What you do

Sweet Lies (Baekhyun x OC) TEMPORARY HIATUS
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Nothing happened that night, well...nothing other than him embracing you and cuddling you, most of the night was spent with him leaving sweet and innocent kisses along your cheeks, forehead and hair. It was almost as if he was afraid of rushing things and making you regret your decision of giving him a chance, all that was heard were mumbles and laughter.  That night you got to know he liked strawberry milk a little bit too much for a man his age, that he liked cuddling and he was just so sweet and soft, something that made a big contrast to that cold CEO image he's built over the years.

He told you about his friends, his struggle with a few foregin languages and you found yourself telling him you could help him with them, it was as if it was a snuggly first date.  You'd never imagined that you'd spend your first night as a married woman getting to know your husband, and much less it being so adorable and cute as it was. You couldn't deny he was attractive but now, instead of just being intimidated and annoyed by him, you were being shy by completely different reasons, because you were both aware of your situation and were willing to try.

You woke up to the sun in your face and as you tried to nuzzle your face into your pillow you found yourself nuzzling an arm, after blinking a few times in surprise you remembered where you were. In bed, cuddling with your husband he was hugging you from behind and you sighed, this was a good way to start the day right? You turned and admired the man that was snoring silently in front of you, you watched as his lips formed a pout which made him look so innocent. After all the time you spent talking the night before you felt a little closer to him, sure he was still pretty much a stranger but he now made your heart feel warm and comfortable in his presence.  

Maybe it was the sense of security he gave you, he was your husband now and he did say that he'd do his best to make you happy and take care of you so it was normal to feel this way. It was so nice to have someone that woud be a staple in your life, even if it was an arrangement and you knew that even if you weren't in love with him you could at least have a close friend in him. You decided to give into the comfort and shuffled a little closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist which earned a small grunt from him, he then tigthened his hold on you and mumbled something practically inaudible. "Morning Mr. Byun" You giggled softly and nuzzled your head on his shoulder before trying to move, making him groan again. "Five more minutes..." 

Those five minutes turned into a couple of hours in which you drifted in and out of sleep, they were only interrupted when both your cellphones started ringing. You jumped and answered annoyed that someone almost scared the sould out of your body. "Hello?" You were still sleepy but tried to keep your voice as normal as possible. "PARK AREUM WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU AND BAEKHYUN, WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO CONTACT YOU ALL MORNING!? YOU HAVE A FLIGHT TO TAKE AT 2 PM!" The voice of your mothr made you wake up entirely and sit on the bed in an instant, you looked around and noticed the surprised expression on his face mirroring yours. The clock said it was noon but none of you had actually packed a single garment. "Mom...We didn't know about the flight, and what's wrong with me sleeping in MY house with MY husband till noon?" You rolled your eyes and noticed Baekhyun hiding his face on the pillow to mask his laughter.

"Young lady you and your husband have to get to the airport in the next hour or we're having serious trouble."  You sighed and just agreed, you fell back onto the bed with a sigh as soon as your mom hung up. "One would think that when we got married she'd stop bossing me around but no, it only seems like she'll boss you around too..." His laughter was so loud but at the same time it made you smile, relieving some of the stress your mom caused you. He pulled you into his arms and place a kiss on the top of your head, giving you some assurance. "Don't worry, I'll just charm your mother to make up for our tardiness"

Since both of you found out about this trip on the last minute you both packed a small suitcase with essentials, choosing to buy whatever you might need at the destination and hopped on the car that was conveniently waiting for you outside your home. It was a silent ride but it was a comfortable silence, you were looking out the window and you could feel Baekhyun's thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand as he held it. You gave him a smile and just hoped he could actually charm your mother, to make the week better for everyone.

Your mother's plan was to send you off to a secluded residence in Sardinia where you'd both have to bond over the course of a week, knowing her you expected her to make a big fuss and even contact a few reporters to take your pictures or even go with you so she actually made sure you bonded, but it seemed like it was going to be an unusually calm trip. It was a long flight and you'd just woken up a few minutes ago, the man next to you still sleeping soundly, so you inspected the ring on

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I'm trying to write in my free time because honestly the last semester of uni is the worst I have to prepare for a general exam and work at the same time so I barely have time to sleep thank you all for subscribing I'll try to update soon


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Chapter 3: omg i just read this and its sooo good. your writing is beautiful. i love how they took their time to get to know each other but it seems like there's much more thatthey dont know. looking forward to more of this
Bobohu04 #2
Please, don't give up on this story!!!??
Chapter 3: you did not just DO that..... im officially devastated. please come back and continue wht you left at here miss ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Chapter 2: WHY I AM ALSO BLUSHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH DAMN YOU MR BYUN !!!!!!!!!!!! ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
Chapter 1: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaಥ‿ಥ
Chapter 3: With the progress of their relationship and all the physical intimation between them right here, now I start getting nervous as i remember the description that everything they have was all fake. But who's the fake one? Since all i see the girl especially look sincere with her feelings, if Baekhyun hurt her in the future I can't forgive him seriously XD

Anyway, those gif at the beginning of the chapter are just assdfgghklklahgybjx¡¡¡¡
Chapter 1: Waaah, chapter one got me hooked already. At first I was doubting Baekhyun with the way he approached the girl here kinda sneakily, but then I see hope and something more serious with what Baekhyun said in their room.

oMG, why he has to be that charming? I'm In love with him already kkkk
arranged marriage story somewhat has always been my fave theme, especially when I see a potential fluff in the near future, I cant just let it slide lol

Hope to see more love in their future relationship <3
M_Creature #8
Chapter 3: OMG I love this story sooooo much! And I love how you write it! I can't wait for the continuation!
Chapter 3: I hope they will be fine, not ready for angstromance please.
Chapter 2: Why I feel so shy when I read this story? Haha I think I like your story. many stories about arrangemarried start with hate and then conflict and the ending they are falling in love. But this one start with friendship, and I hope this story will present something different.