27 I'm Fine

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


I'm Fine



She closes her eyes and clenches her fist, trying to calm herself down. She is wearing a white off shoulder blouse that the gentleman in front of her does not seem to approve of, well he is set in his ways or so he said – too old to change he says.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

It’s an exercise in futility. She has a stoic face but inside those brown orbs is turmoil.

Sitting in rather comfortable purple chair, sitting uncomfortably straight up, she clenches her fist on top of her lap, observing the old man lying on the bed beside her.

Just across her is the view of the city, just under her feet is a wooden patterned floor, the cabinets have that same wood texture but the walls are eerily white. Beside the bed are machines hooked along with tubes going to the old mans hands.

Hyewon opened her fist and look at him, rays of the early morning sun seeping through the window.  She exhaled one more time trying to find the right timing. She leaned on the couch and put her hands on top of each other; opening to speak but her chosen timing is once again wrong.

“You could’ve studied here.” The old look out of the window.

“I don’t think I fit in here.” She bit the inside of .

“Such a waste, when you have been initially accepted.”

“To tell the truth I would, a business degree at Yonsei, I think I would have went that way.” Hyewon replied fiddling with her fingernails. She musters to curve a smile, “Something change that made me change my mind. I decide I want to try something more true to me. Atleast get away from the business thing. I just stop pleasing them, its not working for me.”

She stretches her arm out to the window. Going back to those times of where she considers taking a business degree and getting in to one of the prestigious university in Korea. People still think she did not get in to any of them, she did though – at Yonsei, but at that time she has dismiss the idea.  Her initial plan change and change, and matters of heart have changed her direction.

Her grandfather observes her face that shows barely any emotion. “Do you hate the idea that much? Don’t you want to try and run our company?”  

“I hope you reconsider. “

Hyewon can only purse her lips upon hearing her grandfather’s gruff voice.

“I don’t think I’m the right person for it.”

“How do you say so? You’re proving your capabilities and you’re a fast learner.”

Hyewon tried to hold a smirk after hearing the remark, this kind of recognition do have an effect on her, though her answer remains the same.

“It’s not something I wanted.”

 “I like that you have a mind of your own, a different way of thinking. It’s refreshing to watch. I do hope you consider, at this point it is probably what we need, a talent like yours. ” The old man said, knowing well enough that grand-daughter would rather build her own empire than inherit the one he has; Hyewon is still his primary choice.

She shook her head, puffs her cheeks and once again slightly straightened the way she is seated, looking down on her feet. Something the old man noted.

“You’re here for some other reason right?”   

Hyewon look at her grandfather, “It’s…”

“Is it about that? The marriage interview?” The oldman chuckle.  

Hyewon once again shook her head.

“I’ll talk to him. I don’t think someone like you should be married off in that way and I personally don’t agree nor approve of it.”

Hyewon smiled, an honest smile that the old man was glad to see.

“They really got your picture there.” The old man pointed to the television set that has been playing the early morning news.

Hyewon mouth open slightly upon seeing what is currently being shown.

“Gramps, I don’t think you should be watching the news. It will be bad for your health.”

The old man chuckled at her suggestion but he continued watching the news.

Hyewon then glance to the television once more, it’s the same news that’s been blaring for weeks now. Ever since the news about her grandfather collapsing spread, she has seen her picture appear of morning news scroll, news sites and newspapers. Her moves can no longer be hidden and as the one and only child of the person currently standing as head of the Kang Enterprise, she is being touted as the next generation heir – her every moved and credentials getting scrutinized.

She have learned not to care on most of the content but what makes her teeth grit is that people thinks she have a fling with another chaebol son, in addition to the amount of paparazzi’s following her every moved. Those things make the usually very calm Hyewon blood boil.

The image of her older male cousin flashes on screen. “Gramps I think you should consider Daniel, also I think Mina-ssi would like to have a chance for it.”

The old man let a hearty laugh escape his lips, “The three of you’re the opposite of your parents. Daniel told me that if anyone deserves it, it is you. Mina is focusing on making it on her own with her modeling gig on the other hand your fathers are willing to kill each other for it.”


“Yet you are showing me that you’re more capable than them. There is less hubris and more actual work.”

“Do you hate them Grandpa?”

“I can’t hate them they’re my children and part of why they are like that is because of me too. I use to be like them…”

“But gramps you are not now. I’m … I’m afraid that if I took your offer I might… end up like him too.”

The old man smiled and gesture to let him pat her head, Hyewon obliged.

“I don’t think you will. Your heart has always been in the right place. If I pass away, my choice will be one of the three of you, credential wise it’s Daniel-ssi but I really want it to be you, I feel like you can achieve more – you have a talent for this.”

After a few more minutes, Hyewon decided it’s about time go. Hyewon hug her grandfather tightly reminding him to rest and not to stress himself out. In return his grandfather said the same thing to her patting her head one more time.

She sighed and smiled one last time to the old man, remembering her childhood. Remembering the loving father she once have and the towering presence of her grandfather. Her grandfather is a hardened man shape by his time, scary still and a presence that evoke fear to all of them.

Kids learn quickly those who can hurt them and the old man was that. It is no secret to everyone that he can get violent when someone displeases him but show this kind but strong mask to those outside the family. An observant child, Hyewon, knew quickly what is real and what is fake, knew quickly the family hierarchy is and what is expected of all of them.  She’s damn well a stubborn child but even she knew she can’t be too stubborn as to displease the old man.

Things changed his father shed his mask while for some reason seeing his sons almost kill each other for position change the old man view. Hyewon is still afraid of the old man lying weakly in that bed, she is not gonna lie about that. Having him on her side is still better than being alone even though what he wanted and what she wanted is different. The old man is a lot more patient now and she does enjoy his company nowadays but her wariness never truly disappears.

Hyewon picks up her shoulder bag and Burberry coat and slowly made her way to the door when the old man called her name, this time in a freezing, threatening tone. It made her flinch; she stood still with her hand hovering over the door knob.


Hyewon turn her head to him and tried to make her best to put a smile on her lips. The old man noted this and sighed, he soften his voice. “About those following you, I’ll ask your father about that and also about the matter with Mint Group and their daughter. I’ll keep her in mind; I know you are very close to her. ”

Hyewon shook her head slightly before continuing to exit the door, she’s not sure if what his grandfather said is reassuring or a cause for concern. She took a deep breathe and fish out her phone, quickly dialing the number of her next destination.

She hastily walks to the back exit, knowing the probability of paparazzi following her is high. They are the least of her problem, she rather encounter them than the high chance of getting face to face with her father who is about to arrive any minute now.

She slowly opens the door of her car not bothering putting up shades or facemask anymore. She looks to a bush in a distance and sighed, but put on a smirk just for show. Conflicted she maybe, she contacted one of her bodyguards who are following her in another car to deal with them. This is the world she is living now.

She drove off to her next stop. It is somewhere closer to nature. She watches the road go by and it made her think. Yes this is her world now, no more hiding – there is no chance of doing that.

She tightens her hold of the steering wheel and once again watches the world pass by.  Some people, who know her say that they envy how she sees the world, believe her she is trying to hold on to that view. Lately it is getting hard and it is scaring her, slowly and slowly things are going out of her control but she still wants to hold on to that.

Rose. That is what they call it, an unwavering optimistic view of the world, but that is never the color she sees, nor the view she operates with. Maybe when she was younger it use to be rose but rose carry that naivety with it and she never been that naïve.

Her glasses are not tinted in rose. It’s a bit more orange than the pink people called rose and a lot less yellow than peach. What was the name of that color again? Yeah, it’s called coral – that is what the design book lying on the passenger seat said it is.  

She chuckled, comparing her entire world view to a color. It’s probably something her friend Yena would say, Ah that’s so Hyewon thing to do. Maybe it really is a Hyewon thing to do, thinking about it lift her spirit up somehow.

People might think of her as pink but coral it is, it’s the color she wants to represent her. Hyewon at first glance evoke the feeling of rose color. Feminine, caring, warmhearted, all things that are true to her – but it also give people the idea of someone who is fragile, emotional and impulsive, things she wish and knows are not true of her.

On the other hand maybe coral will be better representation of her; it has the warm heartedness and caring of pink, the sociability and individuality of orange but not as loud as it is. Coral is more subtle color, kinda like her. It could describe her, someone who gains attention but does not seek it, a bit unconventional and random. For her, her world is tinted coral, she wishes it stays coral and hopes that it never shifts too much to red or for it to turn blue.

Up north of Seoul, she travels. To the wooded part of Mt. Bukhan is her destination. She is greeted with a more green than the grays of the city – she knows she is near. Up she climb a hill, another turn and the familiar place is right in front of her.

She gently parks her car, standing in front of the modest house with her hand on the pocket of her coat, it is smaller than some of the house typically found in the area but still speak upper class, nothing less of what Hyewon expects from someone that is part of her family.

She walks the laid out stone path way, turn her head on her right and there stands a small but beautifully made fountain, on top is a bird. She smirk, if there is someone blood related to her that is closest to her in personality it is someone from this family.

She turns her head around, just to familiarize herself once more to it. It’s been awhile since she had visited this place. The landscaping is very well done, speaks for her aunt’s talent. She continues walking till she is right in front of the door, she hover her hand over the doorbell when the door swung open and a smile greet her.

“Oh you’re here, already!”

She smiled back and bowed to the lady. The woman put her hand on her cheeks. “Oh my, look at you. You’re such a lady now, so pretty. Those pictures they use on T.V. do not do you justice.”

Hyewon chuckled; she leans on her hand and pouts. She wanted to say something but words are getting harder to come by, she just let the warmth engulf her.

The lady took her hand and guides her inside the house. “Damin just left for school. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll go and prepare something for us.” She took Hyewon’s coat off her arms.

“Auntie, let me help you.”  Hyewon cling unto her and put her head over her shoulder.

“Hyewon-ah just sit there and rest. I know you’re stressed out so take this time to rest allright.”

Hyewon did not protest further, she head unto the couch but her eyes is fixated to the direction of the veranda. Her aunt notices this and told her she can go and rest in there if she wanted.

Hyewon step inside it and leaned on its clear glass wall, from this point she can see the busier side of the city. The glass wall protects it from the cold breeze while still allowing the perfect view. She sat on one of the chair and made herself comfortable while waiting for her Aunt.

She scrolled through her inbox and lurks to social media and news site to see what is currently up in the news or more like if her face is once again plastered on the front page. She sighed when she saw herself up again, though the headline is positive, she still not use to the kind of media circus surrounding her recently.

She switches back to her messages and there are several once she yet to answer, some from Yena, from Eunbi, from her lawyer and a new one from Chaewon. She hover her finger over the message and decided at once to open it.

I miss you.

Hyewon miss her too, she misses her a lot, and truly she misses everyone at the apartment. She covers with her left hand and put her phone on her lap, closing her eyes. Taking the time to relax, let her memory roll in. Letting her brain remember her smile, her angel, that’s all she need for now.

She messages her back, promising her something.  Afterwards she switches to read the message from Yena, Eunbi and her lawyer. They all the same, all worrying about her, Yena specially is in her protective bear mode regarding her where about. She messages them back and assured them that she is fine.

Fine, in away that she feels fine than she expected herself to be. She taps her phone on top of the table and wonders why the word fine seems to have an opposite meaning the more you say it.

“Hyewon-ah.”  A gentle voice called her name and she looks to the direction it came from.

She quickly offered help to her in carrying the tray of tea and slices of cake.

“Im sorry, you might perhaps want coffee?”

“Tea is fine, Auntie.” She replied, once again her eyes wanders to the view of the city.

“How are you?” her aunt ask, Hyewon only let out a deep sigh – still trying to find the words to say. How are you? is a pretty hard question to answer lately.

Her aunt notices this and changes her question. “How’s your company? I heard it’s doing really well.”

“It is, I’m lucky to find a perfect CEO, Yong… I mean CEO Kim is doing really well. I don’t think I contribute much so far.”  Hyewon answered.

Their interaction is rather awkward. The situation and the things they want to discuss make it so hard to converse naturally.

“You don’t look well, are you getting enough sleep?”

Hyewon shake her head. With how things are going and her university assignments, sleep is a luxury she wishes she could afford right now. 

“You should, your Mom would not like it – if you get sick, if you have nothing schedule for the next hour you can rest here, take a nap and relax for now.”

Her aunt took a sip of her tea, and notices something. “I thought you love cake?”

It’s that time that Hyewon realize she have not touch her food.  If there is something she loves a lot, other than her angel, it is probably the cake but she barely has appetite today.

She took her fork and dig in a piece of it.  The sweet taste of the icing, the flavor of strawberry, all things familiar to her taste buds, all things she almost forgot. She continued taking bites and giggled like a little child for every time it hits her tongue.

She gets to eat good food that is true, but eating her favorite at a comfortable setting is something she has not been afforded too. Her Aunt continued to watch over her, letting her finish her snack peacefully. She knows the pressure her niece is facing.

The older lady looks to the glass wall and the cityscape of Seoul. She looks back to the girl as she took the last bite; she let a smile creep up her lips. She took a deep breath, she knows why she is here and there is no beating around the bush anymore.


“Is mom, I she ok?” Hyewon asks. She rested the fork on top of the plate.

“She is. She is in great condition, physically at least.”

“I miss her.”

“I know you do, she misses you too. How long has it been Hyewonnie?”

“More than two months now.”

Hyewon pursed lips and look back to the cityscape asking her tears not to fall down.

“It’s ok to cry my dear. Let if fall, It might help you.” The older lady reach out to Hyewon’s closed fist that is lying on top of the table. She pried it open and slowly massages the younger girl’s palm.

Hyewon look down trying her best not to cry, “It’s been more than two months now. I miss Mom, I miss her a lot. Auntie I have not hear her voice for that long, I have not seen her, I can’t talk to her, nothing. I don’t know where to go now. ” Hyewon sobs.

 “I want to tell her a lot of things…I want to tell Mom, I love her, I miss her… Why is he doing this to me?” Hyewon pulled her hand out of her Aunt and buried her face into her palms.

Her Aunt can only watch her, she moves closer to her, hug her and gently caresses her back while letting the younger cry her heart out.

“Is there anything you want to tell, her.”

“Tell Mom, Hyewonnie.. Hyewon is doing well. Hyewon is trying her best. Hyewon will be able to talk to her soon. Tell her Wonwon will win this.” Hyewon started wiping her tears with her hands. Her Aunt gently pats her head. “Anything else?”

“Tell her I love her. When this all done, me, her and Chaewon , maybe we could eat somewhere good.”

All Hyewon wanted to know is that her mother is doing well and all she wanted to say is the thing she has not said often. I love you.

For the next two hours, Hyewon stayed and sleep, the tiredness of the past week catching up to her. Hyewon’s aunt packs her some food and when Hyewon decided to leave she sent her with a hug. That’s about the thing she could do for now, be the bridge, the messenger between the girl and her mother.

Hyewon is once again on the road. She made a quick stop by to her office to do some work. She then grabs a meal and went to her campus to attend two of her classes. She looks back to her schedule and smile. She still has some time so she can visit them today, surprising them would be good.  

Surprisingly today she has some time to spare but she has not feel like going back to the apartment yet. Not when it seems there are people trailing her. She drops by a flower shop and then to a pastry shop, she messages her lawyer informing him that she will drop by his place. She will go there not to see her lawyer she will go there for something else.

Hyewon smiled, for the first time today she smiled, bright and wide. 

She parked her car into an apartment complex underground parking. She steps out of the 8th floor and press the door buzzer of the room she plans to visit. She is hoping that they are there today, hopefully. As far as she knows they are on “crunch”.

Before she knew it the door swung open.


“hi..hi..” Hyewon greeted.

A pair of arms embraces Hyewon and pulled her inside the apartment.  It was rather nice to be the one getting the surprise hug. The pair of arms belongs to a girl who at first sight looks really scary but is actually one of the goofiest kids you could meet. Hyewon pinches the younger girl’s cheeks.

A taller girl was about to pass by when she notices her.  

“Nanami-san.” At the sound of her voice, three heads pop up out of the corner room, their eyes open wide and all of them run to her.

Before they could come close Chowon and Nanami took the bags of cake and milk tea Hyewon is holding. Hyewon was then tackled by a bunny looking girl in twin tails, another girl with shorter hair piled up on top of them, while the last opted to help Chowon with bags of milk teas.

Hyewon hug the two girls back. She is currently at the Han household, where they usually hangout and serves as their team headquarter. The Asai’s and Chiba’s live in the same apartment complex. Together they form the webtoon team called Team Snack that currently has an ongoing adventure series in a popular platform.

“Hey! We gotta get back to work.” Chowon claps and called their attention. Hyewon can’t help but chuckle.

“Unnie, I think you need to rest your wrist. “ Erii rolled her eyes at her team leader insistence to continue drawing.  

“Nah let me finish the last drafts, continue inking the ones I finish.” Chowon shrugged her off, “Minami – do we have the background ready for the ruins?”

 “Chowon-ah don’t be that demanding.” Hyewon back hug the younger girl, she reach out to her right wrist and massage it. “Make sure to take care of yourself, if your wrist is hurting you should rest it.” 

“Unnie... b-but. We are on a rush… update is the day after tomorrow and we have not done much. Beside you sent the script late” Chowon pouted.

“I know. That’s why I’m here today. I’m going to help so you don’t need to constantly ask me on kakao.” Hyewon smiled and patted her cheeks.

Chowon felt the heat rising to her ears. “L..Let’s go back to our station.”  She sputtered.         

“That’s one hell of a tsundere.” Nanami thought. She then taps her unnie’s shoulder and asks for her coat. Hyewon followed the younger girl to the kitchen and to help her prepare the snack she brought in.

Nanami is the 2nd oldest in the team after her, she rarely speaks but her voice is always calming and her music is one of the things that help her to sleep.

“Are you ok, Onee-chan?” Nanami asks.

“Yes, I am. I’m good now.” Hyewon took the lemon cake out of the box.

“I don’t believe you.” Nanami pointed the cake knife with icing to Hyewon cheeks.

“You read me well.” Hyewon smirk and wipe of the icing on her face. “I’m a bit stressed that’s all.”

“You could’ve used today to rest.” Nanami finishes slicing the red velvet cake to six equal parts.

“I don’t think its rest as rest that I needed. I need something else.” Hyewon opened the faucet and let the water hit her hand. “Few minutes here and I feel like a lot of my worries have disappeared.” Hyewon then leaned on to the younger’s shoulder and put her hand on her waist.

Nanami chuckled, “You’re going to make people get the wrong idea.”

“Nanami-chan.” Hyewon brows furrowed as she remembers something. “Are you really going back to Japan?”

“I plan to.” Nanami answered.

“Are you not going to take CSAT tomorrow?”

“No. I will take CSAT. It’s my back up plan but I do plan to go back to Japan.” Nanami lift up the tray of red velvet cake, while Hyewon took the other one.

“How ‘bout our team, Yuuka, Erii , Minami?” Hyewon followed Nanami to the corner room.

“They’ll be fine, they’ll have Mom, and beside they have you and Chowon. For the team, the internet exists.”

“and you?”

“I’ll be fine. Just tryna find myself. I’ll study music there.”

“Looks like I will not be able to change your mind.” Hyewon understand what the younger girl wanted to do.  They step inside the makeshift studio and four heads turn to their direction all drinking their respective teas.

“Onee-chan , aren’t you going to study?” The girl in half up do sitting in the middle table asks, in front of her, is a laptop and a desk tablet.

Nanami chuckled while she settles down the tray, Hyewon following behind her. 

 “If I tried to study anymore than I did, all that I learned will just leak out. I’ll try to relax ‘till tomorrow.”

“I’ll tell Mom, what you’re doing.” The girl put her tongue out and teases her older sister. 

“I wanna see you try, Yuuka.” Nanami smirked and sit on the corner bench, where her instrument is lying.

She glances to two other people in the room. “Minami, let go of Hyewon onee-chan, let her seat first.”

Hyewon chuckled and just hug the younger girl who is currently clinging to her. “ok, ok. I’ll sit beside you.”

“Unnie , you are spoiling her.” Chowon turn around.

Hyewon laugh and hug Minami tightly. “It’s because Minami is my baby.”

“What about me, unnie?” Chowon whined. Truthfully they all want their precious Unnie’s attention today. 

“Chowon is chowon.” Hyewon laughs, some of crackest laugh they heard.  

“Onee-chan.” A shorter haired girl with lollipop on her lips then taps Chowon’s shoulder to lend her a wrist support bandage. 

“Ah thank you, Erii.” Chowon accepted the bandage and wraps her aching wrist with it.

“See you have Erii. You should focus on taking care of her.” Hyewon put her tongue out and then smirk. She is very much not the president nor a company heir but rather just a kid, enjoying things with her friends, being childish and playful to her hearts content.

She followed Minami back to her station, where the younger started tinkering her work and Hyewon intently watch her.  

“Is Yuuka-chi jealous?” Nanami teases her younger sister.

“No im not.” Yuuka scoffed.

Erii and Minami heard her and the two younger ones immediately run and hug her. The older girl’s can’t help but have their heart melts. Nanami played 365 paper airplane on her saxophone just because, because she likes it.  Her sister did not appreciate it and glared back to her, nanami tried to hold her laughter back.

“Back to work.” Chowon declared.

“Eat first.” Hyewon and Minami simultaneously said.

“We eat while we work, deal.” Chowon bargained, she slide back to her workstation and face her 24” screen tablet to finish some sketches.  

“Chowonie, you’re so serious, let’s have a break and eat cake.” Hyewon grinned.  

Chowon rolls her eyes. “You’re eating your cake, unnie.”

“I just want you to relax. Let’s have a break.”

“Later, Unnie. I’ll just finish this sketch.” Chowon then taps the girl beside her. “Erii I have transferred some sketches on our drive.”

Erii opened their shared drive and copied over the file she will be working. She then returns to the previous sketch she is inking, working on it in a slightly smaller screen tablet.

“Cho-neechan, is this render ok.” Minami then called the attention of their team leader, showing her the newly rendered background on her smaller monitor screen, while she tinker on it on her bigger screen.

“Minami that’s amazing.” Both Hyewon and Chowon exclaimed when they saw the 3D render that Minami produced.  “You’re the best.”

“Hyewon-nee chan can you answer this?” Yuuka then called the attention of their team mostly absent script writer.

“Oh what is this for?”  Hyewon asks.

“Is that for the special chapter, Yuuka?” Chowon turned her seat around to face Yuuka.

“Yeah, I collated the fans question. So you all should answer.” Yuuka taps the prints on the table.

“Allright then let’s take this chance to have a break.” Chowon rubs her hands together and scooted her seat to the middle table.

“Everyone, middle table!” She called tapping the table top. “Yuuka-chi has questions for us.”

“Onee-chan should answer too.”  Yuuka then called the attention of her sister who is now just scrolling on her phone.

Yuuka then fix her sitting position, “Let’s start, who is your favorite character, so far?”   

“Why do we need to choose from our babies?” Chowon whined.

“Yah. I can’t choose.” Hyewon added.

Yuuka then turn her head to Minami who is thinking deeply, “I like Woonhye and Tsuki, Woonhye because she is Kang-chan. She sacrifices herself to do the things other does not want to do just to help her group. ”  

“Me. Hancho even though we know what will happen to her.” Erii unwrap another lollipop.

“ey.. that still far – Erii don’t spoil the story yet.” Yuuka punches Erii’s shoulder for answering the question that way. “Ok. It’s Hancho because people misunderstood and under estimated her but she is soft hearted and goofy and skilled fighter all along.”

“Honestly can she not die in that arc.” Erii sighed at the fate of her favorite character.

“Her dying is a plot point, it’s there to give Woonhye a push.” Chowon explained.

“I want her there as part of the 12 but Chowon wants some drama so..” Hyewon shrugs explaining her side as the writer.

“I think it’s the best, having our main, Yeonchae as the last person in, in expense of another character. So its Woonhye’s happiness vs. Sumire’s.”  Chowon said, as she took a huge cake bite, defending her decision to kill Hancho in favor of the drama.

“And you choose for Woonhye to give in.” Minami chimed in.  


“You agreed Onee-chan?” Minami then turned her head to Hyewon.

“She was insisting on it, so I agreed. I think it makes it dramatic. Beside Sumire has bigger role than Woonhye upto that point.”

As the conversation devolve around the merit of killing Hancho, having Woonhye sacrifice, vs having Yeonchae get in earlier. Nanami decided to play one of the music she lent for the series, it’s called You’re My Star – Reprise version, on her saxophone. The noise gets too much for Yuuka. She is not getting anything out of the conversation.

“Enough!” She shouted.

Everyone stopped talking. Everyone who is talking stopped talking, so that excludes her sister who still is playing her song on her saxophone, at this point doing so just to spite her. 


 Nanami smirked and shrug her shoulder as she put her instrument down.

“Next question!” Yuuka then proceed to read the question. “I don’t like Ahnyu-Hwiyoung tandem, I think they are op. Is there character the team you doesn’t like.” 

“Toss that. I don’t tolerate Ahnyu & Hwiyoung hate train in this house.” Hyewon immediately declared.  

“k.” Yuuka crossed the question out.

This time Nanami decided to play her rendition of “Very Very Very” by IOI on her saxophone.

“Oneechan!!!” Yuuka once again shouted to her sister.

“Sorry it calms my nerve. Need it for tomorrow’s exam.” Naamin said, just having fun at her sister expense.  

The Japanese girls are all her sister one way or another, Yuuka is her biological sister, and Erii is her unofficial step sister considering her mother’s relationship with Erii’s mother. Minami? She is Erii’s cousin; she lost her parent’s not long ago and has been practically adopted by the Chiba’s. Nanami just feel like fooling around today, maybe because who knows when all of them will be here in this table together again.

“This question is for you. Which music you compose for the series you really like so far? ”

“Ah it is this.” Naamin replied but instead of words, she played the same song she played earlier, You’re My Star – Reprise version.  Yuuka can only groan at her older sister’s antics, while the rest tried to hold their laughter.

They continue to talk about story development for awhile until Yuuka have no more question to ask. The girl then check the answer to clean them up and maybe started creating the layout for the said special chapter.

Chowon would have wanted to help on inking but Erii insisted she rest her wrist, while Minami who have finished with her previous work started doing something else. Hyewon notices this and ask her.

Minami enthusiastically shared, “I’m doing basic assets unnie nothing more, its just lowpoly.”

“For whom.”

“Me and Erii found this ad by certain SakuChan39 and it was just asking for basic stuff so we thought we go and do it.” Minami continue tweaking her model.

“Oh, are you sure she’s legit.”

“Legit unnie, she already paid us. She’s very generous. We already meet her too.” The younger girl smiled.

“She really trusted you?”

“Mom? Do you not believe in our skills, beside you know her already.”

“No, no no.. I believe in you. it is just- it just sounds suspicious to me. Wait I know her? ” 

“What’s her name again?”

Erii shift her seat to answer the older girl, “its Sakuchan39 nee-chan, it’s Miyawaki Sakura-san. She lives in your apartment, Onee-chan.”


Hyewon eyes open wide upon hearing the name of the said girl; I mean she has a lot of question, but seeing how Minami and by extent Erii seems happy with their work and in a way having sense that Sakura is satisfied at the kids result, she put her question aside.

But who would have known, the world is really small. Her, Sakura, and the Japanese kids she adores somehow get connected to each other.

The Han matriarch arrived home and ask Hyewon to stay for dinner, she declined sighting that she have an appointment. For one last time she hug her team and whisper to Nanami that if she ever need help she knows someone in Japan, who do music, to connect with her.

After a few more minutes driving in the now dark road, Hyewon found herself parking her car, in the park few blocks away from the apartment. It’s the place where the Pojangmacha, she, Yena and lately Eunbi frequent. Taking with her the bouquet of lilies and daisies she bought earlier.

She went to the side opposite of the Pojangmacha, sitting in a bench under a lamp. Nothing special or impressive of the place but it gives a romantic feel. Maybe it is the lamp or the bench that give it the feel and she like that.

A cold breeze blew and Hyewon put both her hands on the pocket of her coat, winter is here though it is yet to snow it feels like it will snow soon. The wind is chilly almost freezing and she can see her breath frosting in the air. She let her legs sway, up and down cross to one another, puffing her cheeks as she wait.

From afar she is like a teenager who sneaks out and is waiting for her date to arrive. Its freezing, she looks up to the sky with stars barely visible as they fight the light of the city. The night sky is still beautiful for her.  She hugs herself for heat, it’s cold and chilly, and she curses herself for forgetting her mittens in her car.

But despite all that is going, she is here to wait patiently. She knows the person she is waiting is probably tired, she has important exam tomorrow and Hyewon do feel guilty asking the girl to come out at this hour in this cold.

She misses her a lot, she want to run to her right now, hug her and kiss her. Ok not the last one, Kang Hyewon you two are not yet official. She sighed, and buried her head on the palm of her hand trying to hide the warmth that is spreading on her cheeks.

“Why did you choose to wait here, when it’s this cold?” Hyewon feel a scarf being wrapped around her neck, she look up to the voice that lulled her heart. Her world stops right there, the lamp light, the mist of their condensing breath, the icy wind that make thing glow when they are hit by light, and the lamp that is illuminating her angel. She stared at her for cat knows how long, almost unblinking until the other girl chuckle.

Hyewon just blink still processing, the moment, it’s been awhile. She wants to hug her tightly but her body is unmoving. It’s almost like she is suffering from a blue screen of death situation. She then felt warm lips gently touching her forehead; tears almost fell out of her eyes. She quickly put her arms over the other girls neck, but her hold is weak so that when the other girl stood up her hand slide down to her shoulder, she look up to her again, admiring her angel’s beauty.

How is it, the feeling that you have not seen someone for so long? It’s about two weeks now when the incident happen, that long since she want back to apartment. It was that long since she saw and touch her face.

Her eyes are that of innocent child, seeing the one she loves once again. All those problems, the company, the news coverage, all those shove back to the depths. All she sees now is her, her worries forgotten, because she is here, her everything is in front of her. Once again she told herself that it is all she need. She reaches out to touch her face, the cold now long forgotten.

“You could’ve gone back to the apartment, Unnie. It’s cold here. What if you get sick?” The red haired girl held the hand that is touching her cheeks and leaned to it.

That’s when Hyewon’s gear finally return back to normal or more it speed up. She quickly stands and hastily removes the scarf and wraps it back to the other girl’s neck.

“You’re the one who need this, we can’t’ have you getting sick especially with the exam tomorrow.” Hyewon blabber as she ties the scarf back to Chaewon’s neck. “Aish… I’m so stupid I should have not asked you to come here. What if you get sick?”

“Unnie it’s ok.” Chaewon put her arms over the older girl’s waist and pulled her to her embrace, basking into the warmth of her body. She buried her head to her shoulder.

Hyewon put one of her arm on the other girl’s waist and the other to her shoulder. She tightens her hug, just wanting to make sure that the girl she loves is still there. No words was spoken for a good while, they let their action do the talking. Right now they are all things they could not say.

Chaewon lift up her head and look to her beloved’s face. She graces her finger and traces the outline of her nose. She has a lot of things she wanted to ask, but can’t. She is waiting for the other to trust her.

Looking at her face, touching her skin – Chaewon can’t help but be mesmerized by her childhood friend – she is really beautiful-gorgeous, for the time being forgetting her worries. They are so close, almost mere millimeters away from each. She saw the older’s eyes wanders to her lips as she does the same, their forehead touching. So close, she is starting to forget how to breathe. She notice the subtle tilt of the older’s head, she leans closer and maybe if words are failing, action can bridge the gap.


Hyewon quickly cover her nose and wipe the snot that is leaking out of it. Part of her wants to laugh, part of her is startled at the action she was about to do earlier. She wants to kiss her that’s true but to find herself close to doing that – is making her heart pound like she just ran a marathon and on top of that to screw the moment because she sneezes and now has snot dropping of her nose, embarrassing to say the least.

She lift up her head and accidentally lock eyes with Chaewon’s, they both quickly averted their gaze, the heat now spreading to her ears. Thanks that it’s cold because her face is probably red and she can blame that redness to cold.

Not knowing what to do, Hyewon suddenly remembers the flower she bought, she hastily and awkwardly pick it up. She is planning to give it to the other girl coolly, but that’s kind off ruined now. Before she could turnaround though, she heard Chaewon’s voice. 

“Will you ever tell me what happened? or happening?” The red haired girl asks. For one Chaewon have a general idea, she knows what part of the news is true and what is probably hear say but still she wants to hear directly from the person itself.

Hyewon slowly turn around, holding the bouquet of stargazer lilies and white daisies. agape hearing the question she does not want to hear right now. She’s trying to dig her brain for words, her heartbeat audible to her ears.

She averted her gaze once again. “I ... I would. G-give me time.”

“When? How much?” Chaewon brows furrowed observing the older’s reaction.

“Look don’t worry about it for now you have exam tomorrow. I. I don’t want you to get distracted.” Hyewon desperately tried to change the topic, looking everywhere but to the younger.

“Unnie... please, lean on me, please. Let me help you.” Chaewon put her hands over the older girl shoulder.

Hyewon could not help but look at Chaewon’s watery eyes. She too started to feel tears knocking and asking to fall. She nods to her.    


“I understand…. After your exam. After it. I’ll tell you.” Hyewon pursed her lips.



Hyewon smiled, why is she blessed by the presence of this angel? Her tears fall freely down her cheeks, her chest aching. There is guilt, there is love, and there is exhaustion.

“Are you tired?”

Hyewon nods again, she is tired, exhausted and more importantly aching but that is not what she is here for now. She called Chaewon for one thing and that is to give her support.

“For you.” She gently handed her the flowers she carefully choose earlier. Chaewon smiled and accepted, wiping her own tears with the of her palm. She smiled, and nodded. Hyewon pulled her into another hug.

“I’m sorry. I’ll tell you everything soon.” It was all she can say.

Hyewon suddenly saw a glint of light, her heart race but before she could react.

“You cat damn cockroach, leave my unnies alone!!!”

Hyewon heard a fierce but familiar voice speaking in almost fluent Korean. She and Chaewon look at the direction and there they saw Nako in her padded jacket bashing the paparazzo with her bag.

Not far behind her, they saw Yujin arrived huffing, she held Nako’s arm to prevent her from further hurting the man. “Unnie, remember your image!”

“I understand.” Nako hissed back to the taller girl while Chaewon and Hyewon tried to process what is happening.  

They heard another commotion and all four look into the direction.

“There’s another one here!!!” Eunbi shouted.

“There’s one here too!!!” Sakura shouted back. “Chae help me.”  

 Chaeyeon held one of the paparazzi’s arms, while Sakura dismantled his camera.

“How do you even remove the SD card from this one?” Yena asks as she try investigate the camera of the paparazzi, Eunbi is currently holding.

“Don’t hold it that way you are going to damage it!!!” the paparazzi spits to Yena’s direction.

“What are you doing to her!?” Yuri was about to punch the guy but was held by Wonyoung.

“Here is another one that needs to be reminded of image.” Yujin said, pretending to be some wise person all while using Nako as her armrest.

“What are you guys doing here?” Hyewon finally spoke.

“Unnie, it’s…” Chaewon scratches her head.

“Hey idiot! Why would we let Chaewon walk at this hour!? With how many suspicious people lurking around you, you should have known that it will be dangerous? What an idiot.” Eunbi scoffed, eyeing a Hyewon that is now looking at the ground.   

“Yeah, we won’t let that, it’s dangerous. My informant told me they saw people following your car when they last saw you.” Sakura added.  

“Informant?” Hyewon ears perked. Who in the world is Sakura’s informant and why did they know her.

“Erii-san and Minami-san.” Sakura showed her phone conversation with the two kids.

“How ‘bout those two?” Hyewon remember the two other girls who come in different direction.

“Us Unnie? We just saw you pass by when I and Nako-unnie was heading home.” Yujin explained but it causes Nako to roll her eyes. “Just say it. Erii-chan told you. You even borrowed Damin’s binoculars.”

Yujin look away and scratches her head. “Yeah.. we are just wo..worried about you Unnie.”

“There…there… you’re starting to be true to yourself.” Nako pat the taller girl head, though it’s pretty hilarious to look at with the height difference. The others can’t help but chuckle.

They all but forgot the paparazzi till, “Hey where are you going!!!” Wonyoung shouted.

Yujin quickly run and tackled the escaping paparazzi causing him to curse, when his expensive camera clattered to the ground. “You are going to pay for this!”


Everyone shivered, it’s cold, but Hyewon’s voice is colder. The girl has her eye lock to the man. Despise, anger and disgust are in her eyes.

A bunch of men-in-black suit appeared. All of them bowed to her and quickly held down the three paparazzi’s and several other people following her.

Hyewon lift up her phone to her ear, “Fix this up for me.” She commanded in cold tone.

After that she quickly put her phone back to her pocket. “Should we go now? I’m not seeing Minjoo and Hitomi, where are they?”

“Oh we left them to look after the apartment while we are here.” Eunbi replied.

“Then let’s head back they might be bored by now.” Hyewon urge them.

“Nah. They probably just cuddling on the couch or something.” Yuri said as she took Yena’s hand who’s shaking abit. “Unnie why?”

Yena look to Chaeyeon then to Hyewon, “I never thought I would see those, again.”

“Don’t worry Yena, they are on our side for now.” Hyewon then hook her arms around Yena and Chaeyeon’s head and laugh. “Don’t worry it will be fine. Things will be fine.”

Fine. Is a word that when you repeat gets sadder and sadder. The more you repeat it, the more it get’s sad. Why? Because from assurance it becomes hope and from hope it becomes wishful thinking. Hyewon do believe things will get fine; it will get better, because for the first time she does not feel alone.    

“We will be here for you.” Yena cradled her best friend head, kissing her temple.

Hyewon chuckled. It’s reassuring to have them here.

Red is the color of love, courage, strength and determination, she had those now because they are here. So maybe allowing her coral to have a bit more red to it is just the right thing to do. Kang Hyewon’s world, the way she see’s have never been that rosy tint, its not bright nor pure but at the same time she sees that world at an angle different from most. Hyewon have always values the heart and that is her scope. 




“Unnie… Unnie… I saw Hyewon unnie. She is here now.” Yujin taps the smaller but older girl who is wrapped in thick padded coat.

“The hell Yujin!, did you just drag me here to follow Hyewon-unnie.” Nako hissed.

The younger girl pouted and uses her puppy eyes that is super effective against her unnie. Nako can only shake her head. “Allright.”

They followed Hyewon and hide in one of the nearby trees and using a binocular, Yujin try to see what she is doing. “Im glad Unnie, looks fine now.”

“You think she’s waiting for Chaewon- unnie.” Nako asks, trying to peek out of the tree.


Yujin notices her small unnie is shivering. “Is it cold unnie?”

 She wraps her free arm around her neck and drapes herself over her. It’s pretty easy as her unnie is small and is a perfect head rest, at least in a way she could give her warmth. “You can use my pocket warmer if you feel cold.”

Nako did not protest anymore she got use to the younger’s way of caring. It is charming in its own right.

“Chaewon unnie is here now too. Sweet.” Nako watches a certain red head approach the bench of where their other Unnie is. They watch her she gently wrap her scarf to that of the older who is oblivious of her presence.

“Did unnie just kiss Kwangbae-unnie’s forehead.” Yujin giggled.  

“They are being so cute.” Nako added.

“Why don’t they just make it official already?” Nako wonders.  

“They are cowards.” Yujin huffed, this will they wont they is killing her.

“Yeah Hii-chan has more guts than those two.” Nako said unknowingly this made Yujin to flinch.

“Unnie~… That hurts.” She slump to her Nako unnie and held her tightly.  

“Aw, sorry, sorry. “ Nako turn around and gave her a hug and a chin scratch, a big puppy.

Yujin eyes open wide, “t-they gonna kiss- is my ship going official… ”

“Don’t watch.” Nako jokingly covered her eyes.

“I can still see. Your hands are small.” Yujin chuckles.

“Did Hyewon-unnie just... she sneezed.”  

Nako and Yujin face palmed at their unnie’s failure and then giggle at her awkwardness; they have so many materials to use in teasing her now.

“Are they fighting? What with these two and… and is Hyewon unnie crying?” Yujin leaned on the three and using the binoculars to watch them, she then puts them to Nako’s eyes so she can see what is happening.  

“oh she’s giving her flowers those looks like pink lilies.”  

“Is that good?”

“Yeah I think, for encouragement or something.”  

The two are quite amaze at the turn of event, but they are relieve that whatever their unnie’s fought over seems to get resolved quickly. Their heart melts as they watch them hug and both are cheering for the two to finally confess.

Nako and Yujin caught something from the corner of her eyes, there is a man crouching not far from them taking photo of their unnie.  

“Wait… Is that a…” Yujin was about to speak but Nako already jump ahead and runs towards the man swaying her bag to him.

Yujin just sighed and run after her unnie, who would have known the smaller girl is hella quick.

“Unnie!!! Don’t. Remember you are a trainee! Let me handle them!!!”  



  • Yow took abit while... this is also the longest i have written.. with the extra part. My apologies...
  •  I hope that you get Erii's Mom and Nanami's Mom connection. [All of them works under Hyewon]
  • This happen Nov. 14 the day before CSAT. I hope you get the feel of changing season in the story.
  • Next chapter is Sakura/Chaeyeon centric.
  • Also might do a bonus extras after that [you'll know why because the event im gonna use for that is prime for some stuff]
  • Thank you very much for reading, i hope you are still reading despite some unusual pairing and events. The first part of this is sad latter is happy.
  • What do you think is the setting of the next chapter?




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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1761 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??