Mess 37

What A Life
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"Why do you look so scared?"


Sehun nods his head as he ties the apron ribbon around his waist, "Yeah, your face looks pale and you are stammering. Are you okay? Are you nervous?"


I turn to the front and I scan the production crew doing a final check on the equipment, while Seulgi, Taeyong, and Jongin wave their arms in the air, with their fists clenched and a huge smile on their faces, at me. Out of courtesy, I return a (stiffed) smile back to my friends who are showing their support fervently. As the assistant producer fixes Sehun's mic for him, Sehun looks visibly calm, like he has done this a lot of times, while I look like I am going to pass out anytime. Suddenly, I feel a hand over mine, I lift my head to look at Sehun.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a live stream."

"Exactly why I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest anytime. It's a live stream! Means there is no room for mistakes and if I do, all the viewers are going to laugh at me."

Truth to be told, I was quite excited when Sehun agreed to do the special video together for Nirvana. Plus that could kickstart my YouTuber career and train me to get used to talking to the camera but when Seulgi told us that her editor decided to do a live stream on Instagram instead, I froze and all the excitement I felt vanished straightaway. You may think they are both the same but they are not. If the video is pre-record, I can afford to make mistakes as the editors are able to edit my mistakes out in post-production, but live stream is a whole new different thing! Knowing myself very well, I am bound to make mistakes and there goes my chance to show a cool image. I am the girl that the almighty Chef Oh Sehun picked, I cannot be some sort of loser, klutz, or laughing stock! 

"Don't worry so much, Areum. The more nervous you are, the higher the possibility of you making mistakes," Somehow the warm touch of Sehun manages to calm my nerve down, "Think on the brighter side, your clumsy side may bring laughter to the viewers instead."

My face falls upon hearing Sehun's words as I swing his hand away from me, "You are so not helpful, I hate you," I mumble and turn my back towards Sehun. 

Sehun chuckles, "I am just kidding," Sehun moves nearer to my body, until I feel my back against his chest, "I am here with you. Don't be scared. Take this as a chance to prepare yourself for your career as a YouTuber."

"Okay lovebirds," Seulgi claps, catching both our attention, "Save all the lovey-dovey moments for later, we are starting the live stream in 2 minutes."

"Good luck, babe!" Jongin blows a kiss to me.

"Fighting Areum! Fighting Chef Oh!" Taeyong cheers.


As soon as the live stream starts, Sehun introduces himself and does a brief introduction on today's live stream without any hiccup. Honestly, I have no idea what Sehun is saying because I am losing my mind. My heart pounds harder than earlier and I swear I am starting to see stars from the anxiety. Calm the down, Park Areum. Don't be such a loser! 

"Do you want to introduce yourself?" 

I snap out of trance and turn to Sehun with my jaw dropped as he asks me to introduce myself. Switching my vision back to the camera, I wave rigidly, far from a relaxed state.

"H-Hi, m-my name is Oh Sehun."

The people behind the camera stifle their laughter while Jongin shows no sign of suppressing his giggle as he snorts with laughter. 

"I-I mean I am Park Areum!" I quickly clarify and apologise for my mistake. Gosh the live stream has just started a few minutes ago and I have already made a fool out of myself for introducing myself as Sehun.

"My fiancee is a little nervous as this is her first time appearing in front of the camera," Sehun chortles, and I can feel heat creeping up my cheeks from the slip, "So shall we get started on our Apple Strudel?" He asks, directing his soft and gentle gaze at me.

I nod in return; praying that no one pays attention to my flushing cheeks. 


"If you think making pastry is too much of a challenge and hassle, you can always get ready-made ones from the supermarket but today, since we are making a heart-shaped strudel, we will be making the pastry from scratch."

For a man of few words, Sehun seems to be very comfortable talking to the camera. Everything he does and says just seems so natural and chill, unlike me, who turns into an awkward potato in front of the camera, as if I have lost my speech ability suddenly. That's pretty ironic because that's not how we are like in real life. I am supposed to be the chatty one while Sehun is the cold city guy who doesn't open his mouth unless necessary. Guess our roles have reversed. 

Sehun continues to talk about the steps in making the perfect pastry while I assist him by passing him the ingredients and utensils that he needs, like a little kitchen assistant working next to the culinary god. I am enjoying the process so far until someone smeared my face with flour!

"If you have extra flour, you can always play a flour game in the kitchen."

I glare at Sehun for his playful antic as I try to wipe the white powder off my face. Ever since I told Sehun to open up to me, he is starting to reveal his playful side, only to me of course, but smearing my face with flour on a live broadcast?? Gosh, I totally didn't see that coming! I take my revenge by smacking my flour-coated palm on Sehun's forehead and his words get cut off midway from shock. I stick out my tongue at Sehun before bursting out in laughter as I admire my beautiful palm print on his forehead. Right after I took my revenge, Sehun smear another of flour on my cheek. 

"Yah!!" I screech. 

This time I make sure both my palms are covered with flour, with the intention to paint his cheeks with flour as well. As my hands are nearing Sehun's face, I feel a pull and and in less than a second, my body is trapped in between Sehun's arms firmly as he stands behind me, drawing gasps from my friends and other female staff in the studio. My heart races like mad from the sudden body contact because I was completely caught off guard. What is Sehun up to again?

"Alright, enough with the game, time to get back to work," Sehun states while he reaches for the rolling pin. Then, he makes me hold onto each side of the rolling pin as he puts his hands on top of mine, causing my body heat to increase again. I am not someone who turns red from any form of intimate contact with a guy easily, but it's our first time doing in front of a camera, with so many people watching us, so I can't help to feel shy. 

"You have to roll the dough to make sure it's paper thin. But be extremely careful because when the dough is thin, it tears easily."

He guides me with the rolling and I swear I heard a string of "AWWW" from Jongin, who is also busy snapping pictures of us to send to his favourite partner-in-crime, aka my future mother-in-law.  

"Someone asked Areum what she likes about Chef Oh."

The producer asks and suddenly, everyone's eyes are on me. 

"Oh...hmmm...Honestly, I don't know," I shrug, "When I first know him, he was so arrogant and aloof, he can be quite a pain in the because he is a perfectionist who loves picking on others and expects zero mistake from all his trainees and his employees. Tsk, such an ," I didn't realise I am too absorbed in spilling all the ill traits of Sehun until I heard him clicking his tongue next to me. The staff with a puzzled look on their faces got me feeling conscious of what I just said, "B-But actually, Sehun has a nice heart. He does care about the people around him but he just doesn't know how to express himself most of the time. Because of that, and his poker face, people tend to misunderstand him a lot and see him as a snobbish, distant, and cold-hearted person. I like that he is always looking out for me even though he refuses to admit; I like that he is a very filial son to his parents, he is caring to towards my parents and my grandma too; I like that he gets embarrassed easily whenever I ; there are so many things I love about Sehun and it would probably take me forever to list them now," I chuckle, "I know he is the one for me and I don't think I will be able to love another guy as much as him. Plus, he is really cute and innocent, just like a baby!"

"In what way?" 

"There was once I called him daddy and he thought I was calling him my father! Isn't that hilarious?!" 

When I lift my head upwards, I catch the stunned expression on each and every person's face and my laughter dies down immediately upon realising what nonsense I have just spouted. As soon as the people recover from shock from that blunt statement of mine, they begin to snigger at me. Hand over my widely-opened mouth, I turn to Sehun in horror.

"My fiancee talks without filter all the time, don't mind her," Sehun laughs but based on the not so subtle killer gaze that he is sending towards my direction, I am very sure that if this isn't a live stream, he would shoot me right there and then.

For the rest of the live stream, I decided to zip my mouth shut in case I blabber more rubbish and embarrass Sehun further. 


"Wow, that was insane, Areum! I can't believe you just spilled your bedroom story to 700K viewers on that IG live," Taeyong claps his hands and laughs.

"What can we say? Park Areum never fails to surprise us with her no filter mouth."

Jongin's mocking remark makes me feel worse and I think it would be better if I just dig a hole and bury myself undergound forever. 

"Oh gosh, stop it guys, it was so embarrassing, I bet Sehun is going to kill me tonight," I swing my hand between left and right on my neck, mimicking a slaughtering action, as I recall Sehun's death glare. 

"But it was funny! A lot of viewers have commented that they like how candid and frank you were. Some even requested you to share more of those stories."

I groan, shuddering and shaking my head vigorously at the same time, "Oh hell no, spare me a life please. Sehun is already plotting my death."

"Did he really think you were calling him father, literally?" Taeyong raises his brow, another chuckle seems to be escaping from his mouth anytime.

"Yeah!!" Jongin nudges me, "Is Sehun really that innocent?"

"Oh shut up y'all!" 

Right then, Seulgi and Sehun join in after they talked to the editor and we quickly act like nothing happened. I can't let Sehun know that these two nosy guys tried to probe into our private lives again, it is bad enough that 700K people know about that embarrassing episode.

"Thank you so much for doing this live stream for us!" Seulgi says in a thrilling voice, "My editor is very pleased with the result and the view count was really high! So many people left comments as well! Indeed, the power of Chef Oh," She teases, "If there is a chance, you guys should do this again!"

"Sure, but I think it would be better for me to do it alone. Who knows what other weird things this big mouth here is going reveal."

Seulgi, Taeyong, and Jongin are amused as they dissolve into laughter upon hearing Sehun's words. I lower my head, thinking of 1000 ways on how I can hide myself forever from the rest of the world.


"Are you still angry?"

Glancing at Sehun, whose eyes are on the road, I question warily as I scan his face to see if there is any hint of unhappiness. When Sehun didn't reply me, I my index finger towards his waist and before I can poke him, he flinches. Snickering, I knew that was gonna elicit a response from him because Sehun can't stand being tickled.

"Yah, I am driving," He says with a deep frown on his forehead as he throws a disapproving look at me before di

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1109 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2075 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1109 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!