Annual Halloween Date Night

Magic Double Date Night Halloween Edition
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A/N: Happy Halloween everyone. This oneshot is based on my magical date night oneshot so if you haven’t read that then this will be confusing to you. Basically magical couples Joyri (a vampire and witch) and Seulrene (succubus and werewolf) are best friends and this time they’re having a date night out Halloween style. Enjoy


Sooyoung ran around her estate in the best of moods. She usually will go all out with decorating while in their magical realm.The house was decorated from top to bottom in cobwebs, spiders, statues of witches and mummies, she had her red cauldron out for special occasions, and it was fit for Halloween. She just needed her wife. Her other half, soulmate, loving ray of sunshine.


“Yerimie!” She screamed from downstairs as she puts the finishing touches on a display she made. There is a loud groan coming from upstairs and then the blonde vampire is seen.


“What the hell is it!” The blonde screams back. Sooyoung smiles anyway.


“Happy Halloween, darling! Please bring your coffin down here. It would make a nice display.”


Yerim rolls her eyes in annoyance. She isn’t into Halloween, well except for the scaring humans part and tricking them into thinking it’s a costume and she’s wearing false fangs.


“I don’t have a coffin.”


“You liar, I know you have a coffin.”


“I have a headache, goodbye.”


She can’t even go far because as usual Sooyoung snaps her fingers and brings her wife down to her in an instant.


“You don’t get headaches. Now give me my kisses!”


“Fine, come here, witch!” The shorter woman grabs her wife’s face and pulls her into a soft kiss at first. It heats up quickly and Sooyoung finds herself against the wall. Yerim has her hand on her hips and bringing her closer. The auburn-haired witch could make out all day with her wife if she could, and once they did see how long they could make out without Sooyoung needing air. Yerim also does this y thing with her fangs and drags them across her neck in a slow and sensual motion.


“Okay, we need to stop.”


“Why?” The vampire wonders with slightly red eyes. She was enjoying that, and has no idea why Sooyoung wants to stop.


“You didn’t say if you like my decorations or not.”


“What?” Yerim deadpans. Why does she care how many props and decorations her wife has this time a year. However, she sees the look on the witch’s face and it compels her to say something nice.


“The witch displays look even more real this year.”


“Ah, thank you, baby!”


What matters most is that Sooyoung is happy. The vampire may complain a lot about her wife, but she does love her very much.


“Well, you know it’s that time of year. We’ll be meeting with Seulgi and Joohyun for our usual Halloween date night.”


“Yeah, it’s the only time we don’t have to hide and be ourselves. Plus it’s fun scaring the humans!” Yerim grins and look extra excited about that. The next thing Sooyoung knows the blonde runs off to grab some prank items.


“Honey, I want you to limit the amount of humans you scare this year. I had to pry you off the walls last time you were so excited.”


“I’m going to get my slingshot.” Is all Sooyoung hears as her wife disappears into their bedroom. The witch sighs and smiles.


“That’s my wife!” Sooyoung isn’t even about to call either Seulgi or Joohyun because nine times out of ten those two are ing. She is already traumatized because the last time she called and heard much of them having .


“Never again will I call those two demons.” She texts them instead and tells the other couple to meet them at Clover’s bar first before they go out and trick or treat. Clover’s is a bar for other magical beings and they like to hang out there most of the times. Sooyoung really just enjoys the candy most of all, and it is indeed fun tricking and messing with the humans who always think they’re wearing costumes. She feels her phone ping with a text message from Joohyun.


HornyBunny: Seul and I will be there hour.


The auburn-haired witch sighs and then laughs. They’re so damn all the time.


Across town in Joohyun and Seulgi’s house. The raven succubus has finally gotten off of her wife long enough to decide on a costume. Seulgi is going to be herself because she will be walking around as a werewolf like she usually does for Halloween. Joohyun always gets enjoyment out of people’s reactions to her wife. They usually think it’s a well done costume.


“Babe?” Joohyun calls out to her wife who is resting her eyes.


“Yes, Hyun?” The brunette turns some to show she’s listening.


“What should I be this year? I was a pirate last year.”


“A very y pirate.”


Joohyun chuckles in amusement. “Yes, we did have fun after.”


“We did.” Seulgi agrees. “Why don’t you go as a fairy? Halloween is about dressing up.”


“Yes, okay, I’ll go as that. You and Yerim most of all can be yourselves tonight.” Joohyun knows Seulgi and Yerim both really like that part of Halloween. Seulgi can walk around as a wolf and no one suspects. Yerim can bare her fangs and scare humans as she pleases. Sooyoung is going dressed as herself too as a witch. But it means something entirely different for Seulgi and Yerim who have grown used to hiding for most of their existence. Joohyun puts her fairy outfit to the side which is a purple dress, wings, and matching purple shoes. She comes over to her wife who is still closing her eyes in rest. The succubus lays down on her gently and kisses her lips.


“I like Halloween here. It’s not as fun as Halloween back in my realm, though.”


“Your realm is weird.” Seulgi cracks her eyes open. “You guys walk around for your parades, and show off your human toys on display.”


“Fun times,” Joohyun laughs. “Halloween wasn’t very big for you back home, right?” She gently places her fingers in her other half’s brown locks.


“No, we didn’t really do much. It was just another day for us werewolf kids.”


“Well, tonight we will have fun. But don’t overdo it on the candy. You were so hyper last time and howling all night at the moon.”


“The candy is the best part, Hyunnie!”


The raven chuckles some and kisses her wife on the lips. She’ll be there to collect her hyper wife when she finishes all the candy as she always does.


“Okay, let’s go get ready to meet Sooyoung and Yerim.”


Sooyoung likes Halloween because she can also be herself. She’s dressed in a complete witch’s outfit with red pointy hat, black robe, and boots. She even has her very real broom. Yerim flies down in bat form and appears in a black leather jacket, black leather pants and red combat boots.


“You look so y!” The auburn-haired smiles and hugs her shorter wife. She also notices the red combat boots.


“You’re wearing the red boots I bought for you.”


“Yeah, I knew you would be wearing red. I figured you would like this.”


“I love it! Are you ready to go, baby?”


“Yes, I want the candy!”


“What for?” Sooyoung wonders genuinely.


“I like how pretty all the colors are.”


“Aww, okay, Yerimie. We’ll make sure you get plenty of candy.”


The couple then leave their house and Sooyoung teleports them to the bar. They wait just outside the bar for Joohyun and Seulgi. Yerim leans onto her shoulder.


“What’s wrong, Yerimie?”


“They better not be ing. They’re always late because they just have to each other’s brains out!”


The taller woman laughs and gently pushes her blonde locks back some.


“Well, Joohyun is a succubus. She kind of can’t help herself.”


“I want to scare the humans!”


“Sweetie, calm down. They’re coming.”


“We’re here.” Joohyun announces and they see her first. She looks actually very cute in her fairy costume and the tinkerbell bun sets it off.


“Why are you dressed so damn cute!” Sooyoung complains.


“Seul likes it.”


“Probably for something .” The vampire mouths to her wife who agrees. “Where is Seul?”


The other couple hear a growl in acknowledgment. Seulgi comes out standing on her legs and walking. She really does have a beautiful wolf form with the white fur and piercing blue eyes.


“Yo, Wolfie!” The witch waves and Seulgi growls in annoyance.


“Leave my baby alone.” Joohyun frowns and gently pats Seulgi’s ears. “Okay, who’s ready for trick or treating.”


“Me!” Yerim shouts.


Seulgi growls eagerly that she is too. Sooyoung laughs in amusement as Halloween date night is always fun. Joohyun opens up a portal to go to human world and they all walk through it. The first house they go to. The people open the door and marvel over everyone’s costumes.


“Oh, we have a witch, vampire, fairy, and a werewolf! Happy Halloween.”


“Happy Halloween!” Yerim says first.


“Your fangs look very real.”


“Oh, yeah. They sure do.”


Sooyoung, Yerim, Seulgi, and Joohyun load up on candy before walking away. They pass other groups of people walking and they politely say hi to the humans.


“Your werewolf mask is so cool!”


Seulgi nods and gives them thumbs up. Joohyun simply side hugs her.


“They think it’s a mask, baby.”


“My fangs also look very real.” Yerim mocks the person’s voice from earlier.


“I think they’re great false fangs, baby.” The witch laughs.


The next house gives them candy and compliment how cute the witch and fairy look. One of them also looks at Seulgi in awe.


“Wow, the craftsmanship on your costume. The fur looks incredibly real!” She tries to touch Seulgi’s fur but Joohyun pulls Seulgi back.


“Yeah, a costume?” Seulgi rolls her eyes.


“Oh, no you must not touch.” The succubus’s eyes turn black. She just wants the girl to turn around and go back inside.


“Oh, I’m sorry. Please enjoy your candy.”


“Thank you, human!” Yerim grins.


“Uh, human?”


Sooyoung quickly waves her hand over the humans so they don’t ask anymore questions. The two couples walk away with more candy. Joohyun can see her wife is a bit agitated.


“She wasn’t going to pet you, honey.”


The werewolf whines low and ears droop down. Seu

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Taitai84 1234 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha why is sooyoung's broom for display only?

I like the possessive seulgi portrayed here, so hot!
tinybean #2
Chapter 1: This is so fun and interesting... but I really wonder what seulgi really is... excited for more like this
jasonds #3
Chapter 1: Nice it
simply-bae #4
Chapter 1: Seulgi’s still a mystery. Fun one shot!
Chapter 1: The mystery of what seulgi actually is
This is funny, I had a good time reading your fic.

I especially like that coffin jokes and of course when wolf seulgi said, "I'm just a y wolf." XD

Thank you for sharing this with us readers!
Chapter 1: I’m still curious as to what seulgi is tho if she isn’t full werewolf.
TheMineCode #7
Chapter 1: This was so fun to read thank you for this story autornim!
royalshipper2122 #8
Chapter 1: Thanks for this cute and fun one-shot!
cutey111 147 streak #9
Chapter 1: I really enjoyed your Halloween special of this series. It was so fun, and full of puns! So happy to hear that it will be more of this!
Chapter 1: Ah- I loved this, I didn't know you were planning on continuing with this one-shot concept but I'm really glad you are! Really enjoyed this :D <3