Chapter 3

The Future Untold
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Jungkooks POV


I was looking around inside the room I was enclosed in, trying to find something to untie myself with or how to even get out and find someone to help me. My entire world seemed to have shattered once Jimin told me he wasn't even my brother. I knew he was lying to protect me his younger brother or so I hoped. I couldn't get that look off his face before he walked out only hours before.

Yoongi and Taehyung both the head of the guard and the scholar no one knew anything about they were both with Jimin. The two of them with the same guilty look just like how Jimin had on his face. I shook my head realizing I was getting lost in thought realizing someone had walked in the room I was in. I looked at the male who just gave a smile and bowed his head softly.

“Hello prince, uhm i'm here to clean you up a bit and change your clothes” He says walking closer to me

“J-Just leave me alone please” I say backing away on the bed as he got closer to me

“Please Jungkook Jimin asked us to take care of you until he gets back” The man says with a sigh

“H-he doesn't even love me or else I wouldn't be here” I yell pushing the man away as he groaned looking angry

“You little , you might be the prince but you are no prince of mine! So listen to me or else I won't hold back with a spoiled brat such as yourself!” He yells making me jump at his words, I felt tears going down my cheek

“What the hell Jin!” Another man came inside along side Taehyung as he looked at me and ran over

“Why did you make him cry?” Taehyung says wiping the tears

“He pushed me and I already don't like him, it's only by Jimin's orders in serving him now” Jin says tossing the clothes at Taehyung as he turned to walk out

“You change the brat I didn't sign up for this” He says walking out with the other man on his trail

“Jungkook please just stay calm….”

“Calm the three people whom I trusted the most have kidnapped me!! Why so Jimin could be king!?” I yell cutting Taehyung off just the get a slap in the face from him

“Don't you dare speak so lowly of Jimin!” He yells getting out of the bed

“He didn't want to kidnap you! You're the nosy little brat who found his plans and we couldn't just leave you!” He yells as I held my cheek where he hit me

“Jimin loves you more than anything and what he said last night was true he isn't your real brother but only by blood he is your brother by bond you're the only reason he is still in this godforsaken kingdom!!” Taehyung tells even more making me flinch and tear up hiding my face in my knees

I've never met anyone who would yell at me even Jimin would never yell they all knew if they said something honestly they would be banished. I was hidden away from all the brutal truth that they kept from me. And if what Taehyung had just said was true I needed to find out more about what was really going on.

“T-Taehyung i'm scared I-I just want to go home to the palace” I say with small sniffles in between as he sighed hugging me

“Jungkook just please listen to what we say, when Jimin comes back from town he will explain everything. He couldn't bare telling you the truth all in one go. Then the same cute prince we all loved would no longer be here” He says making me jump up with wide eyes

“So please let's get you washed up and changed we are going to be setting off on a journey soon” He adds standing up grabbing the bowl the other male Jin had in hand when he walked in

“T-Taehyung can you tell me one thing” I ask as he nods striping my clothes off me

“Mhm I'll answer anything that I am able to” He says smiling softly

“W-Who are you really?” I asked watching as he washed my arms and legs soothingly

“I am honestly named Kim Taehyung I really am a scholar from the man who raised me but he found me almost dead from the army and saved my life. Jungkook I am not from this Kingdom that your father rules over” He says as I watched him in a daze

“S-So what Kingdom are you from?” I asked in wonder as he shook his head

“I am from the same country and Kingdom from what Jimin is from, all of us here are from that kingdom, well all but you and Yoongi this is your home country” He says as I nod looking down

“When Jimin comes in he will tell and explain everything before we leave, so I only request from you that you don't say a word. Where we are going no one has ever seen the king or the prince so no one will Listen and will most likely try to beat you to death” Taehyung says placing the clean clothes on me as he tied my hands back up

After Taehyung had left I sat in thought of everything he was telling me, I was wondering what he meant by Everyone besides me and Yoongi are not from this Kingdom but another, Why was Jimin named prince if he wasnt of the kingdom. It all made no sense to me whatsoever. I groaned and heard yelling outside the voice was Jimins. I leaned close to the window trying to see Jimin as he and Yoongi were fighting over something.

I managed to get closer

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