Search Love, Find Love - Oneshot -

Search Love, Find Love.

He is a snob. He is a brat. And he is uncredibly rich. Choi Minho seemed to have it all. His life as a rich guy was tiring, but nice and awesome. He got a lot of attention from the people around him, and was mister Popular on his school.


But the attention he got, wasn't the attention he actually wanted. Deep down, inside his heart, he searched for love.


Valentine's day. The day of love. The perfect day for searching and finding his ultimate love.


Minho took the oppertunity, and thought of a plan. The people that wanted to be his, could get a change, by bying or making a Valentine's present for him, that they have to deliver by his house. The best present from that person, will be his lover.


Stupid as he was, he didn't saw the consequenses, and made a hundred posters. He hang them in the school, around the school and around his neighborhood. He smiled from victory at the result.


The day came. Valentine's day. Minho sat on his 'throne' in the living room, while a long line of thousands girls and boys, smart, pretty, ugly or strange stood inside and outside the house. His smile from victory was back again.


“Yes. Thanks. Next!”


The girl pouted sadly and turned her heels. She got bumped away by the next girl that gave a little teddybear with a heart on it, smiling like SHE was the one that would win. But no.


“Hm. Thank you. Next!”


It had go on like that, and Minho felt getting frustrated. He sure saw some awesome presents, but the persons that had given them were or ugly, nerdy or dowdy. Non of them seemed perfect in his eyes.


“Annyeong, Minho hyung.”


A boy with black hair and pale skin stepped forward, and showed his nicest smile. Minho studied the boy in a flash. He looked pretty for a boy, even a bit too pretty. He also seemed kind and someone that would help the poor people, compared to the clothes he was wearing.


The pretty boy handed Minho a paper, probably a drawing, and waited for Minho's response. Minho looked away from the sparkling eyes to the drawing in his hands.


It was a drawing of a place. A place where a hunderd persons showed the back of their heads and looked up at the one person that stood on the top of the mountain. That person, was him. He looked sad but proud at the same time.


Happy Valentine's day, Minho hyung. Hopefully, you will find your love.


Minho was amazed by it. It wasn't beautifully drawn, but it had something. Something unique. Like there is a hidden emotion in it, that he had to find. Was this how the pretty boy saw Minho?


Minho blinked and let his eyes read the sentence once again. He glared down at his head. He laughed.


“You made my head from macaroni?”


The pretty boy jumped up from the nice tone, and blushed. “Euh, yeah. I at making heads, so I used macaroni, a marker and.. tadaa.”


“Aah. Hm. Interesting.”


Minho thought the boy was adorble and stunning, and stayed staring at the strange drawing. Out of all those presents, this was the first one that made him look longer than 5 seconds at. He was surprised. The more he looked at it, the more he felt his heart heat up and his stomach arch.


Silence fell in the room, as everybody waited patiently.


“Master? There are more visitors waiting.” The guard spoke.


“Oh, euh.. Right. Thank you...” Minho stared at the little name written on the paper. He smiled and looked up again. “..Taemin.”


He nodded to the blushing boy and gave the drawing to the guard next to him. “Next!”




After a whole day of people stopping by to give a present, it finally stopped at 10 in the evening. Minho sighed. He looked up at the mountain of presents.


“Good luck with looking through all those presents again.” The guard chuckled.


“Nah, I don't have to.” Minho grabbed a drawing that laid next to his 'throne'. He smiled. “I already got the winning price.”




“It's time for me to visit the charity.” Taemin said, and looked up at his boyfriend.


“Are you coming with me? Pleeaase? I will see it as some kind of Valentine present, okay?”


Minho hesitated. “I don't know, Minnie. I just-” Until he saw Taemin's pout. He smiled and nodded. “Alright then. Just for you. And about the present, I will buy it for you. It's not that buying something isn't better than coming along with you by visiting a charity for the poor.”


“Oh, hyung.” Taemin sighed, his voice soft and caring. “You have no idea.”



He is a snob. He is a brat. He is incredibly rich, and deeply in love. Minho seemed to have to it all. And he had.

He had searched and find his love.


- The End -



Again, Happy Valentine's day, lovely people. :)  

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Chapter 1: Strangely Cute 😅💕
SHINee4ever5 #2
Nawwwww, true love for sure <3
LeeKaiLin #3
Kibd of a shallow way to find true love, but still cute!~
CUTE ^.^ !!!!!
kyaaaahh! <3 this
lovely story for valentine :D
carrotcake #7
Aww, that was really cute! Hope you write more! <3
i never had this kind of story during valentine :)
how i wish i'll meet someone like Minho :D
the story was great
aoiworld #9
I like Valentine day,

sweetness never end.
Strawbeats #10
Aww Minho found his taemin