Seven Seasons of Summer

Of That Idiot
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« Hey ! Byulyi ! » Yongsun greeted the woman with a loud enthusiasm widely due to the three soju shots she drank. « Can you come with me ? » Byulyi didn't really have a choice, as Yongsun had already gripped her wrist, dragging her across the crowded living room. They were at one of the numerous parties often happening around the town, they really weren't sure which house it was, but that wasn't a problem to have fun.


Yongsun dragged Byulyi outside, on the porch. She needed to be away from the loud music to be able to concentrate a few seconds. She wasn't drunk, but the atmosphere coming from the party could make you feel more intoxicated than you actually were. Byulyi wasn't really a heavy drinker, she was feeling fine, maybe a little spent but on a good way.


« You okay ? » Byulyi worried, as Yongsun was breathing loudly. Once she got a good look at Yongsun, she realized the woman was blinking more than a normal person should. « Yongsun ? »


« Yes. I need... » Her eyes finally focused on Byulyi's face. « You need to help me find Wheein. » Byulyi tilted her head on the side, no really following the situation. « I lost her. Please, help me. » Yongsun blinked again a couple of times, Byulyi reached for her, worried she was going to fall.


« Okay. She is inside, right ? » Yongsun nodded, she seemed to have a hard time focusing. « You should wait for me here. » Yongsun nodded again, she wasn't feeling bad, she just really wasn't feeling like making any effort right now. « Okay, I'll be quick. » Yongsun sat down on the bench right next to where Byulyi was standing, still blinking repeatedly.


Byulyi went back inside, she really wondered why she was always the one who ended up taking care of Wheein at parties. She didn't even came with Wheein and Yongsun here. Yet, here she was, searching for the brunette around a house she had never been to. The living room and kitchen were heavily crowded with people her age, from her college, and some from other college, from what Byulyi had picked up earlier in the evening. Everyone was more or less already intoxicated, and the house felt really hot.


Byulyi couldn't find Wheein downstair, so she headed upstair. Maybe Wheein had found someone, Byulyi frowned to herself, it wasn't Wheein's style at all. She looked in the hallway, it was such a big house, she really wondered who was living there. Eventually, she ended up opening the bathroom's door, discovering a group of girls chatting between themself.


« Your dimple is so cute ! » A clearly drunk person commented with a giggle. Byulyi was going to close the door, but quickly entered the bathroom. She found Wheein sitting in a bathtub, between two other women, and three others were sitting on the floor with them. One of the woman seemed to have taken a liking in Wheein, as she had her arm around Wheein's shoulder, to bring her closer. Wheein didn't seem to really get what was going on, she was smiliing lazily, her eyelids heavy.


Byulyi went further inside the bathroom, now in Wheein's field of vision. « Byulyi. » She smiled in her direction, her hands rising towards her friend. The woman around Wheein all looked in Byulyi's direction as well, eveyone was intoxicated, Byulyi could see it from the two bottle hanging around. She could also smell a distinct smell, and by the look of it, there was no doubt.


« You're cute too. » One of the women said, smiling boldly at Byulyi, she looked like a felin. Byulyi felt like if she stayed here too long she was going to be devoured. « Do you wanna join us ? » Her voice was low, suggering so much more. Byulyi wasn't interested, all she wanted was grab Wheein and meet Yongsun on the porch.


« Thank, but no. I'll just take Wheein. » Byulyi reached for the woman, she helped the woman to get out the bathtub. Wheein lazily leaned against Byulyi, once she was up. « We are going. » Byulyi told Wheein, trying to ignore as much as she could the heavy stares from the five women. It was such a strange atmosphere, she really felt like a prey, and she did not like it at all.


Byulyi exited the bathroom quickly with Wheein behind her. As she was making her way downstair, she really hoped Yongsun had sobered up a little. Byulyi finally reached the front door, after battling her way in the crowd of intoxicated people. Wheein had been following her like a lost puppy, holding Byulyi's arm tightly.


Byulyi sighed relieved, when she saw that Yongsun hadn't moved from the bench. She made Wheein sat down too, and took a good look at the two women. They were both high.


« I am hungry. »


« O

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I already know Im gonna love this, will confirm after I read it
Chapter 16: *wheesa hugging*
me: omggg they're married!!

aww, and since they're clearly married here (i don't need your input, i /know/ they're married, you clearly stated that, don't worry), remember how i wanted a domestic wheesa fic? like remember how i was crying about it like a week or two ago? And since you asked for it, why don't you write some good old domestic wheesa for the next chap?
domestic wheesa?? maybe?? a domestic wheesa perhaps? one domestic? wheesa??
I don't knowww, i mean, nobody is feeding me, so i might as well write it, but if i do i'll have to postpone SA's update and concentrate on a domestic wheesa one-shot /:
should i just do that? postpone SA? i think it's the best option here /: ...
Chapter 1: Hahahah wheein as usual getting herself locked on the roof
18 streak #4
Chapter 16: This update was cute ik that feeling wheein :)
Chapter 16: Enjoying the slow burn, esp now that they are so close (literally)!
Chapter 9: Why I can't stop smiling while reading your story????? Good job authornim ❤️
esined-rm #7
Thanks for reuploading this. Christmas miracle!
justme59 #8
Chapter 15: Spent the whole day reading your masterpiece. I'm in love with this and would love to know what next for yongsun, Byulyi, Hyejin and wheein. ❤
Chapter 15: Your story is one of my favorites. This chapter was too precious, thank you!
18 streak #10
Chapter 15: Idk how or why but I understood what yong was trying to say