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1:02 a.m.

‘I can’t sleep!’ -Taehyung thought. He got up from his bed and stepped out of his room.

He was surprised when he saw that the T.V was still on and in front of it he saw a silhouette.

“Can’t sleep?” -the voice asked. And just then Taehyung realised that the guy was Jungkook.


“Yeah...” -he replied as he slumped down next to the younger one.

“Well, same.” -Jungkook sighed and added: “I often have problems sleeping.”


“They say warm milk can help... do you want a glass?” -Taehyung asked, but he didn’t even wait for Jungkook’s answer. In fact, he already went to the kitchen to prepare two glasses of milk for the both of them.


“Here’s your milk, baby Kookie!” -he exclaimed jokingly with a smile.

Jungkook looked at him daggers while mumbling: “I’m not a baby...”

“Of course, you’re not A baby... ‘Cause you are THE baby!” -the elder once again, as he drank his milk. Taehyung kept on giggling while observing Jungkook’s face: he was so done.


“Oh you grew up so fast! You’re a grandpa now!” -Taehyung exclaimed, as he wiped with his thumb Jungkook’s foam moustache. This left the younger one dumbfounded for a little while, but as soon as he snapped out: “Ya! Stop it with your cringe-worthy rom-com type shenanigans!”


“Hahaha come on! Don’t be too serious or else your beautiful face will be all wrinkly!” -Tae said while touching Jungkook’s chin, something that irritated this latter more.


«I like the way your face looks when I’m arguing with you...»


2:15 a.m.

The two boys were still on the sofa. Jungkook was still captivated by the documentary about the effects of global warming, when he heard a soft sound of snoring. He looked at Taehyung, who already fell asleep with his mouth wide open. The younger one giggled when he imagined what would have happened if he had put some chips in his hyung’s mouth. But he contained himself and just laid him down on the sofa, as he made his way to his room.


7:00 a.m.

Just like his first morning, Taehyung was woken up by some noise coming from the kitchen. When realization hit him, he stood up so fast that he didn’t notice the blanket entangling his legs and he fell down face flat on the floor. Because of the loud thud, Jin and Hoseok ran towards him.


“Are you okay, Taehyung-ie?!” -Hobi said completely worried, as he was trying to help Taehyung.


“Y-yeah. Heheh I was just trying to see if the floor’s comfortable!” -he replied jokingly even if his face was embarrassingly red.


“Why’d you sleep there? Don’t you like Yoongi’s room? Does it smell?” -Jin asked question after question, also worried about him.


“No, hyung! I think my body’s just not used to it yet. I just came out to drink a glass of warm milk, but then I fell asleep here.” -Taehyung explained while scratching the back of his head with a shy smile.


“Wait, isn’t that Jungkook’s blanket?” -Hoseok remarked as he pointed at it.


“O-oh really? We were actually watching something... but that jerk left me here without even waking me up!” -Taehyung said quite annoyed.

“If you’re still sleepy, you can go back to sleep, TaeTae...” -Jin finally said while patting the boy’s shoulder.


“No, hyung. Don’t worry, I want to start working today!” -he replied enthusiastically before going to the bathroom to wash himself.


7:35 a.m.

The boys were all gathered around the table as they were having breakfast. They were talking about the shifts for that week and Jimin asked Taehyung: “Do you have a phone? We might need to add you in our group chat!”

To which this latter shook his head.

“Sorry, but I had to sell it.” -he replied shortly.


“It’s okay, TaeTae! I have an extra one, you can use it!” -Jimin exclaimed with a bright smile, making his eyes disappear into crescent moons.

Soon after their breakfast, Jimin handed Taehyung the phone and he showed him their schedule for that week.


7:55 a.m.

Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin were at the shop. The two boys explained to the new one what he should do there. Time was passing by but there weren’t any customers yet and therefore Jimin and Jungkook asked Taehyung to play something on the piano. This latter was a little hesitant at first, but after being convinced by his friends he decided to play one of Chopin’s pieces. The boys listened to the harmony carefully, they were entranced by the melody. Taehyung turned around a little bit to take a glance at his audience. He smiled when he saw them swaying their head to the tune of the piano with their eyes closed.


‘What did I do to be blessed with such beautiful people?’ -he thought before touching lightly with his finger the last note of the piece. And as if on cue, as soon as he finished playing, the two boys opened their eyes and gave him a big round of applause, while giving him lots of compliments.


“I just had this scenario in my head where while you’re playing piano, Jimin hyung can dance while I take a video of the both of you...” -Jungkook said with a wide grin, showing off his bunny teeth.


“That’s a great idea, Kook!” -Jimin agreed while giving the younger one a high-five.

“We absolutely need to do that!” -he then added enthusiastically.


9:38 a.m.

The 3 guys were still talking about Jungkook’s idea, when someone finally entered the shop.


“Hyung!” -a boy exclaimed.

“Yeonjun-ah!” -Jimin replied, as he walked towards the boy with his arms wide open ready to give a hug.


“Anyway, this is our new guy Taehyung! If you have any friend who needs some piano lessons, my boy can help you! He also plays violin and saxophone and he is also a painter!” -Jimin introduced Taehyung like a proud father.


“Woah really, hyung?! It’s been a while since my friend Beomgyu keeps on bugging me about someone who can teach him something more about music and stuff!” -Yeonjun answered while looking at Taehyung with his bright eyes. He also said that he’d talk about it to his friend and how it would be fun that finally they could go all together to the Magic Shop every weekend.


Yeonjun and Jimin excused themselves for a moment, they went outside to talk more so that the other two boys were left alone.


“So that boy is Jimin’s student or something like that?” -Tae asked curiously.


“Yup! And he invited his group of friends to come here as well...


⁃ Soobin’s learning some acting and modelling skills from Seokjin hyung (+they’re both food enthusiasts)

⁃ Taehyun’s my student. He’s interested in creating video contents and photography.

⁃ Huening Kai is Hobi hyung’s baby. He teaches him street dancing and how to be a cutie.” -Jungkook explained.


“I see... but aren’t they like high schoolers? How do they pay you?”


“Oh come on! We’re not milking them money... You see this box?” -the younger one said while tapping the box’s lid and added: “They put here the money if they have some. We don’t ask them to pay a specific amount nor to pay regularly. This is like a ‘tip box’. We don’t help them for money, we help them because we want to...”


“That’s a great idea! Very generous of you guys! I think it would mean so much for them to have someone like you to support their interests, especially at such a young age... Anyway whose idea was that? Yoongi hyung’s?” -Taehyung asked once again.


“Yeah, but it was mainly Namjoonie hyung’s idea. You know, he’s like a philosopher. He’s a guy full of amazing ideas!” -Jungkook responded while his eyes were glimmering with pride.

Since Taehyung had heard of his name a couple of times already he was curious about him and so he asked Jungkook where this Namjoon guy was. The youngest told him that he was currently in the US for some collaboration with American artists.


“Oooh he must be a cool guy...” -Taehyung replied shortly, while thinking about the way Jungkook narrated every detail.


Around 10:30 a.m.

And finally someone showed up: a young guy who was almost the same height as Jungkook and Taehyung.


“Hello, I’m Beomgyu. Yeonjunie hyung has just called me to tell me that there’s someone here who can help me improve my musical skills…” –the boy introduced himself politely.


“Oh so you’re Beomgyu! I’m Taehyung, by the way… I’m the guy he was talking about!” –Taehyung said while flashing him a smile and then he asked: “Do you already play any instrument?”

The young boy nodded as he mumbled that he already knew how to play the guitar. Beomgyu was rather shy, he couldn’t keep having eye contact with him.


“Are you also from Daegu?” –Jungkook questioned out of the blue, after noticing the awkward atmosphere between the two.

Beomgyu nodded, which made Jungkook exclaim: “I knew it! Hahaha Both of you have the same accent!”


Jungkook also blurted out that probably they were relatives, since they kind of looked alike.

“N-no! What are you talking about, Jungkook-ssi! Heheh” –Taehyung replied, but Jungkook thought that his voice was tinged with panic, but the younger one just shook it off.


“T-that’s impossible… Hyung is too handsome.” –Beomgyu remarked while looking timidly at his shoes.


Lastly, the boys decided that they’d meet again that weekend with the other guys.


“He absolutely has a crush on you…” –Jungkook whispered as he nudged Taehyung with his elbow, while smirking.


The day went by pretty fast. And Taehyung learnt that the Magic Shop didn’t have lots of customers, so they would just spend hours and hours talking about random stuff until the end of their shift.


8:07 p.m.

All of the boys were gathered at the common again as they were having dinner.


“So how was your first day at work, Taehyung-ie?” –Jin asked while munching the chicken.


“It was good and easier than I thought.” –he replied.


“What were you expecting?! Hahaha It’s not like a big company, you know.” –Hoseok butted in.


“W-well, yeah. I was quite surprised that there’s not much people… And that’s why I was left wondering if the shop’s profit would be enough to sustain our expenses.”


“Obviously, it’s not enough… That’s the reason why we also have some extra jobs.” –Jimin answered and when he looked at Taehyung he noticed the perplexed look on his face.


“Is there something wrong, TaeTae?” –Jimin asked quite worried.


“N-no, I was just thinking… Because I think the shop has a lot of potential, maybe we just need to work more on its promotion. You know, having like ehm a website and some social media presence… Oh and we can also use our skills!” –Taehyung said full of enthusiasm.


“Woah! Do you mean, like the idea that I had earlier this morning?!” –Jungkook exclaimed while springing out of his seat with a wide excited grin.


The boys praised Taehyung’s idea as they all started to lay down their plans and other suggestions.


After dinner, they all watched a horror film. Taehyung wasn’t a fan of it and so was Hoseok. Jungkook was the one who seemed to enjoy it a lot among all of them, as a matter of fact, his eyes were totally glued on their T.V.


About 11:00 p.m.

The film finally ended and the boys were all heading to their rooms.

“Taehyung-ie hyung is a scaredy-cat!” –Jungkook mocked him while laughing out loud.


“That’s not true!” –Taehyung tried to deny the obvious fact.


“I saw you, you had your eyes closed for more than half of the movie! Hahahah”


“Ooh so you were watching me instead of the film huh?” –the other boy replied with a smirk. Jungkook was flustered and just like an open book, all of his hyungs noticed his reaction.


“He’s gay panicking right now hahahah!” –Jimin exclaimed, while draping his

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Chapter 3: Looking at someone, wishing their love was returned right back and hoping they are meant to be
my heart ache, I hope Kookie will turn to Tae
Chapter 2: Subbed, and I liked it. Keep it up.