A Shoulder To Lay On

A Shoulder To Lay On
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Monday, 5:25 PM



Baekhyun swiped his T-Card at the entrance of the bus before finding a place to sit amongst the numerous other passengers already seated on board. It was a mechanical procedure, the monotony of his daily schedule hardwired into his muscle memory like gears of a clock. It wasn’t until Baekhyun sat down that he was finally able to unwind. Letting out a sigh, Baekhyun rolled his head to each side to try and crack his neck, releasing the built up tension from his long day at work. 


The bus started with a jolt, some of the passengers rocked by the sudden movement and almost dropping their personal belongings. A few of them cursed quietly at the driver’s lack of consideration. Baekhyun hoped this driver wasn’t one of the ones who liked to ride the brake the entire ride as well.


Ignoring his surroundings, Baekhyun began to look through his emails on his phone, along with a few texts from his family and friends. Getting lost in them for a while, he didn’t notice the bus had already approached the Chungmuro station. It wasn’t until a young man plopped down into the seat beside him that Baekhyun finally realized where he was.


Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Baekhyun had to do deal with this same young man coming to sit next to him. He was a student at the local university, his route home eventually transferring onto the same line as Baekhyun’s. 


He wouldn’t have minded the younger’s frequent presence next to him on the bus, if it wasn’t for a habit the student formed ever since the first time they met.


It was on a Monday when Sehun first appeared in Baekhyun’s life. Classes had just begun for the new semester, a trying time for all students attempting to adjust to their new schedule. Sehun was no exception, and as he stumbled onto the bus, anyone could see that the young man was drained of energy.


But for Baekhyun, it was just another ordinary evening after work. He was busy on his phone like usual, mindlessly scrolling through his e-mails and deleting a few unwanted spam messages. He never even lifted his head to notice Sehun practically fall into the seat next to him.


Finishing going through his e-mails, Baekhyun went on to check the news, getting quickly engrossed in a long article concerning current political matters. The quiet on the bus allowed Baekhyun to read peacefully, the only reminder that he wasn’t at home was the gentle rocking of the vehicle as it trudged along through the dark streets.


Continuously moving his thumb, Baekhyun had almost gotten towards the end of the article when he suddenly felt something brush against his shoulder. Startled, Baekhyun finally broke his attention away from his phone to look over at the person siting next to him. 


Sehun’s head was drooped to the side, barely resting against Baekhyun’s shoulder in his sleep. It was difficult to see his face well, but Baekhyun still managed to notice how attractive the man’s features were. He couldn’t help staring at him for a little while, admiring Sehun’s gentle expression as he slept.


Taking note of his bag and general youthful appearance, Baekhyun realized Sehun must have been a student. It made him smile, remembering his own days at school and how exhausting it could be. It must have been a hard day for him.


He would have let Sehun continue sleeping, but he was concerned the younger might miss his stop. Eventually clearing his throat, Baekhyun tried to get Sehun’s attention and possibly wake him up. But his sounds went unnoticed. Instead, Baekhyun watched as Sehun sunk lower in his seat, his head slowly wilting closer to Baekhyun in his sleep.


Baekhyun gave up, deciding rest was the best thing for the poor student at this time. Even if Sehun did end up missing his stop, Baekhyun planned on giving him a little money to make another trip. It was the least he could do for him. Going back to his phone, he allowed Sehun to sleep on him for the remainder of his ride. A few passengers on board noticed Sehun as well, and smiled at the sight of him sleeping so peacefully on a stranger. 


As the bus came to a stop, the driver announced where they were. No one moved, remaining still as they waited for the driver to continue on with his route. Irritated, the driver repeated himself, this being one of the stops he was requested to stop at.


Baekhyun realized the driver was waiting for someone, and wondered if it was the young man sleeping on him. Nudging Sehun carefully, Baekhyun spoke quietly to him to try and wake him again.


“Hey, I think this might be your stop.”


Sehun’s eyes slowly opened, squinting unpleasantly as he tried to wake up. Looking over at Baekhyun, he heard the driver repeat himself again, sounding even more annoyed than before.


Sehun suddenly shot up, a panicked expression on his face as he scrambled to collect his things, muttering an apology to Baekhyun as he did so.


Cute. Baekhyun thought, finally getting a better look at Sehun’s appearance as he hurried off the bus.


Sehun was still young, but he was already becoming a strikingly handsome young man. Broad shoulders and long legs were just a few attractive qualities he possessed. But Baekhyun noticed Sehun’s face more, his strong brow and jawline, his soft eyes, his round mouth. Every part of him was pleasing to the eyes.


However, that charm quickly wore off, or rather Baekhyun would never admit to finding Sehun’s behavior and appearance so cute anymore. With every future day they met, Sehun continued to sit next to him, each time eventually falling asleep on Baekhyun’s shoulder, acting as if Baekhyun was his own personal pillow.

The second time Baekhyun allowed it, still feeling pity for the younger at that point. The third time Baekhyun started to wonder if Sehun thought it was acceptable behavior to continuously use the same stranger’s shoulder to rest on. The fourth time Baekhyun finally told Sehun he couldn’t just sleep on him every day. The fifth time Sehun actually pleaded with him, telling him his shoulder was so comfortable and he really needed the nap after school. The sixth time Baekhyun refused, telling him people might start to get the wrong idea about the situation. But Sehun assured him they wouldn’t, and slept on Baekhyun’s shoulder anyway. 


This had to have been about the five hundredth time, around a year and a half passing since Sehun’s habit began.


“No.” Baekhyun spoke in a dry tone, keeping his eyes on his phone as Sehun got comfortable in the seat next to him.


“No what?” Sehun smiled, “I didn’t even say anything.”


“Not today Sehun. I can tell you’re not even tired.” 


“How do you know?” Sehun’s smile turned into a devious smirk as he leaned closer to Baekhyun.


Baekhyun raised his arm to push Sehun away, keeping his hand against his chest to prevent Sehun from getting closer again. He continued to stare at his phone, trying his best to ignore the firm feeling of Sehun’s muscles, the low collar on Sehun’s shirt allowing Baekhyun to touch his skin.


Sehun didn’t move, almost as if he were enjoying it as well. He stayed still for a long while, watching Baekhyun as he nervously pretended to be busy on his phone. 


“You look tired though.” Sehun eventually spoke again, concern detectable in his voice.


“I am, I had a long day. So don’t push it.”


Baekhyun’s hand was starting to feel warm against Sehun’s chest, as if even his hand was blushing from the touch of Sehun’s skin. But the feeling was suddenly torn away as Sehun leaned back in his seat away from Baekhyun.


Baekhyun finally looked over at him, watching as Sehun patted his own shoulder with a mischievous grin on his face.


“Here, you can sleep on my shoulder tonight.”


This brat. Baekhyun thought as he glared at him. No doubt Sehun’s shoulders looked comfortable, with his broad frame and long body to easily rest against. Not to mention Sehun’s perfect boyfriend appearance. As usual he was looking effortlessly handsome, even after a long day of class, his hair ruffled and his clothes disarranged from all his activity throughout the day. His messy look only helped his cuddly appeal, as if he were ready to snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie.


It was a severe contrast to Baekhyun’s professional look, dressed in a formal button up shirt and slacks. His hair maintained it’s pulled back style throughout the day thanks to a variety of hair products, which was essentially a required style for people at his office. The briefcase he carried around also indicated his status as a working adult, not that any further evidence was needed.


If anyone were to see Baekhyun resting against Sehun, they’d certainly think it was a little odd. Not that Baekhyun would do it anyway.


“Not happening.”


Sehun continued smiling, knowing Baekhyun would answer that way. He shrugged his shoulders before closing his eyes, resting against the back of his seat. 


It didn’t take long until Baekhyun got absorbed on his phone and felt Sehun’s head slide onto his shoulder. Baekhyun shook his head a little, simultaneously rolling his eyes, allowing Sehun to take his routine nap.



Wednesday, 6:13 PM



“You look even worse today…” Sehun noted, leaning forward to stare at Baekhyun’s face.


“Thank you.” Baekhyun answered as he glared back at him, not needing Sehun to point out how exhausted he must have looked. He had a heavy load of assignments at work recently, with only a few more days left until his deadline.  


Sehun smiled, nudging his head to invite Baekhyun to come closer, “Are you sure you don’t want to take a nap on my shoulder?”


Baekhyun took a long breath, honestly tempted by the offer, “Yes, I’m sure. I’ll be home soon enough.”


Baekhyun’s eyes returned to his phone, scanning back and forth as he read a work related e-mail. He felt Sehun rest his head against his shoulder like usual, adjusting for a minute before he was comfortable. Ignoring him, Baekhyun continued reading his mail, getting lost in it for a long time before a text appeared at the top of his screen.



Hey, are you still on for drinks this Friday? -6:45 PM


Baekhyun clicked on the message, going to the conversation to quickly reply.



Yes, work is killing me. I’ve been looking forward to it -6:45 PM



Same here. Kyungsoo is coming too. He tried to get out of it but I blackmailed him :P -6:46 PM



ㅋㅋㅋ With that photo again? -6:46 PM



ㅋㅋㅋ Yes. Anyway, I’m glad you’re coming. It’s always more fun when you’re there. -6:46 PM


Baekhyun suddenly felt Sehun’s hand wrap around him, squeezing onto his waist. It made him realize that Sehun was still awake, and he glanced down to look at Sehun’s face. Sure enough Sehun’s eyes were still open, fixated on Baekhyun’s phone. His expression looked pensive, a tinge of irritation in his eyes as well, his brow scrunched as he continued staring at Baekhyun’s screen.


“Hey, are you reading my messages?” Baekhyun asked, shutting off his phone.


“So what?” Sehun replied dully, “It’s not like it’s the first time.”


Baekhyun remained still, glaring at Sehun for a long while as the truth slowly sank in. He wondered how many conversations of his Sehun had read over the year and a half they had known each other.


“Just go to sleep.” Baekhyun sighed, lowering his phone onto his lap, too tired himself to scold Sehun.


Sehun smiled, shutting his eyes as he squeezed Baekhyun’s waist again.



Friday, 5:20 PM



Baekhyun scanned through his e-mails, blinking a few times in fatigue as he read over his messages. Finally shutting off his phone, he let out a long sigh, relieved that is was finally Friday. He couldn’t wait to get out of his stiff clothes and get a few drinks with his friends.


Rocking in his seat, Baekhyun was jolted around by the driver’s sudden stop at Chungmuro. Noticing where they were, he stared over at the door, anticipating Sehun’s arrival. It wasn’t often that he witnessed Sehun climb on board, since he was usually too preoccupied with his phone to notice. 


After a few people filed inside to find a seat, he watched as Sehun entered the bus. He towered over the people walking in front of him, and Baekhyun was able to see him clearly as he walked down the aisle of the bus. His backpack was slung over one of his shoulders, easily looking like a model as he reached up to push his hair out of his face.


Hot. Baekhyun thought, not even trying to deny to himself how attractive he found Sehun in that moment. He kept his eyes on Sehun as he sat down next to him, tossing his backpack onto the floor.


“Hey, you’re not on your phone.” Sehun smiled, resting back in his seat comfortably.


Baekhyun didn’t answer, instead he continued to stare at Sehun as he simply nodded his head. 


“Tired?” Sehun asked with a small laugh.


Baekhyun slowly nodded again, “Yes.”


Sehun quickly patted his shoulder, “Come here.”


Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at him, turning his head away to decline Sehun’s offer. He sat still for a long while, resting his head against the back of his seat. Sehun decided to leave him alone, reaching for his phone instead. He could tell Baekhyun wasn’t in the mood for any of his antics.


Sitting in silence for a long while, they rocked back and forth from the roll of the bus, occasionally bumping against each other’s shoulders. Baekhyun tried to keep his eyes open, but with each passing minute it became more difficult for him. Eventually he succumbed to his exhaustion, and gently shut his eyes. He wanted to take a quick nap, but the discomfort of his position made it almost impossible.


Maybe just this once.


Leaning over in his seat, he searched for Sehun’s shoulder, his cheek landing on it softly. He exhaled slowly, Sehun’s strong frame more comfortable than he imagined it to be. He melted against him, letting go of all strain in his body.


As he drifted off to sleep, he felt Sehun wrap his arm around his waist, holding onto him carefully. Baekhyun snuggled against him, noticing that he hardly felt this comfortable even when he was laying in his own bed at night. Sehun even smelled good. He didn’t understand how one person could be so perfect. Ignoring the fact that he was a brat.


Comfortable and warm, Baekhyun never even stirred during the entire ride. It wasn’t until Sehun began to softly nudge him and say his name repeatedly that Baekhyun finally woke up again. Looking around, he realized there were only a few people left on the bus.


“Are we at my stop?” Baekhyun asked in a sluggish voice.


“Yeah, come on, the driver is waiting.” Sehun answered as he helped Baekhyun sit up. 


Grabbing Baekhyun’s stuff for him and leading him towards the door, Sehun supported Baekhyun as he stumbled off the bus. Exposed to the cold night air, Baekhyun shivered as he listened to the bus drive away behind them, the breeze waking him up more.


And then it suddenly hit him. Sehun was still there with him.


Snapping his head to look over at him, Baekhyun witnessed the bratty smile on Sehun’s face.


“So, where’s your place?”


“What are you doing?” Baekhyun shouted a little, swiveling his body to face Sehun, “You can’t come home with me!”


“Why not? I’m already here.”


“You need to find another bus home.” Baekhyun abruptly answered, “I’m not bringing a college kid back to my place.”


“I used the last of the money on my card to get here though.” Sehun answered as he adjusted the strap of his backpack on his shoulder.


. Baekhyun thought, realizing he needed to put more money on his card as well and that he had no cash to give Sehun. He didn’t have time to deal with this. .


“You’re not just going to abandon me here, are you?” Sehun asked with a confident smirk.


“Fine.” Baekhyun sighed, “You can come.”


Sehun didn’t answer, but the annoying smile remained on his face as he followed Baekhyun down the street. They only walked for a short while before they reached Baekhyun’s building, and Baekhyun prayed no one he knew was hanging around outside. Luckily he was able to sneak inside and get on the elevator without anyone spotting them.


Baekhyun hurried to unlock his door, and practically jumped inside once the door was open. Sehun followed him in slowly, glancing around at Baekhyun’s house as Baekhyun quickly shut the door behind him.


“I’m going out with my friends tonight. You can sleep here while I’m gone.” Baekhyun spoke as he rushed off to his bedroom.


Sehun walked after him, entering Baekhyun’s room and watching as he began to undo the buttons on his shirt. Sehun tossed down his bag, going over to sit on Baekhyun’s bed.


“You’re going out drinking right? Let me come.”


“No.” Baekhyun answered in a stern voice, “Absolutely not. Do you know how bad that would look?”


“What? I’m twenty-one. It’s fine, I bet no one would even notice.”


“Trust me, they would notice.” Baekhyun replied as he took off his shirt, tossing it onto his bed before opening the doors to his closet and disappearing inside.


“We can show up separately then. I don’t want to just stay here all night.” He heard Sehun reply from the bedroom.


“I thought you didn’t have any money.” Baekhyun answered in a sassy tone, “Do you expect me to pay for your drinks too?”




Baekhyun smiled to himself, thinking he had finally won against the younger. All too often did he let Sehun get his way. But not tonight. There was no way Sehun could possibly make Baekhyun change his mind.


At least that’s what Baekhyun thought. Until he spotted the reflection of Sehun’s face in his closet mirror, a large pout on his face. The same pout Baekhyun had seen many times before that often won Sehun the opportunity of sleeping on his shoulder.


“Please Baekhyunnie. It’s finally the weekend.” Sehun whined, using an overly cute voice on purpose.


“Hey, I told you, you can’t call me that.” Baekhyun interrupted with a scowl, this being about the millionth time Sehun tried to address him in such a casual way. He was amazed the brat had the audacity to call him that even while he was begging to him. 


“I’ve been studying so much lately.” Sehun continued as if he didn’t even hear Baekhyun, “I just want to have a little fun for once…but I don’t have the money to go out and have a good time like you.”


Baekhyun sighed. Sehun was using the empathy card again. It was Baekhyun’s weak spot, and Sehun knew it. Baekhyun knew it too, and realized that Sehun often liked to abuse it. But it didn’t change the fact that Baekhyun still felt pity for him. He knew what it felt like, and Baekhyun didn’t enjoy seeing Sehun going through the same troubles.


“Fine, whatever.” Baekhyun replied, rapidly flipping through his clothes to find a nice shirt to wear, “But you better not talk to me while we’re there.”


The satisfied smile that grew on Sehun’s face was not missed by Baekhyun as he began to slip out of his vision, “Deal.”


Baekhyun sighed again once he was gone, hoping he wasn’t going to regret this. He grabbed the shirt and pants he wanted to wear and walked out of the closet to go to his bathroom. After placing his clothes down on the counter, he glanced over at Sehun to see him laying back on his bed, typing on his phone. Baekhyun shook his head, of course Sehun had no problem making himself comfortable in his home. 


Going over to his shower, Baekhyun the water before he began to remove the rest of his clothes. He tried his best to move quickly, worried that he was already running late. Jumping into the shower, Baekhyun stood directly underneath the hot water, letting it run down his hair and the rest of his body. He felt his muscles relax, and he let out a long sigh, rubbing his body with his hands to further soothe himself. He enjoyed the feeling for a long while, forgetting that he was in a bit of a rush. He didn’t really care right then, the extra time it took him to bathe was well worth it.


“Hey, what’s your wifi password?”


Baekhyun opened his eyes, his entire body cringing at the sight of Sehun standing right outside his shower. He wrapped his arms around himself in embarrassment, his cheeks deepening in color.


“Sehun! Couldn’t you wait?”


Sehun smirked back at him, slowly glancing up and down Baekhyun’s body, “What? We’re both guys.”


“There’s a note on my desk somewhere.” Baekhyun blurted out as he shooed Sehun with one of his hands, anxious to have Sehun leave.


Sehun his lips, smiling at Baekhyun a moment more before he turned to leave. Baekhyun watched him with a scowl, making sure he was gone before he continued rinsing off.


When Baekhyun got out, he noticed that Sehun was no longer in his bedroom. He figured Sehun was probably snooping around the rest of his house, poking his nose where it didn’t belong.


It took Baekhyun a while longer to get ready, spending some time in the mirror to perfect his look for the evening. Once he was satisfied, Baekhyun left his room to find where Sehun had wandered off to. Entering his living room, he found Sehun standing in front of his bookshelves, analyzing the objects he had on display.


“Come on let’s go. Everyone’s probably wondering where I am.” Baekhyun sighed, glancing over at the clock on the wall.


Sehun turned to look at him, only noticing Baekhyun’s presence after he started to speak. Once his eyes landed on Baekhyun, Baekhyun watched as the younger’s body seemed to stiffen up.


“Holy .” Sehun muttered quietly, his mouth gaping open in surprise as he stared at Baekhyun.


“What?” Baekhyun asked with an amused smile, “You know I don’t wear a suit and tie all the time, right?”


Sehun gulped, his throat feeling dry after leaving his mouth open for so long. He continued staring at Baekhyun in awe, slowly analyzing each part of him.


Baekhyun’s hair was down, done in a somewhat messy style, as if Baekhyun had just run his hands through his bangs to fluff it up a bit. He was wearing a loose fitting satin shirt, the shimmering fabric emphasizing the subtle curves of his body. A black string acted as a necklace, closely wrapped around his neck a few times, the rest of it hanging loose against his chest, visible between the flaps of his open shirt. Tight fitting pants completed his outfit, the black fabric stretched over his wide hips.


Sehun seemed mesmerized by Baekhyun’s entire look, but he spent extra time staring at Baekhyun’s face. He had never seen Baekhyun wear makeup before, the natural beauty of his eyes accentuated with glimmering eyeshadow and dark eyeliner. 


“You…You…” Sehun stuttered, trying to find the right words to say but failing miserably at it.


“I know, I look different.” Baekhyun laughed, “You don’t have to say anything, let’s just hurry.”


Baekhyun was honestly nervous what Sehun might think of his appearance, and didn’t really want to hear his thoughts about it. He quickly turned around, hoping Sehun would follow him without another word. He feared the opinion of someone younger than himself, that he looked desperate to stay in the current trends. Under the scrutiny of Sehun’s gaze, Baekhyun suddenly wished he had chosen to wear something a little less flashy.


“…You look really y.” Sehun finally managed to speak, staring at Baekhyun with a sincere expression.


Baekhyun stopped moving, coming to a halt as he felt his cheeks suddenly start to burn.  He stayed still for a short while, bewildered on how to respond, his heart pounding from Sehun’s words. He could tell Sehun wasn’t lying, and it made him even more nervous than before.


“…Thank you.” Baekhyun answered with a blush as he glanced at Sehun out of the corner of his eye, beckoning to him with a wave of his hand, “Now come on.”


Sehun hesitated a moment more before joining Baekhyun, continuing to stare at him as he went to Baekhyun’s side. They walked over to the front door together, putting on their shoes before stepping outside. Baekhyun took out his keys to lock the door, fiddling with it for a bit as Sehun waited for him, still staring at him closely.


“Hey Baekhyun!” He suddenly heard a familiar voice call behind him.


Baekhyun’s hands froze, horrified that he had finally been caught by one of his neighbors. Dammit. It just had to be one of his annoyingly observant neighbors too. He could only hope he wouldn’t interpret the situation in the wrong way.


“Hey Junmyeon…” Baekhyun nervously smiled as he turned around.


“Heading out? You look good.” Junmyeon smiled back, giving Baekhyun a small thumbs up.


“Thanks.” Baekhyun laughed, a tinge of anxiety still in his voice.


“Is this your date?” Junmyeon winked, never failing to make things awkward.


“No no, he’s… just a friend.” Baekhyun stumbled to answer.


“Ah, I see.” Junmyeon nodded in understanding, stepping closer to Baekhyun to whisper to him quietly, “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything. He’s a little young for you, right?”


“It’s not like that!” Baekhyun answered with a more stern expression this time, pushing on Sehun to make him start walking again, “Sorry I need to hurry, I’ll see you later Junmyeon.”


Baekhyun rushed down the hallway, his cheeks burning in embarrassment again as they made their way to the elevator. Once they were inside, Baekhyun quickly pressed the button for the main floor. Standing quietly together, Baekhyun finally looked over at Sehun, only to witness the amused smile on his face.


“What’s so funny?” Baekhyun asked in annoyance.


“You should have just told him we’re going on a date, it would have been less awkward.”


“I don’t want him thinking I date young college boys.” Baekhyun sneered.


“Why not? I’m a good catch, aren’t I?” Sehun asked with an annoying smirk, stepping closer to Baekhyun so that their bodies were almost touching, his tall frame towering over Baekhyun.


“That’s not the point.” Baekhyun replied, trying to step away from Sehun but realizing he was trapped by the wall of the elevator, “You know why it looks bad.”


“It’s not like we’re that far apart.” Sehun answered, getting increasingly closer to Baekhyun, “It’s only seven years.”


“Seven years is a lot.” Baekhyun scoffed, “And you’re a guy too. I don’t need that information getting around.”


“What information?” Sehun asked, his voice lowering as his body finally made contact with Baekhyun’s, his chest lightly pressed against Baekhyun’s shoulder, “That you like men?”


“I never said that!” Baekhyun blushed, finally shoving Sehun away from himself, “And it’s none of your business anyway.”


Sehun was about to respond, but the door to the elevator suddenly opened. Baekhyun quickly stepped out, relieved not to be trapped with Sehun anymore. Sehun slowly went after him, following him out of the building. They walked out onto the street together, looking around for an available cab. 


After finding a ride and arriving at Baekhyun’s desired location, Baekhyun and Sehun stood a distance away from the building together, staring at the crowd of people hanging around outside the club.


“Here.” Baekhyun spoke quietly, handing Sehun a small bundle of cash, “Remember, don’t come talk to me.”


Sehun took the money, a smirk present on his face as he did so, “I won’t.”


“I’ll come find you later.” Baekhyun answered as he walked off, trying to locate where his friends were waiting for him.


A call from the crowd alerted Baekhyun of their whereabouts, and he quickly made his way towards them, smiling as he greeted them all. 


“Baekhyun, wow. You look good tonight!” Chanyeol grinned, patting Baekhyun’s shoulder.


“Thanks.” Baekhyun laughed, “I’m sorry I’m late though.”


“You should be.” Kyungsoo glared at him, “I’ve been stuck here with these idiots.”


Baekhyun laughed again, more heartily this time as he imagined the situation. He looked over at Jongdae, talking to him briefly as well before they made their way inside the club. After ordering their drinks, they sat down at one of the small tables together.


Baekhyun made a long sigh after taking his first sip, the drink feeling incredibly satisfying after his long week of work. The others made a similar sound, also appreciating the gratification of taking their first sip. It wasn’t long until they broke out into conversation again, ignoring the troubles of work and discussing more cheerful topics. They shouted over the loud music, sometimes having to lean in towards each other to hear what was being said. 


It had been over an hour since Baekhyun even thought about Sehun, the idea that he was inside the club somewhere completely slipping Baekhyun’s mind as he chatted with his friends. But as he absentmindedly glanced at the dance floor, someone familiar quickly caught his attention. He suddenly went quiet, no longer participating in his friend’s conversation as he kept his eyes on Sehun.


The way Sehun moved was downright sinful. And Baekhyun felt sinful watching him. His long legs and broad shoulders accentuated his every action, making each gesture feel more powerful. He flowed so easily to the music, the heavy beats traveling to each part of his body, snapping along with the sound. Baekhyun watched closely, admiring the subtle way Sehun would bite down on his lip as he dragged his hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face. He could tell Sehun was starting to sweat from the heat in the room, noticing a sheen beginning to appear on his skin and his shirt sticking to the moisture on his body.


Sehun eventually glanced over at Baekhyun, quickly realizing that Baekhyun was staring at him. A smirk appeared on his lips as he continued dancing, sending Baekhyun a wink as he blew him a small kiss.


Baekhyun expression instantly turned sour. He suddenly realized that brat was a wildly inaccurate understatement. A demon. That’s what Sehun was. A y demon, but a demon nonetheless.


“Baekhyun!” Jongdae shouted over the music, scooting closer to Baekhyun so he could hear him better, “We’re going to go dance, are you coming?”


Baekhyun hesitated, fearing answering yes. More than anything, he was embarrassed to have Sehun possibly see him. He wasn’t as talented as Sehun at dancing, at least he certainly felt that way. The last thing he needed was Sehun laughing at him. The younger already had enough sway in their relationship.


“Come on!” Jongdae shouted again, grabbing Baekhyun’s wrist and pulling him onto the dance floor against his will.


Baekhyun reluctantly followed his friends, joining the crowd of people already dancing. Glancing over at Sehun nervously, he learned that Sehun was still watching him, the smirk on his lips never disappearing. Sehun eyed Baekhyun’s body, looking him up and down as he waited for Baekhyun to move, raising one of his eyebrows at him suggestively.


Demon. Baekhyun repeated to himself. He refused to move, glaring at Sehun for a long moment, trying to threaten him to look away. But Sehun’s eyes never faltered, keeping them fixed on Baekhyun as he continued dancing, trying his best to entice Baekhyun to do the same.


Turning his back to Sehun, Baekhyun tried his best to ignore him as he joined his friends, dancing lightly to the music. Maybe he could slowly maneuver off the dance floor without them noticing. Carefully he started to scoot away while he was dancing, bit by bit getting farther away from them. But as he was moving, he suddenly bumped against someone. Looking behind himself, he spotted the demon.


Sehun smirked at him, trapping the smaller from escaping as he danced close to him. Baekhyun glared back at him, feeling as Sehun snuck his hands around his waist to press their bodies together. He refused to move, staying still as he continued giving Sehun a dirty look.


“I told you not to come talk to me!” Baekhyun tried his best to shout over the music.


Sehun raised one of his hands, pulling it across his lips to make the sign of a zipper shutting his mouth closed.


He had actual horns. Baekhyun couldn’t believe he ever thought Sehun was cute. A demon in angel’s skin, that’s what he was. A beautiful deception that Baekhyun was easily manipulated by.


Sehun reached for Baekhyun’s hands, lifting them up to try and sway Baekhyun’s body to the music with him. Baekhyun tried to fight it, but as he struggled he was suddenly spun around in a circle. He came to an abrupt stop, staring Sehun face to face as he felt Sehun’s hand push against his back, pressing their bodies tightly together again. Sehun was staring directly into his eyes, a playful look remaining on his face.


Baekhyun could have slapped him, but he didn’t want to harm his perfect handsome face. How dare he have such a perfect face. All Baekhyun wanted to do was protect it.


Shoving himself away, Baekhyun finally escaped. Not trying to be careful anymore, Baekhyun stomped off the dance floor, leaving Sehun laughing by himself. He didn’t even bother looking for his friends, returning to their table to get another drink. He ignored the dance floor as he drank by himself, not wanting his eyes to accidentally land on Sehun again.


Eventually his friends came to find him, getting thirsty as well. Thankfully, they didn’t seem to notice Baekhyun’s dance with Sehun, since they didn’t mention anything about it. Loud laughter and chatter quickly consumed their table, Baekhyun hardly contributing in the conversation. He stayed focused on his drink instead, taking large gulps as he listened to his friends.


Time passed quickly while he enjoyed their company, and his thoughts began to blur from the intoxication of his drink. Some hours and a few drinks later, Baekhyun didn’t even remember how he ended up sitting alone with Chanyeol at a table outside. Something about getting too hot. They had been outside together for a while, Baekhyun occasionally singing along to the words of the music playing inside.


Chanyeol was watching him, smiling at Baekhyun’s slurred singing. Sometimes he’d join in, laughing as they sang together. As the song changed to one without any lyrics, they went quiet, and Baekhyun closed his eyes to relax for a moment.


“Baekhyun.” Chanyeol eventually spoke, looking over at his friend thoughtfully, “…Why won’t you give us a chance?”


Baekhyun sighed, lazily rolling his head to the side, “I’ve told you so many times…You’re a good friend, that’s all. I want it to stay that way.”


Chanyeol was silent for a while, not quite as intoxicated as Baekhyun, able to coherently think about Baekhyun’s response.


“There’s someone else you like, isn't there?”


Baekhyun opened his eyes slowly, blinking a few times before he spoke, “…No.”


“I know when you’re lying Baekhyun.”


“I’m not.” Baekhyun whined, shaking his head as well, “There’s no one.”


Chanyeol stared at him for a moment, analyzing Baekhyun’s face, “…Really? That’s the truth?”


Baekhyun nodded his head, “Yes…So don’t get the wrong idea about us…He’s just a kid.”


Chanyeol’s eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, “A kid? Who?”


Baekhyun’s expression suddenly changed, an alarmed look on his face as he shouted a little, “Sehun! I need to find Sehun!”


“Sehun?” Chanyeol repeated, not recognizing the name, “Is he here?”


“Yes.” Baekhyun answered as he struggled to stand up, wobbling a little as he gained his footing, “We came together.”


Chanyeol went to help Baekhyun, trying to pull his chair out to give Baekhyun more room. But then he suddenly noticed someone approaching them, quickly going to Baekhyun’s side to help him stand.


“Sehun.” Baekhyun smiled, holding onto him for support, “I…I was just coming to find you.”


Chanyeol stared at Sehun curiously, realizing that he was in fact rather young looking. He was so baffled by Sehun’s sudden appearance that he stayed silent as he watched them both.


“Are you ready to go?” Sehun asked, wrapping his arm around Baekhyun’s waist.


Baekhyun nodded a few times, “Yes, it’s late.”


Chanyeol stepped forward, getting closer to them both as he kept his eyes on Sehun, “Hi, I’m Chanyeol. I don’t believe we’ve met.”


Sehun looked over at him with a indiscernible expression, but it was clear he wasn't exactly thrilled to meet him. He stayed silent for a little while, staring at Chanyeol as he thought to himself, “I’m Sehun.”


“I told him that already.” Baekhyun smiled, snuggling closer against Sehun to rest his head on his shoulder.


Chanyeol stared at them both for a while, noticing how affectionate Baekhyun was acting, “…How do you know Baekhyun?”


“We take the bus together.” Sehun answered simply, although there wasn’t much to define their relationship beyond that.


Chanyeol went quiet, suddenly remembering Baekhyun mentioning Sehun’s name before. Baekhyun had complained about Sehun during work sometimes, the brat that often liked to sleep on his shoulder during their bus ride home. Chanyeol had always pictured Sehun to be smaller, just a young kid who liked to bother Baekhyun for some reason. But now that he was seeing what Sehun actually looked like, he was starting to feel a little differently about all the stories he had heard. Sehun wasn’t a small child at all, in fact he practically matched him in height. But Chanyeol was more concerned with how handsome Sehun was. He didn’t realize the student always cuddling on Baekhyun had the appearance of a mode

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Chapter 1: I honestly want to smack myself for finding this wonderful story just now. I mean where was i when this masterpiece was born?!?! I love it. It's cute and fluffy and pure. Man i want a sehun too. But nah, he's perfect with baekhyun. Theyre perfect for each other. I love it. And ive always loved fics where the older one is the submissive one in the relationship. It makes the story pure and fluffy. Thank you so much authornim for writing and sharing this with us. Youre an amazing writer, i hope you know that! And ive read your other stories before (i reread them from time to time because theyre awesome) and again, you are amazing! Take care and stay safe!
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh so cute I love your writing! SeBaek is my OTP so I'm definitely going to have to read more of your fics :)
Chapter 1: Its so naughty yet pure fic... I loved it.... So innocent both of them
FoxyVixx #4
Chapter 1: Such a cute story! Loved it :)
Chapter 1: Oh mannn why I didn't read this before..I hate myself for taking so long..This was soooo cuteee and adorable..Loved every single part of this fic....
Chapter 1: The fluff omgbdhgkdhs ♡_♡
Chapter 1: Super cute is the word for this ..Loved it
966 streak #8
Chapter 1: This is such a relaxing read on a lazy Saturday morning. I love the way you developed their relationship until Baekhyun felt comfortable with it. I was just wondering why Baekhyun didn't change his bus to avoid the kid, though. Perhaps, he wss really enjoying it, too.
Thank you so much for giving me this morning fix!
kathalina_kat #9
Chapter 1: This story is so cute!
orisu2410 #10
Chapter 1: <3