Chapter 1 - The AB Brothers

To Meet, Perchance to Love?
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Jongwoon screamed his heart out as he speaks to a certain someone on the other line of his ongoing call. He was on his way home when his phone rang and the news brought upon him left him totally flabbergasted. The caller who turns out to be Heechul, his brother, a diva that said to be the true definiton of classic beauty yet also known for his savageness but strangely still adored by most of the people around him, insisted that it is indeed a good news, to him at least. But knowing Heechul, that 'good news' just made Jongwoon petrified. Mainly because Kim Heechul with good news can only mean two things and it's either spelled as bad news or unnecessary trouble. 

"Come on, you're already enrolled I dont see any problem with that. And besides, from now on we're going to attend the same university. Isn't it perfect. We are the AB brothers after all. Hohoho~" Heechul argued as he tried to justify his egotistical actions.

"But hyung you just did that without my consent and now you're suddenly telling me. How am I supposed to feel? And can you stop with that weird laugh of yours, it's creeping me out." He can't do anything anymore, he knew it the moment he heard those appalling news from his older brother.

"I love you too my dear baby brother." 

Now who is he trying to fool? He just knew that no matter what absurd things his brother commits, he will always love that diva and will be willing to resigned to his unreasonable deeds. 

"Okay." He sighed. "What's done is done. You owe me big time Heebongie hyung." Jongwoon finally accepted his fate. But this time it was genuine, without any hints of protest. Bearing in mind that he just called his foolish brother a nickname he himself produced when he was still a toddler and after all these years, he's still proud of using that affectionate term towards his one and only precious hyung. 

"Oh trust me Aesongsong, you will never regret your decision and I won't allow that to happen anyway. Now come home soon and please be careful on your way." Heechul was delighted and in return calling his beloved baby brother the equal endearment.

Left with no other choice, Jongwoon dismissed his thoughts from the earlier conversation he had with his brother. He was about to take another step from his spot when he noticed someone staring at his direction. He can't seem to identify the said stranger because of a medical mask covering almost half of his face. He scrutinized him with his intriguing eyes, arousing his curiousity in full bloom. He was sure that they made eye contact with each other and it was longer than expected. Finally he looked away turning backwards from his position and when he's certain that no one is around near him, he returned his gaze back to the unfamiliar man. To his confusion, the stranger was no longer there but he just shrugged it as a trivial juncture and finally decided to return home.


'Aish what's wrong with me. Good job Kyu, you totally made a complete fool out of yourself. What are you now? A full fledged creep? A weird stalker who stares at some random stranger who suddenly halted his brisk walking perhaps to take an incoming call and just because you found him cute? Wait, what? Did I just call him cute? Well, he's my type... Seriously Kyu, you need to pull yourself together, aren't you a Cho? The almighty CHO KYUHYUN? There's definitely something wrong with me. Ah yes, I do have a cold, catching a cold when its warm... Anyway, if I'm perfectly fine, I would never do such a shameful act, totally out of my character. That's definitely why...'

He was heading towards the train station while having a mental debate inside his mind. As he said to himself, what he did earlier was totally out of his character and it's cheap. He would never hold a firm gaze on someone or jus

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I'm sorry for being away o(╥﹏╥)o
I'm happy to read all your comments, thank you for reading this and for waiting patiently. You guys are the best!


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395 streak #1
Chapter 9: you're still not here? I'm sad T^T
395 streak #2
Chapter 9: still waiting, take your time, and please make sure to come back <3
Liza_Blessedx2 #3
Chapter 9: You must come back authornim, this fic is desperately waiting to be updated....your readers are too !!!
Liza_Blessedx2 #4
Chapter 9: Loving this, continue......please!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Just read this all again because I forgot the story.
I love this chapter! Will you keep updating?
Chapter 9: Welcome backkk!!!!!! I swear I'm missing all this fluffy heesung so bad!!!
395 streak #7
Chapter 9: Welcome baaaaaaack <3333333

I'm so happy! Finally~ Heechul knew about his younger brother's relationship~

Can't wait to know what will Heechul do to Kyuhyun >___<

PS : Be safe to beib~ <3
Chapter 9: I'm sorry for being away o(╥﹏╥)o
I'm happy to read all your comments, thank you for reading this and for waiting patiently. You guys are the best!
PathxX #9
This is one of the many fics that I really wish would continue T . T

Fighting, autornim! <3
395 streak #10
Chapter 8: I'm still waiting for you author-nim~