Lesson 1

The Boyfriend Project

“First things first, where’s my doughnut?” asked Baekhyun, holding out his hand expectantly. They were meeting up after another economics class spent by Chanyeol staring tenderly at the back of Kyungsoo’s head.

“Here,” said Chanyeol producing a white paper bag from his backpack, he opened it gleefully to show Baekhyun the doughnut inside. It was pink and had a cat face and ears make out of icing. “I went to that new place by the park!”

Baekhyun frowned at it. “Do you even remember what we are trying to do here?” he asked.

 “Um…make me y?” said Chanyeol hesitantly.

“Then why are you buying adorable doughnuts in the shape of kitties! Do you think that’s y?” he asked pointedly. When Chanyeol didn’t reply and went on somewhat reluctantly, “I mean, I kind of do…but that’s only because I really like doughnuts...and kitties! Alright, gimme the damn doughnut!” He snatched the bag out of Chanyeol’s hand.

“Now just let me take a selfie and then we’ll get started,” he said gruffly. He pulled the doughnut out of the bag and held it up to in front of his mouth and took a couple of selfies with his phone. He added a cat face filter to the picture and showed Chanyeol as he posted it to Instagram.

“Oh, me too!” exclaimed Chanyeol, reaching for the doughnut.

“No,” said Baekhyun, biting the doughnut’s head off. “First lesson of being y, no taking cute selfies.”

“But you do,” protested Chanyeol.

“I’m lucky, I’m naturally both cute and y, you can’t possibly hope to achieve this perfect balance,” said Baekhyun, waving a hand airily up and down as if to encompass his whole being. “Better we concentrate on just one thing for you.”

“Ok, can I have a bite then?”

“No, get your own,” said Baekhyun chewing hastily.

“It was the last one there! It’s a really popular place,” said Chanyeol pouting.

“Fine,” said Baekhyun holding out doughnut for Chanyeol to take a bite.

Chanyeol chewed appreciatively. “Mm yummy,” he said.

“If you want to be y, you can’t make yummy yummy noises when you eat,” said Baekhyun.

“Ok,” said Chanyeol pulling out his phone and starting to type.

“What are you doing?”

“Writing this down,” explained Chanyeol, holding his phone up to show the memo note he had created, it said ‘No cute treats, no adorable selfies, no yum yumming.’

“Good,” said Baekhyun, pleased with this succinct summary of his teachings. “Now c’mon,” he said, grabbing Chanyeol’s arm.

“Where are we going?”


Their university was situated in the middle of a shopping district, so it didn’t take long to find some trendy looking men’s clothing stores. Baekhyun pulled him into one.

“These kinds of clothing stores make me nervous,” whispered Chanyeol, looking around warily.

“You mean adult clothing stores?”

“Yes,” hissed Chanyeol.

“Well that explains why you dress like a world’s biggest 8-year-old,” said Baekhyun laughing. He examined some shirts on a nearby rack, while Chanyeol dithered awkwardly.

 “C’mon there’s nothing to be scared of,” he said, holding up a shirt in front of Chanyeol. “Too baggy,” he remarked, stuffing it back onto the rack. “Don’t just stand there!” he added.

Chanyeol touched a rack of jackets gingerly.

“Good, now do you know what we’re looking for?” Baekhyun asked, knocking Chanyeol’s hand away from a bomber jacket with a sequin unicorn on the back.

“Crop tops?” asked Chanyeol hopefully.

“No! We want monochrome colours and clean lines,” exclaimed Baekhyun.

“Ok,” said Chanyeol uncertainly. He held up a bright purple jumper with a cartoon drawing of a strawberry milk carton on it. “What about this?”

“Are you colour blind? I said monochrome!” he said. Laughing at Chanyeol’s blank look he added, “That means black and white!”

“Oh, ok.”

“I want you to look grown-up and y.”

Baekhyun went around the store grabbing items and dumping them into Chanyeol’s hands. It was actually quite fun, especially since he didn’t need to go through the hassle of trying anything on himself. Once it got to the point that Chanyeol could barely be seen under the pile of clothes he pushed him into a change room.

“Come out and show me, when you’re ready,” Baekhyun called to him. He was getting ready to boost Chanyeol’s confidence and so he mentally prepared some choice compliments to give him.

A few minutes later the change room door opened and Chanyeol strode out. He was wearing tight black jeans with ripped knees, a striped black and white sweater, and a cropped black leather jacket.

Baekhyun stared. There was no denying it, Chanyeol looked absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. Baekhyun managed with considerable effort to hold in his shocked gasp, accidentally making a noise like a deflating balloon as he breathed out. He was absolutely dumbstruck. He couldn’t remember any of the compliments he’d prepared, he could barely make his mouth work.

“Y-you...look…really…hot,” he managed at last, and it felt like a major understatement.

Chanyeol smiled widely.

“Thanks. I love these jeans,” he said, turning around. “Look at my !”

“Trust me, I’m looking,” said Baekhyun, he even tilted his head to get a better view.

Chanyeol went back into the change room to try some more clothes on and Baekhyun slumped back against a mirrored wall in shock. Who knew Chanyeol had been hiding that body under those baggy clothes? Maybe he could wear a crop top? Baekhyun shook the thought out of his head.

Chanyeol modelled more outfits for him and they choose the best items before trying a couple of other stores. With his model proportions, Chanyeol was very easy to dress, it seemed like everything looked good on him. They got some more jeans, some fitted tops, and a few jackets and blazers.

As they walked down the street together looking for more stores, Chanyeol asked awkwardly, “Do you really think he’ll agree to go out with me?”

“Sure, once I’m done with you, you’ll be irresistible. Plus, you’ve got a height advantage. The boy clearly likes a height difference and you’re even taller than Jongin.”

 “What’s height difference got to do with it?”

“Couples with different heights look good together. Everyone knows that,” explained Baekhyun.

“Is that why we look good together?” asked Chanyeol.

“What? Who says we look good together?” spluttered Baekhyun.

“Me?” said Chanyeol. He pointed at their reflection in the window of the shop opposite.

Baekhyun looked where Chanyeol was pointing and saw himself and Chanyeol standing side by side in the reflection. They did look surprisingly good together. He stepped even closer to Chanyeol still watching their reflections. There was a very pleasing sort of juxtaposition in their sizes.

“It’s because of the height difference, isn’t it?” said Chanyeol, “You're around the same height as Kyungsoo.”

Baekhyun stopped watching the reflection and rounded on Chanyeol angrily. “No, I am not! I'm significantly taller than him!” he exclaimed.

Chanyeol looked him up and down then said hesitantly, “I don't think you are.”

Baekhyun turned away, folding his arms irritably. “You know what’s really uny?!” he asked, then didn’t wait for an answer, “Guys who disagree with everything you say.”

“Ok, you're right,” acquiesced Chanyeol immediately.

Baekhyun looked over at him, even more annoyed. “Are you just saying that because I said to agree with me?”

“Yes,” admitted Chanyeol. “Look, you're really short---”

“Shut up,” interrupted Baekhyun, turning away again.

“No, listen. I'm not saying it's a bad thing,” continued Chanyeol loudly. “I really like it. See I can even rest my head top of yours if I get tired,” he added. He wrapped his arms around Baekhyun from behind and rested his chin on top of his head.

“Stop that,” exclaimed Baekhyun, wriggling out of the embrace. “And stop making fun of me.”

“I’m not, I’m telling you I really like it. You’ve got lovely little hands too. They make everything you hold look bigger than it is...,” he said, then smiled suddenly clearly having a hard time keeping the laugh out of his voice he added, “and that’s something every guy wants in a boyfriend.”

Baekhyun snorted. “Did you mean that to sound really dirty?”

“Yes, yes I did.”

“Alright, but maybe don't mention me and s in the same sentence to Kyungsoo. It might give him a false impression of our friendship.”

“Well just saying, some friends do actually do stuff like that,” Chanyeol said somewhat vaguely.

Baekhyun stared at him. “Do you have any idea where you’re going with this?” he asked.

“No,” admitted Chanyeol.

“Good, then shut up,” replied Baekhyun. He looked around for a topic change, but then his stomach provided one by giving a very loud rumble.

“Want to get something to eat?” asked Chanyeol immediately, looking amused.

“I’m not sure if we have enough clothes yet,” said Baekhyun, looking at the shopping bags.

“It’s fine, I know what I’m looking for now. Clean lines.”

“Do you even know what that means?”

“Nope. C’mon,” he laughed and pulled Baekhyun through the street till they reached a food stall.

They sat down on the metal benches and ordered Tteokbokki. Baekhyun watched hungrily as the lady served them.

He pulled his plate towards him happily and started eating with relish. After a minute he started to sniff. He didn’t know why but it seemed like whenever he ate hot food his nose ran. He looked around for some paper napkins, but before he could spot any Chanyeol had pushed a small plastic packet of tissues into his hand. Baekhyun looked down at them.

“What the hell are these?” he asked.


 “But what is on them?”

“Rilakkuma! Isn't he cute?” said Chanyeol happily. “I've got another packet. Do you want them?” he asked opening his backpack.

“Yes!” said Baekhyun, forgetting to be annoyed, “I mean, no! Chanyeol, what the hell are you doing? I'm trying to make you y and you’re using Rilakkuma tissues!”

“I'm sorry. I didn't think tissues could be y,” said Chanyeol seriously.

“Well maybe they can't but that’s because really y people don’t even get the sniffles! They look after their health and take multivitamins, so they don’t get sick in the first place,” said Baekhyun, not entirely sure what he was talking about anymore.

“But it was you that was sniffing, not me!”

“That’s not the point,” said Baekhyun, who was now very unsure himself what the point actually was. He looked down at the tissues with their adorable little design. “I’m keeping these to save you from yourself,” he said using one of the pale pink tissues to blow his nose then tucking the packet away in his backpack.

When they were done eating Chanyeol asked enthusiastically, “Want to go see a movie now?”

“No, we're not done yet.”

“Oh, Baekhyunnie! I can't shop anymore,” whined Chanyeol.

“It's not shopping,” said Baekhyun mysteriously.

He led Chanyeol down a side street then stopped in front of a very modern-looking hair salon.

Chanyeol looked confused for a second as he read the sign. Then he gasped and turned to Baekhyun.

“What's wrong with my hair?!” he exclaimed.

“Nothing,” said Baekhyun looking at Chanyeol’s black hair, the long straight bangs of which hung right down to his eyes. “It’s just kind of floppy.”

“So is yours,” said Chanyeol, flicking Baekhyun's bangs playfully.

“Hey,” exclaimed Baekhyun, swatting Chanyeol’s hand away and fixing his bangs in the reflection of the salon window. "I pull this look off! Anyway, Jongin has really nice hair. I think you need to update your look if you want to catch Kyungsoo’s eye.”

Chanyeol considered this argument and asked noncommittally, “What look are you thinking of exactly?”


“Eh?!” exclaimed Chanyeol. He shook his head violently and turned to run away.

Baekhyun grabbed him by his backpack and spun him back to the door.

“Trust me it'll look great on you. And get them to cut it, so you can style it up.”

 He opened the door and started to push Chanyeol inside.  “Don't forget to get product!” he called after him.

“You’re not coming in with me?!” exclaimed Chanyeol looking back at him his big eyes filled with apprehension.

“Nope, I’ve got stuff to do,” said Baekhyun. He had an economics assignment he had barely started waiting for him at home. “For homework I want you to think about where you’d take Kyungsoo for a first date so we can practice. You can think about that while you’re getting your hair done.”

“Alright,” said Chanyeol.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Baekhyun called, as Chanyeol walked nervously up to the counter.

Baekhyun waited outside for a few minutes to make sure Chanyeol didn’t make a run for it. He considered just staying after all so he could see the new hairstyle, but he really did have a lot of uni work to do. He started heading home. It would be better to wait till tomorrow anyway, then he’d get to see the whole look that he’d created. Kyungsoo’s heart didn’t stand a chance.

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Chapter 4: Awww, this was such a nice and warm and fun and cute fic 😘
Chapter 4: SUPER DUPER FLUFFYYYYY ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I really like your fics, so I'm sure I'll like this one too
174 streak #4
Excited for this 💕
This story was so sweet and cute and I love ChanBaek's idiocy😂. I enjoyed reading this fic. Thank you for writing this💗!
Chapter 4: I just realized that i read this way before and i cant believe i was not able to upvote this before!!!!!! I hate myself for that!!!! This fic is a masterpiece and it deserves like a thousand upvotes!!!! I wanna cry. I love them both and i love how cute and adorkable chanyeol is in here. He's already perfect. And they are perfect for each other!!!!! Ughhhh reading this again made me so giddy and happy today. Thank you authornim for writing and sharing this with us!!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #7
Chapter 4: Super sweet and funny 💕
Yeppeodeiji #8
Chapter 4: That is soooo sweet and cute. I love it
alyaoniechan #9
Chapter 4: So cuteeeeee..kyaa
Chapter 4: this was cute as hell i loved it!!!!