10 일만 내놔 : Give me 10 days

[Mina's POV]


We've already washed our faces and brushed our teeth.

Both of us decided to use the upstairs bathroom because we're both scared to run against anyone downstairs.


I'm looking at Chaeyoung as we're both folding the blankets we used.

I lifted the stack of pillows and placed them neatly on top of the bed.

"Mianhe, Chaeyoung-a."

She immediately let go of the blankets she was folding and grabbed my hands.

"Wae? You shouldn't apologize for anything."

"But you might be in trouble with your parents..." I don't want that to happen. Her parents are some of the nicest people I know and I don't want to ruin their relationship over what happened. "Let me talk to your mom. I'll just say it's all my idea—"

"Stop that." She tightened her grip on my hand. "You're over-analysing stuff again."

"But the door is open..."

"I might have forgotten to close it properly last night. Maybe the wind blew it open."

You're lying. We both know that's not true. Chaeyoung's trying her best to comfort me. I should be the one doing that.

"Let's just finish up with all these and let's grab some breakfast before heading back to the dorm. Arraseo?"

I nodded. "Arraseo."

She kissed my forehead.

"I don't think I could get in more trouble for that." She grinned. Her dimples showing.

You naughty cub.



[Chaeyoung's POV]


I felt like I could hear my heartbeat from the back of my ears.

I shook my head and looked at Mina.

We're both sporting a worried look in our faces like it's our couple shirt.

But behind all those worries she managed to give me a smile and my heart calmed down for a bit.

All is well. All is well. All is well.

I squeezed her hand as we walked down the stairs.

I was immediately greeted by the familiar smell of kimchi pancakes and omelette.

Appa and Jeonghun are both sitting at the dining room and eomma is preparing more food in the kitchen.

Eomma turned her head and saw us.

I gulped.

She stared at us for solid three seconds before her lips curved up and opened.

"Jal jasseo? (Did you sleep well?)" She walked across the room and placed the two plates she's holding above the table.

"Let's eat before the food gets cold." She nodded. Inviting us to sit.

I guided Mina to her seat and sat beside her.

Mina bowed to my parents.

"Good morning, ahbeonim, eomeoni."

"Welcome to our house, Mina-ya." Mom smiled at Mina as she passed her a plate of kimchi pancake.

"Kamsahamnida, eomeoni." Mina smiled back as she reached for the plate.

"Chaeyoung rarely brings people here these days." Eomma's cutting the pancakes.

I drank from my glass of water.

"I think you're the first friend she brought home this year."

I almost spat out my water.

I glared at her. Eomma, what are you saying?

My mom just looked at me cluelessly, and still continued talking.

"Somi used to visit a lot when they were trainees. Now I barely see her, too."

"Somi is busy, too eomma. But remember last Chuseok Dahyun and Momo unnie visited? They bought you cake."

"Oh. Right right. I forgot. Mianhe. Your eomma's getting old."

I pouted. "You're not that old."

My brother and father were both just busy with their food and Mina is awkwardly smiling at both my mom and I.



[Mina's POV]


I offered to wash the dishes but Chaeyoung's mom refused. Much to Chaeyoung's annoyance, her mom made her wash the dishes while her brother took out the trash.

I was left sitting in the couch with her dad.

Chaeyoung's appa is a quiet man. And I'm not the talkative type as well.

We sat awkwardly at the opposite ends of the couch while both fiddling with our phones.

He then put down his phone.

I felt my heart skip a beat. Is he the one who... Annieyo.

"Mina-ya..." he paused.

Oh no. Ottoke? 

I glanced at Chaeyoung. Both she and her mom were busy brushing plates and pans.

I looked back at Chaeyoung's father. "Yes, ahbeonim?"

He grinned like a kid. I suddenly realized where Chaeyoung got her child-like charm.

"Do you mind playing a round of GO?"

"Eh?" I instinctively muttered. "I-I mean... sure, ahbeonim."

He stood up and picked up the box of Go from the top of the drawer next to the sofa.

"I haven't played this in a long time, but I must warn you, I used to be one of the best Go players here In Dunchon-dong." He set up the black and white pieces as he talks. "But don't worry, I'll go easy on you." 

I smiled back.

"I'm sure I'll learn a lot from you, ahbeonim." 



[Chaeyoung's POV]


I'm busy scrubbing away the dirt under one of the pans while Mom soaked the plates with water.

"Eomma, you need to buy a new pan. This one's too old. The stain won't come off."

I looked at her as she ran water through one of the glasses.

"Jeonghoon forgot to mention that you went home last night."

"Ah y-yes. I went to ahjumma's restaurant last night. We were craving for some Ganjang gejang and Yukhoe." I said as casual as I could.

"I was supposed to clean your room this morning."

I felt my soul left my body.


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Chapter 35: Aweee what a great story ...
Chapter 35: Read the whole story in a few hours, it was that good. Well done, Author-nim! :"D
Chapter 35: ahh i loved reading this in one sitting. this made me cry, happy, and so much more! it's so well-written! thank you for this!
2yeonislifeTT #4
Chapter 35: Autor-nim where's the sequence of give me 10 days? you don't intend to post anymore?
Chapter 35: yes yes yes !!! 2yeon x michaeng uwu
Chapter 35: Woohoo part 2!!!!!
cleofierayne 29 streak #7
Chapter 35: Yahhhhh part 2 !!!!
FillDir 306 streak #8
Chapter 35: Waaaaaah, a part 2! So excited!!
rosephineellen #9
Chapter 35: Why i can not see chapter 32 ??. I'm dying to know what happen after i waited you up this story???
Chapter 35: Woooaahhh part 2!!! I love you Author ~Saranghae <3333