Bonus #1 - The Wild Bachelor Party

What A Life
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*Bonus chapters will all be in 3rd POV

"Look who is finally here!"

Sehun has no idea what the guys are up to. All he knew is that the guys had instructed him to follow the address sent in the group chat and be at the club by 1am without saying much. When he showed the text to Areum, Areum told him that the guys have probably organised a party for him to bid goodbye to his single life and to celebrate his impending weeding, which is happening in a week's time, and she is right. When he joins the table, the guys surround him rowdily and pop party poppers at him. 

"What's taking you so long? Is our Areum keeping you occupied?" Jongin teases and hands Sehun a drink, "Drink it as your punishment."

Sehun has been warned by his fiancee of what to expect for the bachelor party since she knows how crazy the guys can get when alcohol is involved, especially Kim Jongin, Mark, and Lucas, who probably can't even remember their own names when they are intoxicated and high af.

"Look at your fiancee!"

Jongin flashes his phone screen to Sehun, which shows a message from Areum two minutes ago. "I know you guys want to have fun but I am warning you, keep an eye on Sehun and don't make him drink more than he can hold. If anything happens to him, I am throwing all your expensive skincare products and your Gucci shades away." Sehun smiles, he can totally imagine Areum speaking in her usual threatening tone when she tries to warn Jongin about something. Of course Areum is worried, Sehun doesn't have high alcohol tolerance and she is afraid that he might be pressured to drink beyond his capability because the guys do get carried away sometimes.

"She is so protective gosh!" Jongin makes a gag motion at his best friend's message, "Tonight is your bachelor party! Why is she being such a wet blanket? You are supposed to get wasted!" Jongin exclaims, bringing his glass to his lips, "Don't let Areum rain on our parade, just drink to your heart's content and have fun, bro!"

"Yeah!" Lucas, who has gotten very comfortable around Sehun after he became a junior chef at Al Dente three months ago, puts his arm on Sehun's shoulder, "She had her fair share of fun with her girlfriends during their bachelorette party, now it's time for you to enjoy!" 

Taeyong comes in shortly, "Exactly. Seulgi said Areum was the craziest that night! She even danced on the bar table because she was so freaking drunk."

Sehun laughs at that memory. Although he wasn't there to witness her wild and insane behaviour, he has seen the video that the girls posted on their Instagram stories. 

"Your girlfriend joined in and danced along," Sehun rebuts, as he recalls from the videos that Seulgi climbed up to the table and danced with his fiancee as well.

"Ah," Taeyong frowns, "Don't mention that please. She was so wasted that Jennie had to call me to pick her up because she couldn't even walk to the taxi stand. And then she vomited all over her living room and her bedroom when I brought her home. Thank goodness her parents weren't home then," Taeyong shudders at that painful memory, where he spent the entire night cleaning the mess that his girlfriend made in case her parents return suddenly and he didn't want to give them the shock of their lives. He knows how horrible his girlfriend can get when she gets too drunk but she never adheres to her own limit, despite the fact that she is aware of her awful drinking habits, "She is now banned from drinking until I say so and unless I am around. Y'all know she doesn't know how to control herself," Taeyong shakes his head.

"You are like that too, Taeyong," Jungwoo jumps in and teases, "Alcohol is what brought you guys together in the first place."

"Shut up, Jungwoo! I have self-control! Seulgi goes all mad for alcohol when she sees it, like she worships it!" Taeyong whines, "No wonder she and Areum are like the best pals ever. Birds of a feather flock together."

"At least Areum didn't vomit all over the place when she got home that night," Sehun defends for his fiancee.

"Yeah, but she came home with a traffic cone that she stole from somewhere," Jongin roars with laughter as he remembers seeing his best friend sleeping like a log on the couch while hugging the traffic cone tightly the next morning, "It was so hilarious that I can't help to post a picture of it on my Instagram."

Sehun shakes his head and chuckles. What Jongin said isn't wrong, it was indeed an amusing sight to see his fiancee sleeping with the traffic cone, which he has no idea where she stole from, and she became a laughing stock for quite some time; her family and friends wouldn't stop making fun of her about it. 

"Hey!" Baekhyun waves to the guys when he arrives, "Sorry I am late," He then eyes the empty bottles on the table, "You guys have already drank that much??"

"Yeah, why are you so late?" Jongin asks, "You weren't even on night shift, hyung. Mark, Taeyong, Taeil, and I had to work but we all came on time," He elbows Baekhyun playfully, "Girl problem?"

"More like fiancee problem," Lucas adds on, giving Jongin a high-five.

"Urgh," Baekhyun helps himself with the drinks on the table, like he needs it really badly, "Don't even get me started. My parents just called to tell me that my fiancee is coming to Seoul and she will be living with me so we can get to spend more time with each other and know each other better. Kill me please," He groans, before pouring the glass of Scotch into his mouth in one shot, "I don't even like her and now she is going to move into my apartment. What bull is that? I don't even know what my parents were thinking."

When Baekhyun first told his friends that he is put in an arranged marriage with a girl that his parents has picked, everyone was taken aback. It's like another Sehun and Areum saga except that Baekhyun's fiancee has a crush on him ever since she saw him for the first time at a gathering when she was still a kid. Even though everyone couldn't stop probing for information on his fiancee, Baekhyun wouldn't say much, simply because he thinks this arranged marriage is a joke.

"Aww come on, Baekhyun hyung, it has been three months since you met your fiancee in Busan, isn't it better if she moves to Seoul for good? How are you guys going to know each other if you guys aren't in the same city and not physically together? Maybe she isn't that bad?" 

Baekhyun narrows his eyes at Mark, wondering if he was drunk because he was uttering nonsense, "Oh please. Do you not remember what I said last time? I have no feelings for her. I have met her a couple of times prior to this engagement but that's about it. Furthermore, she is only 19! It feels so weird to be marrying a kid!" Baekhyun looks at his friends with a horrified expression on his face. At the thought of marrying someone who is much younger than him gives him headache. 

"I can't wait to meet that mysterious girl," Jaehyun looks visibly excited, a complete opposite of Baekhyun's dull face.

"Well, I don't!" 

"Okay, guys, enough with all the girls talk and enjoy the night!" Jongin interrupts quickly before the guys dampen the party mood further, "It's men's night! It's our night! We are here to celebrate Oh Sehun's final days of being a free man! Stop spoiling the mood!" 

"Yeah, Jongin is right!" Baekhyun nods with a smile, "Sehun is going to lose his freedom soon. As his friends, we should make this party a fun one so he wouldn't feel like he has missed out after he gets married."

Sehun snorts as he walks to the couch to take a seat, "You guys made it sound like getting married is akin to doomsday."

"Didn't you hear the saying before, hyung?" Lucas slides across the couch to sit next to Sehun, raising his glass at the same time, "People say marriage is the tomb of love!"

"That's what people say. If both parties love each other and work hard to make the marriage work, nothing bad will happen," Sehun puts his hand on Lucas' shoulder, "You are still young. When you meet the right one, you will know what I mean."

Sehun believes that marrying Areum will be the best decision he makes in life, unlike what the others say - marriage is the tomb of love. He doesn't understand why people say that. Two people get married to each other because they truly love each other and they want to spend the rest of their lives together. Why is it the tomb of love? Nobody gets married with the intention of getting divorced. Sehun knows that he will never stop loving Areum and same goes for Areum. 

"Alright, stop it Lucas!" Jongin cuts in, his playfulness from earlier is gone, "Although marriage can be a tragedy, the person Sehun is going to marry is my best friend so please stop feeding him with negative thoughts about marriage. I don't want Areum to end up getting ditched please."

"I won't ditch Areum, I can't live without her."

The guys coo when Sehun made that confession out of nowhere. Jongin knows from the bottom of his heart that Sehun meant his words and he is glad to hear that. Afterall, Areum's happiness means a lot to him and he would never want Areum to get hurt by anybody. Trust is a big word but Jongin is very sure that entrusting his bestie to Sehun is something he will not think twice about.

"By the way, we got you presents, Sehun hyung!" Jungwoo passes the nicely wrapped boxes to Sehun.

Sehun may not have noticed but everyone else has a cheeky grin planted on their faces and they eye one another sneakily as Sehun starts to open the presents. The first present has already got Sehun confused. He stares at the object for a while before taking it out from the box, "Handcuff?" He asks, a deep frown forms on his face, "What am I supposed to use this for? I am not a police."

Lucas bursts out laughing. Of course, Sehun is too innocent.

"This may be a handcuff but it serves a different purpose from the one policemen use," Jongin explains, the teasing grin grows wider, "Policemen use this to catch bad guys but you use this to handcuff Areum to the bed."

"For what?" Sehun continues to ask, still failing to catch what Jongin is trying to put across, "Why should I do that to her?"

Jongin lets out a deep groan in frustration, "Man, you ask Areum and she will know what to do with it!"

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1109 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2076 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1109 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!