IX Lamia
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We were about 30mins into our journey when Chaeyoung started talking to me. I guess she got the feeling that I didn't want to talk right after we left the town and was considerate to leave me with my thoughts.

"You know today was actually my first time to go on a date after several years," she said

I looked at her in surprise. "Really?!" 

"Yeah. Just never felt right to date anyone after Luna."

"Don't forget 1997 Chaeyoung!" said Dahyun who was sitting in the front, passenger seat. 

"Oh right!" said Chaeyoung, laughing. 

"Why?" I asked curiously 

"That year we went to this school in Seoul and a guy asked me out to prom. He was cute and nice and I just said why not?"

"Yeah Chaeyoung failed to mention that he was the school's most popular guy" commented Sana. 

"Wow," I said 

"Yeah he was actually a great guy, a gentleman....but it just didn't feel right," she said. "Since then, I've never agreed to go on a date with anyone till now."

"Well, I appreciate you going out with Seyun today. But wait, would she still remember that?"

"Yeah. She'll remember us. As well as us being at the school, but only you will be forgotten."

I lowered my head. Hearing that again made me sad.

"Oh, I didn't mean..." said Chaeyoung who was apologetic and placed her hand on mine. I felt a cool chill when she held which made my heart beat faster. 

I guess my heartbeat was loud enough to be heard by a vampire that Chaeyoung lifted her hand off of me. 

"I'm sorry." she said, "You get nervous around me" 

"No," I said, "I actually feel comfortable around you." I smiled at her

"But more comfortable with someone else," she replied looking away. Her attitude changed all of a sudden.

"Chaeyoung, don't start," said Dahyun 

"You know if anything, you should feel more nervous around Tzuyu, not me," she said in a feisty manner.

"Chaeyoung come on," said Dahyun now looking at her 

"Do you know how Luna died?!" Chaeyoung said angrily as she looked at me 

"Chaeyoung!" Sana yelled which made me flinch 

Chaeyoung looked at me intensely before her expression softened up and she turned her face away from me, looking outside the window. She stayed that way for the rest of the journey. 

I was shaken up by what just happened and got a reassuring glance from Dahyun afterwards. Why did Chaeyoung suddenly burst out like that? She just got mad out of nowhere. 

The rest of the journey was silent and I was stuck in my thoughts of what Chaeyoung had said about Luna's death. What did Tzuyu have to do with it?


3 hours later, we arrived at the motel we were all staying at for the night. Chaeyoung got down right away, not saying a word. 

I got down hesitantly as I met Sana outside the car. She put her arm around my shoulder and said, "Don't mind her. Just like Tzuyu, she isn't normally like that. Or normally was. The subject of Luna is a very sensitive topic to both of them." I nodded my head to show her I understood. 

We all waited at the parking lot for Jihyo and Seulgi to come back with our room keys. As we were waiting, I was standing by our car next to Sana who had Dahyun next to her. Chaeyoung was in the opposite end of us while Tzuyu, Momo, Jeongyeon, and Nayeon were slightly farther away from her. I looked to Chaeyoung who had a solemn expression while she had her hands inside the pockets of her jacket. She was looking down on the pavement as she rested her back on a car. 

I then shifted my eyes towards Tzuyu who was talking to Momo. I then saw a small smile creep up on Tzuyu's face. It made me smile seeing her like that since she usually just puts on one cold facial expression. As I smiled at her, Tzuyu looked up and caught my eye. I dropped my smile right away and felt that I was blushing from embarrassment. Tzuyu then smiled at me for it. After that short exchange of smiles with Tzuyu, my eyes shifted towards Chaeyoung who I found was looking at me. She had a disappointed, almost hurt expression which immediately made me feel guilty. I can't help what I feel for Tzuyu. But at the same time, I can't help but feel like I'm cheating on Chaeyoung as if we were together. 

Just then, Jihyo and Seulgi came with the room keys. They had 4 keys to be exact. 

"Ok, so 2 groups of 3 can occupy 2 rooms and then I need 2 groups of 2 for the remaining rooms," she said. "Sana and Dahyun is a given for that so anyone else for a group of two?"

"I'll share a room with Mina," said Momo enthusiastically as she took the key from Jihyo. 

She then went next to me and linked her arm with me. 

"Ok, so Seulgi and I will take Tzuyu so Jeongyeon, Nayeon, and Chaeyoung?"

They all agreed by nodding and then we all got the bags we needed for one night and went inside the place. 

The motel was pretty simple and small. There was a swimming pool right in the middle, with all the rooms circulating around it.

We all went to our designated rooms. Momo told me I shouldn't unpack my things because we would be leaving as soon as the sun rises.

"Why didn't we just keep going?" I asked. "You guys don't need to sleep anyways."

"It's because all of this was last minute. Jihyo needs to get everyone to talk about what our actual plan is."

"So we're all meeting up at Jihyo's room?"

"They are" she replied. "We don't need to"

"Why not?"

"Just trust me when I say that those meetings will bore you out. Besides, we can talk more" she smiled "Which I was meaning to ask, I saw those smiles you and Tzuyu exchanged earlier."

"You did?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah!" she said. 

"Well, you two were laughing together!"

"Yeah, that's because I'm kind to Tzuyu and we've always been in good terms. Why you jealous?" she teased

"I'm not jealous!" I said as I already felt myself blushing. "It was just... nice to see her laugh since she never does."

"You're right on that. Only a few us can actually hold a conversation with Tzuyu and even make her laugh."

"Pretty sure Chaeyoung isn't one of those people" I replied

"Right again," she replied. "Her and Jeongyeon are rather harsh on her. Since Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung joined Luna and Jihyo around the same time, they became very close. So, Jeongyeon developed a hatred for Tzuyu as well since Chaeyoung hated her. You know, the typical, my best friend's enemy is my enemy."

"I just wish that wasn't the case. I mean, it's not like Tzuyu imprinted on Luna because she wanted to."

"Exactly, but I can still understand why Chaeyoung just can't become friends with Tzuyu," said Momo as she adjusted herself on the bed and laid down. "As they say, love is a very complicated thing." She said before she let out a sigh.

"Have you ever seen a vision of them getting along though?" I asked as I sat on my bed.

"Surprisingly, yes," she said as she stared at the ceiling with her hands on her the back of her head. "Just once, but my visions are not carved in stone. Each vision I get is merely a possibility. Since the future constantly changes with endless possibilities that lead to different outcomes, you can never really know what happens in the future." 

"That actually sounds scary but exciting at the same time," I replied as I stood up from my bed and looked outside our window. There I saw a lonely figure sitting by the pool. It was Chaeyoung. She had her legs inside the pool and was just staring aimlessly at the water. She looked beautiful with the lights of the pool making her glow in the night. I then felt a sudden urge to go down there and talk to her. 

"Hey, do you wanna go swimming?" I asked Momo 

"No thanks," she replied. "I may have been living on this earth for years but I still need more practice in the water" she said 

"Oh, that's okay." 

"I know Chaeyoung is down there that's why you suddenly have the urge to go swimming," she said.

"What?!" I asked shockingly 

She then laughed and sat up, "Oh cmon Mina. It's either Tzuyu or Chaeyoung that would make you wanna go on a night swim. And considering Tzuyu is bunked with Jihyo and Seulgi, it means she's going to be part of the meeting. So that leaves Chaeyoung who already seemed to be in a bad mood earlier. As you can tell by now, when Tzuyu and Chaeyoung get stressed or are in a bad mood, they swim or just go close to a pool or a beach to calm down." 

"Why is that?" I asked 

"You really have to ask that?" she said as she raised her eyebrows and giving me the expression that I should know the answer to my question. 

"Luna," I said figuring it out 

"Ding Dong Deng!" She said as she raised her finger and then falling back down onto her bed. "Go talk to her. It would give her and you a peace of mind to talk things out. And besides, I'll use this time to sleep and get my visions in check." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Every single prophetic vision I see gets stored inside my brain. I'm sure by now, one of the girls explained to you about the whole deal with vampires and sleep, and how we don't need to but we can. But basically, when I 'sleep' I see every single one of my past prophetic visions. By being able to see all of them again, I can interpret them another way to see if my initial interpretation of them was wrong. It's actually helped me a few times over the years." she explained 

"Wow. It's so interesting to hear your guys' powers. It's crazy to hear as a human." I said 

She laughed. "Humans aren't too bad themselves." She commented. "Well anyway, go on. Go talk to Chaeyoung and clear things out. Just give me a nudge if you need me, I'll wake up right away."

"Ok, thanks," I said before I went downstairs to meet Chaeyoung. 


I walked towards her hesitantly. I knew I needed to do this. Chaeyoung and I don't have history together but she and Luna did. A long, powerful, and emotional history too. Just like Tzuyu but even if Chaeyoung wasn't soulmates with Luna, they were together longer. 

I stopped right behind her, waiting for her to say something that will give me assurance that she's open to talking to someone right now. 

"Here for a midnight swim?" Chaeyoung said as she turned her head to look at me. 

"More like just a night sitting by the pool." I said, "May I join you?" I asked which she said yes before I went towards her and sat down next to her. 

"I heard from Momo that when you need to calm down or release your stress, you go for a swim or go near water."

"That's right," she replied. "Luna loved any form of water. Ocean, lake. She was an amazing swimmer. She always looked so gracious in water, that you'd think she was also part mermaid." she said as she smiled recalling her memories of Luna. "When she was still alive, and when we weren't off fighting other vampires, we would go to the beach alone. She said being in the water was sort of an escape for her. An escape from being the tribrid. It was the place she could just be... her" she said with an expression of longing. She let out a weak smile as she talked about Luna

"Wow," I said "That must be why I like water too. Every chance I could get, I just liked to just sink at the bottom of the pool and... float." 

"Sounds dangerous for you," she said before we both laughed. 

After our brief exchange of laughs, it went silent once again. The only sound we could hear was the sound of our legs slowly gliding around in the water and the crickets. The lights of the pool lit up the night sky which made me feel so calm and at ease. 

"Listen, I want to apologize for how I acted earlier in the car," she said. "It wasn't my intention to shout at you or get frustrated with you. Trust me it's not you that anger was towards." 

"Yeah, I know," I replied. "It's Tzuyu."

"Yeah," she said. "I'm sorry that my hatred for Tzuyu went on to you." 

"It's okay. I just want to know why you hate her that much. I mean I know it's because of Luna. But don't you think it's been years already to keep holding on to that hatred?" 

"I know it's immature that I hate her because she and Luna were soulmates. I know it's not something either of them did intentionally. It just happened. It was meant to happen. But..." she said as her voice cracked a little, she was getting emotional. "It's just hard to accept that..." tears were already starting to form in her eyes. "The person that you thought was the one... was not," she said as she quickly wiped her tears before they completely escaped her eyes. "I mean, she saved me. She's the reason why I'm still alive. I owe my whole life to her and I thought and hoped that we would be together for eternity." 

"How did your guys' love story start?" I asked 

"It began meeting each other at my farm," she said with a weak smile and watery eyes. "I was born into a poor family. My mother had died when she gave birth to my little brother. Unfortunately, my little brother didn't make it past 6 because he was suffering from an illness and we didn't have enough money to take him to a doctor or get medicine. So it was really just me and my father. I helped on the farm, and even though we worked there, the money we would receive was never enough and life was hard. But since I had my father, we tried to make the best of it. He was my best friend" she smiled as she remembered her father.

"Then, one night, I was just sitting outside our tiny wooden house because I couldn't sleep. I then heard quick footsteps coming towards me. And that's when I met Luna and Jihyo for the first time. Later I found out that they were running because their castle had just been raided by the Covina Malum and that, Luna's parents had been killed. So they escaped and tried to run as far away into the human villages."

"And by fate, she wound up to you?" 

"Yes," she smiled. "I was obviously confused why these two girls were out running in the middle of the night and had terrified expressions. But there was something that I felt when I first laid my eyes on Luna. She was so beautiful... I was just completely mesmerized. I was a young 18 year old at the time, who didn't know anything about romance since it was just me and my father. When we made eye contact, it was as if I had known her all my life. I immediately felt comfortable around her and... trusted her."

"Why does that sound like you guys were meant to imprint?" 

"I don't know," sh

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I still miss this fic it was so good
Chapter 17: I usually don't read incomplete fanfics especially when it has not been uodated for solong but this time I just couldn't help myself.

author-nim please come back T.T
I found this gem today. 2 years since it was last updated. Sad T.T
xfourtzune #4
Chapter 17: Too bad this has stopped updating. It's one of my favorite MiTzu fics. Going to reread this soon. 👉🏼
Chapter 17: Craving for MiTzu interaction 🥺 don’t leave us hanging, author-nom 🥺
Chapter 15: Hey, please continue writing 🥺 your story is so good and very detailed which is rare 😬
Chapter 17: Damn... do continue this story when you have the time! It's great!
Chapter 15: MiMo's friendship is soo cute!
Chapter 5: Holy~
Chapter 4: Now that was interesting