Mess 16

What A Life
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"Guys, I found out where Chef Oh stays."

Choking on my Iced Chocolate, I spit out the brown liquid and I cough so hard that I thought my lungs are going to give up on me. 

"Oh gosh, Areum, are you okay?" Mina pats my back.

Eyes bulging, I jerk my head to Somi, "Somi, what did you just say?"

Everyone at the table - Joowon, Jungwoo, Mina, and Lucas turn excited while waiting for Somi to spill more tea. Whereas for me, I can feel my heart pounding against my chest in anxiety and I am not looking forward to the things she is going to reveal. When Somi texted in the group chat last night, asking to meet for lunch the next day as she has a super big news to share, I wasn't expecting this at all. 

"Remember that senior, whose mother happens to be Sehun's mother's friend? Apparently Sehun's mother told them about the new house that she and Sehun's father bought for the engaged couple. I have seen the pictures of the house, holy , it looks like a freaking castle and it screams RICH PEOPLE! Let me show you guys!" 

Somi takes out her phone and scrolls through her gallery quickly, before flipping her phone around to show the pictures to the excited kids. I crane my neck to take a look at the pictures and my eyes grow 10 times bigger, holy macaroni, it's indeed my house. 

"Wow! This is my dream house! It's so beautiful... I am so jealous of Chef Oh's fiancee!" Jonwon sighs as she can't take her eyes off the pictures. 

If you guys know how hard it is being Oh Sehun's fiancee, you guys will never want to be in my position, my dear friends.

"So where do they stay? You know the address right?" Lucas fidgets on his seat, like every fiber of his body vibrating and bouncing in anticipation. 

"Of course! It's around 10 minutes from here!"

Somi's answer only makes the uneasiness in me grow bigger, "You guys are not planning to stalk Chef Oh and invade his privacy, aren't you?"

"Of course not!" Somi defends.

Phew. The burden on my shoulder is lifted.

"We can't do it openly of course! We have to hide somewhere and stalk from afar. This has to be a discreet mission, otherwise, we are doomed."

My relief is short-lived. I was happy for nothing.

"I don't think that's a good idea. We are invading his privacy. Plus, why do y'all want to do that for?" I chew on my straw nervously. Guys, please abort your mission and let me live in peace. Sehun is not going to forgive us and I will be in deep trouble if we got found out.

"To ambush Chef Oh's fiancee of course!" Joowon shouts suddenly, earning curious glances from the diners around us.

"Ambush?" I shriek. 

Jungwoo nods, "Yes! We need to go and hunt the woman who captures Chef Oh's heart and find out what's so special about her!"

I didn't capture his heart, guys. Neither am I special. I-uh-I-

"That's right!" Mina snarls, "How dare she own Chef Oh all by herself! We got to see who that fox is!"

My straw is now deformed and has turned into an unknown object from all the biting. What should I do now? My in on fire and all these people are coming for me just because I am engaged to Oh Sehun. Ah! Jongin! I send a text to Jongin immediately, "Jongin! SOS! This is urgent! You got to help me! The trainees have found out where Sehun stays and they are planning to stalk him and hunt his fiancee down! What should I do to get rid of them?"

"Why is Chef Oh's fiancee such a mysterious character?"

"Maybe Chef Oh wants to protect her? Chef Oh is quite low-profile when comes to his personal life."

"Or maybe his fiancee is too ugly to be shown to the world."

The words catch my attention and I direct my vision from my phone to the group laughing at Joowon's remark. Ugly? I may not be the prettiest but I am not that ugly and hideous to be hidden from the world. I wish someone would feel my pain of getting misunderstood yet unable to explain myself.

"But Chef Oh is a perfectionist. He must have very high standard. I doubt he will like any random girl from the street. His fiancee must be a great beauty who possesses both intelligence and elegance."

Lucas' words got me blushing. Great beauty who possesses both intelligence and elegance... Heh. I am flattered by that compliment. But I doubt Sehun feels that way about me. All he does is to call me stupid and childish. Even yesterday when I tried to bathe Vivi for the first time, he couldn't stop nagging about the mistakes I made and then he ended his scolding with a "stupid". I might really become dumber from all his insults.

"Okay guys, time to go for our hunting mission!"

I tap my phone screen to check for a reply from Jongin but to my horror, he hasn't replied! Kim Jongin! Where are you when I need you the most?


This is not how I pictured my Sunday to be - crouching and hiding behind the bushes in this hot and humid weather to hunt Oh Sehun's fiancee down. And, the funny thing is I am the fiancee, so I am basically hunting myself down. As dumb as it sounds. Why did I even agree to meet this bunch? I should have just rejected them and I would be able to enjoy my day playing with Vivi in my air-conditioned room. But then again, if I didn't agree to meet them, I wouldn't have known what they are up to and the chances of getting myself exposed will be higher when I am caught off guard. Who knows? If I happened to be bringing Vivi out for a walk, my friends would have spotted me. So I guess this is a blessing in disguise? I fish out my phone from my sling bag and thankfully, Jongin replied. I swipe my phone to check for his reply.

"What's there to hide? Just invite the kids in ^^"

If I can throw my phone and scream right now, I would. What kind of reply is that, Kim Jongin? Is he trying to send me to hell?

"Do you think we will be able to catch anything today?" Jungwoo asks, swatting the mosquito that landed on his arm.

"Even if we fail, we have other days to try. Now that we know Chef Oh's address, it would be easy to hunt his fiancee down."

These kids sure are determined. Should I just reveal myself to them and save them the time and effort to dig for his fiancee's identity? They can abort their mission and I can go home! We all don't have to suffer from the heat and all the mosquito bites anymore. 


"Shh! Someone is coming out!"

Everyone, including me, ducks upon Joowon's command and we all keep our mouths shut, for fear of exposing ourselves. How are we different from those paparazzi and reporters ambushing for their preys?

"Let me check," Lucas says, as he pokes his head upwards cautiously and surreptitiously, "Holy ! Is that Chef Kim?"

We all peer out from the bushes upon hearing Lucas' exclamation. As Sehun is checking the mailbox, Jongin, wearing just a white muscle tank top and a pair of salmon pink bermuda shorts that is way too short for his long legs and a little too tight for his robust and muscular thighs, makes his way down the stairs and appears next to Sehun to help him sort the mails out. Suddenly, he smacks Sehun's playfully after collecting his mails and skips his way back to the house, while Sehun

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1109 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2075 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1109 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!