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Oaky, i'm making it a Chaptered fic.. Very very short fic. Maybe 5 chapters. LOL.  This idea just came up while i was listening to Secret Love (instrumental song) ..I dunno too.. Waaa.. And it highlights Cl and GD's marriage life . it's alil bit comedy.. hehe.. How GD suffers from Chaerin while she was in her first trimester.. LOL..

This isn't a sequel of ToD but i'll promise I'll write the sequel after I finish this fic.

That's Allllll.~~~Hope yu guys will appreciate it~~~

Comments are LOVE <33


JUsssst Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad...


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sky_dragon25 #2
This is so funny
LOL so much!
My stomach is hurting XD
I tried to hold my laugh cause its freaking almost dawn here, and my insomnia is killing me.

Really, Poor Jiyong. Hahahahahahaha!
lol !!! Poor Ji hahah xD
ROFL I love this story. Poor Jiyong has to support this wife of him lol. But i love it lol
Ohlalala.. I've got some of the ideas from my classmate's preggy aunt. LOL She said preggy women won't share their foods. HAHA.And said they have to eat no garlic as seasoning in their foods so I applied it. keke
cl_jiD #7
oh god i don't think pregnant women can actually get that worse><