Chapter 16

Falling for Miss Kim

Eunha POV:
I starred mindlessly looking out of the window as I watched the scenery pass by. I was now in Sojung unnie’s car and she was driving me home. The rest of the day went by uneventfully. After the make out session that we had nothing further escalated, we just cuddled and watched some movies. I enjoy her company as she tends to get my mind distracted easily, she is just such a warm and caring person that it makes me fall for her even deeper. Sadly as we were getting closer to the destination I found my self getting more and more anxious. I’ve been trying not to think about my father ever since the incident but I new I wouldn’t be able to escape this reality, I would have to come to terms with what he had done. I doubt that I would ever see him the same way ever again and I’m not sure if my mother knows about what my father had done and whether I should tell her or not. 

I let out a deep breath as I continued to think about the many different scenarios that I might find myself in. While in my deep thoughts I suddenly felt Sojung unnie hold my hand as she gently rubbed her thumb against my knuckles. I looked up at her as she gave me a reassuring smile, and I now noticed that the car had stopped moving as we are now parked a few houses away from my house. Noticing my discomfort Sojung unnie brought me into her embrace and held me in a tight hug. 

“What am I supposed to do Sojung unnie? I really don’t want to face him.”, I whispered into her embrace.

“I know little rabbit, but it’s going to be ok. You’re stronger than you know.” 

I felt my heart flutter at her words as I clung on to her tighter. She’s right I still have people that care about me and love me. ‘You’ll get through this Eunbi, everything is going to be ok’, I mentally told myself as I let go of Sojung unnie and took another deep breath. 

“I better get going then, other wise we would be here all night”, Just as I was about to get out of the car I felt her grab my wrist making me face her again.

“I love you Eunbi” She said in a gentle tone as she leaned in and gave me a chaste kiss. 

“I love you too Sojung unnie” I replied after we parted while my cheeks began to blush. 

“Well I won’t keep you waiting any longer, call me later to let me know that you are ok”, she gave my hand a soft squeeze as I got out of the car. I waved goodbye to her as she drove away leaving me alone on the street. I felt my palms becoming sweaty as I began to get nervous again. I tried to calm myself down and tried to convince myself to act as normal as possible. I’m just not ready to confront my father about what I saw the other day but I don’t have a choice, I have to stay strong. Once I was convinced that I was calm enough I made my way to my house and went through the front door. I was hoping that I could escape into my bedroom and avoid seeing him but of course luck wasn’t on my side. 

“Oh Eunbi-ssi your home”, my father said from behind me as I was making my way towards the staircase. I turned around to face him but avoided his eye contact. 

“Yeah” I replied, hopping that he would ignore the quiver in my voice. 

“So how was your sleepover with Yerin, did you have fun?”, He asked taking a sip out of his mug of coffee. 

“It was fine”, I replied as nonchalantly as I could, still avoiding his eye contact.

“So, when is mum coming home?”

“She’ll be here in about an hour or two”

“Ok, I’ve got some homework to do”, I excused myself and made my way to my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and slouched onto my bed. I felt my eyes begin to burn up as tears threatened to fall. I just don’t know how I can do this, it’s too painful to face him and I don’t know how bad the future is going to be for my family. It’s shocking how someone so close to you can betray you and your life changes in a split second. I’ll never see him the same again. Thoughts continued to run through my head as I curled into a ball and my eyelids began to feel heavy. I slowly began to drift to sleep escaping my dreadful reality.

“Eunbi darling, wake up. It’s time for dinner.”

I felt a gentle nudge on my shoulder and reluctantly opened my eyes to be greeted by my mother. I hugged her tight, suddenly wide awake. She seemed to be a little surprised at my actions but nonetheless she reciprocated the hug. I began to feel a bit emotional as I realised that now it’s only me and her in this family, and no matter what happens I’ll always have my mother. I willed myself not to cry as I let go of the embrace.

“When did you come back.” I asked while I rubbed my eyes.

“A few hours ago, now come on you sleepy head dinners ready.”

We both made our way downstairs to eat dinner. I sat down opposite my mother with my father next to her. My family is quite small as I don’t have any siblings, it does get a little lonely sometimes but it’s not that bad. I still felt uncomfortable around my father, and I was hoping that this meal wouldn’t last long. It was rather silent and a little awkward as we ate until my mother broke the silence. 

“So did you two have some fun this weekend?” 

“Yeah it was ok, but it was very lonely with out you honey”, my father said smiling at my mother. I felt like exploding in that moment. How dare he say that when he was sleeping with another woman, he probably wasn’t lonely at all. I felt ashamed that I was related to him, I still couldn’t believe how he could do this to us. Me and my father have always had a good relationship, I was closer to my mother though but I still loved my father dearly. However at the moment I resent him so much. Despite my hatred I managed to keep my composure and put on a fake smile as my parents continued their conversation, occasionally muttering sweet words to each other. 

At the end of the meal my dad offered to clear the table and do the dishes. I sat at the table playing on my phone while my mum was on her laptop. While on my phone I heard a vibration and looked up to see my dad’s phone vibrating with some text messages appearing on the screen. My mother picked up the phone and saw what was on the screen, I suddenly started to feel a little nervous as I had a gut feeling that something was wrong. I saw confusion written on my mum’s face as she continued to stare down at the phone screen. It was suddenly snatched from her and I saw my dad holding the phone in his hand with a pissed off expression.

“What are you doing with my phone.” He huffed.

“Why, are you hiding something from me? By the way who is Miyoung.”, I saw my fathers face drop as he went pale.

‘This isn’t going to end well’

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Sorry, I won't be updating anytime soon, college is starting soon and I've got a bunch of summer work to get done. Although I won't be updating at the moment I promise I won't abandon this story, So please wait, thanks.


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Tae143tiff #1
Chapter 20: Wow .it'll be so good to read next chapter
_NightDrive #2
Oh how i miss this story, one of the one i always look forward to (˘̩̩̩ε˘̩ƪ)
Chapter 20: Aw such a wholesome chapter!
Bae_giwan #4
Chapter 20: I miss this fic tbh ╯﹏╰ so, thank uuu for the update huhuhu <3
Gfriend07 #5
Chapter 20: Wonha so cuteㅠㅠ
Thank you for your update!
iyunnn #6
MAaaaaaa #7
Chapter 19: Please update I really love this story
mr_buckwheat #8
Chapter 19: sowon and eunha just keeping it lowkey ;)
Chapter 19: Aw, it's good that eunha mom is getting better.
Gfriend07 #10
Chapter 19: Cute wonhaT^T
Thank you for your update