Chapter 8

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Chanyeol hurry come say hi, this is Taeyong '' Jaehyun grabs Chanyeol's arm squeezing it tight, nearly cutting off his blood supply. "Nice to properly meet you Chanyeol outside of work" Taeyong smiles before grabbing himself a drink from the small private bar they are now standing beside. "Hey hey hey lets party" Lucas joins them at the bar making Chanyeol turn away laughing to see Baekhyun looking at him while Taemin is trying to talk to him. "Come on man let's get some music on" Lucas shouts to the others as Kasper brings the room to life with music. "Chanyeol this is amazing. I feel like I am dreaming and this isn't happening" Jaehyun screeches still holding Chanyeol's arm. Jaehyun I am surprised you are speaking to them when you freeze when they come in the bakery" Chanyeol frees his arm from Jaehyun's tight death grip. "It's the drink that helps''Jaehyun giggles while running over to the others as Chanyeol leans on the bar asking for a drink.

"Chanyeol I love you so so much" Sehun nearly falls over as he takes a seat at the bar beside Chanyeol. "These guys are amazing. I got to speak to The Kai one and OMG he is just in a suit. If he was made of chocolate I would and eat him all night long" Chanyeol spits out his mouthful of drink nearly choking at what his shy friend just said. "What the hell Sehun, what are you all drinking tonight?" Chanyeol still can't believe what his friend said as he apologizes to the bartender for spitting on the bar. "You need to sober up a little Sehun please don't make a show of yourself tonight please"Chanyeol watches as Sehun stands up "Let your hair down we are here in the same room as SuperM having drinks. This could be the last and only chance you get to spend time with them Chanyeol please have another drink and enjoy it for me please because let's face it I don't want to be dealing with your miserable tomorrow". Sehun pats Chanyeol's shoulder and makes his way back over to the others. Chanyeol knows his friend is right but he hasn't been able to mix with SuperM since kissing Baekhyun in the manager's office.

"Something on your mind." Ten stands next to Chanyeol making him turn to face him. "Me.... No just shy that's all can't really believe this is all happening to be honest" Chanyeol smiles shyly while taking a sip from his drink. "I know what you mean but we don't bite why don't you come join us. I really hate to see people left out". Ten starts to walk away but then stopping to wait for Chanyeol. "Come say hi" Chanyeol finally gets up the courage he had earlier and follows Ten over to the others all spread out sitting around two tables.

"Sit here next to Lucas" Ten takes a seat as Chanyeol blushes as he is being watched carefully by Baekhyun sitting just across the table from him. "So Chanyeol from Yummy Yummy Bakery can I just say the cakes you guys make are like little pieces of heaven" Lucas smiles rubbing his stomach as Chanyeol can't help but laugh. "Thank you, I am glad and so will my boss be that you like them" Chanyeol nervously takes a sip of his drink as his eyes catch Baekhyun. If this is any sort of a dream he thinks he is still having he hopes he never wakes up.

"So Lucas do you love being in SuperM?" Chanyeol asks watching as Lucas smiles "I really do, don't get me wrong it can be a pain in the but it is so worth it. It's hard when we have to hide sometimes".

"Hide, why hide?" Chanyeol furrowed his brow waiting for the reply. "Well put it this way the way we are sitting here if the media or a fan walked by they would probably think oh are they dating" Lucas laughs as a cough fills the room making everyone look towards Baekhyun who has seemed to have choked on his drink. " Oh" Chanyeol blushes and laughs as he knocks back his drink and excuses himself to go to the bar.

"Can I have a shot of the strongest drink you have?" he asks the bartender as he feels a hand touch his shoulder making him turn around. "I hope I didn't embarrass you back there" Lucas smiles that big smile that Chanyeol knows the fans love. "No no I just wanted to try to catch up with my friends. They seem to have courage to talk tonight with a drink so I guess I need the courage also" Chanyeol thanks the bar man and knocks back the drink placing the empty glass on the counter. "Oh man I will regret this in the morning but it. "Bartender can we have another two shots please of whatever he just had" Lucas takes a seat waiting patiently for the drinks. "Cheers Chanyeol let's make fools of ourselves and get given out to by our bosses tomorrow"Lucas knocks back his drink as Chanyeol does the same.

"So who is your favorite in SuperM? , it's me isn't it" Lucas teases as Chanyeol hopes the red blush across his face is from the drink. "Aww I can't tell you that " Chanyeol replies hoping he doesn't have to tell the truth .

"Oh come on, it has to be me. I know how to work the crowd, the ladies and men love me really. I am known as the flirt of the group" Lucas says proudly while knocking back another shot. "You are all amazing really" Chanyeol hoped to save himself from more questions. "So what are SuperM up to next" Chanyeol takes a shot and passes it to Lucas. "Well the day after tomorrow we are heading to America to do our big promotion there"

"Oh wow are you nervous at all?" Chanyeol feels his heart sank a little knowing they won't be popping into the bakery again. "Deep down I am as we don'

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Beau1996 1374 streak #1
Chapter 14: I hope Chan is really ok??
Beau1996 1374 streak #2
Chapter 13: I love the man bouquet 💐
743 streak #3
Chapter 14: So glad I ran across this story, I’ve binge read all the chapters. Thank you so much for this update.

Hopefully, Chanyeol will be okay. Baekhyun is going to be livid that they didn’t tell him the truth. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Chapter 14: Omg thank you so much for the update!! I feel bad that they had to lie to baekhyun but it's probably for the best right? Gosh hoping Chanyeol gets better soon TT
963 streak #5
Chapter 14: Welcome back!
I just hope that Chanyeol gets better before Baekhyun arrives in Korea!
Thank you so much for returning to this fic.
Chapter 13: Now let beak come back soon
963 streak #7
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for updating. I thought all writers are on vacation.
Baekhyun is trying to take care of his boyfriend even when they are apart. Baek is so sweet.
Chapter 12: This is so sweet, Baekhyun worrying and taking care of Chanyeol even from afar, he's too good, no wonder Chanyeol didn't want him to find out ><
Thank you for updating!!
Beau1996 1374 streak #9
Chapter 12: Taking care of his boy even from another continent!!
Chapter 11: Aaah Kai and Sehun!!! Hehe Sehun turning into a full fanboy and even calling him his baby that's sweet >< this was so so good! Loved it so much~