What If : Come Thru

What If.

"Unnie!!!! Look what ive found" Yujin screaming out loud just to make the latter girl who still in her deep slumber awake.


"Yujinnnn!!! Shut up. Its fckin 3 AM and you shout out loud right in my ear?" Minjoo, Yujin's cousing slapped her arms.


"Look at this!" Yujin shook Minjoo's body and handing her phone.


"I know. And stop it. How much time you will show up your screen just to let me saw that little girl" Minjoo snapped.


"See, how georgeous she is. She is in my age and she was stunning with shinning face" Yujin still drooling in front of her phone.


"Now, sleep. Or i wont let you stayover in my home again" Minjoo threatening while pull the blanket who just covered Yujin.


"Why you are so mean, you know im lonely in my apartment. And now you told me that. Didnt you have a slight of emphaty towards your cute cousin" Yujin showing her cuteness and backhugging the sleepy girl.


"Fine. But please stop yelling in past midnight just because the lil girl Jang Wonyoung or else i will kicked you from my bed" Minjoo still closing her eyes when she nag at Yujin.


"Ill stop tonight. But i guess ill continue it tomorrow" Yujin still like annoying kids.



Minjoo just sighed.



In the next morning, Minjoo already sitting in her seat ready to eat her breakfast. She prepared it by herself because her parents was going to town.















"Yujiinnnnnnn! Put your fckin phone down and eat. Your stomach didnt need that bunch of pict" Minjoo cursing in the morning.


"Ahh you are so noisy" Yujin lazily put her phone down and grab the sandwich in her plate.



Minjoo got enough.



"Uhm you know unnie, that she just got her new CF and she look pretty in that girlcrush outfit" Yujin fansgirling.


 "Whats CF?" Eventho Minjoo keep nagging, she didnt hate it to listen what just happening. Moreover is about a famous teenagers model, Jang Wonyoung. Minjoo is also counting as Wonyoung's fans but she didnt so addict like Yujin's does.


"Basket fever. And she so cool even with her cute twintail" Yujin day dreaming.


"But for me, Wonyoung is looks more cute than cool. And i wish she still keep that concept" Minjoo commenting.


"For me, she is good in everything" Yujin spacing out. Minjoo just giggling with the her cousin's action.


"But you better finished your breakfast, because Chaewon just on her way to pick me. Or you will do the dishes?" Minjoo scold her.


"Noo no. Okay, i 'll finish this quickly" Yujin eat her big sandwich in once bite.



Yujin is high schooler, she just 17th in 3rd year. She has a big fat crush with an Artist and Model, Jang Wonyoung. Yujin can only meet her once in her dream. Yujin adore her since the first time Wonyoung appeared in megazine cover 3 years ago. And since that day, Yujin keep collecting all about Wonyoung's stuff. Fanatic fans? Called that.


Yujin in real life, she just an ordinary lively girl who have a lot of energy. She was good at sport and have a lot of friends. Theres no secret about Yujin's being crazy fanatic friends. Her friends even her family knew it well.


Yujin lived with herself in her appartment, because her parents just moving into small town due to her father's job.


In her weekend, she will spending her time in her cousin's home. Minjoo. Minjoo with her family lived not too far from Yujin's apartment. Minjoo is sophomore university student. Minjoo had girlfriend named Kim Chaewon. They were dating since they were in senior high school. Minjoo and Chaewon is Yujin's sunbae.






It was monday Yujin back to her routine and her appartment. She brougth some food from Minjoo's home and for the continuation she will buy by herself. At least she still eating an healthy food in a week. She was bad at cooking.






"Yujin, lets join me" her seatmate offering. Jiheon.


"Not for EXO concert" Yujin know what Jiheon gonna say. Just like Yujin. Both of them is best friend. When Yujin is counting as not really straight fans addict because she like a girls, but Jiheon she was pretty straight. She was an EXO L. She collecting all stuff about EXO.


"Ah cmon, you will get bored in holiday next week" Jiheon bargain.


"So wheres the place?" Yujin not really sure to join but she still asking.


"Japan" Jiheon smilling.


"What? You will going to Japan for EXO? They are Korean. Why you didnt wait for the next Korean concert?" Yujin shocked.


"It was a good plan Yujin, i can watching their performance while did holiday in Japan. How about it?" Jiheon smart brain never fail.


"How if Wonyoung did a fan meeting when im in Japan?" Yujin still a loyal fans afterall.


"Wonyoung never did a fanmeet. You know that" Jiheon remaind her.


"Who knows for the next?" Yujin still.


"Thats fine whatever" Jiheon sulking.


"Ill spend my holiday in Minjoo unnie then, dont worry. I never be alone, Jiheon ah" Yujin while patting Jiheon's head.



Holiday has come.



Yujin just packed her stuff to long stayover in Minjoo's home. But suddenly her phone buzzed.

MinMin Unnie

Yujinnn. Im sorry, i cant spend holliday together with you. Chaewon just invited me to go holliday in Hawaii with her family.




How about me???? Unnieee. I ve no one here.



MinMin Unnie

Stop being so dramatic. You can stay in my home. Theres mom and dad.




They are no fun :(



MinMin Unnie

But at least you didnt feel alone. Yujin im sorry :(




Alright. Fine, unnie. Enjoy your holiday then.



Yujin huffed. She placed her stuff back into her shelf.



"Nice. Can i have one kind of happiness then" She mumbled.



Her thought just coming true. Her phone buzzed by a notification for twice .




Due to some reason, Jang Wonyoung will take a break from her activity in a year.




"Break? A year? What a nice holiday" Yujin shouting from her window.


"Jiheon left me to Japan. Minjoo unnie going with her girlfriend. And now my only one reason i stayed announcing a very bad news. My life never be this worst. Should i end now?" Yujin the drama queen saying while stand up in corner of her bed pretending like she was in the rooftop of building.


"Should i going to my family?" The last choices of her.


"No way, theres poor connection there. How if Wonyoung make a comeback?" Yujin in confused mind. Sure, Wonyoung take a break in a year while she just got an off day in a month but she still wishing Wonyoung's comeback.


The choices has been decide.


Yujin stay in her appartment. Alone.





It was night when Yujin's stomach scrumble. She walk out to the nearest market. After she was done eating noodle soup, she walking back suddenly a black car stopped in front of her.


Then two big guy dragged her into the backseat of the car.


Yujin crying. But still noisy as always.


"Whats now???? I lived alone. Ive no one. Im poor kid. I ve nothing but heart and one braincell. And now ive been kidnaped" Yujin loud crying inside the car.


She sobbing hard. She looking beside of her there figure with a mask and black hoodie.


"You lived alone" the guy who drive asking.


"Y yes." Then again she looking at three people inside the car. She noticed that theres two guy who dragged her and another figure beside her, she didnt know who? Another guy?


"Good" the guy in front seat says.


"Whats good being alone? Its lonely you know. And broke" Yujin still annoying even she was kidnaped.


"I guess you still a highschooler and it was holiday season" the guy said.


"Are you a seer?" Yujin without afraid draw herself closer to the driver.


"No. Im just bodyguard. And because you were alone, i will give you friends. Someone beside you. She will explain you latter if you let her to be with you" the guy said.


"So this one is girl?" Yujin scanning like a robot.


"But why i should to lived with stranger? What will i get?" Yujin asking.


"Anything what you want" the guy said.


"Wohoo. You sounds so rich. But why this strange girl should to lived with me when you can pay a big mansion for herself" Yujin had a point.


"Nice question, but you are to noisy. Better keep that. And answer if you let her with you or not?" The guy madly asking.


"Wait a second" Yujin pretending like she was smart.


"How if i ask her a lot of money so i can bought a lot of Jang Wonyoung stuff and ill send her a expensive gift?. Nice, Yujin" Yujin smirking.


"Fine. I let her in"






They reach at Yujin's appartment at the same night. The bodyguard just left them in front of gate with huge bag and the stone girl who still in her big sized hoodie.


"Lets go" Yujin motioned the girl. But the girl didnt move. She looked at her big stuff.


"Dont say that i should to bring it for you" Yujin did it.


Yujin pressed the keywords. And open her room. The girl following behind.


"They said a bodyguard but left you like that" Yujin mumbled while swipe her sweat.


"That was my superior room. And the small one is yours. It just has two room. If you need something just looking for by yourself" Yujin cockily said. While she lay herself in the couch.



"One more if you ne-" Yujin cut of when she turning back her head to the girl who just remove her mask and her hoodie.




"Y you...." Yujin frozenn.






"Im sorry to make you uncomfortable and thanks for your help. Im Jang Wonyoung" The girl, the famous Jang Wonyoung introducing herself in front of her fanatic fans while bowed.



Yujin glued.



"Who is your name? Did you know me?" Wonyoung asking while rose her right hand.



"A an Yu Yujin" Yujin shake her hand with her.



"An Yujin?" Wonyoung repeating.



Yujin nodded like toddler.



"Ah you are so cute like puppy" Wonyoung smiling.



Yujin fainted.






After an hour, Yujin woke up in the couch. She looking around. She found none.



"So its just a dream huh?" Yujin stretch her back.


When she about to stand up theres Wonyoung appeared from her small room that she said before wearing only white tshirt and short with wet haired.


She taken aback to the couch.



"Im sorry. Are you going fainted for twice Yujin ssi?" Wonyoung worriedly.


Yujin shooked her head.


"Let me explain it" Wonyoung sitting in the couch across Yujin. Yujin just nodded.


"Im Wonyoung. Uhm im an artist and model" She shyly introducing herself while Yujin still disbelief what just happened.


"I just runaway from my schedule. I have strict manager. And i hate it. My parents didnt care about me, they was busy with her own. Now they was in USA. That both bodyguard is the one who helped me. I need a place to stay, but if i stay in usual hotel or going overseas they will find me. I need a time to healing till i can face up everything." Wonyoung explaining while her tears falls down.



Yujin still didnt move but she realize that being a famous figure its not that easy.



"B but how you find me?" Yujin finally asking.


"The bodyguard was going to the market as same as you were before. They said that you look so kind with greeting everyone in the market. And before i run out of time and my manager found me, we decide to choose you beside we have no other choices." Wonyoung softly explaining.


"How if im refused it or im a bad people who will tell everyone that theres artist on my home" Yujin start being annoying.


"I think bad people wouldnt questioning like this when they will did that" Wonyoung chuckled found it funny.



Yujin glued. Amazed how beautiful Jang Wonyoung in person and her sweet smile.



"How about the break announcement in a year?" Yujin innocently asking.


"I send my manager message to dont searching me because i will coming back in a year. Wait, how come you know that. So you know me?" Wonyoung realize something.


"Uhm kind of. Im y you r fans" Yujin shyly.


"Really?" Wonyoung moving closer to her.


"Yeah really, im your fans and i was shocked to know you in my appartment, thats way im fainted. And you know im collecting your stuff. A lot of your big poster hanging in my room. I saved your online picture and..." Yujin stop by herself. She just blurt out in front of Wonyoung.


" im look creepy fans. I ruined" Yujin frustrated.


"I im" Yujin stuttering looking at Wonyoung who look at her eyes with a meaningful stare.




"Then lets be friend" Wonyoung grab Yujin's hand.




"Can you show me your collection about me?" Wonyoung asking.


Yujin in doubt open her room and welcoming with a blue wall with a lot of big sized portray of Wonyoung. Wonyoung widen her eyes.


They were sitting in Yujin's bed while Yujin explaining one by one the way she got that stuff. And she found out that Wonyoung already sleeping. In her bed.


Yujin move closer. Pull the blanket around Wonyoung.


“Today is freaking out. Is this really you Jang Wonyoung? Sleeping on my bed? Did i just dreaming? Look im crying now” Yujin mumbled while swiping her tears.


Then she fall asleep beside her.




The next morning.


Its still 6am. Yujin sniffing while a half of sleep.


"What is this. Smells so good" Yujin mumbled while put off the blanket. She walking following the smells and theres is it. Her kitchen.


She looking at a rare view. A tall girl with ponytail hair enjoy her cooking time.


"Thanks God, im blessed" Yujin saying while sobbing.


"Ah good morning Yujin ssi you woke up?" Wonyoung greet her. It was her first beautiful morning ever.


"Um. What are you doing? Where you ve got this things?" Yujin walk closer while point out at the egg, the bread and all of kind.


"I walk to the market earlier" She said while her hand still busy with her things.


"Did they notice you?" Yujin worriedly asking.


"Nope. I wearing mask and im sorry i borrow your cap without asking ." She apologizing with her sweet smile. Who will get mad at her.


"Why you so cute" Yujin gayness attact.


"Fine, but you should to pay me if you want to borrow that later" Yujin teasingly.






"With this?" Wonyoung going closer and give a peck on her right cheek.


Yujin frozen in her place.



"Im ready to die"


"Yujin ssi, your phone ringing" Wonyoung told the frozen girl.


"Yujin ssi" Wonyoung move closer.


"Okay i get it. Its okay" Yujin afraid to get second attact. She going to her room while her hand caressing her cheeks.



Wonyoung giggling looking at Yujin.








Are you alright???




Whats that?




I saw the announcement from Wonyoung's official site. Are you sure you were alright?




Bout that? Huh. Im fine tho. She was with me right now. Sure im fine.




Oh . I know its bad. I ll going back soon then.




Just have fun . Ive fun with Wonyoung right now.




Okay. Really, u need something. Should i call Minjoo unnie?




Wth. You didnt believe me?.




I believe you. Of course. Okay ill be back soon.



Yujin sighed, she want to take a pic of Wonyoung badly but she afraid that it might caused Wonyoung feel uncomfort.


But she still grinning looking at herself.



"She kissed me" She said.



"You just kissed me ! " Yujin said into the poster that hanging in her wall till real Wonyoung called her.



"Yujin ssi, the food was ready" Wonyoung shout from the kitchen.






Yujin sitting in her seat while took a glance at Wonyoung sometimes.



"Did you want to eat or keep looking at me huh?" Wonyoung who noticed sarcastically said.


"Uh im so sorry" Yujin stuttering.


"I bet you cant cook" Wonyoung said.


"I can. Cooking ramyeon" Yujin proudly. Wonyoung just chuckled.


"Wonyoungie, can you call me Yujin only?" She said.


"Umm fine. Yujin" Wonyoung said.



After they finished the breakfast. They were sitting on the couch while watching the movie.



"Is this your routine" Wonyoung asking.


"Um. Looks so bored isnt?" Yujin looking down.


"No. I mean, its good. I never do this before" Wonyoung take a deep breathe.


"Your schedhule must be so strict arent it?" Yujin asking while Wonyoung nodded.


"It was holiday season, why you didnt going to somewhere?" Wonyoung ask the question.


"Its caused of you" Yujin pouting.


"Uh im sorry, if i ruin your holiday Yujin" Wonyoung said apologetical while holding Yujin's hand.



Wonyoung herself find it weird.


“Why i feel this comfy with stranger. I never build a friend before.” She thought.


"N no. I just got invited by my friend to spend holiday with her in Japan. But i refused it. Because i thought that you will did a fanmeeting this season. But you end up with take a break?" Yujin sulking and Wonyoung found it cute.


"That was sad isnt?" Yujin whinned.


"So you choose to do fanmeeting with me than going on holiday. That was so sweet" Wonyoung pinched Yujin's cheeks. It was Yujin's second attact for today.






Yujin and Wonyoung just spend their time inside the appartment while they shared their story from each other. Wonyoung talking about how crazy become a famous figure then Yujin told about her routine with school and friend. Wonyoung feel envious because she took a private lesson when she graduated from elementary school due to her activity.


In the night, Yujin offering Wonyoung to take a walk around han river. She decide in almost past midnight when theres not too much people around.


Yujin with a white hoodie, white cap, black jeans and sneakers. While Wonyoung with jeans, grey suit with white tshirt and mask. They look like a cute couple. In the middle way, Yujin gently grab Wonyoung's hand when she noticed that the younger getting colder.


Wonyoung have another weird feeling in her stomach.


"Is this friend should be? Or?" Wonyoung snap back when Yujin called her.


"Wonyoungie are you alright? Did you feel bad?" Yujin asking worriedly.


"No im fine Yujin. I just didnt get used into this before" Wonyoung said.






Day by day they was get used into each other. Wonyoung sleeping in Yujin's room at the end. Because when the night come, they both unstopable talking till they fall a sleep.



It was sunday morning and a week Wonyoung in Yujin's home.



They both still in her sleep when theres someone make a noise in Yujin's kitchen. Yujin woke up and caught the culprit.



"You were back?" Yujin asking while rubbing her eyes.


It was Minjoo, she knew Yujin's password and usually entering Yujin's appartment without any permission.


"Im back baby, i miss you" Minjoo scrumbled Yujin's hair. Not to be known, Wonyoung witnessing all of the scene and running back to her room.



She hold her chest.



"Why its hurt? Whats wrong with me? And who is she? Baby? They were dating?" Wonyoung thought.



Wonyoung accidentally closed the door in a rough way. And made Yujin and Minjoo shocked.



"Who is that? You? Dont say that you bring a guy here?" Minjoo widen her eyes.


"Unniee. She is girl" Yujin whinned.


"Didnt you said that Jiheon was in Japan?" Minjoo guessing.


"Why should be Jiheon tho" Yujin chuckled.


"Because your bestfriend is Jiheon only. So who is that?" Minjoo reasoning.


"Its Wonyoung?" Yujin smirking.


"You must too much talking with Wonyoung's big poster. Thats way you end up like this. Better you tell me the truth" Minjoo giggling.


"You didnt believe me?" Yujin asking serious.


"I trust you. Your big sized poster is too much on your room. You should to put it one by one or else you will get worsen" Minjoo threatening.


Yujin get enough.


"Fine, i will bring that poster in front of you now?" Yujin walk into the room.


"Why my aunty raising funny kid like you" Minjoo back to the kitchen while shake her head.



Meanwhile in Yujin's room.



"You wake up?" Yujin asking sweetly to the younger.


"Im sorry did my cousin too noisy?" Yujin seems worry her idol.



"Her cousin? So it just a cousin?" Wonyoung sigh in relief.



"Uhm no Yujin, i wake up because i should to. Im sorry im late i should to make you breakfast" Wonyong caressed Yujin's arm.


"What a wife matterial" Yujin dreaming.


"N noo need to. My cousin just prepared for us. Mind you to meet her?" Yujin softly.


"Of course" Wonyoung stand up and her hand grabbed by Yujin.



Minjoo who still busy got called.









"Should i put this poster then" Yujin asking.



Minjoo turn her head.


"You sho---" Minjoo eyes about to pop out.



"Wwo, seriously?" Minjoo stuttering looking at Wonyoung who smiling into her.



Minjoo move closer into Yujin.



"You kidnaped her?" Minjoo whispering.



Yujin and Wonyoung explaining the detail into Minjoo. Not that long, Chaewon join in to the club. She shocked at the first. In the evening, Jiheon who just coming back and going into Yujin's appartment got prank with Wonyoung opening the door for her.



And now, Yujin Wonyoung Chaewon and Minjoo waiting the unconcious Jiheon. She didnt get shocked, she collapsed.




In dinner time, they do in usual way. Wonyoung drop her famous side down. She looked like an ordinary teen. They do talking, Jiheon tell them the rest about EXO concert. And the other listening. Till the time Minjoo give a question to Wonyoung.



"Wonyoung, um. How long you will staying. I didnt mean to. I just wanna know clearly" Minjoo asking the question that Yujin didnt have a chance to ask.


"I feel so happy here Unnie, but i dont wanna give a burden to Yujin a lot so maybe its just a month. And im ready to settled down with my own life" Wonyoung answering.



The other nodded. While Yujin looking down. She know that it will happen sooner. But she still cant let Wonyoung the one who she admire since a long time leave her. Its a must. Yujin understand it well.



Yujin felt a soft touch landing in her hand under table. It was Wonyoung's. She lookin at her while the younger just looking at her food with smile.



"How you can be this adorable pretty?" Yujin praised her silently



The time has come. Yujin helping Wonyoung to fix her stuff.



"Yujin, before i go. Can you take me somewhere?" Wonyoung whinned.


"It was 7 PM you will got picked up soon" Yujin answering.


"I said to them, to pick me up at 12" Wonyoung said sheepishly.


"I cant refused it. Did i ?" Yujin have no other choices.






They both interwined hand strolling the park.



They endup sitting at the bench.



Yujin looking at the younger. She cried.



"Heii, whats wrong" Yujin kneeled down in front of her.



"Thanks for everything Yujin. You teach me alot. You give me everything all i need. Friends, family, home. You change my mind about life. You are good person i ever meet" Wonyoung sobbing.



"Because im your fans, i will support you no matter what happen Wonyoungie" Yujin caressed the younger hand.



"No you are not. You are more than fans." Wonyoung open her mask and softly lift up Yujin's face with her hand.



"You are everything for me An Yujin" She said while leaning her head to meet Yujin's lips. The soft kisses who last long.




Wonyoung bid goodbye.



"Till we meet again, Jang Wonyoung" she said hold her tears.






Im sorry if this not that good. I will post my face in my twitter as apologizing. (Wait, why i sounds like a famous. Im sorry, then better i ll cancel than y’all get disgusted by me) LoL



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Wizoneph #1
Chapter 5: I don't ship gyuri and saerom
I ship gyuri and jisun
Chapter 23: i would really love to read a prologue/series of wrost plan because the whole plot is really intresting to me and i like it
Chapter 31: welcome back author nim, i misss you
maomaomin #4
Chapter 31: so soft…
welcome back:) i love u♡
Chapter 31: Love you. Can you make another Annyeongz fic? Your writing is so good and i really like it 😍😍
maomaomin #6
Chapter 30: I miss u ;(
Chapter 30: I love your stories :( you are one of my best author don't be rude to yourself tho and yeah love u too uwu
Chapter 30: i wish you will write more annyeongz stuff :(