwongchaeng here. Their chemistry in this fic is out of the world