one: scared.

just you
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chapter one, “new kid”. 

    Jungkook trudged to the guidance counselor, keeping his fists closed tightly, as if he was going to have a fight with someone. His face, however, showed clear panic, his irises darting around the situation surrounding him, beads of sweat trickling down his face. It wasn’t that he was afraid of humans, he could tolerate being around them, but Jungkook was caught with extreme social anxiety. It didn’t matter what anyone did, as soon as someone latched their eyes onto Jungkook. he was a sweating, stuttering mess. People take notice in this and for this, making the entire school body aware of his condition. Right now though, he seemed perfectly normal, without a funny bone in his body. 

   As Jungkook shouldered the heavy door open, he saw a rather closed space, with a window at the far back, sunlight streaming into the room. The wall was a cream color, with dainty portraits of painting loosely scattered across it. There was a desk as well, with an elderly woman sitting behind it. Her hair let loose with black curls, gray swirling down as well. She wore pearls on her neck and her wrists, with other jewelry casually decorating up her arms. Her smile had too much teeth involved, as if she was forcing the smile upon her. Her hand were clasped together, then motioned for Jungkook to take a seat in the plastic folding chair across from her. Jungkook cautiously sat down. If you squinted the right amount, you could see him trembling, his chin shaking. It didn’t matter age, race or gender. He was scared that he was going to mess up in front of anyone. Really bad. To prevent this, he distanced himself from people. He didn’t need people anyway. He had himself, and that was enough. 

For now. 

“Jeon Jungkook, am I correct?” The woman asked, lowering her cat-eyed spectacles to get a closer look at Jungkook, who backed away abruptly. 

“Ah,” The woman realized, “You’re the one who has social anxiety, right? I’m so sorry for startling you, dear.” She apologized, leaning back in her office chair. 

“I-I-It’s-s o-oka-ay.” Jungkook stuttered, sweating furiously. You could still see his bottom lip trembling, the panic flaring in his eyes. His hands couldn’t stop shaking due to his nervousness, his fists balled up. His stomach churned, and he felt his mind screaming at him, to run, but he couldn’t. He was still. His face heated up, resembling a tomato, and avoided all eye contact. He started into out the little window into the school’s parking space. To his surprise, there was a student, it seemed like, making his way to the school’s entrance. A cigarette stuck out of his cherry tinted lips as he dug his hands into his pants. He was wearing a black t-shirt, with an embroidered tiger stitched on the back. He walking in combat boots with both of the laces undone, but managed not to trip while he went out of view. Jungkook felt his face grow hotter. 

Did he look at me? Did he see me? I wonder if he’s one of those bullies. Will he think I’m lame? Well, of course I’m lame. Oh gosh, I think he already knows I’m lame because I was staring at him. Maybe he saw me. I think he saw me. My life’s over, I need to transfer schools literally right n-

“Jungkook?” The woman interrupted. “I don’t think I introduced myself. I am the guidance counselor of BTS, Ms. Booker. If you need any help just make your way to my office!” The counselor smiled, flashing the s

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