28 To Winter

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


To Winter

It was summer when she met her angel.                                                            

It was summer when she let the wind carry her to a foreign land like the petals landing to the ground far away from its tree. The breeze of the warm air causes a spark inside her heart. 

It was summer when she caught a glimpse of her from a photograph. Is it even possible for a heart to skip a beat from mere picture, maybe?  She isn’t a believer of such thing, until that moment and even she dismiss that prodding into that unopened bud in her heart. But everything change, all it took? A glimpse of her angel spreading her wings from a window. That just being poetic about it, it was her dancing, moving as light as a feather to the music that caught Sakura’s eyes.

Then there is fall, what happened in fall? Nothing much, it’s a promising beginning but fall – like how the leaves are comforting – the spark brought forth by summer was tempered by the cooling winds. Not enough for it to die – no the fire did not die, those feeling become ember hot but steadily burning but it does not move beyond that for now. What she achieve, it was friendship. What she found is someone she can consider a friend – her bestfriend in this foreign land. That is Chaeyeon, to her for now; the ember is too steady, not hot enough to rage, not hot enough for her to move forward. It’s too comfortable to even make a move.

Its winter now, she’s standing tipsy outside of a restaurant – waiting. It’s cold and it’s almost morning, so what’s sleep? So what if she has class later, ah she forgot that. She looks up to the dark cloudy sky, minutes from now and the rays of the morning sun will paint it. She breathes out, letting her own breath turn to mist in the air, something she thinks is oddly fascinating.  

Her winter coat does not seem to insulate her body well. Snow will be here any day from now, maybe in few hours. Who knows? It already snowed in other parts of Korea; it’s a waiting game for the first snow in Seoul and for her angel to arrive.

“Why are you standing outside?” A worried voice said.

She looks to her and smiled though she immediately shivered due to cold. She walks toward her only for her to stumble due to the alcohol in her system.

“What if you catch cold?” Chaeyeon catch her in her arms.

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not.” Chayeon quickly put a red scarf to her neck.   

Sakura clings to her, hugging her, burying her head on her shoulder – trying to warm her body that is growing cold due to the temperature.

“Why did you drink that much? Now look.” Chayeon held her tight, she rocks her gently and making sure that she is comfortable. She tried hard not to show her annoyance about the situation.

Sakura hummed, “Chae i’m not drunk.. uh.. just tipsy and cold.”

“Got it.”, Chaeyeon chuckled, her face as angelic as Sakura imagine. “I think it will be better for you to skip today’s class.”

“No I won’t, my class is in the afternoon. I think I still have time to sleep. What time is it now?”  She straightens herself while still leaning on Chaeyeon for support, holding onto her arms.

“Its pass 3:30, why did they… ah I’m going to talk to Kaeun.” Chaeyeon huffed more to herself than to her companion. It still loud enough for Sakura to hear, she can’t help but laugh at the pouting girl.

“Nah, its fine Chae. It’s just an afterwork get together.”  She grinned and pokes Chaeyeon cheeks.

Chayeon can only sigh. She held her hand, interlocking their fingers. This made Sakura’s cheeks to burn which she tried to hide behind the red scarf though she knows it almost useless. When her big ears speak louder and they are poking out of her hair.  The younger girl playfully flicks her ears, she glance back with a fake annoyed look. The last thing she is, is annoyed. What she is right now, a panicking mess,   right a whole panicking mess.

“Ehh.” She covers her ears, causing the other girl to cackle.

“This is…” Sakura tried to reason, she can use a lot of reason to cover it up. Like that it’s cold or that it’s probably the alcohol, something other than silence and staring into Chaeyeon’s eyes with open.

Chaeyeon can’t help but sport a stupid grin on her face. She closes in to the older girl and let their forehead touch, leaving Sakura even more dumbfounded.

“Your temperature is still normal, it’s probably the cold. Let’s go.” Chaeyeon walk ahead and ended up pulling her arm as she stand there trying to process what’s happening.

Sakura already know some of the younger girl tendencies, she has some of Hyewon’s spontaneousness but not to that level. She has an equally weird sense of humor and in a lot of ways do things that are unknowingly heart fluttering, much to Sakura’s dismay.

You see her heart sometimes can’t take it. She is stuck in this zone, ambiguous but comforting.

She took a deep breathe and again watch her breath turn to mist as she breathe out. She caught up to her, matching her footstep and enjoying the sound of her giggle. Why is it just minutes ago, her pea coat, does not seem to be enough to counter the cold yet here she is, holding her hand and seemingly the cold started to go away.

Sakura used the scarf to bury her flushed face again. She would steal a glance here and there to her. It’s not really that far but for Sakura, she wants every second of it to last.

The younger would always say she is not pretty, but Sakura don’t agree. Chaeyeon is pretty, really pretty – for her she is perfect. Her eyes, her skin, her smile – her caring and hardworking nature, knowing about her more, makes Sakura fall deeper. If only the younger could be a bit more aware of her beating heart, it will be nice but at this rate she might as well confess and the younger would misinterpret it to something else.

Sakura was too caught up in the moment that she did not see that they have arrived to their destination. The younger girl opened the car door. It took few more second before her mind was brought down to earth. Chaeyeon flicks her head to get her attention and even with that it took some more moments for reality to register.  “You’re really drunk, aren’t you?”

“No.” Sakura puffed her cheeks, “I didn’t know you have a car.”

“oh this, it’s Kaeu-President Lee’s. She lends it to me. She said I can use it for day to day.” The younger scratches the back of her neck, awkwardly grinning, while she holds the passenger seat of the red Hyundai Elantra.

Sakura promptly entered the car and sat at the passenger seat mind still partly up in the cloud. Maybe she is just denying it, maybe she really is drunk, but really she is just thinking of everything and nothing at the same time. 

She did not notice that Chaeyeon had entered the car. She only knew of it when the younger leaned over to her seat, and is dangerously close to her. Sakura gulp and turn her head away, while the younger fix in her seatbelt.

“You must be sleepy. Sleep. I’ll wake you up when we get back.” Chaeyeon locks her own seatbelt and backs the car.

“I didn’t know you can drive too.” Sakura looks to the younger, trying her best not to get distracted by her side profile. 

 “Of course I do, Kaeun would not lend me this car, if I don’t know how.”   Chaeyeon chuckled, “Though I just got my license recently.”

 “Oh, did she teach you? I thought the two of you don’t get along that well beyond the usual business thing.” 

“No, I mean it’s not that we don’t get along, we used to be real close – things happen though but it’s not her who taught me, Hyewon did.”

“Oh, Hyewon.”

“Hmm, yeah but rather than taught – she had me and Yena tag-along with her when she’s learning. She used to go to this private track and have her driver teach her instead. She make us try, you know she picks things up quickly so she sometimes would teach us. Me and Yena were not really taking it seriously but look at me now." Chaeyeon smiled looking back at those days.

Those days – when Hyewon is not that burdened by family matters, those days where Yena is head over heels to Juri, Those days where the other two gives her the closest thing she can have to a family, those days.

Outside of that, she does miss the time where they ask Hyewon to try acting like a y rich person and they would laugh at her attempts. When Yena would imitate duck quacks every chance she get or when the other two would walk out whenever she puns the hell out of everything. It’s the sweet innocent days of highschool, days when they can push those clouds to the side.

“Is something wrong, you suddenly become quite.” Sakura move her hands to brush away stray hairs off Chaeyeon’s face, unknowingly saying those words in her native tongue.

“Uhm, its. Do you know the feeling where… it’s feels they are going away somewhere far, forward – then there is me, here.” Chayeon replied back in Japanese, looking out to the road, trying to pin down the reason why such days feels nostalgic. 

“But you’re moving forward too, in your own pace but forward.” Sakura smiled reaching out to other girl’s hand that is resting on top of the gear stick.

Chaeyeon nods, but it still did not remove that lingering feeling. She can’t pin point what it is. She know she made progress but the feeling is there. She tried to think about it, why is it that she feels those two will move away, to a place where she won’t see them often. She brushed it off and smiled back to the older as she continues to drive back to their apartment, letting in silence between them.

Sakura spotted a convenient store as they pass by. Craving for some ramyun she asks Chaeyeon if she could pull over to the next one. Chaeyeon instead choose to pull over to a convenient store located near a park along their way.  The two of them walks inside, Chaeyeon ask the older to sit in one of the empty table facing the outside window while she goes and prepare the ramyun.

It is still dark with only the street lamps and the convenient store as the source of light. Sakura thought it was such a peaceful setting, almost like a date, a secret meetup with ramyuns maybe. Not very romantic to think about, if she adds some event like rain or even snow, ok snowing might be too cheesy. She slaps her face.

“Oh, trying to wake yourself up.”

Sakura looks up to the voice to meet a grinning Chaeyeon who is placing the ramyuns on the table. “I’m pretty sure ramyuns will get you awake in no time, you should also drink this. It’s for hangover.” She placed a bottle of hutgaesoo near her.

Sakura averted her gaze from her and quickly thank the younger girl, embarrass at her action. She did slap her face to wake up but it was more to stop her delusions. She will be the first to admit she has a habit of making romantic scenarios in her head almost like a fan fiction.

She immediately dives in for some ramyun, not minding its very red color. Ok, she just want some and soon after spicyness kicks in. She coughs and fans causing Chaeyeon to laugh at her and for her to give the younger a glare. She’s starting to get used to it, starting – she still far from getting used to any spicy things. She did not make much progress unlike her younger compatriot Hitomi who now can eat a lot more spicier food than she used to.

She continue to fan looking for something to alleviate the spiciness – she was about to open a battle of hutgaesoo but then the younger gave her pack of milk to drink. She quickly drinks it trying to ignore the younger’s grinning beside her.  

They eat in quite watching nothing but the  darkness of the outside, listening to nothing but their breathing and the slurping sound of the ramyun in addition to a few giggles here and there. The spiciness of ramyun and the earthy taste of hutgaesoo help alleviate the creeping headache she is feeling. It made her feel more awake.

She turns her head to her side fully intending to watch Chaeyeon finish her meal, only to see the other with her head over her palm smiling back to her. She lock into those beautiful brown orbs for what seem like eternity, sometimes she wishes she get what the other is thinking.  She is getting at this before she would immediately take her gaze away, now she could look into the other girls and bask in the comfort it gives her.

“Should we go now?” Chaeyeon asks, gently poking her cheeks. She smiled and nodded back to her.

The younger held her hand and stand up, intending to leave. For some reason, Sakura thought it would be fun to not stand and sit there, just to get back to all the teasing.

“Sakuchan!” The younger whined. Sakuragiggled, she finally stood up and facing the younger closely and pinches her cheeks. She tries not to glance to her, but she knew she made her flustered. This made her happy internally highfiving herself.

Stepping outside the convenience store, Sakura stop walking. The younger looks backs to her confuse.

“I don’t feel like going back yet.” Sakura said, looking up to the sky.  

They quietly walk to the nearby bench. At this hour they, the convenience store employee and probably a few broken hearted souls are there.  They sat there still holding hands but they aren’t sitting that close to each other, there is a gap, about half a body in width, where their arms lay.

Sakura continue to look up to the sky, admiring the clouds and getting captivated by the full moon that peeks in and out of them.  “So… it’s still full moon.”

“You like the moon?”

“umm. I don’t know it just that it looks captivating today.”

“You barely see it though.” Chaeyeon pointed up to the moon getting cover once again by a sheet of clouds.  

“Hmmm, it’s still is beautiful, makes you want to see it more often. Now that I think of it, it reminds of someone.”  

Chayeon glances to her, eyebrow raise. “Who?”

Sakura let out laughter and lifts up her hand that is still holding the younger girl’s hand, she pokes her cheeks something she is fond of doing. “You.”


“You’re someone I always want to see.” Sakura grinned. Chaeyeon averted her gaze and tried to cover her face with the collar of her jacket.

Satisfied with her reaction, she scoots closer, but not too close, to the younger girl and lean back on the seat. She doesn’t know if it’s because of the trace of alcohol and the kick from spiciness of the ramyun that she is getting brave. Or maybe it was just that light coming from the nearby light post illuminating the bench their sitting and the moon peaking and out of the cloud.

There is a feeling she wants to say things but is unsure what is in heart is love, the love that people call love. Yes, it’s confusing as confusing as it is, it contrast to how sure she is that she likes the younger in way that is more than what you call friendship. 

“Do you believe in love at first sight?” Sakura just felt like asking that question for no apparent reason.

“No.” Chaeyeon replied monotonously.

“I don’t either, but I think I should.” Sakura glance back to Chaeyeon who is staring straight ahead.

Chaeyeon look back to Sakura, brows furrowed. Wanting and at the same time not wanting to ask why. This amuses Sakura greatly.

Sakura pulled out her hand from Chaeyeon’s hold, though unnoticed to the older the younger’s hand chases her hand for a moment. Sakura crosses her arm and then cup her chin as if thinking something deep.

“Ah there is this person that I like, the first time I saw them, she is really captivating. She’s just eating but I thought ah she’s really cute. Round face –determined eyes. But then I’m, maybe I was just appreciating how pretty she is. There is no doubt she is attractive, the next time I saw her… I saw her move – I think she stole my heart. It was that, do you think it was that? Love at first sight?”

“oh, she?” Chaeyeon muttered to herself, trying to make sure she heard the gender right.

“Why? We are very close now like friends but sometimes, I’m not sure about that.” Sakura shrugged her shoulder.

“oh, are you like ... ah some.” Chaeyeon giggled, this made Sakura throw a questioning look back to her.

The older is a bit disappointed, she internally facepalmed, she is just short of spelling C.H.A.E.Y.E.O.N in her story and right now. She is in a point of thinking that that kind dense does exist. What does she knows, this is the first time she can truly say that her heart felt this way.

That blossom that bloomed in summer, the one she keep watering in fall, the one she is hoping that will survive winter. If this is just any other, if Chaeyeon was any other – that bud no matter how she let it blossom would wilt just like how little her interest is with the topic called love. Would you blame her, as much as she let the wind carry her, Sakura is goal oriented, relationship and what not are viewed as nuisance – that does not stop her from being a romantic. She believes imagination is different than reality.

This is Chaeyeon though, and she just does little things that make Sakura hope for more. It makes her want to treasure this moment, the time she have with her. One part she doesn’t want to linger into the feeling of ambiguity another part is fear. The question of how much time she can enjoy, for how long she can stay in Korea, it’s a question she have an estimated answer.

“So you’re some with this person.” The younger face lit up with amusement.

Sakura sighed but entertained her, “So it’s some. I don’t think so, because I don’t think she think it is.” Sakura grinned back to Chaeyeon.

“Eh.” Chaeyeon gulp and turn her head around, covering her face with her palm.

“Ok I shared my story, your turn.”  Sakura punches the younger girl shoulder.

“Do I need to?” The younger jokingly ask.

“uhmm.. The mood calls for it.” Sakura shrugged, well she is right, the atmosphere kinda calls for some heart to heart nonsensical talk.

“Love at first sight, nope – some... oh reminds me…” Chaeyeon nods to herself, “There someone – I use to like. It’s interesting now that I look back at it, if you want that kind of story.”

Sakura’s ears perked up, “oh who is it?”


Sakura look at the younger for several seconds mouth agape. Trying to process what she heard. “Kang-chan!?” 

Chaeyeon chuckled. “That was just for a short time and Kang-chan? She really always gets that name.”

Sakura glared to her and playfully poke her cheeks. “Continue.”

“Why so curious?” 

Sakura huffed, making Chaeyeon to giggle once again at how cute she is. “That’s way back, though. You know that bit about my family. I needed to find a place – so I get this ad looking for a room mate and there I met them. Yena, Chaewon, Hyewon. I mean she is really pretty but most of all – we kinda click. Same kind of humor I guess.  She always tell me I’m weird… how can she say that when she is a whole freaking alien, if you say she is form Mars. I’ll believe you. I’m thankful I met them they make it feel that I’m not alone and she is the main reason why.”

“Kang-chan, she’s really warm hearted, makes you comfortable.” Sakura puffed her cheeks, looking down on her feet while listening to younger recounting her story.

“But then it’s impossible to ever get to her heart. It’s pretty much owned by one person – If you open her chest you’ll find a name engraved there other than food ofcourse.”

“Chaewon.” Sakura muttered.

“Yeah, so I guess – I just gave up. Now looking at them, they have come along way since them. You know they’re way past being friends but not official.” Chaeyeon grinned, remembering those days and how things have change to today, “Now that I think of it Yena is quite lucky uhmm or maybe not.” She brush her fingers to her chin.

“For sure she has luck on her side.  She got her girl, looks useless sometime but I can admit she’s brave.”

“A bit reckless but she knows what she wants goes for it yet – she also the one who always gets hurt. So I don’t know if call that good luck or bad luck. Nowadays whenever I see her it’s like she is always uhmm I can’t explain like her smile was not what it use to. One thing I can say for sure she is lucky for having Hye there for her, quite unusual friendship but it work. ” Chaeyeon put her chin over the palm of her free hand, examining themselves with their feet on the door of their dreams and the struggle of their hearts.

“Are there things you worry about too, unnie?”  She wonders, for her the older is a rather laidback person who is now achieving her dreams.

“Sakuchan - Jjae. I like it better when you call me Sakuchan than unnie. We’re friends now right?” Sakura lifts up the younger’s hand cradled it. “There are things I’m thinking about. I don’t know yet how to go forward but I don’t think it’s that much. How about you?”  Sakura asks in language she is more comfortable.

Chaeyeon looks back to Sakura’s eyes with her brows furrowed showing at first concern and then curiosity, funny how a slight eyebrow lift can give that change in expression.

“Mmm. I do have some, but you should tell me yours first.” Chaeyeon puff her cheeks and mist formed – it looks like she is breathing out smoke.

To Sakura this is very very cute, the other looks like a cute dragon, like that one in the animated movie about dragons. “No, you tell me yours.” Sakura crosses her arms.

“No, you first.” Chaeyeon giggled and poke the older girl side.

Sakura glared back to her, Chaeyeon cackled filling the quite air with her infectious laughter. Sakura poke her back, causing the younger to stand and run around laughing and the older chasing her. Yes both are technically adults, but what is life if you don’t let yourself remember that you are a child once and maybe a child still, inside. Like how the simplest most stupidly stubborn moment in life, like faceplanting to the ground, running & huffing, acting like the world outside of you doesn’t exist for a moment are mostly the ones that feels so nostalgic.

That’s what they are doing, running around like the world doesn’t matter, or like that it is not four in the morning and that the wind is not chilly if not almost freezing.

Sakura caught the younger and tackled her, but not enough to bring her to the ground, just enough to make her stumble. Chaeyeon continue laughing along side Sakura. She caught a glimpse of the sky and this time the moon is in full view despite the cloud around it. Somehow Chaeyeon feels oddly into the moon, that she empathizes with the moon. Is there something like that? Does the moon have feelings? Mayhaps no, but it conveys what she feels right now, shining brightly occasionally but getting that shine hid by her own cloud of doubts.

Chayeon twist around to face the older girl. “Yah – Sakuchan.” She put her arms on Sakura’s shoulder, making the older to stand straight and look into her eyes. Somewhere deep inside those orbs are pool of water wanting to come out.

Sakura patted the younger’s head while her other hand still hold on to the younger’s waist. “It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me yet.”

She puffed her cheeks. “As for me there are a lot, for one – I might go back to Japan soon – I want to at the same time I don’t want too, not yet.” She pursed her lips.

“There are opportunities back there, something for my dream. But I feel like there are things I want to do here, still. Mostly I just let the wind carry me but now I kind of want to control where I go. There are things here making me stay, I’m scared.” She awkwardly chuckled trying to cover her face with her scarf.

“Unnie, are you…” Chaeyeon cupped the older girl’s face. “Chae, its Sakuchan. How many times do I tell you.” Sakura tried to wipe the tears that forming at corner of her eyes. “I’m just afraid of the future ok. I’m doing things I like, but I don’t know if this is what I want to do in my life and I’m getting an opportunity to maybe do what I always dream of doing, I want a shot of it but I like it here too.” Sakura let her tears fall but pulled her scarf up to cover her face.  

“Un.. Sakuchan.” Chaeyeon pulled the girl closer to her, she cupped her face and let her forehead touches hers. She regrets ever asking that question in the first place, “Me too. Me too. I don’t know if I want to go forward yet. I’m given an opportunity to do what I want to do. Dancing right? I don’t know if I’m getting praised because of me. There is this feeling that I don’t, those things I don’t deserve them.” Chaeyeon gritted her teeth but not letting any tears to drop.

Saying your insecurities are hard, these are things she is afraid to admit. Yet somehow, today, maybe it’s the cold wind – the atmosphere somehow makes it feel ok, allright, comfortable. With her its feels ok to admit weakness, things she does not let others see. Why is it that it’s fine with Sakura? Is the comfort of having a friend you can trust and be open, something Hyewon and Yena can relate or may its something more?  Sakura make it ok, she makes it ok for her to be vulnerable, she makes it ok to say these things,  she makes it feel that she has someone with her, taking care of her for once.

Sakura grab the younger crying face, of course her tears betrayed her. “No. Chaeyeon you deserve all those praise. Look at me. You deserve them.”

Sakura is thankful, that she could confide to Chaeyeon and that Chaeyeon trust her enough to confide to her. It hurts seeing the younger, who is always a beacon of strength and determination, crying and vulnerable. But then sometimes that is what you need. She is partly questioning why she ask for them not to go home yet, but maybe its what they need, a heart to heart, under the moonlight,  at early morning  accompanied only by streetlights and chilly air.

Whatever it is, that is in the air that is making them speak these thoughts, she is sure of one thing, of all things, is that Chaeyeon deserve every single praises she gets.

“Do I?” Chaeyeon asks, doubts still in her voice.

“You do. Every single one of them, you do. You deserve them. You are a fantastic dancer and choreographer, Chae. Please trust yourself more.”

“if you … say so… then I can.“ Chaeyeon whispered something she is sure the older did not hear. It does not matter – Sakura’s word gave her strength.

The older’s attention was then taken by something else.

“Ehh snow.” Sakura muttered as something cold touches her nose. She looks around and soft, light ball of ice fall down from the sky, they look like fireflies. She chuckle and blew it with her breath seen up in the cold air. It lift up her mood, making it look like that she did no shed tears few minutes ago.

It’s not the first time she saw snow, nor the last. But why is today is special? It makes her want to play around more. How can mood be change quickly by just something as random as seeing the snow fall?

It’s cold but inside her heart it’s warm. She looks and watches the younger who watches her with eye wide in awe. The younger looks real cool in her duffle jacket, almost shining, standing there illuminated by the street lamp.

“First snow.”  Chaeyeon look up, lifting her hand to feel the snow falling to her hand. She let a smile curve on her lips.

“Is it? ” Sakura asks playfully, taking Chaeyeon’s hand.

Chaeyeon hummed, as she let Sakura take her hand. She did not move from her spot and let the older walk ahead, stretching their arm. Sakura make things easy.

“So you’re spending this with me?”  Sakura tilted her head. 

Chaeyeon nodded back, she does not know if first snow has the same meaning to Sakura. For her this is probably one of the best moments in her life. The one, Miyawaki Sakura smiling under the moonlight, early morning in late November, as the first snow falls, spending time with her - that alone is magical.  

Holding her hand just feel right. Chaeyeon always thinks the older as a close friend, she gets along with. Like how Hyewon and Yena is to her.  Today it’s different and if there is someone she would love to spend her first snow, it was her. Beyond its mythical implication, she too thinks that the first snow is lovely.

Chaeyeon pulled the older close to her and spin her around, it amuses Sakura but Chaeyeon just chuckled. The next moment Chaeyeon have Sakura in her embrace, thanking her luck, that it was her she spent her first snow with. Somewhere there, something changes within her heart. She is a bit slow to admit her feelings, a bit stubborn, but even if she is unsure she can say she knows Sakura is special to her, more than she wants to admit to herself.

“I’m glad that it’s with you.” She whispered.

“With me?” The older girl hummed burying her head on the younger’s shoulder. These things the younger do almost seemingly random do send her heart to do crazy things inside her chest.

“First snow.” Chaeyeon simply said, letting go of the older from her embrace and finally placing a quick kiss on her forehead.

This made Sakura confused and made her face to be the exact shade of red as her scarf.

Chaeyeon tugged her hands, “Let’s go, I don’t want to be late.” She grinned.

That’s when it hits Sakura, “Wait, your class is earlier. Why didn’t you told me? I wasted your time here.”

Chaeyeon laughs at her reaction; she put her arms over the older shoulder. “No, no time is wasted if it’s with you.” She hummed.

Sakura hid her face in her scarf again, but her ears – they can’t hide it.

Chaeyeon lean her head to older as they walk back to her car. To the winter, her season, she is thankful.  Like how it begins, inside her heart ice crystals are blooming like flower. Maybe it’s the influence of the spring child beside her but its winter that gave way to it.

To winter and its cold air and freezing breeze that is touching her skin, the breeze that somehow feel warm similar to that brought forth by spring.

To winter that made it’s seem like spring in her heart, to winter she goes walking by beside the child of spring.

To winter that warmed their heart, they look up and thanked it.   


Note:  An update!!!

  • Sorry im not putting it as regularly as i used too.
  • I will admit idk how will I present the current status of their story when most of the time they are behind other and barely mentioned nor do i mention how they act / or update on them.  So i probably did a bad job.
  • Important points... Remember that the first time Saku saw Chaeyeon is with a picture Kaeun showed her.
  • Chaeyeon would occasionally call Yena and Hyewon unnie [because birthdate] but her birthdate also put her same school year as those two. They are close but Yena and Hyewon are closer to each other. There is a lot backstory hidden between the three of them + chaewon / not very relevant.
  • Hyewon is too weird for Chaeyeon - and Chaewon would have killed the poor feather hahhaha. That just a bit of history and its all but history now, something only Chaeyeon - and to extent Yena know.
  • Sakura contract might play up in their story ^-^ and some details about Chaeyeon.
  • I honestly just want to write something about first snow , since i saw themat GMP airport - on Nov23, with their first snow.
  • I will write a SPECIAL CHAPTER, set on this day but not counted on my chapter count. Just short snippets on where are the other girls on this day. 
  • I hope i did justice to Hotaru couple.



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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1761 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??