Chapter Nine: Don't Mess with the She-Devil

Devil's In Love

The sun has yet to raise, but Irene was already awake from her nap. Only 3hours of sleep and it's already enough for her.

          She stood from her bed and stretched her sore limbs. She looks at herself in the body mirror in disdain.

         Wrinkly clothes, bird nest hair, smudge lipstick. If someone to see her now in this state they'll probably jumped off the window.

         Good thing she warned Elliot not to enter her room at any cost or else he'll see the real She-Devil. She have a reputation to protect.

         Irene entered the bathroom and took a warm shower. Her face now is free from make up and showing her unblemished Jade white skin.

         Her transparent brown orbs are no longer apparent from weariness. Turning off the shower knob, Irene took her light pink towel and wrapped it around her body and took another one for her hair.

      Walking out of the shower, she took the clothes she brought from home, she choose a white pencil cut skirt, a long sleeve, beige blouse with ruffles,paired with beige pumps. She dried her hair and put it up in a messy bun, thanks to YouTube for that. After completing her look,she left the room to the office. 

     As always, Elliot was already there with a steaming brewed coffee on the table. They have a board meeting with the board members at the main office.

     "Miss, your father had called, asking you to go at the old residence for some personal matters." Elliot inform her.

     Irene hummed and turn her chair to face the window. "Seems like, I need those papers now." She uttered while sipping her coffee.

    "I have finished them miss." Elliot informed her.

     Irene turned her chair back to her table and stare at Elliot. "Always prepare, aren't we?"

    Elliot chuckled, "Miss is jesting, you asked such a simple job, and I had the liberty to finish it early."

    Irene shook her head, "you never fail to surprise me, good thing I had a great eyes with talented people." Irene mumbled not trying to humbling herself.

    "That, you have." Elliot agreed.

       "Now that this is done, reschedule the meeting." She commanded.





        "That ! How dare she make us wait?! This is the fourth times she reschedule the meeting. Is she even putting us in her eyes?" An old fleshy middle aged man slam his hand on the table.

        "Mr. Jang, please ease your anger, if someone heard you talking to her like that, it'll be off with your head." One of his co worker told him. Trying to calm the the old geezer.

      "Do I look like I ing care?! That is nothing but a brat who needs her mother's milk. Who do you think she is? A little brat relying to her family's fortune!" The furious man spatted. "I don't understand what that Ilsung thinking,putting her in such position. If it's only me, I already flourish this up to heaven."

      Everyone was nervous at this taboo's words. Where are they now? They are still at the. She-Devil's den. Badmouthing her in her territory is like asking for early death.

      This man is so stupid that they want to vomit blood in despair. They won't accompany him anymore if they want their head and business intact.

      "Seems like my action bring a misfit to this gentleman." A familiar cold voice eerie behind them. The others froze to their seat as shivers run down to their old spine.

      "M-Ms B-B-Bae," they are sweating profoundly. Now this fatty done it. Irene Bae definitely hear him. They are silently cursing him up to his 11th generation.

       "Hmmmmppp! Little now you show yourelf." The fat arrogant man procrastinate, he must assumed that she would ran after him if he decided to work at the different company.

       His now co workers, silently orayed for this man soul. He is a total idiot. They wonder how this fatty get this far in the business world, he can even distinguish good and deadly.

      "Mr. Jang, seems like we won't be needing you anymore, since you are so eager to live." Throwing a stack of papers in his face.

      "What?! You have the gut to fire me? Let me tell you if it wasn't for me,this company is nothing!" He angrily told Irene.

     "Oh really? Which part? The part. Where you stole the money that is meant for the Diamond Empire for your mistresses?" Now that got the fatty man's attention that he freezes.

      The people heard it and whispered to themselves.

     " You mean,that time when we almost lose such gem?"

       "Yeah,Mr.Jang was responsible for that project that he insisted that he is not to blame for the lost money." Elliot explained. "Cause of lack of evidence, the president let it be and had Ms. Bae to fix it."

        "How shameless this fatty is! Look at his fat cause of the money he stole!!"

        "Ms. Bae also says for his mistresses! Mistresses means plural. What a shame, he is married to a proud and elegant woman and he is doing it in her back?"

       "If the Lee knows this,they have someone cut this Fatty's baby maker."

        Mr. Jang was covered with cold sweat as she glared at the vicious she-devil 


         "I already have your resignation paper ready in that envelope and also the divorce papers that Miss Lee want you to sign." Irene's heels close clicked in the floor as she walked to him,like a tiger to her fat rabbit prey.

         "Have a good day, Mr. Jang." Irene muttered as she walked passed him.

         Mr. Jang stumbled in the cold floor, with his eyes clouded with cold air.




Author's Corner:

    So BaeBears,the first taste of the She-Devil. I hope you like it and as always,tell me what you think by dropping a cooommmmmmeeeeennnntttt down below~~~




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Double update!!!!!


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Chapter 11: These mass updates are a blessing, thank you and I love where this story is going
saneperson #2
Chapter 11: Wow , I feel so spoiled thanks for the updates , really enjoyed the chapters and good luck seulgi hahaha
Chapter 11: the living together now is realll, well the mess is coming tho XD lol
21 streak #4
Chapter 12: Woah
Chapter 12: *hug
Chapter 12: I love you too
Chapter 9: ahhhh thank you for the update... and can't wait for them to get married
Chapter 9: I know that Joohyun doing good deed for the company but the backslash from all angry people wouldn't be that pretty
Chapter 9: It's outttttttttttt
Fierce Irene soon to be Kang

Thanks for the update
marielsoshi9 #10
Chapter 9: wow another update authornim thanks!!!! the old title is cute tho but this is alright