What If : About Her

What If.



Jang Wonyoung... beautiful name that i like the most and someone that ill die for.

Here i am, Ahn Yujin. The dumbest and ordinary person who will explaining who truly she is. You will got bored with all the explaination, no need to listen at me if you won't to. But i promises you, you will agree with every single words that i said about her.



She is the prettiest person that ever exist in my school. No.I mean, in my world.


"Yujin, can you pick me up in my class later in lunch break. Theres a bunch of boy and girl keep wanting to take me for lunch. Im tired of this" She said while shake my arms when im about to leaving her in her class. She always like this. Have a lot of fans in the school. And pick her up every second she want it is was my job because im ready to fight against of them.


She is the smart person that i ever met in my entire life. Im not just bragging. It was true.

"Yujin, you should to study a lot. You just using the wrong formula thats way you got 40 in math. This one should be...." She said while explain me the whole answer in my textbook. Im sorry to say, i didn't catch any of her words because of my mind that got locked by the expression of her face when she is in her serrious mode.

She is the cutest person than every bunny that ever been alive.

"Yujin, bought me mintcho ice cream please" She said while did a cute face. Pretty please, dont you dare to look at my face at this time because you will find out how red i am.

She is the mature person even in her 16y.o age. And i  swear.

"Yujin, you were 17 and yet you still cant manage your self? I always remaind you to take the things in their own place. How can you sleep in this messy bed?" She didnt stop nagging at me but her hands is busy to fix all my stuff in my room. When she is in this state, all can i do just nodding like a puppy who just got teached by the owner, because when i cut her off in her middle of words she will give me a death stare. I didnt afraid with that. Im just weak

She is the funniest person that make her laughing voice become my favorite song that i listen to.

"Yujin, just listen. You know what? i just felt from my bed when i woke up today. I dont know that theres a blanket tied on my feet" She laughing so hard just because a simple things of her clumsiness while hitting my arm. Looking at her like this, make me thinking that i dont ask for any better. Because her happiness is my treasure.



She is the kindest person that triggering and moving  my heart every single day.

"Yujin, keep your smile up. Look, that baby right there crying because she afraid of your face" She said while pointing at crying little girl in the corner of the street. Of course the little girl didnt know me or even saw me. How can she crying because of me?. Dont mind it. Its just her trick to reasoning. Im not even answer it yet she already running toward that girl and give that little girl a sweet choco bar that i bought for her recently.

She is the heartwarming person that break the icey ice in my soul.

"Yujin, thats fine. You did great. You will winning this race later. I believe you. Dont blame yourself, okay" She said while wipping the sweat in my forehead. Im lose in this race game, i hate this. I hate to lose. But when she came to me, our eyes meet in just an inch, her hand fixing my sweaty messy hair, her soft voice keep echoing all the supportive words for me. In sudden, i forgot that i was in competition.



She is the nicest person that will give me anything i need without i try to asking.

"Yujin, here is. I bought you an umbrella. I saw this when im in the market and i remember that you have none. I dont want to looking at you in the rain like before" She said and handing me the blue color of umbrella. My favorite color that she know well. I like to walking in the rain, it was the words that i said to her when she found out im all wet a weeks ago. But she shake her head and smirking because she knew well that i just lying. She knew me more than myself did.

She is the healer person, i never got sick. Mentally or even pshically as i remember since i met her.

"Yujin, are you okay? Are you getting sick? I made you a breakfast. Just eat this, we will have a test today. You need a lot of energy" She said while opening the food's box and preparing in front of me. Im bold enough to assume that my life feels so healthy. Ill say sorry to all the doctor, because you will never meet a person named Ahn Yujin.




She is everything. For me.


When she call my name with that way, i believe that im still alive and become a blessed person in this cruel world.


She is my bestfriend. My one and only friend. Jang Wonyoung.







"Wonyoung" I said.

I take her into the park. The place that we first met when we just graduated from elementary school.

"Uhm" She answer while looking at me.

We sitting in the small bench that well fit in with our body. This place looks smaller than the first time, the time before when we were kids.

"Once again" I said.

I look at her face, its still the same. The face that stick into my mind everyday and i won't ever put that off. I dont ever planning to.

She giggling.


I like that sound.



Im addicting to that sound.

"You are weird. Pretty weird, today." She said while hitting my tight.

Im fine to get all bruises because of her. Maybe, i want more. I dont know, she was right. Im weird. Because of her.

I place my hand into her palm.

Looks so damn complete. Its looks like complicated puzzle that finally meet all the pieces perfectly without a small hole.

She looking at me.


With that face, i know. Sure i know, that she was clueless with the things that i did tonight.

I smiling looking at how cute she is.

"Once again, happy birthday. Happy 22th birthday. Jang Wonyoung" I said with full of meaning.

While shaking her hand, i looking into the view in front of me. I was trying to avoiding her gaze. I said before, right? That it was my weakness.

Another giggling, another hit from her.


"Yahh... whats wrong with you? Its was 11pm about to 12. Its not my day was ended? Your turn will coming in a minute" She said, pulling my cap and she wear it.

Wonyoung with a white cap. Can you imagine that ?

It was Wonyoung's present when i reached 20th. 3 years ago.

"Thats fine then, lets wait till my time coming" I answer while pulling her wrist. Im looking down at her clock.

She nodding.

She smiling.



She put her head on my shoulder.

Our arms still locked into each other.

We just silent. And i hope that she didnt fall a sleep because of it.

Not that long, her phone ringing. She pull her hand from mine.


She take her phone and looking at it.

---  00.00 Yujinnie 23  ---



It says.

She pull me into her embrace.

"Happy birthday Ahn Yujin. Hope your wishes coming true" She whispering into my ear.

Its more than fifth minutes. We get used into this everytime our day coming. Hugging and remain silent.

She push herself and kiss my forehead.

Who is the one didnt hope that its last forever? No. I didnt. Because i have a better wishes.

She hold my hand.


"Closed your eyes, and pray for your wishes" She command.

I shake my head. She tilt her head confusely.


I try to locking my eyes into hers.


"Can i saying what i wish?" I said.


Im waiting for the answer.


Not that long, she nodded her head.


I pull her hand to stand up.


And still holding her hand.


"I wish that... " I cut off it in purpose, because i know that its make her currious.



I like to , i didnt mention it before. Didnt i? Now, you know.


"I wish that?" She repeating.


I give her small laugh in my deep voice.



"I wish that, i....." I paused in again.


Not that long, just in case i dont want to make her waiting and i forgeting my next line. Then i decide to continuing my words.


"I wish that i... Ahn Yujin, can i see your face in the morning i open my eyes till the night i close my eyes?" I ask her.


Kneeling down in front of her and take the circle things with diamond as perfectness on it.


Then i saying my another next words.


"Will you marry me? Jang Wonyoung" I said.


Im sure enough with the answer, thats way slowly but sure i place that said things in her finger before she speak any words.


I stand up to meet with a pair of her eyes.


Her teary eyes.



I caressed her cheeks.


She hug me.




"Stupid Ahn Yujin" She said while tightening her arms in my neck.

I listening at her cracking voice and its make me sattisfied. Im success. No. Am i success? I still disbelief.


"Is that a YES?" I ask.



I know the answer but its not it better to hear that from the person?.

She push herself from the embrace and pull me closer and landing into the sweatest kiss that make my lips feels so warm and i dont want it to be end.



We pull our self in content after the sweetness of her lips that it was the first time to taste after a long time ago im looking into. Not only me but i guess she also want it. Then.



"I do" She finally answering.


The beautiful girl ever with long black haired hair and my white cap saying it, clearly.


She shed her own tears. No. She use my hand to that.



Finally i can smilling in relief after a long time i keep that only in my mind.






Jang Wonyoung, my best friend who i just purposing.

Why i never confess my feeling towards you and ask you to be my girlfriend?

Eventho we always together, we never make a fight, we did everything in "just friend" labeling.

The reason is,

You dont deserve it. You dont deserve such a mere things that could fill with all the drama and playing anything under the status.

You deserve better and i lived my life for that.

I love you my soon to be wife, Jang Wonyoung.










May i said that it was my sudden imagination *I just got bored with my job and i left my poject to grab my phone, then its come out to be like this. But pretty please dont ever wish me to get bored everyday* and (for me) this one become the top rank from my previous story. And from this story, I really enjoying with the both character of them. Can I meet Yujin in my version? 





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Wizoneph #1
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Chapter 31: so soft…
welcome back:) i love u♡
Chapter 31: Love you. Can you make another Annyeongz fic? Your writing is so good and i really like it 😍😍
maomaomin #6
Chapter 30: I miss u ;(
Chapter 30: I love your stories :( you are one of my best author don't be rude to yourself tho and yeah love u too uwu
Chapter 30: i wish you will write more annyeongz stuff :(