Netflix and burn

Netflix and burn
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Three realms were connected as one, in a neverending cycle of beginnings and endings. The Heavens, the Earth, and Hell. Earthlings, the powerless amongst the creatures that resided in the three realms, were taken care of by both the Heavens and the Hell, by angels and demons.


In the lava fields of the Demon King’s compound, his trusted demons often spent their time when they did not have any pressing tasks to do. The demon brothers, Jonghyun and Kibum were sitting on a comfy cliff that overlooked the view of the lava falls atop which was their King’s castle, trying to get their smart TV running.


Jonghyun was lying down on the long rocks they had put together to mimic a couch, cushioned with grey clouds, as he watched Kibum fumble with wires and routers. He gave up after a while, scratching his horn as he walked back to the rock-couch.


“Guess we have to wait for a ginger to die.” Jonghyun sighed, making space for his brother to sit but when Kibum didn’t sit, he straightened up, finding Kibum looking on the other side of their cliff. A demon was flying towards them and she landed on their cliff, holding something wrapped in a jute cloth.


“What’s that?” Jonghyun got up and Kibum too headed towards the demon.


“He was crawling through the gates, almost fell into the Riverbeds of Remorse.” She shifted the jute and Kibum peered down, finding the bundle to be a baby who whined softly, blinking to reveal innocent dark eyes before it squealed in delight, trying to reach for Kibum’s horns. He managed to grab on and Kibum gently freed himself, brows tensed.


“Is that a human infant?” He asked, “He looks just over a year old…”


“Humans cannot exist beyond the land and skies,” Jonghyun commented gravely, watching the baby flail his hands and feet, finding his little chubby body flailing in that yellow onesie absolutely adorable. “Unless they are dead.”


“He isn’t.” Kibum poked the baby’s cheek, “Earthlings lose their mana when they depart to the other realms… hence they are intangible and translucent.” He poked his cheek again, “And he is squishy… and opaque. It’s not human or somehow tricked the curse at our gates.”


“Whatever,” The female demon pushed the child into Jonghyun’s hands, “The King has to deal with it. I’m off. The sinners await me at Judgement Isle.”


They waved her off and Kibum turned to look at Jonghyun who was awkwardly holding the baby who was trying to reach his earrings, making him howl with pain when he finally managed to tug at one.


“What now?” Kibum sighed, “We can’t even take him to the King, he’s sulking because his boyfriend got banned from seeing him.”


“I am not sulking.” A young boy, who seemed barely ten years old, landed on their boulder, his grand, fiery wings disintegrating into the torrid atmosphere as he clicked his fingers and a huge throne of flames and rock began to come together, floating a few inches above the surface. He had big, arrogant amber eyes, short raven hair adorned with a crown of embers. His wings and horns were tucked in. Unlike the other demons, the Demon King had the ability to conceal his horns and wings.


“Maybe, I am.” He jumped and sat on his throne, “My poor babe…” He sighed, “The realms are so unfair.”


Kibum rolled his eyes, “Please, Your Majesty, don’t talk about your babe when you are in the form of a child.”


“I am just saving up mana until I finally see him.” The little king shrugged, “I sensed a foreign intrusion. Show me the creature who dared to enter Hell on its own will.”


Jonghyun stepped forward and held the baby up whilst their King hummed, examining him.


“Oh!” Jonghyun exclaimed as he squinted, “There’s something written on his . Looks like cursive. Maybe it’s his name.”


Kibum squinted as well and yes, the words did seem like what they were recently learning together from all the disregarded possessions that fell down their prayer-trade chute. Things Earthlings thought were sins and had given up on in exchange for an answered prayer. That was how they owned the TV, the routers, the Netflix subscription, mountains of sweet food and toys, and quite a lot of books they still couldn’t read.


“Read it.” The King commanded and both of them tried, with Jonghyun being quicker.


“Jacman!” He exclaimed, “His name is Jacman.”


“I pity this creature…” Kibum whispered.


The King hummed, taking the baby from Jonghyun’s hands, “Jacman, I am sure your parents are down here or will eventually be, for the hideous name they gave you.” He booped his nose, making the baby squeal in laughter, “How did you find the gates of Hell?”


The baby gurgled, laughed and then gurgled again, flailing his grabby hands at the King who pinched his cheeks, “Such a beautiful creature. If I wasn’t a taken demon, I would’ve waited for you to grow up.”


“What are you saying, you are thousands of years old… and a fully developed demon.” Kibum muttered irritatedly.


“He’s lovely, isn’t he?” The King tickled Jacman before creating little birds from sparks that flew around the baby.


“He is!”


Kibum gave Jonghyun a look, who was as excited as the baby was, his eyes twinkling with adoration as he watched the little one try to grab onto the sparks before they faded.


“So what are we going to do with the baby, Your Majesty?”


The little King hugged the baby, “I love babies. I am going to raise him.”


“No!” Kibum shouted, “No, I mean let’s at least try to return him first. Let me tell a reaper to search for a lost Earthling named Jacman.”


The King pouted, “Okay.” He agreed before cooing at Jacman who was now blowing raspberries in between of his baby talk.


Kibum clapped his hands and a firebird took the form of his message and flew away.


“Let’s try to

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kisstomylips #1
Chapter 1: A lovely fairy tale! Taemin who takes advantage of the rules is more like a demon, a demon of desire.It is cute! Thank you for your creation!❤️
2031 streak #2
Chapter 1: I reread this oneshot and it's still so funny. Definitely enjoyed reading it once again <3
Chapter 1: 😜😜😜
Chapter 1: Oh lala... I read it again...
BluBerryU #5
Chapter 1: hahhahahits so funny 🤣🤣🤣thank you!
Chapter 1: I can't stop laughing. This is great! The angels being censored, Jinki being an angel, the Lee brothers being actual brothers, all the humor and cluelessness... This was just so fun to read!
And the king of hell getting it on with an angel, uhuhuhu.
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 1: So funny! :)
onige_a #8
Chapter 1: Masterpiece! <3
Chapter 1: Omfg i can’t stop laughing... this is so funny ahahahahahahaha
Jacman! Ahahahahha i can’t
I lalaing love this so much
Reviille #10
Chapter 1: The lala thing makes me laughing so hard oh god it's so cute
Waitin for yah angel