Chapter 5


An entire week elapsed with no greater events other than the usual load of work in the kitchen, the pleasant mornings he would spend with Jungkook, and the irritable condition of the prince's character, whose increasing doubt of the veracity of Jungkook's feelings has successfully planted the seed of concern in Taehyung's consciousness. It is at night, when the absence of company makes introspection inevitable, that he is mercilessly assaulted by his own jumbled thoughts and contrary feelings on the matter.

These musings encouraged Taehyung to favor the reasonable possibility of Jungkook losing interest in the prince due to the neglecting nature of their premature affair. Anyone sensible enough would find neither the prince nor Jungkook guilty of such a lamentable outcome, after all, they had only seen each other once, and said meeting was remembered for its briefness. Indeed, Taehyung believes no love can possibly blossom and prosper in the distant interaction of correspondence without the blessing of spontaneous physical proximity, but this particular is not the main cause of his distress.

What brings chaos to his mind is something he purposely seeks to ignore without success. This is the twisted, and by all means inaccurate, likelihood of him being somehow guilty of their separation, in other words, an arrogant notion that implies he could be the reason Jungkook can't think the prince a suitable lover anymore. Taehyung persists on silencing such embarrassing chain of thoughts away, convinced they are founded by the illusion of an inclination his lonely heart secretly wishes Jungkook had towards him.

Upon prince Jimin's request, he had informed Jungkook of the matter at hand - albeit censoring all of his private reflections on it - and his reaction had struck him as quite elusive, but mostly silent, which far from shedding light into the topic, only added to Taehyung's inner turmoil. The mortifying revelation of Jungkook's indifference Taehyung wished to share with the prince immediately, but knowing all too well it would make him even more miserable, he endeavored to comfort the prince with kind words full of hope. For prince Jimin's sake, he chose to bury the truth, and let it haunt himself instead.

Ironically, only during his daily visits to Jungkook's farm does his distress lessen to extinction.

When he arrived this morning, each and every one of his worries dissipated completely as if by some miracle, and the sight of a nicely dressed Jungkook already waiting for him outside shocked him so pleasantly that his heart began to flutter in the most inappropriate manner. Their eyes locked, and slight confusion mingled with bewilderment as he took note of Jungkook's determined expression. Luckily, he was able to conceal it well under his usual cheerful countenance, and he promptly inquired Jungkook, who announced the urgent necessity of his visiting town today, more specifically the marketplace.

It did not occur to him that Jungkook would remember his accidentally expressing an innocent interest in visiting for the first time the town's marketplace, and as surprise died down and realization sank in, Taehyung beamed in delight. Jungkook insisted he would not have him refusing to come along and left no room for objection, but contrary to reason, Taehyung did not in the least hesitate to accept such a tempting invitation. Too excited to care for boundaries, he happily glued himself to Jungkook's side, and the two of them set off on an amiable stroll to town, which fortunately was at a most convenient distance of only one mile away from the farm.

Now, Taehyung tries not to gawp in stupefied wonder at the color and vibrancy that engulfs them upon entering the bustling marketplace. He has never seen anything like it before, so grand and yet humble, so full of extravagant merchants and children overflowing with zest, so alive and distinct from the boring palace grounds.

"What a marvelous place this is!" he tells Jungkook, unable to hide his enthusiasm, "I hardly know where to look."

"I imagine it must be overwhelming for those foreign to this part of town as you are," Jungkook's warm voice is meant to soothe. "May I be your guide?" he asks, "I promise not to disappoint. I pride myself in knowing how to locate all of the best items."

Taehyung is glad that Jungkook offered, but instead of agreeing right away, he chooses to amuse himself a little, "I believe to become an expert at something one must first enjoy it. And, aware as I am of your preference for solitude, it puzzles me greatly that you would fancy frequenting a place so loaded with people."

"I never said I fancied coming here," Jungkook counters in equal amusement, "Rather, my knowledge comes from dreadful repetition, as every now and then I must endure a certain amount of discomfort in order to get what I want. In fact, do not we all engage in this art?"

He cannot find Jungkook's words to be more painfully true. "Certainly," he replies, finally shifting his gaze from the crowd and other distractions to Jungkook's handsome face. "You say you will guide me, but how do you know what I would like to see?"

"It is a game of guess," he says with a charming smile, "Shall I show you, then?"

Taehyung nods eagerly, "I trust your expertise to surprise me. Please, lead the way."

"Stay close," Jungkook gives him a significant look, "I do not want to lose you."

As they venture further into the marketplace, Taehyung tails behind Jungkook, making him halt embarrassingly often to admire the magnificently dyed fabrics of the dresses and coats, the beautiful patterns of rugs, tapestries and curtains, and the vivid color and smell of fruits freshly recollected. It is such a pleasant experience that he is content with merely looking and does not consider buying anything, especially since he doesn't have any money with him. However, Jungkook does get a bag of pretzels for the two of them, and after striving to refuse yet having his stomach betray him, the treats are gone sooner than he would like to admit.

Nothing but joy, adoration, and gratitude towards Jungkook radiates from him in this instant. Taehyung has never felt so alive and cared for, and every time Jungkook looks at him, the world ceases its movement and his heart throbs with a tender affection that he can only hope it's not noticeable.

They've taken a thorough stop at one of the stalls where perfumes and jewelry are conveniently displayed to draw the attention of every potential customer. Many of the hand-made necklaces he sees impress him greatly in their uniqueness, but none takes his breath away as the one holding the most resplendent purple stone.

"Yes, pure amethyst, that one is!" the merchant cries out as early as he notes his interest.

Unable to take his eyes away from it, Taehyung lets out a dreamy sigh, but he is soon startled back into reality when a body presses close to his back.

"I hope I did not tire you already," Jungkook speaks behind him, more playful than apologetic, and he rests his head on Taehyung's shoulder to better examine the items that have caught his eye. Easing back into a relaxed position, Taehyung forcefully tears his gaze from the wondrous necklace, vowing to save enough for it in the future, and steps aside to make space for Jungkook.

"You truly underestimate me, Jungkook," he begins, mischievous as he avoids Jungkook's curious gaze and keeps his own fixed on the shimmering pendants. "It takes far more than an hour of wandering to tire me. To be honest, I am having so much a delectable experience that I fear I will not want to go back."

"Well, I am pleased to know we share the same sentiment. I must admit, however it astonishes me, today is the first time I find I cannot be bothered by the crowd."

Taehyung smiles to himself and resumes walking, only to take notice that Jungkook does not tag along immediately after. He turns around and observes that Jungkook is still standing in front of the previous stall, eyeing the variety of jewelry which the merchant, much eager to sell, proudly presents to him. The wandering crowd makes it hard to keep an eye on Jungkook, and he considers going back to him, but decides to stay where he is not wanting to pry as he comes to the realization that Jungkook looked decided to buy something, and prince Jimin comes to mind.

As Jungkook is detained by the insistent merchant, who seems to make it his inexorable duty to persuade him of buying more than just one item, Taehyung is shocked to feel a rough hand grabbing at his elbow and twisting him around. His immediate reaction is to glower at the impolite manners of the person who so unceremoniously called for his attention, but due to the gentle nature of his temper, he does not.

The man, a beggar, Taehyung observes, comes to stand before him much too close to his liking, all muddied face and sticky breath as he pleads for coins. "Kind sir," he whimpers pitifully, "Some coins to spare? I have not eaten in days."

On the assumption of the evident suffering this unfortunate man must be prey to, Taehyung's features soften, and without being apologized to he forgives his offense. He too laments not being able to aid the man at the moment, for he does not have anything to give him, and he does not think it would be appropriate to ask Jungkook for coins either.

"Forgive me," Taehyung speaks to him most tenderly, "but I do not have any coins with me."

Against all reasonable expectations, at the negative answer there is a drastic change in the beggar's character. Now, his hateful scowl stings Taehyung, and the grip he has on his elbow hardens.

"Lies!" he spits, and in a swift motion, he is propelling Taehyung towards his filthy body with a force that makes him realize, much to his horror, that this man is far too strong to be a poor, starved beggar in need of help. As if running solely on instinct, he whips his head to the side and struggles to find Jungkook's unassuming form standing at a fair distance from them, still very much invested in the task of buying and most likely unable to hear nor see what is currently happening.

It is unfortunate how badly Taehyung is deterred from calling out for help since far from finding aid in the crowd, he perceives people walk past them with a glance of distant annoyance at most, as if what is currently unfolding was a common occurrence. Breathing harshly, Taehyung resolves he is alone in his misfortune and struggles to free himself from the man's hold the best he can manage, but the inevitable friction of their bodies oddly puts a twisted smirk on the man's lips.

"A tempter, I see," he disgustingly breathes out, digging his thick fingers on Taehyung's arm, who can barely stifle a shriek at the ill-treatment. "I bet, with such looks, you would do well in a brothel."

The unbelievably crude words that so shamelessly come out of the man's mouth both petrify and nauseate Taehyung, but his desire to escape this awful situation is much greater than the importance of salvaging his wounded pride. "Please, let me go, I do not want any trouble," he tries to reason with him.

Despite his efforts to remain civil, the man purposely chooses to ignore his words and begins to drag Taehyung away, perhaps, into a more secluded area. Fueled by a strong repugnance and sense of survival, Taehyung's attempts to get out of his hold quickly grow in both intensity and aggression as he knees him on his belly and stomps on his feet with all his might. At one significant hard blow in the gut, the man groans in evident pain, and Taehyung yelps when he is shaken violently in rushed retaliation and bellowed at to stay still.

"I suggest you unhand him now, cur." Amidst the chaos, Jungkook's chilly voice cuts through the air like a knife successfully making everyone, including Taehyung's attacker, freeze. Sensing his heart's felicity, Taehyung hastily lifts his head to find him approaching in menacing strides. He is delighted to see him and wishes to revel in it, but upon spotting the glimmering blade he holds in his right hand, a gasp escapes him. "I shall have no delay in slicing your throat."

The man utters not a thing as he pushes Taehyung to the ground without any hint of delicacy and shows his deplorable cowardice in the act of running away, easily disappearing into the mass of people.

Jungkook rushes to Taehyung immediately, hiding the small weapon in the confines of his pocket. "Are you alright?" he inquires while offering an open hand, the obscure rage that darkened his expression moments ago appears to have faded into honest apprehension, and Taehyung has the impression that, had he not been thrown to the hard concrete, Jungkook would have gone behind his attacker to successfully make him pay the consequences.

Still breathing quite shallowly, Taehyung nods and stands on shaky legs with Jungkook's help. Thoughts of what could have happened had Jungkook not showed up in time flood his mind, and for a moment he dwells in the bottomless pit of self-blame, feeling stupid for not foreseeing the man's true intentions, for trusting so easily and causing Jungkook trouble.

He does not yet realize how much the incident has traumatized him, nor how badly he is trembling, thus for him it is most unexpected to find himself surrounded by warmth as the hand Jungkook places on his nape is used to carefully bring his body close to his into a soothing embrace. Such an act of intimacy feels so blissfully right that a shaky sigh escapes him, closing his eyes and leaning onto the comfort he is offered. Too soon, he recollects himself and albeit hesitant, begins to break away from Jungkook.

"Thank you," he says wholeheartedly, holding back from saying so much more. Upon gazing into Jungkook's eyes, a wave of immeasurable gratefulness and tenderness rushes through his entire being and he knows not how much longer he will be able to suppress it before he is fully consumed by it.

Jungkook shakes his head, "I am glad to see you unharmed, but you need not thank me. Confrontations such as this occur fairly often here, I should have known the better," he admits solemnly, sorrowful even, and Taehyung's eyebrows knit together at the evident regret bathing his features, "I should have never left your side."

"Oh, do not say that," he hurries to say, "You have been most kind and I cannot find any fault in your protection of me. In fact, it can only be my own fault. I am truly sorry to have burdened you this way."

"Taehyung, how can you think you have burdened me in any way?" Jungkook looks thoroughly astonished as he says this, "It is most definitely not your fault that you were waylaid. Please, do not ruin your peace of mind with a blame that you do not at all deserve." Jungkook's earnestness alone is able to make Taehyung understand the necessity of ceasing to indulge in his unhealthy habit of turning against himself.

Taehyung wishes to continue this conversation, but it appears the commotion has brought the undesirable attention of the crowd that is still gathered around them, and feeling uneasy under the scrutiny of so many eyes, they both agree it is best to end their visit.

Halfway from arriving at the farm, Jungkook halts all of sudden, and his hands busy themselves in a frantic search within the folds of his coat. Before Taehyung can ask what the matter is, Jungkook produces a small velvet pouch and turns to face him with a shy smile, "I forgot about this," it is the only thing he tells him. Then, after giving Taehyung a look he fails to grasp the meaning of, he proceeds to open the pouch, careful as he pulls out a fine leather cord.

Taehyung scarcely believes what is presented before his eyes. From the velvet pouch emerges a breathtaking necklace he had vowed to save enough for, the one decorated with the most fascinating purple stone. "It is beautiful," he finds himself uttering these words with a heavy heart, convinced he knows who the necklace is for.

"It really is," Jungkook agrees and steps forward, extending the hand that holds the necklace to Taehyung, "and I wish to see you wearing it."

Between incredulity and astonishment, Taehyung asks, "Me?" and it seems his reaction amuses Jungkook greatly, for an adorable chuckle leaves his lips.

"Yes, you. I hope you do not mind, but I could not bear to witness with how much longing your eyes fixed on it, and I supposed since you wished to have it, there was no harm in me getting it for you."

Overcome by emotions, Taehyung thinks he is not deserving of Jungkook's generosity, "Jungkook, I-," he struggles to find the right words, "I am too flattered, but I cannot possibly accept a gift of such high value. I would know not how to repay you."

"I shall accept no repayments from you," Jungkook warmly states, "Consider this a token of my appreciation." The warmth pooling at his cheeks is making Taehyung reconsider, but he still doubts. "Please?" he insists, "I will be very upset if you do not accept it."

Incapable of enduring Jungkook's bright pleading eyes any longer, Taehyung only hesitates for a moment before nodding his head in timid acceptance. He is rewarded with one of those rare, dazzling smiles of Jungkook, who comes to stand behind him and gently places the necklace around his neck.

Not long after that, they exchange their goodbyes in the form of a short embrace that occurs so naturally but implies too much, and the two of them part ways with the image of the other filling their heads.

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takutoswife #1
Chapter 11: This was so beautiful! I love it!
kazuikazami #2
Chapter 11: How the AFF hides his gem till now???
kulitlang08 #3
Chapter 11: this is really beautiful... wonderfully written!!!!

I am happy that they get to have their happy ending...all four of them...namjoon...jimin...taehyung and jungkook... :-)
yellowab #4
Chapter 11: A well written, beautiful story. Absolutely stunning
kulitlang08 #5
hi are you? I hope everything is going well... looking forward for the next update....
Chapter 10: Wow what an ending of the chapter !!! I'm gonna cry
kulitlang08 #7
Chapter 10: this is so goooood...thank you... :-)
Chapter 9: Wooowww! First time seeing someone playing with ancient English style in AFF! Amazing!
Divyakr_ #9
Chapter 9: Waiting for an update