Work of Art (ViVes)

Life Of Eve

Work of Art (ViVes)

Having a live art contest in the middle of their promotion was actually not a bad idea. Not only they could present more content to their fans but it’s also for their own stress relief since they have continuously attended music shows to perform their latest comeback.

Vivi was happy to get Yves’s name but she was also disappointed that Yves didn’t pull out her name. she would want to see the younger girl’s attempt but remembering the time when she drew the swan, Vivi thought otherwise.

With the camera at the other side, Vivi took the opportunity to scroll through her phone. Opening the folder gallery of the subject of her affection, but for today, the subject for her art, Yves.

Despite their on-going relationship after the kitchen escapade, they decided to keep it a secret from the other members. Though she suspects Olivia knew about it with her continuous mumbling of ‘what do you see in her’ whenever they were alone.

Some of the pictures Vivi saved was when the younger girl was asleep, cooking, dancing or doing something, then there’s a portion of selfies of them together. Vivi choose a picture of Yves reading a book. It was a picture she took when they were preparing their MV, while waiting for the others to finish their makeup, Yves had decided to read something. The way she was so focus made her look mature compare to her goofy self. She can’t help but took a sneak photo of it, vaguely hearing Olivia sighed and another round of ‘what do you see in her’ not too far.

She looked over at Yves, who was busy drawing Choerry. Her brows furrow in concentration while her hand just sketched away. Vivi couldn’t help but smile at the sight of a serious Yves. Feeling like she was being stared at, Yves looked up from her drawing, their eyes met. She gave a slight smile and a quick wink before going back to her drawing. Vivi smiled and continue her own drawing.

It was risky but the two had sat close together, their knees touching. Its hard for them not to smile even though the camera was far away from them. Well, they were models before so they knew how to control their emotions.

“Let’s change the camera.”

Jinsoul move the camera and Vivi had to close Yves’s picture. If Jinsoul saw it she would start ask questions, and this in turn would spark the other members curiosity. But this is a problem. She needed a reference for her drawing and asking Yves to twist and turn would be inconvenient for her even though Yves would certainly do it anyways.

Maybe instead of using her own collections, she could just search for Yves’s picture in naver. That way it would make things less suspicious. Vivi quietly continue her drawing, Yves chuckled and grab her phone to show it to the camera. Vivi could only smile as she heard Yves showing off her phone to the viewers.

She finished drawing Yves’s hair and proceed to draw the face. When she started drawing Yves’s lips, she suddenly remembers of yesterday’s event.




It was when they’ve just got done performing at one of the music shows, where they were all resting in the waiting room. Vivi excuse herself to go to the washroom. She didn’t notice someone following her until she heard the washroom door swung open.

It’s a good thing the place was empty, cause just as the two made eye contact, they hurriedly went for a kiss. When they separated, Yves smile her bright smile.

“Miss me?”

Vivi could only sighed, “You too?”

Yves nodded enthusiastically. The way she acted made Vivi’s heart melt as she pinched Yves’s chubby cheeks. They were about to go for a second kiss when the door suddenly swung open again. Both startled and immediately move away from each other. While they both pretend to wash their hands, a female staff went to use the cubicle. Vivi and Yves glance at one another before erupted into quiet giggles.

Vivi thought about returning back but Yves went and suddenly grab her wrist, pulling her into one of the empty cubicles. She heard the lock turn and the lid of the toilet seat being push down. Yves sat down and pull Vivi into her lap.

“What are you doing?” Vivi whispered.

Yves nonchalantly shrugged, “I just want to spend more time with you.”

Before Vivi could say anything, she heard the sound of flushing at the other stall. The other occupant then left without noticing anything suspicious. After making sure the coast is clear, Vivi continues.

“We’ve practically been together most of the time, don’t tell me that’s not enough.”

Yves squeeze a bit tighter but not to the point of hurting her. “But it wasn’t just the two of us, Kahei. The others are always there, it’s hard to have an alone time together.”

Again, Vivi sighed and lean on her. “Just a few more minutes then.”

She could feel Yves smiling over her shoulder and snuggle into her neck.




The boisterous laughter broke Vivi’s reminiscence. Seems like everyone had already finish their drawings. She glances across her to see Yves teasing Kim Lip of her sketch. She looked down and amazingly had also finish her drawing.

“Ohh not bad, Vivi unnie.” Haseul compliment.

“Thank you, what about you?”

Haseul show hers and the only thing Vivi could say was, “Good.”

Soon everyone was lining up in front of the camera to show the fruit of their hard work. After they were done, they did a vote which resulting in Go Won in first place and Haseul being the last. First place will have the privilege to do vLive with another person while the last has to clean the place up.

With the vLive ended, everyone can finally return to the dorm. While waiting for their leader to finish the cleanup, the other members were hanging out in the lobby area. Yves and Vivi went to their locker room to get their stuff.

When they make sure no one was in the room, Yves hugged Vivi from behind and nuzzle into her neck.

“Can I keep your drawing?”

“Why would you want to keep it?”

“It’s because you drew it silly. I really love it.”

Vivi blushed, she was hesitant but seeing Yves pouty face made her cave in. “Okay, you can keep it then.”

Yves cheer and happily lifted the older girl up.

“S-Sooyoung, stoppp.”

Yves laughed before letting the girl go.

Vivi turn and playfully smack Yves’s shoulder. Despite the two of them being the oldest, they always act like a hopeless romantic couple whenever it was just them.

“Why do even want to keep my drawing? It’s not like it won first place.” Vivi asked.

Yves winked, “Don’t worry, it will always be a first place to me.”

Vivi giggled, “You’re so cheesy, Sooyoung.”




Haseul gave one last look of the room, she had thrown all the trash and roll up the carpet and put it in the corner. She didn’t have to do all these things but she was the leader, she should keep her promise and put an example for the others.

Yeojin had kindly offer to help but Haseul refused, wanting her to take the opportunity to rest. She knew the maknae had been practicing after school without telling them since the start of their comeback. It pains her to see their little froggo came back looking tired. Even their choregraph teacher had already advise her not to overdo it but after what happen at the concert, Yeojin intend to work harder so that she won’t repeat the same mistake again. She needed to discuss with Yves and Kim Lip about it later, for now she needed to finish the cleanup quickly so that they all could go home.

Haseul collect all the sketch books and place it on the table. But in her haste, she didn’t notice she place it by the corner causing some of the books to fall down. Haseul could only sighed at her own carelessness.

She knelt down to collect them, noticing a piece of paper jutted out from one of the books. She slowly slides it out, revealing an unfinish yet beautiful sketch of Vivi. It’s not realistic nor cartoony, it was something beyond her and most probably everyone’s level of skill. She checks the owner of the sketch book and smile.

“If you submitted this one, you would've won, Sooyoung unnie.”


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Next chapters (not in order) will be Vives, Yves and Yeojin, Yves and ChuuLip and another Vives.


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Chapter 9: omg dance teacher aeong,,, really hope jinsol gets her girl too,, you wouldnt do that to us right??
Chapter 8: finally got caught up,, its so nice to see someone tackling how yeojin felt after the accident and it just reminds me how well she bounced back
AshleyKlar #3
Chapter 8: Can you please do a Hanahaki disease AU? Whether it has a happy ending or not is up to you. ChuuLip pairing maybe?
Chapter 7: whew,,, yvevi is so underrated!!
Chapter 6: a win for hyewon!! sooyoung really out here playing matchmaker
Chapter 5: im so behind on these!! glad i made time to read one before i slept,, really hope yeojin didnt beat herself up for too long
Hanimalik #7
Chapter 8: so cute
Chapter 8: i kinda feel bad for yeojin. irl she was mistreated by a 'fake orbit', dat jerk was pushin her down. ugh.. i hope yeojin rlly hold an important role in loonaverse to boost her confidence again.
johnny1024 #9
Chapter 7: Oh god, I love this. And Yves. I love thay way you written this stories where Yves is not main character, and generalny there is no much of her, but still she is very important part, like a catalyst, you can feel her presence and importance. Cant wait for more ❤️
Chapter 6: awww the end got me. gowon wants to be a princess so bad XD