Chapter 2 : I wanna hold you when I'm not supposed to

Two Hearts In One Home
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You become a complete fool when you're in love.

Your mind is empty without the thought of being close to her.

For her to call you. For her to come for you.

Because there's no other thing more important than that.




"Teacher! Read us a story! Pleawse?"


Joohyun smiles a little at the children looking at her with a hopeful glint in their eyes, clasping their small chubby hands, puffing out their chubby cheeks, Joohyun is sure she will never say no to them.

"Of course." She puts down her phone even though her break just started a few minutes ago. She needed a distraction anyway since the throbbing in her chest didn't ease while scrolling through the gallery of.. their photos. (She doesn't know what made her look at the photos even though she never has the heart to erase them.)

"Did you choose a book you want to read?"

Apparently, by the looks of their eyes, they didn't. They just wanted her to play with them and Joohyun can't help but smile again.

"Should I choose it for you?"

"Yes!" The children nod their heads eagerly.

Joohyun lets out a small sigh as she eyes the scattered books on the floor.

She picks up a blue glittery book that flashed the title 'Cinderella'.

"How about this?"

But the children shake their head, a few of them a little furiously in strong refusal.

So Joohyun picks up a sea-green book with the title 'The Little Mermaid'.


One girl sniffs as she hugs her barbie doll. "But that is too saddy, teacher."

Joohyun recalls several children looking at her in pure sorrow when she finished reading so she puts down the book, thinking it isn't a good idea to go through all that again.

She continues searching and freezes when she catches a glimpse of a purple book with golden letterings titled 'Snow White'.




"I'm getting sick of reading books of a prince and princess getting married." Joohyun grumbled, putting the book 'Snow White' back on the bookshelf with a scowl.

Seulgi, who was picking up the books scattered around, grinned at her.

She wasn't allowed here but due to her frequent visit(since she had plenty of time thanks to her college summer break), even the kindergarten principal greeted her which allowed her to step into Joohyun's class.

"And why is that?"

"It's all so... simple." Joohyun shook her head. "I don't know how to explain this but these kinds of stories make them believe it's so easy to fall in love and have their happily ever after."

"Come on, they're kids," Seulgi said, gently rubbing her back to coax her(and that gesture always made her shiver and feel the warmth spreading inside starting from her heart). "And besides, it may have white lies but some of it is true,"

"Oh, really?" Joohyun narrowed her eyes, playfully asking for a challenge. "Such as?"

"The two people who are meant to be found each other in the end," Seulgi said as she leaned toward her, her forehead touching hers. "Just like us."

"Don't look at me so close up," Joohyun said, blushing as she backed away. "I didn't put any makeup on."

As a kindergarten teacher, it was pointless to put on makeup because it was always erased by the children's drool, hands, and even kisses.

So Joohyun eventually gave up but at times like this she regrets her looking like such a mess compared to her girlfriend.

She remembered how astounded Seulgi looked when they went out on a date at some fancy restaurant for dinner. Joohyun had put on her best dress that she barely had a chance to wear and full makeup. And it was very entertaining to see Seugi glaring at who dared to glance at her.

Seulgi was too busy growling and putting her arm around her protectively to notice Joohyun's fixed gaze at her with such endearment.

"What's wrong with putting no makeup on?" Seulgi asked as she piled up the bricks the kids used to build their castle. "You're beautiful nonetheless."

Joohyun knew Seulgi always said that she was beautiful and that she meant it. But the look of enchantment on her face when Joohyun was wearing that dress made her feel less confident when she was in this current state. Messy hair tied up into a bun, no lipstick on, and smelling like baby powder.

"You're just saying that," Joohyun mumbled as she sat next to her after she finished putting the dolls in the box. "I look like I showered with baby powder shampoo and forgot to dry my hair before I went to sleep." She rested her head on the younger's shoulder with a sigh. "I want to always look like your girlfriend who you can take to a fancy restaurant."

"You really were beautiful that day." Seulgi agreed. "But that doesn't mean you're not beautiful now."


"There was never a time when you looked prettier." Seulgi interrupted, knowing exactly what Joohyun was thinking. "I was awe-struck that day because I was lucky enough to see another beautiful side of you." She took Joohyun's hand and gave a gentle peck on the back of her hand. "I don't know. Maybe it's just me. But there's no moment I found you less beautiful because I'm too in love with you to notice."

"...You're greasy." Joohyun said but her flushed face betrayed her words.

"Thank you." Seulgi said with a victorious smile then frowned a little. "Oh and by the way... That kid.. What was his name? It started with a Min.. Yeah, Minho. Can you please not pay him so much attention?"

Joohyun frowned along with her, confused. "Why? Did he do something?"

"No." But Seulgi's pout was saying otherwise. "It's just... He always comes to you and I don't think that's very healthy for his.. growth."

Joohyun almost laughed out loud because her girlfriend was so bad at lying, and the way she fidgeted, looking down at her hands anxiously playing with her fingers amused her.

"I'm sorry, Seulgi. But I can't. He said he loves me more than his ten dinosaurs."

"What?" Seulgi almost snapped, then blushed, sensing how ridiculous she was being.

"That's.. very bold of him."

"He is." Joohyun agreed with a nod. "He's very brave. He saved me from the vicious dragon once. He claimed his love for me and fought the dragon."

Seulgi almost looked exactly like the dragon in fairy tales by the way her nostrils flared up, fuming in annoyance.

"Then who are you going to choose?" The younger one demanded. Seulgi knew it was ridiculous but that boy in shining armor was going to claim her girlfriend and she sure wasn't going to allow that.

"Oh, I don't know," Joohyun said sarcastically, rubbing her chin pretending to be deep in thought. "Depends. He fought a dragon for me and said he loves me more than his ten dinosaurs. That means he loves me more than anything."

Seulgi pursed her lips, wondering what a 25-year-old adult could do in such a situation.

There was no dragon. Ten dinosaurs were meaningless to her. So how could she express how she was feeling?

"...I'm bad at this," Seulgi said, sulking in defeat. "You know that."

Joohyun giggled, thinking maybe this was enough as she interlocked their fingers.

"I know, I know." The older reassured her. "No need to squeeze out the words."

"But I really do love you more than that kid," Seulgi said helplessly and Joohyun wanted so badly to kiss her pouting lips and every feature of her sullen face.

"Seulgi, I know." Joohyun tried to soothe her, caressing her cheek to make the younger look at her.

But Seulgi was lost in her own thoughts as she picked up the crown with her other hand.

"Don't laugh at me even if you find my words stupid," Seulgi said and there was doubt in her voice. "But I want to try."

Joohyun was in awe by the sudden determination in her eyes but nodded, encouraging her to go on.

"I love you as much as the fluttering wings of the butterflies." Seulgi started slowly, chancing a glance at her but then staring at the floor, her cheeks tinted pink.

"And I love you more than one hundred candies."

Seulgi carefully put the crown on Joohyun's head and finally met her eyes despite her flushed pink face.

"And I love you more than baskets full of strawberries."

Seulgi smiled to herself, thinking how ridiculous her words sounded in her ears, and shrugged sheepishly.

"I just love you."

But Seulgi didn't know those four sentences became Joohyun's favorites.





The children clap and squeal in excitement as Joohyun continues to stare at the purple book in her hand.

"Teacher pleawse read it to us!" One of the girls pleads and Joohyun opens and closes a few times before answering with a tight smile.

"Okay, children. Gather around."

Joohyun (after taking a few deep breaths) sits down on the small chair as the children gather around her.

She places the book on her thighs and opens the first page of the book.

"Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess."

And she manages to finish the story without losing herself.

But she isn't able to close the book as she stares at the page where the prince leans close to the princess who was poisoned by the evil queen, lying on the gold coffin with the dwarves wiping their tears with their own handkerchiefs.

Every fairy tale said the same thing. Love overcomes everything, and if found, they will all live happily ever after forever.

Even Snow White, who was actually dead because of the poisoned apple, was brought back to life with the kiss of her true love.

Even death doesn't put an end to love. Then what does?

And why did she feel so helpless not knowing the answer?

Joohyun's thoughts dispersed when a girl tugged her sleeve.

"Teacher, do you have a Prince Charming?"

Joohyun blinks, surprised by the sudden question from a child. "Me?"

"Yes!" The girl giggles as she tries to her thumb which is gently stopped by her teacher. 

"My mom said every woman has their Prince Charming."

Joohyun swallows uneasily, wondering if she will get fired if she cries in front of the children because she can already feel the tears welling up inside.

Why is she so emotional today?

She spent those six months without Seulgi in her life then why is it so hard now?

Her thoughts were interrupted again when the girl tugs her sleeve, her eyes shining in anticipation along with the other girls and boys were either not paying attention or looking at the girls in confusion mixed with disgust.

"Tell us about your Prince Charming, teacher!"

They are five years old. Telling them that it took only three dates for them to get married will surely crush their dream of meeting their own prince or princess in the future.

Suho is the Prince Charming in every woman's dreams. Then why doesn't he come into her mind at the word 'your Prince Charming'?

Joohyun shakes her head, shrugging off her thoughts before they can go too far and cause her to get lost in them again.

"Well..." She swallows but the lump in doesn't ease at all. It never does. "I met her-" She clears . "Him. At the restaurant where he worked part-time."

"Was it love at first sight?" One of the kids asks with a giggle.

Joohyun always thought the answer to that question was a no.

But there was always this invisible tug on her heart whenever the waitress came to serve them their food.

Her rolled-up sleeves, her gentle yet careful way of placing the dish, and the small smile she flashed at Joohyun before she left.

Maybe those were the reasons why she had convinced her ex-boyfriend to go there for lunch almost every day.

"Yes," Joohyun finally replies, and only thoughts about her can enable her to curl her lips yet still makes her well up in tears.

"Is he handsome?" Another girl asks, waving her arm.

Her eyes that turn into crescents when she smiled, as if the world suddenly lightened up, just like the sunrise.

"Yes." Joohyun swallows the words 'She is beautiful',

"How did he claim his love for you?" The other girl asks dreamily, imaging her own prince in shining armor.

Claim. Joohyun quietly repeats the word in her mind, biting her bottom lip.

"He.." She looks down at the book, tracing the gold lettering with her fingers with a wistful gaze, feeling something that made her heart throb but flutter at the same time.

"He recited a poem for me."




Their first anniversary was also the first time they went on a trip together.

"You can hold it if you want to," Seulgi said jokingly, giving her girlfriend a quick glance with a small smile. "It's yours anyway."

Joohyun flinched, feeling a little embarrassed that Seulgi noticed her stealing glances at the younger's hand on the gear.

"I... I was just making sure you don't make us.. slip off the cliff."

"Sure, sure," Seulgi said sarcastically, flashing her a smirk before returning her gaze on to the road ahead.

"Tell me if you're tired," Joohyun said, suddenly a little concerned since Seulgi had been driving for almost two hours straight. And Seulgi, even though her eyes were still fixed on the road, smiled when she felt Joohyun's palm gently placed on the back of her hand.

"Actually," Seulgi said, relishing in the warmth of Joohyun's palm. "I was thinking of stopping by the service area along the way. Maybe we can switch seats after?"

Joohyun, who was obviously oblivious, nodded. "Sure."

They got out of the car when they reached the service area. They went to the restroom, bought snacks and beverages as well as breathed fresh air before their departure.

It was already 4 pm and the sun was setting quicker than Seulgi expected.

She had dropped by the service area on purpose so she could have a little more time memorizing the lines of the poem in the restroom but now she regretted it.

She anxiously stared out the window, fidgeting uneasily enough for Joohyun to chance a glance at her with a frown. 

"Seulgi? What's wrong?"

Seulgi hesitated, feeling somewhat disappointed this wasn't going the way she had planned. But still, it was now or never.

"Can we stop by somewhere? Maybe the shelter?" Her request immediately made Joohyun's brow crease.

"Why? Are you getting carsick? Gosh I know I should have bought some medicine-"

"No! It's not that." Seulgi frantically waved her hands and mustered up her best reassuring smile. "It's just.. The sky looks so beautiful today it'll be a shame to just let it slip away. Since you loved watching the sky so much."

Joohyun's frown faded slowly as her gaze toward the younger softened at Seulgi's words, a small sigh of relief escaping from her lips.

"Okay," Joohyun said, tracing a smile on the corner of her lips.

They stopped at the shelter a few minutes later and Joohyun could understand why Seulgi asked her to stop by. Even though she saw the sky almost every day, it was never the same. Endlessly changing but never failing to make her awe-struck with its brilliant colors flowing curves and lines.

And that reminded her of Seulgi in some way.

They stared at the sunset in comfortable silence and Joohyun peacefully admired the way the pink and red hue with the trace of blue above with yellow mixed on the side, making every beautiful shade of purple as they slowly combined.

'Enchanting, isn't it?' Seulgi had excitedly said when Joohyun told her that her favorite color was purple. 'Red and blue. Both somewhat opposite, look so different when separated, can create such a beautiful color when combined.'

The younger paused for a moment then gave her a lopsided grin that made Joohyun feel the warmth and an odd tingle spreading inside at the same time.

'I think that color somehow explains the meaning of love.'

"It's beautiful." Joohyun quietly said, breaking the silence. "It really is."

She tore her gaze away from the sunset when there was no response and caught a glimpse of Seulgi staring at her phone with a furrowed brow, gnawing her lips like a student memorizing what she had learned right before an important test.

"What are you doing?"

Seulgi yelped when Joohyun tried to peer at the screen, hastily putting the phone back into her pocket.

"No... Nothing!"

But Joohyun didn't tone down the look in her eyes and Seulgi could feel her palms getting sweaty. Because of her girlfriend's intimidating glare or her nervousness of what she was about to do, she had no idea.

"I... I planned to do this when we reach our vacation spot." The younger said miserably. "But the sky was so perfect I just had to do it."

Do what? Joohyun raised an eyebrow questioningly as Seulgi took a deep breath, getting ready for her surprise.

"I... I know I don't really.. express how or what I feel."

Ever since she realized nobody really cared how she felt, Seulgi unconsciously buried her own feelings somewhere deep inside that even herself had trouble finding them, leaving her thoughts to remain colorless and faint. Until Joohyun decided to dig them up.

"And it's still hard for me," Seulgi confessed. "It's hard to form my feelings into words because none of them are enough. And I'm the kind of person who always becomes the worst speaker that can't use words to describe how I'm feeling." She chanced a glance at Joohyun. "Especially when it comes to.. well, you."

She had tried everything. From writing letters to taking a course on how to write. But even with all those impressive words and beautiful sentences, they all just seemed hollow because none of them really showed how she felt(and sometimes she couldn't even understand what she wrote).

"So I tried to think of a way to at least speak. And I searched for it."

She had read every quote and poem, spending her entire week at her college library until she found the words that perfectly described what she felt. To her. For her.

And after her 61st attempt(yes, she counted), she finally found it.

And spent the whole night before their vacation memorizing the lines.

"I know I can just write it down or show the poem to you but.." Seulgi bit her lip, remembering her pathetic attempt of writing 'I love you' on the mirror.

"As you said, those words are supposed to be said out loud."

Seulgi nervously swallowed again which was harder than before. It felt like swallowing her aunt's stone-hard meatballs. Dozens of them.

It took Joohyun a moment to realize what was going to happen and when she got it, her lips curled up in amusement.

"So you're saying," Joohyun leaned on the drivers' seat but with her gaze still fixed on the younger. "You're going to recite a poem? For me?"

"...It sounds cringy, doesn't it?" Seulgi felt even her ears burning up and she was sure her face was blushing redder than the sunset.

"Nevermind. I'll just show it to you when we get-"

Her words were stopped when she felt a soft, familiar pair of lips that she had kissed many times, on her cheek.

"No backing out now, Kang," Joohyun said teasingly.


"Recite," Joohyun commanded firmly. "For me."

So Seulgi looked down at her fidgeting hands. With her burning face and pounding heartbeat, she knew she looked like a helpless idiot.

Oh well, at least this idiot was in love. Maybe too much.

"Don't laugh, okay?" Seulgi grumbled, not being able to even look at the beautiful woman who was patiently(and expectantly) waiting for her.

"Of course. Cross my heart."

Seulgi shot her a look. "Then why are you covering your mouth with your hand?"

"I'm just... awe-struck by your... sunny face."

Seulgi pulled a face, not falling for her words no matter how dense she was. 

"That's it! I'm getting out."

Before she could consider jumping out the window, she was stopped by the strong pull on her arm so she had no choice but to glare at Joohyun who was trying to muffle her giggles.

"I'm just happy, Seulgi," Joohyun said, trying to coax the annoyed bear. "I'm happy because well.. You are trying. Hard. For me." She kissed her again, but on the lips this time and Joohyun almost laughed again how warm Seulgi's cheeks were between her hands but decided to not mention it.

"Fine," Seulgi slumped on the shotgun seat. (And it was certainly not because her heart was melting inside) "Just close.. No.. Can I close my eyes?"

Joohyun reached out for her hand, gently interlocking their fingers. "Okay." She simply replied, silently encouraging Seulgi to go on.

Seulgi took a few deep breaths, trying not to think about how cringy she was being.

"I looked ahead.. I saw you among the crowds.. I saw you in the wheat field. I saw you under the tree."

Quietly uttering the words helped her heartbeat steady as she continued.

"At the end of all my journeys. At the bottom of my every pain. Where it comes out from water and fire, and all my laughter surges."

Seulgi paused, exhaling slowly because even with her eyes closed, she could feel Joohyun's gaze that was always vivid in her thoughts.

"I saw you in summer and winter. I saw you at my home." Seulgi slowly opened her eyes but kept her gaze at the sunset in front of them.

"I saw you between my arms. I saw you in my dreams."

She knew Joohyun could feel her heartbeat from her palm but she could also feel Joohyun's heart beating just as fast and yet steady.

"And I shall never leave you from now on."

She turned to the older, suddenly feeling jittery and nervous.

"It's called 'The Cheerful Song' by Paul Eluard."

Seulgi had always wondered what she had done wrong in her life when she looked back at her suffering days.

But now she wondered what in the world she did right, looking at the beautiful woman with the sunlight becoming her halo in ethereal shades of yellow, orange, blue and purple.

Meanwhile, Joohyun was lost for words.

The more she thought about how many poems Seulgi had to read to find a poem as perfect as this, how she had planned to say it at the right moment for days, she wondered if there will ever be a person Joohyun could love more.

Joohyun sealed the answer as a no as she leaned closer to give her another, but longer, kiss.

She wanted to share their constant love, their bright smiles. And not let this happiness dissipate for a long time.

Long enough to hope for forever.




Joohyun doesn't remember how time passed by after that.

She came back to her senses when she sent off all the children to their parents. And she picks up her handbag to go to her house where her husband will be waiting for her.

But she is stopped when Joy gives her a playful grin.

"I heard you talking to the kids how you met your husband." Joy says teasingly, winking at her. "I have to say. I envy you."

"..Thank you." Joohyun croaks, frantically trying to distract herself as she hastily grabs the papers on her desk, keeping her head low.

"That kind of love should last forever." Joy, who fails to notice the papers being crumpled in Joohyun's hand, said with a mischievous smile. "Because it is sure worth keeping."

Joohyun mutters a quiet thank you before hurrying off, not having the heart to say that love which should have lasted forever is gone. And that it only remains within her, waiting for it to fade but at the same time, not wanting to let go.

Joohyun opens her car door with such force it almost hit the other car next to hers. She slams the door shut and covers her face with her hands, pressing her forehead on the steering wheel to make sure no one will spot her in a crying mess.

Everything around her makes Joohyun miss her.


She just made up an excuse to think about Seulgi again.

And she fell for it again.



* * * 



"And I'll definitely make up questions for the midterm about the complementary colors. It's easy, right? Red and green. Orange and blue. You just have to think of the opposite."


It has been only twenty minutes since she started her class but even Seulgi is having a hard time concentrating.

Maybe it is because of that dream she had last night.

It was a short dream. She was standing alone, every surrounding blank making her wonder if she was dead.

But when she caught sight of Joohyun, far away from her and yet so clear, in a wedding dress. And Seulgi had cried in her dreams countless times, waking up with a strained cry, her hands grasping the air instead of Joohyun's hands.

Ever since Joohyun announced her wedding Seulgi has been spending her nights in the living room, with her old mattress and a thin blanket on the marble floor. She couldn't even dare attempt to sleep on the sofa because she had spent many nights on that sofa since she could always fall asleep as long as she was in Joohyun's arms.

Seulgi had watched the sunrise with a blank mind in a daze and got up when the alarm rang for her to live her reality.

Seulgi had wondered standing under the showerhead, with warm water slapping her dazed face, why she had cried so hard in that dream.

On her way to school, she realized that she cried because she could only see Joohyun in her dreams now.

And she cried because she had to say goodbye to her even in her dreams before she woke up.


She had learned about being in love for four years. And she still has so much to learn.

Now she has to learn how to let that love go.


Seulgi glances at the clock. Only one minute has passed. That torturing one minute. And she can see that the students are feeling the same(but in a different way of course) when she turns around, noticing some of them bobbing their heads up and down and some even slumping on their desk.

"It's boring, isn't it?" Seulgi sighs as she puts down the chalk. "Shall I give you all your own study time?"

She doesn't feel like doing anything either so maybe she should just give them free study time while she stares mindlessly at the window.

"We have too much study time these days, teacher." One of the students protests. "Tell us about your first love!"

That stirs the whole class into chaos, chanting "Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" and Seulgi doesn't know what else to do except smile ambiguously.

"My first love?"

"No, your first kiss!"

That makes the whole class go wild as they all start to chatter excitedly.

Seulgi almost laughs at their innocent yet cruel way of making her recall her painfully happiest moment in her life.

"Then you all have to promise that you'll listen."


They really are young. By the way their innocent eyes lit up, smiling shyly at the word 'love' or 'kiss'.

Every youth dreams of their love and Seulgi can't blame them.

Who wouldn't dream of meeting the love of their life someday in the future?

Seulgi stares down at her bare ring finger but smiles again by the look of such anticipation in the students' eyes.

"My first love happened when I was in college." Her voice almost sounds alien in her ears as her thoughts drift off to the past.

"I worked as a waitress. And sh-" Seulgi stops, panicking a little but manages to go on before anyone can notice. "I shouldn't curse. But sheesh he was gorgeous."

A few of the boys snicker and the girls squeal, giggling and pushing one another and Seulgi finds herself smiling genuinely which she hasn't done for a long time.

So she tells them everything.

How she offered the strawberry tart when 'he' broke up with his ex and came alone. The girls give her a thumbs up and an approving nod. Even a few of the boys hoots 'Nice move, teach!'.

How she attempted to draw 'him' and got caught, and walking in the rain with one umbrella together and eventually knowing each other's names.

The girls sigh dreamily, saying how it was so romantic. And Seulgi has to admit, it was.

How they got close so fast that she didn't even realize that she was already, deeply in love with 'him'.

"So how did you confess?" One of the students asks and Seulgi grins at the question.

"You know when sometimes you do something without thinking? Like there's another part of you that pushes you to do anything for one person, not even bothering to think if it's right or wrong because everything seems right when you do something for that person?"

She notices a few of the students nodding in agreement, a few looking at her in confusion, and the rest still pondering her words.

"It was raining cats and dogs. Lightning struck loud enough to have nightmares when you sleep. But all I could think about was the day he mentioned that he was terrified of storms."

Those kids must really like her story. Seulgi laughs to herself again when every single student, with their doe eyes boring into her enough for her to feel a little self-conscious, wait for her to continue.

"So I just ran. I ran all the way to his house without the umbrella and I was soaking wet when I rang his doorbell."

Saying it out loud, their love story almost sounded like a drama. Maybe even a movie.

It was a shame that it ended.

"And he asked me what I was doing here. I couldn't answer because he looked so.. perfect even though he was wearing his comfortable clothes."

God, she sounded like a lovesick fool.

"And before I knew it we just.. kissed."

A few squeals here and there, Seulgi chuckles as the girls starts to smack each other's arms giggling madly and the boys hoot or pretend to gag.

"Wow. If I ever meet someone who gives me a drawing of myself or runs all the way to my house in the rain I think I'll fall for him every time." The girl sighs dreamily and her friends nod in agreement.

"Yeah?" Seulgi playfully says, her smile bittersweet. "Every time?"

"Of course!" The girl says firmly. "I honestly thought you were a little cold since you hardly ever talk to us but listening to your love story, it's like I'm seeing a completely different person. In a good way."

All the students murmur in agreement and Seulgi rubs her nape sheepishly. 

"I guess I should try to be friendlier from now on."

"Do you still keep in touch with him, teacher?" Another student asks, making Seulgi grimace. "Because I think you still have feelings for him."

Seulgi's eyes slowly trail downward, staring at her bare ring finger and the familiar silver ring inches away from it on the desk.

"....No. He's happily married to someone else."

That brings down the mood, students looking at her with pity and Seulgi is truly tired of it.

"Some things are not meant to be, kiddos." She manages to say with a tight smile and a hoarse voice.

"But that means other things are meant to be." One girl pipes up.

"And I think your love for him should be included in the others."

Before Seulgi can answer, the bell rings, waking her up from drifting off to her past and dragging her back to reality.

Seulgi tugs her lips up into a smile but the smile is stiff as if her lips are tugged upward by an invisible string.


"Class dismissed."



"Good work today, Miss Kang!"

Moonbyul, who is the school's music teacher, says as she slaps Seulgi on the back.

"Have you checked your wage this month? Payday was yesterday."

Seulgi nods, remembering how she let out a deep sigh as she counted the numbers that became close to zero if she subtracted her monthly rent, the phone bill, and the water bill, and so on.

She had always wanted to become a teacher. And she wanted to help the students to learn about art not as a subject but as art itself.

But most students only cared about what content she will make up as a question for the midterms or the finals. And even the wage was low, barely enough for her to earn her living.

All her life, she wasn't sure if she could become a good person. To herself and to everyone else. A good friend. A good girlfriend. Even a good future mother.

All those terms felt like a goal she cannot reach and could only hope she will reach it someday.

"Guess the only thing we can do now is to marry a billionaire," Moonbyul says jokingly and Seulgi can only weakly laugh in response.

"Yeah," She croaks. "That's the only thing we can do."




"This is ridiculous," Seulgi grunted as Joohyun put the tie around her neck. "I'm not even supposed to be a man. And I'm twenty-five! Why are we playing family anyway?"

"Her mother just called and said she has errands to run." Joohyun soothed her as she squeezed the younger's cheeks playfully. "So please play along and stop being grumpy. Please? For me?"

"Fine," Seulgi grumbled. "But I'm keeping the tie."


Their moment was interrupted by the shout that Seulgi swore caused harm to her eardrums.

The girl, Yerim was it? spread out her arms to her teacher with a pout. "Play with me!"

"What about daddy?" Joohyun asked, crouching to meet the girl's eyes.

"Daddy go to work," Yerim said, not even chancing a glance at Seulgi adjusting her tie. "Daddy go to work and not come back."

"Not come back?" Joohyun frowned a little. "Why?"

Yerim didn't answer as she her thumb, shaking her head and muttering 'Daddy should go.' over and over again.

"Joohyun," Seulgi gently placed her hand on the older's back. "It's okay. I'll just watch you two."

So Seulgi ended up watching Joohyun and Yerim cooking a stew with a strange combination of plastic carrot and strawberry.

And Yerim didn't bother to even look at her until Joohyun tucked her into a bed made of plastic bricks and a blanket.

Maybe Yerim didn't like her? Seulgi had to admit, she was more comfortable around teenagers than kids because kids were too.. fragile. Like you do one thing wrong it can turn into something worse to children who deserve everything good in this world.

Seulgi tried to think of the way to at least get Yerim's attention as she miserably peeled off the tangerine. She then noticed Yerim, who woke up and was sitting at the opposite side of the small table while Joohyun was packing Yerim's glittery pink bag, holding a peeled off tangerine.

"...Aren't you going to eat that?" Seulgi asked carefully and Yerim just stared at her for a while long enough to make a twenty-five-year-old woman uncomfortable. 

Then Seulgi jolted in surprise when Yerim shot out her hand holding the tangerine.

Seulgi blinked in puzzlement at the kid who was looking at her with an unreadable expression.

"...Do you want me to peel off the white thingy?"

"Tangy." Yerim said firmly.


"Tangy." Yerim said again, a little more sternly, holding out the tangerine closer to the woman.

"You are giving it to me?" Seulgi asked in awe and the girl nodded.

Seulgi gratefully took it just when Joohyun came back with the glittery pink backpack.

"Joohyun!" Seulgi said excitedly, her face lighting up. "Look what Yerim gave me! She peeled a tangerine all by herself!"

"Tangy." Yerim interrupted and Seulgi gave the girl an apologetic smile. "I mean tangy."

Seulgi thanked Yerim again for the 'tangy' and waved her goodbye as Yerim ran into her mother's arms with her glittery pink backpack slung on her shoulder.

"I guess Yerim actually likes you," Joohyun said with a smile, looking at her girlfriend who was still admiring the fruit in her hand.

"I almost thought she didn't like me."

"I doubt that," Joohyun said, sitting down next to her. "You're hard not to like."

"Yeah, right," Seulgi answered in a half-sarcastic, half-mocking way which made Joohyun furrow brows, biting her lip.

"Seulgi, I meant it. What's with the sarcasm?"

Seulgi stopped chewing her tangerine and looked at the older in confusion.

"Really?" She swallowed hard. "You mean it?"

Joohyun didn't know what to say to her girlfriend who was looking at her in pure awe. As if she never expected those words to be true.

"Why don't you think you're likable?"

Joohyun could clearly see that far-away look in h

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Chapter 7: why oh why did i just read this masterpiece just NOW?!?!? i literally have no words for this. its so freaking great.
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 7: This is a type of angst that is written beautifully... You could actually feel how both of them are hurting and really I really loved reading this so much!!! Thankyou Author!!!
Chapter 7: Reading angst stories always lowers my energy. I read angst when I'm in a stable mood because I don't want to affect my mood for the day.
The story is kinda similar to mine but the difference is I was never official with that person, just as one sided love, and yes, that person is married, I'm still here with the same feelings.
Glad with happy ending.
Yoonchoding07 #4
Chapter 7: I remember starting to read the first chapter but was not able to finish it cause my heart was not ready for the angst it contains. after a couple of years, now being able to read through, even after what Seulgi and Joohyun have been through, I'm glad that they both found and came back to each other. I'm refraining to use 'ended with each other' as their story or next chapter of life was just about to begin with Seulgi asking her if she'd want to go to New Zealand with her.

thank you authornim for writing this and showing us how beautiful love is even with all it's imperfections.
i've subscribed to this fic a long time ago and i haven't read it yet. i really need a fic that can make me feel something, hurt, love or anything since i need an inspiration to write my own story. i'm ready to read it now
lacielbleue #6
It is beautifully written. 🥺
Kylie_123 #7
Rereading because i want to feel ouch ouch but hart hart in the end 💔😢❤️
reveluv316 809 streak #8
Chapter 7: i honestly teared up
patotie #9
Chapter 7: It’s been a while since I felt very emotional over a fic. I was bawling my eyes out while reading this last night. I love how you didn’t portray each character as perfect, it’s kinda refreshing for me. As always, you are a great writer! Thank you for this! I hope you will comeback soon.
currentlylost #10
Chapter 7: I honestly love this story, ive never been in love but i felt it while reading this.