four: scared.

just you
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chapter four: scared. 

He had never seen this place before. It was big, with gray walls and clothes tossed around the floor. 

Jungkook widened his eyes. His father was going to kill him, and that was not an understatement. Jungkook father had gone ballistic since he knew about Jungkook’s condition, saying he wasn’t “strong enough”, and too “puny and weak”. His father had taken an interest in alcohol ever since his mother had fled - because of the loss of money going around in the house. Jungkook was frightened, and when his father started abusing him out of despair, he didn’t know what else to do other than curl up in the furthest corner of his small room and cry. 

Jungkook was going to get a beating at home, he was sure of it. The best he could do was to be ready for it now. 

He sat up, more awake. He warily eyed the apartment. The last thing he remembered was blacking out. Wait - was he at that man’s house? Jungkook scrambled up and bumped into something - remarkably hard. 

And with that, he fell back down again. 

He looked up and he saw Taehyung. The taller was looking at Jungkook with a crossed expression, as if it was an inconvenience for Jungkook to be here right now. 

It probably was.

Nervous, Jungkook backed up, his hands twitching. 

taehyung pov. 

See - Jungkook sparked something in me. I didn’t know what, but he made me feel all queasy inside, almost the same feeling when you take a big exam you didn’t study for. 

That has happened to me a few times, but nothing like this - my heart felt like it was occasionally fluttering around in my rib cage. It was too weird, something I didn’t want to explore. 

I took another look at Jungkook, and I have to admit, he looked adorable. 

His lip was trembling along with his hands. He curled up into a protective ball, wrapping his short arms to pull his knees close to his chest. 

I sighed. He was still scared of me. I didn’t blame him, I was intimidating and he was scared of people, it seemed. 

I didn’t really get that, but when does anyone get anything? 

“Look,” I started, searching f

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