
A 2min Valentine

When Taemin got back from the store, Minho was gone and a small note was on the door. Raising an eyebrow, Taemin jogged

up to the door and took off the little yellow sticky note. He smiled when he realized it was Key's hand writing.

Its Key Umma~ Obviously.
But i just wanted to tell you that Jjongie and i took your boyfriend
for a few hours, Neh? We'll see you around five pm tonight baby!
Hugs and Kisses, Key Umma.

Taemin smiled and put the note on his forehead. He searched his pockets for the keys and let out a sigh of relief when he found

them in his back pocket. Quickly, he unlocked the door and went inside, taking his shoes off and jogging lightly to the living room.

He put the stuff down and took the sticky note off his forehead. Rereading it, Taemin made sure to remember that Minho would be

home around 5pm. Taemin took out his cellphone and checked the time; it was noon. So he had five hours to do everything...

Is that even possible? Taemin didnt know. But he sure would try!

Quickly, he took everything out of the bags and smled to himself; he didnt forget something this time. Then, he frowned moments later.

Theres something missing......


Taemin facepalmed and ran around the house as he looked for some tape. he was getting desperate around ten minutes later before

he finally found it. It was in the nightstand on Minho's side of the bed. Regaining his smile, Taemin went back downstairs and began to

plan out his designs.

This would be the best and worst Valentine's day of Minho's life....

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LifeisSushi #1
I wish my valentines day would last that long
lolwhat8422 #3
So excited for more! Looks so great so far !!
Chapter 5: Oh by the way nice sorry
Chapter 5: Tae being sick makes me sad
Chapter 5: I cried a little
ummior #8
Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Its lovely! :D Update soon ^^