Mess 15

What A Life
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"From next week onwards, you guys will be working during night shift as well, together with us and other junior chefs to serve the diners of Al Dente. Take a look at the schedule and remember when you are needed to work at night. If your plans clash with your work schedule, cancel your plan. Your work should come first unless you have a valid reason."

The trainees and I are all excited to receive our night schedule because that's when the real challenge truly begins. Although we are starting as assistant, the whole idea of helping the head chefs and junior chefs in preparing food for the patrons got me feeling thrilled, yet nervous at the same time. Nervous because if we fail to do a good job, we are going to tarnish Al Dente's reputation and possibly a termination of apprenticeship. It has only been two weeks, there are so many challenges and so many more things to learn ahead, we can't risk getting kicked out now.

As we all check our respective schedule, we all engage in our own chitter-chatter, as if we are at a market and our mentors are not present, while we compare our schedules among ourselves to see who are working together. Then, I discover something strange and I am not sure if I am thinking too much. Baekhyun and I have the same night shifts for that whole month. Even though I am Joohyun's trainee, I actually don't get to work with her as often as Baekhyun. Guess I should be thankful to whoever that arranged the shifts huh? It's bad enough that I have to endure her in the day (because she will never cut me some slack), I don't need to spend any more time with that petty old hag.

"You guys will get to work with different chefs throughout, not just with your own mentor, so you all can learn to be versatile and adapt to different working styles. Any objection on the schedule? Any dissatisfaction?" Sehun says in his menacing voice.

We all fall silent upon Sehun's interruption. Although he asked us to voice our objections, he is not really asking for our opinions. I mean, knowing Sehun's personality, who would have the balls to raise their hand and ask for a change in the schedule? That's like defying Oh Sehun and whoever does that, that person can forget about having an easy time here. Afterall, we are supposed to obey without any complaint. I would have cursed Sehun under my breath for his obnoxious behaviour in the past, but after last night, I know he is just putting up a cold demeanour. His heart is not as stoic as his face. 


"Areum, are you feeling better?"

Jungwoo hands me the ingredients from the fridge. Glad that Joohyun is out of our sight, otherwise she is going to think we are trying to skive and chit-chat. Trainees working under Jongin and Baekhyun are always having fun, meanwhile, Mina, Taeyong, Somi, Jungwoo, and I feel like we are walking on egg shells working under the two most critical chefs here.

"Yeah, thanks for asking, Jungwoo. Did Chef Bae say anything about my absence yesterday?"

Jungwoo shakes his head, thankfully, "But it's scary that I was all alone with her. When you are around, Chef Bae tends to pick on you. But yesterday, I was basically under her surveillance throughout the day and she scolded me for even the slightest mistake I made. I almost peed in my pants. Areum, please don't fall sick again."

I slap Jungwoo's arms for using me as his shield, and the cheeky guy chuckles and clarifies that he is just kidding. Not like I am offended by his words anyway, I can totally imaging Joohyun breathing down his neck because that's exactly what she does to me when I am around. Poor Jungwoo, he must be traumatised.

"But it's just kinda strange, you know. Chef Bae may be fierce and harsh to Somi and me, but she doesn't seem very fond of you and she seems to be picking on you purposely, like you have gotten on the wrong side of her. I hope I am wrong but that's my observation so far. Did you happen to offend her in the past?"

How do I explain the situation to Jungwoo? Tell him that Joohyun hates me because of my relationship with Sehun? I can't possibly to do that. I can't afford to let the trainees know about the engagement. Sehun will kill me, his fangirls will kill me too.

"Who knows?" I shrug, resuming with my ingredients selection quickly before Joohyun comes and checks on us, "Maybe she is jealous of my beauty?" I joke. Oh gosh. That's the most disgusting lie I have ever said, even though it's just a joke. Joohyun may have a ty personality, but her beauty tops the rank and none of the girls here is comparable to her. Everyone would agree with me on that. Where did I get the shame to spill that lie out of my mouth? 

"Wow, someone is confident huh?"

"Seems like the two of you are having the time of your life choosing the ingredients huh?"

Jungwoo and I got startled by the intruder behind us. Joohyun look at us, with displeasure all over her face and her arms crossed. She is pissed and we are doomed.

"I asked you guys to get the ingredients and return to your work station as soon as possible, didn't I? And you guys are having your own chit-chat session here? Should I prepare some tea and snacks for you guys to enjoy as well?"

Joohyun's sarcasm makes our hair stand and curl in terror, not to mention the intent look that she is directing towards us. That's a cue for us to run for our lives. After we are done, we bow and apologise, before scurrying to our work stations. When I walk past her, I never fail to see the look of despise on her face. What did I do? Why is she displaying such unusual hostility? I mean, sure, Joohyun loathes me but today, her squinted eyes are holding total anger when she stares at me like I owe her a billion dollars. 

Oh. I got it.

She is jealous that Sehun took night off yesterday because of me. A sense of victory overtakes in me as her face turns darker. 

"If you don't know how to take care of yourself, then don't fall sick. Stop being a burden to others."

Wow. That was harsh. Not like I can decide whether to fall sick or not, "Who? Sehun?" 

"Who else? Don't act dumb."

"Sehun...was good at taking care of me last night," I pretend to giggle like a shy teenage girl and that, indeed, triggers Joohyun, as her eyes enlarge in anger and shock.

"What did you guys do?" I can tell that she is panicking.

I tap my chin, pretending to ponder so I can buy some time to come up with another lie because nothing happened actually. We slept in separate rooms and we didn't even get to see each other's faces this morning to be able to have any form of interaction.

"Hmm, what do you think couples do in the bedroom?" I play innocent on the surface, but deep down, my wicked side is laughing at her crimson face contorting in anger, jaw clenched, ready to let out a blow anytime.

"Don't lie. I don't believe your bull."

"Then should I do an Instagram live so you can watch how the two of us play on our bed? Why should I lie? Sehun..." I giggle again, "Was so gentle..."

"Yah Park Areum!!"

Everyone turns their heads to Joohyun and me when the former lets her emotion get the best out of her, causing her to erupt in her furious state. Everyone is surprised to see that side of Joohyun, except for me maybe, because she has always been a calm and emotionless person. To see her losing her temper in the public, she must have been really pissed. Okay, now I feel bad to annoy her. Guess I was overboard.

"Hmm, hey, Chef Bae, I am sorr-"

Before I complete my sentence, Joohyun storms away, probably feeling embarrassed to let everyone witness her outburst of anger.


"Why am I here with you?"

Jongin questions, as he switches on his handheld electric fan to cool himself down.

"To do voluntary work with me?"

I question back, judging him and that big expensive Gucci shades covering almost half of his face. Really, Jongin? We are not here for a fashion show.

"You? Voluntary work?" He scoffs, "Don't lie, babe. You don't really have a heart of gold. You would never sacrifice your sleep on a weekend to help out at a dog shelter."

I click my tongue and drag my reluctant best friend into the centre with me. Indeed, it is not really my style to wake up early on a Saturday morning to do voluntary work but for my plan to work, I have to do this. 

"Hi, may I help you?" A young-looking guy with big round eyes approaches us, with a black toy poodle in his arms. 

"Oh, hey! We are friends of Oh Sehun, one of the volunteers here. Sehun told us that you guys are looking for more volunteers and actually, my friend and I are avid dog lovers, so we would like to apply as volunteers as well!"

Jongin nudges me and demands me for an explanation with his body actions, while I pull my arm away from him and flash the brightest smile to the confused guy in front of us. 

"Let me go double check first."

I nod and heave a sign of relief for not giving myself away, especially when I brought a not so cooperative best friend with me.

"Yah, what are you up to?"

"Nothing. I just thought maybe this is will be great chance for me to bond with Oh Sehun. That guy wouldn't even spare me a glance at home! I have things to talk to him about."

The first step to 'Mission of the Century: Melting Sehun's heart' is to do voluntary work with Oh Sehun. It is not going to be easy to melt his cold facade but Rome wasn't built in a day anyway. I have to take one step at a time. Knowing Sehun's personality, I have prepared myself mentally, emotionally, and physically and I also packed a huge luggage of patience to deal with him. I know this mission is not going to be smooth-sailing but it must be a successful one. Thanks to Mrs Oh, I have a smooth start. Of course I didn't let her know of my plan, all I did was to ask her for the address of the dog shelter that Sehun volunteers at and luckily, she didn't suspect anything. Maybe I should consider the acting path if my cooking career fails.

"Do you have to go to that extent? Dude, if you want to talk to him, I can just come up with a scheme to lock you two up in a room," Jongin groans, "I have a facial appointment in an hour's time."

I pout, "Aww, Jongin. You are my best friend, don't ditch me please? We need some good karma! Plus, you love dogs too, don't you?"

"I do, but-

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1109 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2075 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1109 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!