Bonus #2 - The Not-so-perfect Honeymoon

What A Life
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"I said I am sorry a million times, are you just going to ignore me forever?'

"You already know that we have an early flight to catch this morning and yet you chose to sleep late last night. We almost miss the flight "

Areum knows Sehun is pissed for real as she can see anger written all over his face. The aura he gives off is different from when he is annoyed and Areum has known her husband long enough to tell them apart. As Sehun hands their passports to the check-in officer and puts their luggage on the belt for check-in, Areum stands behind her husband in a fit of the sulks. Even though Areum has already apologised umpteen times, Sehun's anger doesn't seem like it's going to disperse anytime soon. To Sehun, her tardiness is an excuse because she slept late despite knowing that they have an early flight to catch and they almost miss their flight because instead of getting ready, he found her in deep sleep when she was brushing her teeth half-way in the bathroom.

The girl is guilty of course, Areum has admitted her fault and apologised but she really didn't mean to. She has been losing sleep for the past few days, ever since their wedding, and she isn't sure why because she doesn't have insomnia and she usually has no problem sleeping like a log the moment she lies on her bed. It's a rare occurrence for her to not sleep well. Furthermore, the lack of rest and the constant pounding in her head have put her in a bad mood; she gets irritated by almost every little thing. For instance, during breakfast yesterday morning, she told Sehun she wanted soft-boiled egg but her husband has heard it as hard- boiled egg and she was upset the whole day because of that, which is so out of her character to be so demanding.

This is not how Areum envisions her marriage life to be and being in a cold war with her husband is not how she wants to spend her honeymoon, but she just can't help it. And she really hates herself for not being her usual self. She just wants to have a great time with Sehun but it seems like everything on the universe is forbidding her from having fun.

"Have a pleasant trip!"

As the check-in officer slides their passports and boarding pass across the counter to return to them, Areum grabs her passport and boarding pass and storms off in a huff, shocking both the check-in officer and Sehun with her hostile behaviour. Sehun mutters an apology to the puzzled staff before rushing to catch up with his wife.

"What's wrong with you?" Sehun grasps onto Areum's wrist tightly in case she tries to avoid him.


"This doesn't seem like nothing to me anymore. You haven't been yourself lately. What's wrong?"

Sehun has noticed that his wife has gotten irritable recently and that sudden change in her behaviour baffles him a lot. He tried to seek information from Jongin but that guy was of no help because he didn't notice anything odd. It is starting to scare Sehun to see his wife behaving coldly to him right after they got married. Could she be regretting getting married to him? 

"I said nothing," Areum answers in a frustrated tone, "I am having a migraine and I am tired, can we board the plane now?"

"I am sorry for being harsh to you earlier on, can you please don't behave like this? If there is anything upsetting you, you gotta tell me. What happened to no lying to each other? Do you not want to go on the trip with me anymore? Are you regretting on our marriage?" 

Areum turns to Sehun to look at him. Albeit the fight earlier on, Areum feels bad to vent her frustration on her husband upon hearing his apology and she feels even more awful to make him think that she regrets marrying him. She hates that she is making him feel insecure because of her own personal issue. It's not his fault that her body is in great discomfort and it's not his fault either that she can't put into words why she has been feeling so not herself lately because she is clueless to the change too, so why is she being so annoyed with him?

Even though Areum isn't feeling well, she tries to put on a smile to assure her husband that nothing is wrong as she cups his face, "Hey, are you kidding me? Never in a million years would I think that I have married the wrong guy, you silly boy. I am sorry for making you feel that way. I have no idea what's up with me lately, maybe I am just deprived of sleep very badly," She chuckles, "Let's not dwell on that, shall we? It's our honeymoon, we shouldn't occupy ourselves with all the unhappy stuff." Areum means everything she just said. She doesn't want the two of them to not have an enjoyable trip, it's their honeymoon. Plus, it's not easy for Sehun to take a week long leave since he is the boss of the restaurant, so Areum makes a mental note to herself to not spoil the trip any further with her foul mood. 

Standing on tip-toe, Areum gives Sehun a peck on the lips. They may fight and quarrel with each other but there is no other man Areum wants besides this handsome man that is standing in front of her, likewise for Sehun.


The plane ride was terrible. Areum couldn't get a wink of sleep because the moment the plane took off, Areum felt a wave of nausea engulfing her and out of reflex, she reached out for the paper bag in front of her and puked her guts out. Even after throwing up, Areum didn't feel any better as her head wouldn't stop pounding, accompanied by slight dizzy spells. When it was meal time, she tried to get a few bites despite the lack of appetite but she ended up vomiting the food that she ate, making Sehun really worried for her condition throughout the flight.


Right after they touched down at Rome Fliumicino Airport, Areum pushes through the group of people and rushes straight to the restroom to vomit again. Sehun waits outside uneasily while taking occasional peeks into the washroom, earning questioning looks from the ladies exiting the place. When his wife finally walks out of the restroom, Sehun walks up to her anxiously, "Are you okay? This is your third time vomiting. Did you eat something wrong?"

Areum nods as she wipes mouth with a napkin, "Yeah, I feel better with my feet on the ground." Though Areum feels much better on land as compared to on the plane, the nauseous sensation and the throbbing headache still exist. She hates the discomfort so much because it's dampening her mood and ruining her trip with her husband.

Sehun puts his arm around his petite wife to keep her warm, "Let's head to the hotel soon so you can rest."

"I don't want to rest," Areum frowns, "I want to explore the city with you." Sleeping in the hotel room is not how Areum wants to spend her time in one of the world's most romantic cities.

Sehun sighs at the dejected look on Areum's face. The two of them have been anticipating to this trip and it would be a waste for her to just stay in the hotel room but to Sehun, his wife's health is his upmost priority, "I know but you are obviously not in the best condition now, let's get some rest first and we can tour around the city tomorrow, okay?"

Areum nods her head with a pout. 


Perhaps it was the jet lag or maybe Sehun's cuddle felt extra warm and comforting that night, Areum fell right into deep slumber after she took a shower. It has been so long since Areum had such a good night sleep.


"Wake up!" 

Sehun grunts when he feels a sudden weight sitting on top of his body. He opens his eyes and he is greeted by his wife's bright smiley face. Compared to her gloomy appearance yesterday, this is the Areum that he knows, this is how his wife should be - energetic and bubbly. 

"Hurry up! Wake up, oppa! We have a long day ahead," Areum waves the itinerary at his face in excitement. Even though Areum is still having minor headache, she is definitely feeling way better than yesterday and she doesn't want them to waste any more time cooping up in the hotel room. 

"Are you feeling better?" Sehun asks in his hoarse voice, which Areum finds really y.

The girl nods and leans her chin on his chest, "So let's not waste our time anymore and let's go out and play!" She then steals a kiss from Sehun, "Come on, sleepyhead!"


The couple heads to the hotel's restaurant for breakfast before proceeding with their plan for the day. Areum thinks she has planned the perfect itinerary for their trip and she can't contain her excitement when they arrived at the Colosseum.

"I can't believe I am seeing this in real life!!" Areum is in awestruck mode as she admire the magnificent oval amphitheatre, "I always see this on postcard!"

Sehun chortles at his wife's child-like demeanour, "It's my first time seeing this in real life too..."

"And it's amazing to be here with you!"

Areum's words got Sehun's cheeks flushing like mad, giving her the chance to again. But Areum does mean her words, she is glad that she is here in Rome with the love of her life and she knows they will create lots of fond memories here together.

"Let us get somebody to help us take a picture!"

Being the outgoing one between the two of them, stopping someone to ask them for a favour is an easy task for Areum. After Areum passes her phone to a guy that seems to be around her age, she jumps onto Sehun's back. Sehun's hands reach for his wife's thigh instinctively even though he got startled by her.


"What?" Areum giggles, "Get ready for the picture!" Areum yells excitedly as she raises one of her arms in the air, doing a V pose with her fingers. Sehun's movement is restricted so all he could do is to smile for the photos. After changing a few poses, Areum taps Sehun's shoulder.


Areum leans forwards to capture Sehun's lips when he turns his head sideways to give her his attention. Sehun is usually conscious about displaying their affection in the public but right now, he feels like he is in bliss and he could care less because he is enjoying each and every second with his wife here. His lips curl upwards when he feels his wife's smiling as well.

"I love you so ing, ing much."

Sehun clicks his tongue and sends her a disapproving look for her choice of word, "Tsk, can you not be so vulgar?"

Areum jumps down from his back and runs to retrieve her phone back from the stranger. Sehun joins her to view the pictures shortly.

"Tua moglie è molto carina." (Your wife is very pretty)

The stranger comments in a language that Areum doesn't understand so she smiles awkwardly to the guy. Unlike her almighty husband, who understands a bit of Italian, gives the guy a nod and replies a thank you back in the guy's first language.

"What did the guy say?" Areum asks in curiosity.

"He said that you are a midget."

"What!" Areum exclaims and clenches her fist in fury as she is offended by that insult. Meanwhile, Sehun is so entertained by his wife's outrage and he quickly escapes so she won't be able to catch him laughing at her for believing his words. 


Rome is indeed a beautiful city and Areum is glad that they picked the capital of Italy for their honeymoon destination. The couple is taking the sightseeing bus and Areum can't take her eyes off the glorious monuments and remarkable architecture. Not to mention the great climate there, the weather is neither too hot nor too

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1108 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2074 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1108 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!