Little Pieces

Little Pieces
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Taemin was talented. When Jonghyun had first heard him singing and practicing while going over his audition and training videos, he realized why none of the recent idol groups had him in their line ups. His voice wasn’t ornamental and strong, at least in comparison to the powerful voices that had been cast as the lead vocals in the last three male groups. He was almost twenty now and was finally going to debut, not as a lead or male vocalist but as a visual and a back-up vocal but Jonghyun had interfered, asking for a solo debut for him instead.


He had by chance caught him practicing and his voice had stuck in his semblance because of how he felt it would perhaps suit a few songs he had written and composed that had never seen the light of the day because of how unsuited they were to their idol groups. All his songs needed were some tweaks, a little tailoring and they’d fit Taemin so well.


He had invited him one day on the pretext of recording demos for him using his cold as an excuse and his suspicions were right. Taemin’s low, breathy voice, that was not so overpowering was well-suited for his songs. Every flaw that he had heard the trainers speak of, which Jonghyun had observed only to be the fault of the generic music Taemin was forced to abide by, was now no longer there. True, with more training– the right kind–, Taemin could sing everything well, but this, these unconventional pieces Jonghyun had put together were an impeccable match for him. Jonghyun could see from how overwhelmed Taemin was after having finished singing, that he felt that spark as well.


It was right after Taemin had walked out that Jonghyun had made the call, proposing Taemin as their next solo debut instead of debuting him as part of a group.


“We shouldn’t make him fit to something but make something that fits him. And this group’s vibe just doesn’t.”


He had argued for his belief in the meetings but just skipped attending the ones later because the training team were being too aggressive.


“You have really done it this time,” It was Kibum, his co-director, who spoke, taking a seat beside him in the recording studio, “Just because the CEO gave you a creative license, you cannot go about interfering in the line ups. It’s up to the training team to propose the next debutants. In case you have forgotten, our job comes after–” Kibum was exasperated, “We give them the music most suited to them and help them perfect it. I just got back from the meeting and its total chaos. Firstly, they are all calling you out for ignoring protocol… and next, they are blaming the poor boy, saying he probably asked you to pull a favor or something. You know how that direction regresses. There will be some nasty rumors going around now–”


“Kibum, do you believe that nonsense?”


“No.” He sighed, “And honestly, you aren’t in the wrong, but why did you do it?”


Jonghyun pressed a few buttons, letting Taemin’s recording play, “This is why.”


Kibum was struck as the song progressed, “You found it. The voice.”


“His voice is indeed exceptional.” Jonghyun smiled, “Finally…” His smile grew fond, “These songs will find a way to him.”




Jonghyun still remembered it. His voice, faintly reaching his ears as he passed by the balcony on his way to the elevators. He was younger then, barely past twenty, working as an RJ after graduation, because it was the very first offer he had gotten. He composed and wrote music for his radio show’s theme music and a few other of his demos were liked by the CEO and were sampled to use as theme and bg for other shows. A couple of his finished songs were taken up by solo artists from the same company since they liked it, and though they weren’t the lead or promotional singles, they were released in their albums, with all due credits in the right place. Though he had other plans for his music, it had felt nice, seeing his name printed under “Written & Composed by” and he wanted to see more of it.


If he remembered correctly, it was after the wrap-up party of the artist who he had given one song to. The last of their promotions had been on his radio show and Jonghyun had made a request for them to sing his song– which they did. He was humming the same on his way to the parking lot after the party and that was when he had come across that voice.


And he had instantly regretted giving his songs away to other voices.


He had stepped closer, quietly peeking out to find out who the voice belonged to… and there he was, now humming a tune, leaning against the railing, eyes closed to the night breeze.


A young man, barely older than himself, dressed in casual formals.


Jonghyun was besotted, if only for a moment– that moment– his voice, his soft, cordial features, the peace in his mien… his little handsome smile– it was almost breathtaking. Jonghyun suspected he was an actor or a singer… and he was determined to find out if he was… but alas, he had only seen him for a moment and knew nothing more than that melody and image of him, which he could not, he realized, successfully translate into words clear enough to find out even a single detail about him.


It flitted again– that voice– it was just soft humming and Jonghyun turned to it instinctively, finding the man passing through the corridor. He had caught hold of his team members  then, showed her the departing man and finally learned a detail. All she knew was that he was maybe one of the managerial staff from Soul Entertainment. They were producing a seasonal show on their channel and hence were using one of the studios in their building. She had seen him around with that crowd, wearing a guest pass with the agency name “Soul Ent.”.


Jonghyun found out about it– the show and its schedule. He lurked around quite a lot, sometimes asked to enter the studio, asking if he could watch. He was allowed in since it was a live broadcast. But Jonghyun’s attention was everywhere but on the talk show hosts, eyes searching for him.


A few weeks passed like this and the show ended.


That brief image of him passing through the corridor became the last of what Jonghyun saw of him.




Three and a half years had passed and Jonghyun’s contract with his radio show producers was coming to an end. The show was taking a hiatus after his last broadcast since the producers could give him some time to himself, a vacation of sorts, time to think, because they hoped he would continue as their host. But Jonghyun had long decided to not. He loved every bit of his job as a radio jockey, he had many hit shows to his name, his voice was now well-known, he even went as a guest on a couple of variety shows. He was proud, he was grateful and a part of him did want to renew his contract… but he wanted to do what he had always wanted to. He wanted to write and compose music. As more time passed, the burden of this ambition grew buried under other priorities. And it was time to change those priorities.


When he declared his wishes, he wasn't met with the negativity he expected and he sighed in relief, tearing up at the extravagant and heartfelt farewell celebration all his colleagues had thrown for him. A couple of months had passed but Jonghyun had not signed into a new agency. It was either that the agency had too many restrictions or they did not like Jonghyun’s ideology on creating music, or his demos and offered him something else instead.


He finally had an offer from Azure and he was scheduled to go in to sign the contract, a copy of which given to him on his last meeting with their CEO. He was scheduled to go in tomorrow so he was looking over it, so he could highlight the things he needed to discuss. He was distracted by the doorbell and he put the contract down before heading for the door. He greeted the delivery guy and signed for the package, curious that the sender was “Soul Entertainment”. He ripped it open carefully, his eyes widening at the contents.


It was a contract.


He grabbed his coffee mug and dropped down in his couch, staring at the document neatly and professionally filed, the logo and seal intact. He finally broke the seal before setting his coffee down and went over the documents.


“It’s practically blank,” He mumbled to himself. The document had only the basic frame of the contract, clauses pertaining to legalities, the company protocols and copyrights and stuff. Everything else– everything– that pertained to him as an employee– his tenure, his facilities, his salary amongst many other things– were all left blank. He lowered the document, puzzled, his eyes soon catching something sticking out of the envelope he had previously discarded.It was a small folded sheet. He pulled it out and read it.


This is just a copy, please feel free to put in any clauses you seem necessary in the blank spaces and we shall discuss this in person and finalize it. I have you scheduled at 10.30 AM on Friday. The time and date are tentative. Take as much time as you please and call my office to reschedule for the time you wish to come in.


There was a business card stapled to the note. Lee Jinki. He was the CEO of the agency. He traced his fingers over the office number highlighted, wondering if he ever applied to Soul. But he clearly remembered he had not. Moreover, even if he had– would they really send a contract in mail? Would they not first confirm his acceptance and schedule a date for the contract signing?


He grabbed his phone, checking the document he was maintaining for every place he had applied to and indeed, Soul was not on the list.


Soul was not big when it came to the music industry. Most of their artists released alternative music or promoted in Japan. They had a few artists that released in their country and they did well too, but not as well as the artists from the other agencies– WM and Azure. Soul actually was the home agency for many famous actors and actresses and hence was more prominent in the acting industry.


He lowered the contract, resting back and closing his eyes in thought. A couple of minutes later, he straightened up, his decision firm in his eyes.


He grabbed his phone, picking up the contract he had received from Azure.




The Soul Ent. building wasn’t anything fancy but wasn’t short of any and every facility that Jonghyun would expect in such an agency. It didn’t seem so on the front but it was spacious and equipped. The CEO’s cabin was on the top floor and he made his way towards it when his digital watch beeped his preset 10.30 AM alarm. He had arrived early and had gone through the entire building– at least the parts his guest pass could grant him entry into.


He was led in by a young man that was perhaps the CEO’s PA and as he approached the desk, the man rose from his seat, Jonghyun’s eyes following him rising, getting stuck on the handsome smile he greeted him with. The image of him from almost three years ago returning to his mind in a rush. Him leant against the railing of a balcony, humming a familiar melody softly, dark hair tousled by the night breeze, eyes closed to it, lips tugged in a serene, handsome smile.


“Please have a seat,” The man gestured to a chair in front of him and Jonghyun’s stuck gaze finally broke, as well as his stuck feet. He took a seat opposite him, his eyes absorbing his details, his mind too haywire to focus on the essentials. Like how his hair was shorter now, combed neatly into a side parting. How he seemed to have put on some weight– healthy weight– how his aura was stronger, sophisticated, but still… serene. How his voice was still such a pleasance to his ears, so gently settling on his senses.


Jonghyun snapped out of it when he heard the man repeat his question and he answered him, pushing the contract towards him, “Yes. I wrote down my clauses too. Please go over them.”


The man nodded and he patiently went through everything. When done he looked up at Jonghyun, “Everything seems reasonable.” He put his signature and the company’s seal before handing it back.


Jonghyun took it back and went through it one last time, checking if he was missing anything. He had already gone over it seven times at home so he knew his effort was wasted but he did it anyway, too conscious of the other man’s gaze. He signed it and returned it.


The man rose from his seat, extending his arm for a handshake and Jonghyun got up as well taking it, smiling back immediately because the other’s handsome smile was so bright, so contagious.


“Welcome to Soul, Mr. Kim.”




“Lee Jinki…” Jonghyun dropped on his couch, raising the business card above. The name and contact that Jonghyun had only read over maybe once or twice, just for practical, professional reasons. But now it was making him so restless that he had known such a crucial detail about him for a whole week not knowing that he knew it in the first place.


Fate really did work in its sly little ways.


And something clicked in his memory then– how Jinki had gone over his clauses thoroughly but had not fazed even the slight and had accepted his terms right away.


He lowered the business card, sinking into the couch. He had had his reasons to not trust an offer from a modest company that sent him a contract out of the blue. He was weighing in Azure, the #1 in the country with Soul, and since he wanted to lean towards the latter, he had to make sure he was making the right choice. The very first thing he had tested was if the other side would hold their side of accepting his clauses. And despite deciding against it multiple times, he had ended up adding a few silly and excessive clauses as a good joke. Written in pencil, of course. It was just a little humorous way to begin his relations with Soul. Also to judge if the person in charge was really as accommodating and good natured as he seemed from his message. If he was he’d just laugh it off. If he wasn’t… well there were many ways he could show it… and Jonghyun would know the measure of his choice.


What Jonghyun did not expect was Jinki accepting even those. He probably didn’t mention it because he understood Jonghyun must’ve been just joking and had goodnaturedly let it go. Jonghyun decided to ask him about it one day when they’d probably have a casual conversation. Hopefully soon.


Yet, the shame and wonder of it all was burning in his cheeks. But what was more prominent was Jinki’s voice. He closed his eyes, sighing as its reminiscence tingled in his senses, followed by his charming smile.


When Jonghyun opened his eyes he was sure what this feeling was. It wasn’t him just being besotted… and neither was it just for a moment.




Jinki rested back in his chair, flipping through the contract Jo

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965 streak #1
Chapter 1: I love the way you introduced the characters and how you unfolded the plot. This is just beautiful.
Chapter 1: Such a beautiful piece. Thank you for writing it TT
Chapter 1: Wow I really didn't expect them to be secretly dating!! That was a pleasant surprise!!
This was soo beautiful authornim ^^ ur stories are really amazing!! ❤❤ Thanks for writing this ^^
Chapter 1: . I’m crying. This is gorgeous.
Chapter 1: This was really beautiful and wonderful <3
This made my way back home enjoyable <3
2031 streak #6
Chapter 1: OMG! This was so beautiful... I really enjoyed reading it and I actually did it in pretty much at a stretch. Once again, this is simply amazing. No words ❤️
Chapter 1: This is so heartwarming. You wrote is so beautifully. I love the bits where Kibum know about them and was like "I'm so done with you Kim jonghyun" lololol.

Thank you so much for writing this!
lunar_cat #8
Chapter 1: Wow, this is really... TT TT so beautiful, a masterpiece, siwhdjsksj every words and sentences you chose, everything are so... wow smsnsjshd I’m lost at words

Jonghyun is a really pure and nice soul omg, I could feel his passion on making musics and all, how he encourage everyone, Taemin, Jinki, Sohyun... and just telling them that they all could sing, have beautiful voices and all I’m just :””””)

This is really such a beautiful fiction, I can feel all the emotions through your words. Even cried a bit at the end because Jongyu are just too cute TT TT I’m glad in the end Jinki got the courage to sing the song for Jjong and it made me teared up a little TT TT this whole fic is amazing

I’m still a bit curious though at how Jongyu managed to hide their relationship for months, and even an expert like Kibum just found out later. That means they really keep their professionalities at work except on their coffee dates maybe hhdgdjshddh

This fic is really good, you didn’t use heavy words, and I could just imagine them clearly. I could feel the emotions of all the characters too and just... how to make a fic like this haha. Ceo Jinki and composer Jjong are so sweet ashdjddh

Thank you for making and sharing this fic to us all. I enjoy reading it so much ^^ I hope you stay healthy as always ❤️❤️❤️
ShuAce #9
Chapter 1: this was so soft and lovely through and through. thank you for writing and sharing it. ♥