Chapter 1

I'm sorry
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It was a usual Saturday afternoon in Jihyo's office. Papers are stacked accordingly, and Jihyo is found sitting at her table not moving a single inch ever since she arrived this morning. Just the sight of the workload itself could make people dizzy, but it was something that was very familiar to Jihyo that it doesn't bother her anymore.

Jihyo has always been a career-driven individual. She used to be a small-time furniture designer but her perseverance and dedication to whatever she is doing paved the way for her success and got her noticed by the industry.

For her, it was everything, but her success didn't only give her happiness. It cost her the love of her life, her everything. But like how Jihyo had always reminded herself, "You can't have it all."

You can't have it all.

"Jihyo, its time for you to meet your client." A soft-voiced woman talked out of nowhere causing Jihyo to snap out of the bubble that she was in.

"Ah, yes. I'll be right out." A surprised Jihyo replied. "Uhm Mina, I forgot to tell you but did you prepare presents for our guests?" She asked the woman right before she was about to leave.

Mina turns around and answers her with a smile. "Yes, I did. It's all been taken care of."

"Thanks. Dear. I knew I could always count on you."  She replies as she returns the smile Mina gave her.

Mina giggled. "I know, right. That's why I'm here." 

As Mina went out of her office, Jihyo followed. For some, they might find meetings a bit boring, but to Jihyo, who is someone very passionate, she enjoys it the most. She loved meeting new people, and most importantly, she loved seeing the satisfaction on the faces of her clients.

As the young professional enters the room, a woman, obviously more youthful than her greets her with a huge smile and introduces herself.

"Good afternoon Miss Park! My name is Dahyun Kim. It's nice to meet you officially." The younger said while extending her hand to the woman in front of her. "My girlfriend and I are huge fans of you and your pieces. It's pretty unfortunate that she's not here to meet you though." She continued.

Jihyo can't help but smile with what her client has said. She happily accepted Dahyun's hand and shook it and introduced herself as well. "I am Jihyo Park. Thank you, Ms. Kim, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to meet you last time."  Jihyo said looking apologetic for missing the meeting.

"No, no, that's okay. Your partner took care of us well." Dahyun replied while insisting that it wasn't much of a big deal.

Jihyo points out to an empty chair and says "Before anything else, shall we take our seats?" Dahyun nods.

The meeting went on for almost an hour and a half, mostly talking about Dahyun's personal life since it is vital for a designer like Jihyo to get to know her clients well to match the pieces with their personalities. It was a long talk, but it was never dull.

After sending off her guest, Jihyo remained in the room. Unknowingly, she fell asleep because she wasn't able to catch one a day before her meeting since she was busy preparing for other work-related things.

She felt a hand softly her hair, but she didn't mind. 

"Gosh, you're still the same, Park Jihyo...

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Chapter 5: I'm really curious what will happen next....Hope you update soon author-nim uwu
TwiceOnce35 #2
nice story authornim..hope you update soon