
From The Start
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The next week was like a living hell for the broken omega.

Baekhyun couldn't gulp down anything, he couldn't get a glimpse of sleep without having a terrible nightmare, even breathing seemed such a hard thing to do.

Baekhyun felt tainted, dirty and used.

All day long he was sleeping on his bed, but not really sleeping.

All his life, every one made sure to remind baekhyun of how much of a disgrace he really was, but right now he exactly knew what they meant, he indeed was a failure. 




He hadn't left his room since he came back, he didn't feel like doing anything, untill today when jaehwan came to him, asking him to hang out.


"I'm sorry jaehwan ah...I don't feel like going out today, maybe some other day."

Baekhyun declined politely when his friend told him to go out with him, as he was sitting on his bed, infront of his friend. 


"you know I don't take no as an answer, plus that was an order, I wasn't asking about your opinion." 


The taller omega said, showing his gummy smile to baekhyun. 

Knowing his friend's stubborn and bubbly personality, baekhyun knew he had no other choice than to leave with jaehwan, because jaehwan would never let him be, if he disagreed.

So half-mindly he crawled out of his bed, to get ready to join him. 

"that's my baby boy, come on I'm waiting for you downstairs."

Jaehwan left with that, leaving baekhyun to freshen up and change his outfit. 







Jaehwan changed to his wolf shape, when they were near the pond, running around baekhyun, playing, he kept rubbing himself to baekhyun asking for his attention, and the latter patted him, caressing the soft fur.


This was their special place, and they visited it too often.



He didn't change back until it was time for lunch and jaehwan had made sandwiches for their lunch, cutting them to cute heart shapes.


Baekhyun grabbed one, bitting on it immediately, suddenly he was remembering that he hadn't really eaten a complete meal for a long time.


"what's up with you? Why don't you act like usual?"

Jaehwan asked as he was eating his food.

And baekhyun looked at him questioningly. 

Did his friend notice something had happened to him?


"nothing, I'm just a bit tired, that's all."

Baekhyun shook it off, since he didn't want to talk about it now, it was the most hurtful event of his life and he wasn't ready to open up yet, even though jaehwan was a really nice trustable friend, baekhyun just wasn't ready.

"okay then, I wanna get in the water after this."

Jaehwan said, mouth full of food, and baekhyun smiled, nodding his head as a yes.

Silently thanking jaehwan for being such an understanding friend.








Baekhyun was lying on his bed, almost lifeless, for a day he was able to forget it because of jaehwan but after he came back, the memories did too, swirling around his mind, haunting him over and over again. 

He's been doing nothing all day but stare blankly to the white ceiling of his room.


Thinking and thinking of how useless he felt, no matter how many times he thought about it, the result was the same, he was a failure, he failed his parents, his friends, and all his pack before, and now he was going to fail his mate too, his own mate was going to hate him too.


There was a knock on his door and almost immediately, his mother was inside, making her way to his bed.


"Baekhyun.. It's time.. they're here, hurry and come down, your father wants you there, and make sure to look good, it's really important to leave a good first impression." 


Baekhyun tried to tilt his head, taking a look at his mother, he saw her in her finest clothings, and he heard her say they had some visitors, maybe they were really important people after all that his mother chose to look this glorious.

If his father wanted baekhyun there, then the latter could do nothing but obey, so he tried to sit up, as his mother took her leaving, he needed to get ready and be there, like how his father wanted him to. 

Baekhyun made his way to the bathroom to freshen up, they wanted him to look good, so he had to do what they asked him to.



Baekhyun was frozen in his spot, seeing his own self in the mirror, he looked absolutely terrible, with his skin abnormally pale, lips chapped, and bags under his eyes, making him look like a ghost, what had really happened to him?

But his mother didn't make a comment on his looks, only saying he needed to look good, so maybe he didn't really look that bad.

Or maybe his mother cared none about him to notice his state, like what she's been doing for the past eighteen years?


But baekhyun didn't care about that, he couldn't. 

So he only tried to wash his face, and a little bit of powder and balm later, would do the job to hide anything, it wasn't like his terrible state mattered to anyone so why bother his head with useless stuff.








Baekhyun walked straight to his spot, beside his mother when he was finally in the living room.

He didn't pay a heed to the strong pheromones that indeed belonged to the tall young alpha present in the room, that baekhyun's eyes fell upon the moment he entered.

And he didn't even care that he was releasing almost more pheromones upon baekhyun's arrival.

The two other wolves, were older, maybe the alpha's parents, baekhyun thought, two male, alpha-omega couple.

They were a family, with this

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Poor Baek is in trouble
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 4: Kyungsoo is definitely gonna cause trouble I think 🤔
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 3: Poor Baek - he's in a no win situation - but I hope he can come clean to Chan!
Chapter 3: Nice update
Chapter 2: Sehun..you, mean Alpha!
Chapter 2: 😯😲
Beau1996 1380 streak #7
Chapter 2: No means no Sehun - you are bad!!😡
taneel123 #8
Chapter 2: Omg I did not expect that.
Chapter 2: You dropped the bomb and it exploded well!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #10
Chapter 1: Uh oh - meeting Sehun first??