Emergency Contact

Be My Star

The beginning half of the first day of school is incredibly busy – something Yaebin is eternally grateful for. It leaves little time for her to focus on the apple sitting on the corner of her desk – and, more importantly, the giver of said apple.

But the distraction is short lived when the children break for lunch, filing nervously into the cafeteria for the first time. When they are safely seated at their tables, Yaebin leaves them under the care of the cafeteria aide and makes her own way to the teacher’s lounge.

When she enters the slightly crowded room, Yaebin immediately understands the fear her students must be feeling – guppies amongst a sea of sharks. She searches around for a familiar face, but soon realizes that she hasn’t really interacted with much of anyone up until this point, and the likelihood of anyone recognizing her from the brief staff meetings they’ve had thus far is slim.

Yaebin is used to being the outsider, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less.

With the time remaining in her lunch hour dwindling, Yaebin grabs her brown-bagged lunch from the shared refrigerator and sits down at an empty table in the far right corner of the room. She arranges her sandwich, grapes, and hot cheetos in front of her, along with a bottle of water. The bottle opens with a snap, and Yaebin is mid-gulp when she recognizes Eunwoo across the room, eating alone in a similar fashion as herself. Eunwoo appears engrossed in a book, mindlessly taking a bite of a salad every so often but never looking away from the print on the table. Despite being alone, she looks composed and content; Yaebin can’t help but feel slightly jealous of her confidence.

“You’re the new Kindergarten teacher, right?”

Yaebin turns her head and blinks up at a tall woman with long blonde hair, brown eyes and way too much makeup for her tastes. Yaebin guesses she’s in her early thirties, experienced but not yet hardened by the school system – or possibly just blind enough not to recognize any problems. Realizing she’s staring, Yaebin responds with a nod.

“Erin Smithson, third grade teacher.” She reaches out for a handshake that Yaebin returns politely. Before Yaebin has much of a chance to say anything, Erin sits down next to her. “I’m sort of the unofficial head of all the staff here at Forest Meadow.”

Yaebin really wants to respond with a dry remark, but decides against it.

“Are you planning on getting involved with any of the organizations here?” Erin asks between bites of a chicken salad.

“Oh, I…I hadn’t really thought about it much, to be really honest.” Yaebin takes a small, chewing as softly as she can.

“Well we always have plenty of room in the PTA. I’d encourage you to join us, it’s always a great way to meet other teachers and parents and understand the issues affecting the entire community.” Erin sips from a glass of water, then continues. “We can always use help in the different clubs too. There’s mock trial, dance, theater, art and photography, student council-“

Yaebin’s head snaps up. “Art?”

“Mmm. Mhm.” Erin nods. “It’s fallen to the wayside a bit in the last few years, if I’m being honest, but if you’d have an interest in overseeing it, I can certainly put in a good word…”

Yaebin can’t fight the smile that spreads across her face, as much as she doesn't want Erin to get the satisfaction of impressing her. “That would be….very kind. I’d for sure be interested in helping out where I can.”

“Great!” Erin exclaims. “We can discuss it at the next PTA meeting. It will be the first one of the year, and…”

Erin continues on about topics and school issues that are of no interest to Yaebin, and soon she finds her mind – and eyes – wandering back over to Eunwoo, who’s still focused on her thick paperback book with maroon binding and crisp white pages. Yaebin wants to go over and talk to her, befriend her – and secretly – selfishly - Minkyung - but Erin appears to read her mind, glancing over at Eunwoo, then at Yaebin.

“I wouldn’t get caught up in all of that if I were you,” Erin warns with a wave of a hand, her voice low.

Yaebin raises her eyebrows. “What?”

“Eunwoo Jung. She’s…” Erin clucks her tongue. “I would just stay away from her and her crowd. You are young and impressionable, wouldn't want you getting caught up in all of that.”

Yaebin clears . “Her crowd? I’m not sure I really follow…”

Erin stands from the table and grabs her empty plate and glass. “See you at the PTA meeting, ok?” She gives Yaebin a large, fake smile and turns on her heels, her long blonde hair swishing across her shoulders as she moves across the lounge and out into the hallway.

Despite the warning, Yaebin can’t help but stare across the room, more curious than ever about Eunwoo and her “crowd”.

When 3:00pm nears, excitement flutters in Yaebin’s chest at the prospect of seeing Minkyung again. Her hands shake as she helps her students gather their backpacks and lunch boxes and line up carefully at the classroom door for their parents to arrive for pickup. On autopilot, Yaebin smiles and recounts the day to various parents, praising each child’s behavior and bravery on the first day, but she’s distracted, waiting for a certain parent to arrive.

But as each boy and girl make their way home in their parents’ arms, one student sits politely in her seat with her unicorn lunchbox, swinging her legs back and forth to the rhythm of the ticking clock.

Yaebin is about to look for Xiyeon’s emergency contact number when Minkyung comes rushing into the classroom, disheveled with her purse in her hand and her hair slightly mussed. She gasps for breath as she runs over to Xiyeon and falls to her knees, scooping her up in her arms. “I’m so sorry,” Minkyung apologizes to her daughter, then Yaebin.

Yaebin is taken aback by Minkyung’s demeanor, so frazzled and shaken compared to the her usual cool, confident air. Yaebin reaches out and gently touches Minkyungs’s shoulder in a comforting gesture. “Are you alright, Mrs. Kim?”

“Oh yes…” Minkyung stands slowly. “Today has been…a day. I lost track of time. I’m so so sorry, sweetie.” She leans down and kisses the top of Xiyeon’s head.

“It’s ok mama,” Xiyeon assures with a grin.

“Next time my schedule gets crazy like this, I promise Nanny will be here to pick you up right at 3,” Minkyung informs Xiyeon while also clueing Yaebin in to the additional pickup arrangement. Yaebin can’t help but feel a little bit disappointed with the reality that she may not get to see Minkyung as often as she had hoped; the pleasant surprise of Minkyung’s place in her classroom appears to be but a fleeting moment.

“Can we get some ice cream?” Xiyeon asks innocently, changing the subject in the way only children can.

Yaebin and Minkyung laugh simultaneously. Then Minkyung smiles at Yaebin, and when their eyes lock, a spark crackles between them. Typical Yaebin would look away in a gay panic, but she’s completely enamored. It feels like something out of a romantic comedy, where the rest of the world seems to disappear and the music swells. She almost whimpers with disappointment when Minkyung clears and looks away toward the young girl tucked against her side.

“Are you ready to go, Xiyeon?”

Without having to ask twice, Xiyeon grabs her lunchbox and bounces out of the classroom.

“Thank you so much for staying with her, Miss Kang. What a terrible first impression I’ve made, haven’t I?” Minkyung laughs nervously.

Yaebin dismisses her with a wave of her hand. “It’s really no problem at all. And please, call me Yaebin.” She feels a nervous lump in the middle of as she says it, wondering if it comes off too bold. Minkyung’s certainly made an impression, but the way Yaebin would describe it is the polar opposite of terrible.

“Well, Yaebin,” Minkyung says, and god, coming from her lips, it’s like nothing Yaebin has ever heard or experienced before. “I apologize once again for my tardiness. Is there any way I can make it up to you?” Minkyung takes a step forward, and the scent of her perfume – distinct and flowery - practically sends shockwaves into Yaebin’s soul.

“Ooh, um…” Yaebin clears .

“Moooooom,” Xiyeon calls from down the hall, “come ooooon!!”

“Yes darling!” Minkyung responds. She shifts on her heels and pulls the strap of her purse up over her head and across her body.

Yaebin wants to say something else, wants to find an excuse to see Minkyung one-on-one again and for a longer period of time, but she’s already mustered all the courage she has today. She crosses her arms over her chest and scratches her elbow nervously.

“Have a wonderful evening, Yaebin.”

Despite the different variations of ‘goodbye’ at the tip of her tongue, Yaebin simply responds with a crooked smile and a small bow of her head.

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BYoungni #1
Chapter 5: Good god, just imagining yaebin dealing with a lil siyeon makes me laugh haha, great chapter!
Chapter 5: You should continue the story. It is really good, probably already on my top 10. That says a lot, because I have high standards. I say it is 100% better than my story.
Cmac83 #3
Chapter 5: Loving the story!
Chapter 4: Nice storyline!! ?? What a good day to read a new ff thank u author
Chapter 4: Nice storiesss!! I love the storyline ? good work aithor