Chapter 9

The Devil Besides Me

Warning: Dramatic Key. Please do what you need to prepare yourselves



Kai sits on top of the university's clock tower with his feet dangling over the edge. He leans back, feeling the breeze surrounding him, gazing the university campus below stretching far to the main streets. People milling below, oblivious to the man sitting on top of the clock tower where he shouldn't be.

He manage to ditch Baekhyun because they both wanted some alone time without the other. They made an agreement to meet up at a certain time later and return to the complex together. No one would notice. His musing comes to a screeching halt when hands grab him from behind and pulls him back away from the ledge.


“Don't die! You have so much to live for!”

They fell back into the clock tower, far from the edge. Kai twists and turns his body to free himself but the person's grip was strong, held tight around his middle. The strike with his elbow had the unknown person loosen their grip, freeing him.

Kai stands up, breath heavy coming from out of shock. “A-are you crazy?! You gave me a freakin heart atta – Taemin?!”

It was Taemin who had pulled Kai back from the ledge. Taemin is on the ground, clutching his middle. He winces from the pain, squinting up at him. “Kai?!”

After a while they got over their respective scare, Kai and Taemin sat inside the clock tower away from the edge.

“I'm sorry,” Kai apologizes, looking like a kicked puppy. “For hitting you – to be honest you shouldn't scare people like that. What if we both fall?”

“If we both fall I'll make your afterlife miserable,” Taemin scolds while rubbing his middle. The pain is not as bad but it still dulls. “Then I will haunt my hyung so he won't be too comfortable.”

“I wasn't going to jump,” Kai mumbled. “I was just sitting there.”

“Well you shouldn't because it's not allowed,” Taemin points behind him. “Didn't you see the sign? It says 'No entry beyond this point'. Said so right there in English and Korean.”

Kai turns around and sees the sign Taemin is pointing at. He definitely didn't see the sign there as he's been teleporting himself to the same exact spot on the ledge. He turns back and feigns nonchalance.

Taemin isn't satisfied, narrows his eyes. “How did you get up here?”

Kai shrugs, looking anywhere but at Taemin.

Taemin frowns. “Why are you there?”

When Kai shrugs again, Taemin pinches his bicep raising a yelp from him. “Are you not going to answer my question? Are you mute?!”

Kai winces, rubbing where his arm. “Are you crazy?! That hurts!”

“So you can talk.”

Kai finally looks over and sees so many expressions on Taemin's face. Anger, concern, worried, smug. All those feelings were because of him causing something stir within him.

“I'm sorry for worrying you,” Kai apologizes, biting his lips as he meets Taemin's eyes. “I won't do that again.”

Taemin crosses his arms as he regards Kai's apology. After a while he huffs and looks away. “If I catch you sitting there again...”

“I won't, I promise.”

Taemin suddenly brings up his pinky in front of Kai's face. “Promise me.”

Kai gave a cautionary look at Taemin's pinky. He looks at Taemin who is dead serious, still holding his pinky out. Slowly he takes his own pinky and twists it around Taemin's, pinky promise. “I promise...”

Taemin gives a satisfied nod. “Good.” He let's go to get his backpack. “I was going to eat my snacks up here. Since you're here, do you want to share with me? I brought a lot.”

He takes out a variety of snacks from his backpack. Banana milk, strawberry yakult, jelly candy, pepero, noodle snack, etc..

“These look childish...”

“Does that mean you don't want any?”

Kai tries not to look impressed. “I'll take the strawberry yakult.”

They stay far from the edge of the clock tower with each other as company. Time passes as the sun starts to set on the university campus giving an orange colored glow.

Kai finds himself enjoying the company even though they don't talk much about themselves. Suho had forbid the members from making connections outside of their group than what is necessary. To talk to someone other than his group had been a breath of fresh air. Being with Taemin made him forget what he really is.

Like a dream.

Taemin lines his shot, his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth in deep concentration. Finding the right angle and flicks the jelly candy dead center of the pyramid, knocking the whole tower down. He whoops with victory. “That makes Taemin 5 and Kai 3, Taeminnie wins!”

Kai claps solemnly accepting the defeat with a satisfied smile. “Bravo, man. Winner of the jelly tower.”

“You still won some,” Taemin gestures at Kai's pile. “These are all mine to begin with.” He picks up the purple colored jelly. “I'll trade you for the strawberry flavor.”

You can have the grape flavor one, strawberry is my favorite.”

Kai blinks. A lost moment that he couldn't remember pops up out of no where. He shakes to clear his head, tossing the jelly to Taemin. “I don't get you. You like strawberry flavor jelly candy but not strawberry flavor yakult?”

“I like it but not as much as banana milk.” Taemin shrugs, peeling the cover to eat. “I like changing it up sometimes.”

“Who loves jelly candy more than anything.”

“Untrue. I like a lot of things besides jelly candy. I like banana milk, ramen, chicken...” Taemin leans back against the wall. “I like my family, my friends, and going to school. You should've told me you're a student here, I wouldn't have been so scared of you. But I don't see you much on campus though, are your classes far away? What's your major?”

Kai makes a noncommittal sound to avoid answering the question. He's not a student of this school and yet he always teleports himself to the clock tower when he needed peace. He always finds himself up here even from before when there was nothing to remember by. “Why do you come up here?”

“Because not many people come here.” A soft smile graces Taemin's lips as he stares out to gaze at the campus. “I usually come here when I want to get away from everything. Away from the noise, the people, and my worries. The view is perfect up here and I can see so far. It's like all my troubles are so small, you know what I mean?”

The cloud that gave them shade parted allowing the sun shine through their sanctuary. The sunrays hits all the right angles making Taemin's hair shine and sparkle.

“Yeah I get it,” Kai enraptured by the view. His hand itches to brush the rays from Taemin's hair. “That's what I feel too.”

“I'm okay with sharing.” Taemin turns his smile at Kai. “Then this will be our place.” He brushes his hair and puts his hand down, right besides Kai. “Our little sanctuary.”

Kai suddenly takes Taemin's hand into his own and raises it up. He didn't know what the urge had took over him to do it but he did. Taemin watches curiously as Kai's large hand dwarf his small hand and laces them.


Taemin's breath hitches at the gesture, unsurely looks up at Kai whose looking at him with intensity.

“Your hands are so cute!”

Taemin scoffs. “My hands are small.” Pulling his hand away. “It's not very manly, I know.”

“I like the size of your hands,” Kai takes his hand again, lacing them together. “It fits into my hand. Why is this delicate hand so rough?”

Taemin pouts. “That is how a man's hands are supposed to feel!” Something that Kai is wearing caught Taemin's attention. “That ring – ” Taemin pointed at Kai's hand. “I think I have the same ring except it's smaller.”

“Oh this?” Kai raises his hand for both of them to see. “I had it since forever.”

“Really? I think I got mine when I was in high school,” Taemin fiddles the ring in Kai's finger. “It even has the same design too, I think. I'll bring it to school next time, okay?”

Kai smiles. “Great – Taemin-ah?”


“You're like a dream, Taemin-ah. A dream I never want to wake up from.”



After saying goodbye to Kai, Taemin leaves the university's campus. Spending time with Kai brought a fond smile on his face. He doesn't really know the guy that well and yet he seems nice and easy to talk to. They can talk casually like they had been friends for a long time.

You're like a dream, Taemin-ah. A dream I never want to wake up from.

“Was he hitting on me?” Taemin wonders out loud, putting his hand up to block the street light. Stretches his fingers out, he pouted. “My hand is not cute.”

As he walks he could feel a shift in the air. He doesn't need to look to know that it was Minho who materializes beside him. “So demon hyung, what have you been up to while I was at school?” Taemin said without looking. “Did you go to Onew's Cafe again?”

“I was around,” Minho said being vague. “It seems you have a good day at schoo-” he pauses mid sentence and sniffs the air. His action has Taemin stop walking and warily watches Minho when he takes a long whiff in his direction. Minho frowns as he straightens up. “I don't like that smell.”

Taemin looks confused and sniffs the collar of his shirt. “I don't smell anything – is it my sweat?”

Minho's frown deepened as he crowds into Taemin's space. “Who were you with?”

“No one really,” Taemin answered, his hands making aborted moves to back up. “I was at school all day and I took a bus. I was with people all the time; my classmates, my professors, and my friends. I thought you know everything since you're always popping up.”

“I smelt this scent briefly and it was at your school.” Minho backs up, arms across his chest as he regards Taemin carefully. “I don't spend all my time following you around if that's what you're thinking. There is something called privacy that humans don't quite grasp the concept correctly.” Minho grabs Taemin's arm. “I respect your privacy but it means nothing when it involves something I can't identify.”

“I don't know what it is that you smelt,” Taemin tugs his arm away. “But I think you should get your nose check because right now you're like a dog who has a cold.”

“Dog?!” Minho looks affronted. “You're an oblivious human with no sense of awareness to his surroundings. If it weren't my interference, you would have been that guy's dinner a long time ago!”

“Because apparently you called dibs on eating me!”

The two glared at each other, not wanting to admit defeat to the other. If Minho wasn't irritated of Taemin's disobedience, he would have been impressed by how far Taemin came a long way. His stance grounded, his fist clenched tight to the side, his eyes able to meet his own not. Too bad that impudence is directed at him.

The tension was broken when a boisterous cry cuts through as sharp steps quickly come their way.

“Oh my honey I miss you!”

Taemin didn't have time to turn around as he was barreled from behind by an all powerful Key. He barely adjusts himself as he was snuggled up in Key's embrace. “My gracious little darling from above~ Did you miss me?”

Taemin's cheeks flares up from embarrassment. The blatant display of affection is overwhelming and embarrassing, especially in front of demon Minho. “Key!” he whines, trying to get out of his embrace but to no avail. “W-what?!”

If Minho was surprise he doesn't show it. The only reaction was that he instinctively took a step back from the enthusiastic Key.

“Oh now look at the time,” Key shows his empty wrist that should have a watch. “We have to go to our appointment now. Come now darling, don't dilly dally.”

Taemin was manhandled away, wide eyed leaving Minho behind. All the while Minho watches the two leave him behind. His flat expression to hide his confusion from being abandoned so easily.

Taemin wasn't able to talk very well while being dragged away by a determined Key. They walk for a while, turning a couple of corners before entering a mall. They sit behind one of the large indoor plants in the sitting areas, out of view from everyone. Key glares at the entrance of the mall behind the plant. “I think we lost him,” he turns to Taemin sitting down. “Are you alright?”

“Um yes I guess?” Taemin rubs the back of his neck, sore. “What was that about?”

Key sighs. “My poor innocent Taemin,” he shakes his head. “Did you realize what kind of danger you were in? If I hadn't stepped in something bad could have happen.”

“W-what?! What do you mean?” Taemin asked, tilting his head. “I wasn't in any danger or anything. That was just Minho.”

“You know that creep?!”

“Yes unfortunately.”

“Then what was all of that about?”

“That's what I wanted to know!”

“You looked uncomfortable there,” Key explained. “Like he might do something to you. So I made the decision to save you.”

Taemin bit his bottom lip. “I was uncomfortable but Minho won't do anything to me. At least I hope he won't.”

“You can't just hope that he won't do anything,” Key scolds, wagging a finger at him. “Did you know there were a bunch of people missing lately? His face is handsome sure and the next thing you know it you're six feet under or floating in the Han River. With that obliviousness of yours, you would have been his latest victim!”

“No way!” Taemin strongly denies. “Minho is not a serial killer.”

“That's what serial killers want you to think.”

“I swear he's not a serial killer! I mean I guess he's a killer – that came out wrong – but I swear he's not going to kill me!”

He's ignored by Key who pulls out his phone. “I'm going to text Jonghyun to meet us here. I'm not comfortable leaving you alone like this.”

Taemin makes a frustrated noise into his hands. Key just shakes his head, pats his arm as he finishes his text, putting his phone away. “I know its hard to believe with his handsome face and all. For some reason just looking at him makes me want to punch him. And my instincts are telling me that I don't need a reason to.”

“I can tell you he doesn't want to kill me,” Taemin said into his hands, resigned to his fate. “He said he wants to give me what I truly desire, to trust him to give me something that I have never experience before. I don't know how to feel about that but I feel queasy every time I think about it.”

He's still wasn't sure what to do when Minho finally appears in front of his friends. What happened with Onew was just lucky and what happened with Key is just a close call. This all leaves him flabbergasted that maybe its better to outright tell them the truth. But how would his friends perceive the information as true? To be told that Minho is of the supernatural; a demon from hell.

Guess he'll have to see what happens. “Look Key,” Taemin starts to explain. “Minho isn't from around here. In fact Minho isn't his real name, he told me I can call him whatever I want. He said he could give me anything for a price and I really don't want to have anything to do with him. Mostly because the price is too high for me to afford. He's just so persistent and pop up at odd times just to harass me about it. He hasn't done anything evil like kicking puppies or killing – wait I shouldn't say that – without reason. What I'm trying to say is that Minho is a de – ”

“I get it.”

Taemin blinks in surprise. “Wait really?”

Key nodded gravely. “It's obvious, I can't believe I missed it. I mean it's so obvious with his face like that and wearing designer clothes. I bet his body looks hot underneath his – ”

“Stop! Whatever you're thinking just stop!”

“Sorry. And I can't believe it. I always thought you were too young and innocent to have it happen to you like this. I mean the recklessness of youth these days, you still shouldn't be making these decisions wily nily like that.”

Taemin looks confused in a wary sort of way. “... I'm not sure I like where you are going with this, Key.”

Key scoffs at Taemin's naïve. “I'm mean its so obvious. You just got propositioned by a prosti - ”

“Oh my gosh, no!!”

“Taemin my lovely yet evil baby, you shouldn't feel ashamed to still haven't done it yet. The culture these days are so toxic, pressuring kids like you to get your v-card swipe. You don't need to pay a prosti -”

“Key there are children present here, no!”

It was just his luck that Jonghyun came in at this moment. And just like the last time with Onew, Taemin was unable to stop Key from running to Jonghyun at top speed and bawling into his shoulder.

“Key, what's wrong?”

“Taemin got propositioned by a prosti-”




True to his word Key wouldn't leave Taemin alone and Jonghyun came along for the ride. They wandered the mall without purpose with Key occasionally buying trinkets and clothes. They may be acting carefree but Taemin could see Key and Jonghyun keeping an eye out for Minho.

Right now they are in a merchandise store as Key explains to Jonghyun about his love for kpop idol Boa.

“You have got to listen to her album, it's so good,” Key said, picking up one of the CD cases. “She is amazing. I love her music, I love her style, and I love her personality, identity, everything.”

Taemin raises an eyebrow watching Key gushing about his idol in front of his crush. “Hyung, I think you're getting carried away.”

Key looks insulted, putting his hand over his heart. “Why Taemin, I would never.”

Jonghyun snickers, giving them a fond look. “It's alright, little angel. I think it's cool that Key is passionate about someone he likes,” he said. “And I'll be sure to listen to some of her music when I get home.”

If heart eyes were real, Key would be making it. When Jonghyun goes to another aisle, Key takes this chance to drag Taemin away and pull him down. “I told you, this guy is the one. My other half!”

“Yeah but I think you went a little bit overboard there,” Taemin said, sitting on his hunches. “And I thought you said you're going to marry Boa.”

“Oh my naïve Taeminnie,” Key pats Taemin's head like he's a small animal. Why does everyone view him in that way? “I have room in my heart to make space for Jonghyun.”

Taemin just rolls his eyes. “Can I go now? I don't think Minho followed us.”

The carefree air disappeared at the mention of his name. Key levels Taemin a serious gaze. “Taemin, this is serious,” he said. “I don't like the feel of that guy. Sure he might not be around now but who knows if he's not just waiting for you outside of the mall. I'm not comfortable letting you go in this situation and even Jonghyun feels that way too.”

Taemin frowned. “But Minho won't do anything to me. Or at least not yet.”

“See, the way you said it makes me think this Minho character is suspicious,” Key pointed out.

“Yeah but that's because Minho is a demon.”

“Whose a demon?”

They both turned around to see Jonghyun watching them curiously. “What are you two doing there?”

Key quickly stands up, patting dust from his behind. “We were just talking about Taemin's stalker.”

Taemin quickly gets up as well. “I was telling Key that Minho is gone by now. He won't be around so it's safe for me to go home.”

Taemin bites his lips. He knows the both of them mean well but there is nothing to worry about. Because even if Minho doesn't appear at this moment, he's just going to be waiting for Taemin at home. It's not a flattering way to word it but he knows better not to say it out loud.

Jongyhyun has his brows furrowed as though he is in deep thought, carefully considering the information. After a while he nodded. “I don't think this Minho character is around either,” he finally said. “Taemin-ah, how about you spend a some time with us before you go home. Just to put our minds at ease. An hour or two at best. I saw there's karaoke in the mall if you want to go there.”

“Okay, we can go karaoke,” Taemin gives in. “But we're only staying for one hour. Not two hours or three. Just one. I still need to go home and you guys are paying.”

Jonghyun nods, satisfied. “Of course.”

Key sighs, “Fine but first -” he grabs Taemin's chin to hold him still while his other hand rummages his bag and pulls out lip gloss. “Taemin you got to stop biting your lips. It's a bad habit and you're going to ruin them like that.”

“Key stop it!” Taemin tries to turn his face but stuck in Key's iron grip. “I don't want your – mrrpph!”

Great now his lips are pink and sparkles. There was a hint of cherry flavor but he knows better not to it. Not if he wants a taste of balm and a angry Key. All he can do is give up as he was subjected to his fate.



Minho flatly stares at Changmin whose laughing out of control. He's back at the bookstore on the other side of town. Same place and even the same chair. “You done yet?”

Changmin couldn't answer, trying to keep his snigger down while making aborting signs. After a few huffs of laughter he finally settles down. “Okay, okay... I'm good now... I have got to meet these people.”

Minho inwardly sighs. It was never a good idea to meet Changmin who is delighted to hear him having trouble with his human. It's a risk he has to take and he requires some insight of what to do in his situation.

Changmin clears his throat, recomposing himself. It failed badly with the way his face is threatening to smile. “I can't believe you got called a drug dealer and a prosti – ”

“Finish that sentence and I will end you.”

“- and I did warned you that the longer you stay around the boy without claiming him, the more chances he will attract others to him.”

“I have no worries defending what is rightfully mine,” Minho confidently said. “But the presence I sensed around Taemin is not something to be taken lightly.”

“Because you can't identify it?”

“I can smell human mixed with the scent but it feels eroded in a way,” Minho tries to explain. “Do you know what I mean?”

Changmin shakes his head. “Not really. It's not a spirit nor another demon. Did a human soul get corrupted or something?”

Minho crossed his arms, leaning back on his chair. “There's also something else, separate from this. I sensed an angel.”

This got Changmin to sit up straight, all trace of amusement is gone. “An angel?”

Minho solemnly nodded. “There were faint traces of blessing on my human when he came home and I know for a fact he didn't go to church,” he said the word with disdain. “Why are they here?!

“Did you ask your human?”

“My human wouldn't talk to me, telling me to mind my own business.”

Truthfully Minho wasn't able to follow Taemin when Key had taken the boy away. He was only able to follow Taemin's presence to a general area when a shroud fell upon his senses. It was like hitting a wall and it made him confused and angry. When Taemin came home he was ready to confront the boy, how the boy escaped his senses. He had moved to touch Taemin and nearly getting burned because of blessings left by an angel.

It made Minho filled with rage.

“When angels come down to Earth they usually give blessings or eliminate rogue evil,” Changmin calmly explains. “They tend to be harmless unless we crossed their paths. That's why we do our work in the shadows, we're careful to make sure we don't stick out. You will need to be careful, Minho. If that angel is around your human, you might get discovered and even killed.”

“I'm not afraid of them.” Minho growls, black flames encased his right hand that formed into a fist. “The boy belongs to me.”

“You should be wary of them,” Changmin glares, particularly at Minho's flame covered hand. The flames nearly burn his table. “Smart demons don't pick fights with angels if they can't help it. Even if you do win, you would only doom us as they will send reinforcements to wipe us out. They are very particular with order but partake in vengeance when comes to our kind.”

Minho scoffs, the flames from his hand were snuffed out. “What should I do then?”

“The angel might not be after you but after that scent you smell otherwise you would have been dead,” Changmin said. “Worse case scenario is that the angel might pick up on your presence and will seek out to eliminate you. I would suggest that you claim your human as soon as you can because time is running out.”



If you like what you read make sure to show this fic some love! Upvotes, subscribe, and comments are much appreciated XD


PSA: I know in this fic Key may be considered as dramatic but the guy has good intentions. Vulnerable people especially women and children can get targetted if they are not careful. If you see someone acting suspiciously towards them like stalking, please act on your best judgment. This also goes the other way around if you feel you are being targetted; find a stranger you believe is safe (better if it's a group of people with at least some girls), loudly recognize them even if you don't and join them, and then stay with them or go to a general area with a lot of people (ex. cafe, bookstore, whatevers). They should know the situation right up the bat and will protect you. 

I can't stress this enough that this happens all the time, even if you're not aware of it. So remember to stay vigilant and do what you need to protect yourselves and others.

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Thank you everyone for coming along on this journey. As mentioned I will be taking a long break to recharge and plan. I'll be fixing some of my fics here to be posted on my AO3 account TGIntentX. See you next time, bye!


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kisstomylips #1
Chapter 37: It is my pleasure to read such a great work. I was moved by the feelings of SHINee five people, gentle warm onew, reliable Jonghyun, sweet key, awkward and lovely Minho, like the sun of the Taemin. Happy to finally see the reunion of Minho and Taemin, demon hyeong and his little one will always accompany each other as humans, can not find a better ending than this.Thank you for such a beautiful work💕
Chapter 37: Nice 👍
741 streak #4
Chapter 37: I just finished the ending as well as your author’s note. This was such an enjoyable story - both plot and characters. I am definitely glad that you saw it to the end, I also can’t wait to see your next adventure.

Quick question, did Minho keep the blue star and that is what turned him fully human? Also, is Onew just human now, without his powers?

It’s also interesting that Taemin’s parents are now in his and Taecyeon’s lives. The saddest scene was when Jongin hugged Taemin. I am still in hopes that they can see each other again at some point. Lastly, Minho and Taemin remembering each other almost brought a tear to my eye, as I can picture the whole scene. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic and sharing it with us.
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 37: Thank you for all the final explanation. It doesn't matter that it took you 4 years to finish it, I'm just so happy you did finish it. I've enjoyed that story very much with it intricate plot. And love the fact that everytime you gave answer to some questions, more questions pop up in my mind. This was a great story and I'm sure I'll be rereading it often. :) Take care and looking forward to reading another of your story in the future, no matter when that will be. :)
Chapter 37: Thank you for your explanation and story. I really enjoy it.
Beau1996 1372 streak #7
Chapter 37: Thank you for the detailed epilogue - I'm glad I read the story first though so I could develop my own movie in my mind !! This is one of my favorites and I was always happy to see an update!! Take care of yourself author-nim - rest and recharge!!!
Chapter 37: This had to have been a labor of love!
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 36: Wow.... Can't believe it is over already! I had been waiting (impatiently :P) for the ending but at the same time, I'm sad it is already over. Sorry if I was a pain and keep asking for update. :P I love this story very much and am very grateful you finished it. :)
I got a few questions:
- What happened to Onew? Since he gave his blue star to Minho, does it mean he will become old now? He is no longer immortal?
- For Taemin, since he got back, he doesn't have any recollection of what had happened? For him, live as usual for 6 months before he met Minho again?
- He said his brother was in the hospital and his parents is coming to pick him. So something change, since his parents are not death and his brother is also still alive?
- Is Jonghyun still there or is he gone back?
- Where did Jongin as well as the others that were present during the final fight gone?
- What is the future of Taemin and Minho? (you should have a second epilogue. :) )
So many answers, but so many more questions left....That has been the case from the beginning of this story. I really love it and I hope you will write many more. Can't wait to read your next one. :) Thank you so much for keeping us on our toes until the end!
Beau1996 1372 streak #10
Chapter 36: Was Jongin reliving a memory with Taemin before leaving and where did he go??

Such a good story!! I wondered if part of Minho's journey to save Taemin and accepting Onew's blue star would be giving up his demon powers.

Thanks for finishing your story!! So many times I come across a good fic only to realize that it has been abandoned! I'm already imagining what Minho and Taemin's life will be like now... 👏