3. lost.mp4

Time Slip

It’s been two hours since Seungwan went inside, and though she retraced her steps, she still couldn’t find the exit.


Where the hell…


Seungwan wraps the coat tighter to her body, pointing the flashlight to a wall she’s been walking past for so many times that she feels like she can see it whenever she closes her eyes.


The first time she did, she didn’t hesitate taking photos of it. There are drawings on the wall, reaching to the top that left her wondering how they reached it. They look old, prehistoric, almost, with charcoal, blood, and other minerals for pigment.


(She checked several stones around the vicinity after the first two rounds, marveled at the thought that they can leave marks on the wall as good as any other modern charcoal pen.)


There are drawings of horses, bulls, elephants, and battles. Oh, lots of battles. Cavemen pointing spears at animals, hiding in caves, planting trees, bows and arrows against gazelles, skinning mutated-looking bears.


She looks at her watch, frowns as she sees the hands tell her it’s currently 2.16 am. She needs to sleep to get ready for the exploring later, even it’s just a measly 3 hours’ worth. 


She trudges wearily, regretting not bringing a walkie-talkie with her because her phone doesn’t have any reception.


She’s been listening to the voices (this sounds troublesome) and has been trying to follow them, because who doesn’t want to see Leonardo DiCaprio filming something in a cave in the middle of nowhere, right? Sure, it can be a bit creepy and dangerous but isn’t this a place where actors and directors would film in?


Unfortunately, it’s been only the same: some stuff about nibblers, a guy named Abe, and Leonardo. Seungwan’s forgotten how many paths she’s gone through with the same words ringing inside the cave over and over again no matter where she goes. Sometimes she hears them close enough for her to whirl around and run, only to see another dead end. Other times they sound so far away that she wonders if her mind is playing games with her, especially with the lack of anything to do other than walk and maybe write on the walls.


She yawns, settling to rest for a while to calm her shaking legs. She sits against the wall and leans her head against it as she wonders just what the heck she’s gotten herself into.




She shivers.


So far, the only things she’s seen are walls she’s been walking past before even though she’s been taking different paths and no sign of Hollywood actors and filming sets. No lengthy cords or bustling tents with stressed writers and producers or whoever else is involved that Seungwan hasn’t really gotten the time to learn about.


Her stomach growls in protest, making her sigh through her nose.


She suddenly remembers the time when she was dragged into a filming set by Sooyoung and Joohyun who were, not surprisingly, scouted to advertise some school bags. Of course, Seulgi and Yerim were also dragged to join, and Seungwan reminisces how hectic it was, how many cameras were there and how many times the three bystanders were forced to follow the rest of the crew to several streets and buildings.




“You two were what?!” Yerim had exclaimed when the two girls told the group the news days before the shoot.


Sooyoung looked at Joohyun, shrugging indifferently. “We were walking to the convenience store to buy some stuff and then there was a couple who approached us and asked if we can endorse something.”


(Oh right, they hadn’t dyed their hair yet when this happened.)


Seulgi’s jaw dropped, blinking in disbelief. “Strangers! You two were talking to strangers and just agreed? What if it was a scam?!”


The black-haired girl smiled apologetically, answering, “We’re going to get paid just by posing in front of cameras and stuff. It was hard to decline easy money.”


Seungwan nearly spat out the pop she was sipping. “M-modeling!” She stared at her girlfriend with very wide eyes. “Modeling is not easy money.”


Sooyoung rose a brow at her comment. “Oh? How so, Ms. Modeling Expert?”


Wonderful Joohyun and Seulgi, who knew there was an argument being brewed with the challenge the tall girl had uttered, immediately went in front of their respective partners.


“Hey, hey,” Seulgi wrapped her arms around Sooyoung’s waist and snuggled against her neck. “Chill.”


Seungwan’s nostrils were about to flare, but halted when Joohyun squeezed her cheeks between her palms, forcing her to look at the slightly taller girl’s mesmerizing eyes. “That’s why we’re bringing you three along.”


Yerim shrieked, “If this is a scam, you’d rather they scam the five of us than just the two of you?! PREPOSTEROUS.”


She came with them anyway.




“I’m still very doubtful.”


Yerim eyed the crew suspiciously despite wearing obviously-real ids and radios.


Seungwan couldn’t blame her—what were the odds of her friends being scouted randomly by a company that just so happened to be looking for girls to endorse their bags? Sure, there had been occurrences before, but that didn’t mean that she expected it to happen to someone close to her.


However, all thoughts and ideas of how to save themselves and run to safety with the police on speed dial drifted along with the wind when Sooyoung and Joohyun came out of building they had been sent into. Seungwan didn’t bother to deny that they looked very attractive—actually, never really bothered to think that the friend group lacked anything in the visuals department. The tips of Joohyun’s dark hair were wavy, looking softer than normal even though Seungwan didn’t know how it was possible. Sooyoung’s brown hair was glowing, falling perfectly in place to frame her charming face. They wore some sort of couple outfit—a baseball shirt (red and white for Hyun, black and white for Syoung), checkered skirts (yellow, then black), calf socks, and pristine white shoes.


“Ew, you two are disgusting. Sure, they look hot and smoking, but really, what’s new?” Yerim nudged her, making her return back to the reality that oh my god, they’re my friends. And one of them is her girlfriend.


She pressed her lips together, unaware that she had been staring with her jaw unhinged.


“Seulgi, you idiot, stop that before you embarrass yourself.”


Seungwan looked to her right to see Yerim trying to get the girl to not drool. Seulgi snapped out of it, shaking her head and mumbling an apology.


The pair stopped in front of them, the taller one sporting a smug grin while the shorter one letting out an exasperated sigh.


“Modeling’s not hard when you look like us,” Sooyoung tipped her head back and gave a hearty laugh.


Seungwan rolled her eyes, but from her peripheral vision she saw Seulgi just about to swoon. Yerim kicked her just before Seulgi lost it.


She felt Joohyun’s hands intertwine with hers, and she immediately began to smile. She looked at the dark-haired girl endearingly, “You look amazing.”


“As Sooyoung would say it… duh.” Joohyun gave a cheeky lopsided grin that sent her heart to undergo acrobatic flips.


“Come here—” She pulled the girl onto her lap and leaned forwards—




Seungwan’s stomach growls again, this time with more intensity than before. She sighs.


Unfortunately, reminiscing old memories can only do so much to an empty stomach and a bored brain.


She reaches to her coat’s pocket and checks her phone again.


The usual.


No signal, and now she was down to 30% which was stupid because she’s only been here a little over two hours, and the most she’s used her phone for was to take photos.


She tries to stand up despite the cold beginning to bite into her skin, with the fatigue following suit to attack her shaking thighs.


So much for being fit.


She decides to roam around again, hoping to see a route she had missed beforehand. She glances at her phone, groans when she sees this time that it’s down to 23%. So much for having the best battery within the brand. She looks through her call history, staring at the calls she had tried for the entire few hours she’s been in the cave. She never had a signal ever since the first call attempt, and though it didn’t surprise her, being in a cave, it still made her cautious.


“He’s over here!”


“Hunt him down!”




Seungwan stops herself from moving, stops herself from breathing, as well. The voices came from one of the paths that she’s sure was never there before. She would know—she prides herself with her near photographic memory. She tries to blow some hot air into her hands, convincing herself that the voices might just be from her sleep deprived brain.


What else is there to say about it?


Weird voices only she could hear, apparently. It’s not exactly a very normal thing to experience.


She starts to hear steps, and her heart leaps. “Guys?” She calls out immediately, walking towards the new path. It’s dark, no matter how much she shines her light into it. “Guys?” She tries again, growing uncomfortable by every second they refuse to answer. “Hello? He—”


Another step forward, and her breath gets caught in . A beastly figure emerges from the path. It’s mutated, completely unnatural with its limbs that are bent in the wrong places. It’s huge too—2 meters, at least. Its skin looks leathery, ancient, and… wounded? Her light’s about to hit its face, and she was sure she wouldn’t like it.


The beast—thing suddenly snaps its neck to look at her.


Seungwan’s adrenaline rush surged so much it’s like she bathed and soaked her entirety in caffeine. She immediately turns around and sprints to the other direction.


“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,” She shrieks, not even bothering to look back.



omg... what's up lol

Happy Holidays to all of you guys! 

I know it's a very random update and trust me, I've no idea where this came from.

Let's all pray for Wendy's recovery from her recent accident. #GetWellSoonWendy

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[191230] omg wait,,,,thank u for the 100 subs djjdjdjd ill try and come back to this as much as i can, along with my other semi abandoned stories huhu


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Chapter 1: The way she mumbled yolo before entering the cave is so— seungwan.. maam this is funny and all but what's with the scary end..
Chapter 3: man this was funny then turned scary real ing quick which normally i would be amused but its 3am and im scared
poplarbear #3
Chapter 2: Hello..?
Chapter 2: Your humour is brutally entertaining
Chapter 2: I. NEED. MOORRREEEE!!!
1736 streak #6
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 2: I LIKE IT
Chapter 2: Feel like watching a horror movie
Got another great story to look forward to
You won't leave us hanging right
Chapter 2: omfg i felt like watching a fuging horro movie ugh moving alone in an unknown place is a good way to die
Eririn #10
Chapter 2: Wow this was exciting. So Seungwan disappeared. Did she fall through some time slip and enter another dimension? Funny that she was the only one who heard the male voices. Were they from another dimension too? I'm excited to see where this goes. I'm guessing the bloody handprint wasn't Seungwan's.