
Married To You

Taekwoon and Hakyeon sit side by side in front the television. Watching the evening drama together. "Hakyeon, my parents invite us to a party tonight," inform Taekwoon suddenly. "Party? What party?"ask Hakyeon without looking at him. She never like to go to corporate party. Its boring.

"I don't know. So, do you want to go?" Taekwoon look at the girl. Waiting for her answer. "If you want me to go, I'll go. You are my husband. I should accompany you, right," Hakyeon look at her husband with smile. Taekwoon smile back before he nod his head. Happy with the answer.


Taekwoon and Hakyeon walk into the hotel hall side by side and in hands. When they walk through the door, almost all attention given to them. Well, Taekwoon look so handsome in his tuxedo. While Hakyeon look so beautiful with her purple gown. They look like a match make in heaven.

They both walk toward Taekwoon's parents to greet them. "Good evening, dad, mom," greet Taekwoon. "Good evening," Hakyeon just bow to them slightly. She know they still do not accept her. And for this party, she can expect that they have hidden intention behind it.

"Oh  you coming. And you bring this girl with you too. I already tell you that I only want you to attend this party," Byunghee send a glare to his son. His wife who stand beside him also do the same at Hakyeon.

"But she is my wife. She need to accompany me in any party. I will never leave her alone," reply Taekwoon calmly. He does not care what they think. Why would he leave his wife alone at home? Why they want him to come alone? They must have some plan for him. While Hakyeon smile widely when she hear her husband reply. He is so responsible and cool. It make she feel so loved right now.

"Just make sure you don't tell anyone that you already married," whisper Byunghee sternly as he look around. Make sure no one can hear it. "Why should...," Taekwoon want to oppose, but Hakyeon fastly hold his arm to make him stop. "Its fine. You don't want to make this thing complicated right," whisper Hakyeon. Taekwoon take a deep breath before he look at his wife. "Okay. But, if you feel uncomfortable, you can just tell me and we can leave." Hakyeon nod her head.

Taekwoon keep standing beside Hakyeon. Does not want to leave her. He does not care what his parents want and think. What he need to do is accompany his wife. He know the wolves there are eye his wife. Try to find chance to talk with Hakyeon. No, he will not allow them.

"Taekwoon, come here. I need you to meet my friend," call his father. Taekwoon just ignore him. He does not want to leave his wife. "Just go. Don't worry. I will be fine," Hakyeon pat his arm softly. Taekwoon sigh before he nod his head. "If there anyone disturb you, tell me," said Taekwoon before he leave.

"This is my son, Jung Taekwoon," Byunghee introduce his son when Taekwoon already stand beside him. Taekwoon give a small smile with slightly bow to the man. "What a nice handsome son that you have. Why I never saw him before?"

"Well, look who's his father," reply Byunghee proudly. Taekwoon really want to roll his eyes but he hold his urge to do that. He does not want to be rude. "Oh yeah, I almost forget. Yongsun ah, come here," that man call for his daughter who stand not far from them. Yongsun walk toward her father. "Yes, dad."

"I want to introduce you my friend and his son. This is Jung Byunghee and his son, Jung Taekwoon," introduce that man. The girl smile sweetly to the men before she bow. "Good evening. I'm Kim Yongsun. Nice to meet you."

"Your daughter is so beautiful," praise Byunghee. "Thank you, uncle," reply Yongsun with slightly bow. Then the fathers continue talking about business. Make the young people feel bored with it. Taekwoon look around to find his wife. And when he saw who is talking to his wife, he fastly walk toward them without thinking.


After Taekwoon leave, Hakyeon stand there alone. With a glass of orange juice in her hand. Suddenly, she can feel someone holding her waist. She fastly push that hand away. "Whoa, no need to be so fierce, beautiful," said that person. Hakyeon send a glare to that man as she take few steps away from the rude man.

"Hey, no need to be so scare. You are so beautiful. I can't believe we never meet before," said that man. Hakyeon give weird look at him. Who is he? Dare to hold her like that. Not even want to apologise to her for that rude action.

"I think you must have heard about me before. I'm quite famous. All women know me. They all crazy on me." That man keep praising himself. She really want to leave this arrogant shameless man alone. But she still want to be polite.

"By the way, I'm Jung Wooyong. This party was organize by my parents. You know JJ Corporation right? I will be the CEO soon. And I need a beauty like you beside me when I take over the company. So, how about if we leave this crowd and go to a quieter place for us to discuss. To know more about each other." Wooyong want to hold Hakyeon's waist again. But his arm got stop by someone.

"What do you want, Taekwoon?" Wooyong pull back his arm harshly as he glare at his brother. "I don't think you should do that." Taekwoon stand beside his wife, looking at his older brother lazily.

"Why should I follow your words? Just say that you want to try her too," Wooyong glare at Taekwoon angrily. Taekwoon take a deep breath before he lean forward and whisper to his brother, "I think you should talk in slower voice. You don't want to gain the guests attention right."

Wooyong close his mouth as he look around. Make sure there no one give their attention to them. He does not want to give bad impression to them. "I think dad is calling for you," told Taekwoon. Wooyong turn around and can see his father is calling for him. "Later beautiful," Wooyong wink to Hakyeon before he leave. Not before he send a glare to Taekwoon.

"Are you okay? Sorry for my brother." Taekwoon look at his wife worriedly. "I'm fine. So, he is your older brother. Thanksfully I'm not engaged to him," reply Hakyeon honestly. She will never want to get married with a man like him. Who can't respect her as a woman.

"Yeah, thanks to our grandfather who engage we both. I will never want to see you with other people than me," Taekwoon give sincere look and smile at his wife. Hakyeon look down as she smile shyly. Don't know that her shy cute husband can flirt too.

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amyhanny3 #1
Chapter 24: Thanks for updating!!!
hyukmin86 #2
Chapter 24: Thank you for updating
Chapter 23: Hello!!! Wellcome back! No problems, just don't forget about us ˆ-ˆ
Hi! R u fine? Waiting here for the comeback!
Purwal #5
Chapter 22: Can’t wait for the new couple
Chapter 22: I miss it a lot!!!! thx for coming back!!! ^u^
amyhanny3 #7
Chapter 22: Miss you so much Authornim...please keep your update when you have a time...
Shazzeleo #8
Chapter 21: I really love your fic!! Thanks for the update
hyukmin86 #9
Chapter 21: Thanks for update
Chapter 19: Lovely