
she can tell krystal is happy with her decision.
when amber wakes up, she finds krystal cooking at the stove with a phone pressed between her ear and shoulder. amber's eyes lingers on the woman who's wearing an oversized white shirt which she borrowed last night (she forgot to bring extra clothes due to the emergency) and a pair of shorts, her hair tied up in a messy bun.
"... prefer a fully furnished apartment ready for occupancy right away." a brief pause. "yes, i've looked online but yours is the best. and i'm glad you're very responsive." another pause. "yes, we'll be driving there after lunch. expect a call from me around four in the afternoon. thank you. i'll see you later."
amber keeps staring in silence, not wanting to interrupt. staring at krystal still makes her heart flutters. although a huge part in her still feels empty and lifeless, but krystal's mere presence warms up something inside like it's bringing out a light that's been buried in the darkness.
"gosh, you scared me!" krystal jumps when she turns around to place the phone on the counter. "i didn't hear you get up."
amber stands there in silence, poker-faced.
"by the way, i found an apartment for you," says krystal, turning back to the stove. "it's about fifteen minutes walk from my house. i know it's not that far but at least we could still look over you and you could still have some privacy to yourself." she turns off the stove and pours the contents into a bowl which amber identifies as one of her favourite breakfast. "i hope you're okay with transferring there this afternoon?"
amber thinks it is perfect. her mind is already tuning to the right frequency. this is what she wants, to have krystal around her, to see krystal every day. it would have been perfect, until she sees the band on krystal's ring finger, reminding her of the painful reality.
yeah. krystal is married and she vowed to protect and fight for their marriage despite the difficulty she and her husband are experiencing.
and krystal stayed true to her words. they stayed platonic last night even after her confession about her feelings towards amber. krystal spent the night on the couch and is always giving updates to her husband.
amber scoffs inside, secretly envying jihoon for getting this woman for his wife and for witnessing this view every morning.
every darn morning.
boy, he's one lucky guy.
amber blinks, realising there is a hanging question from krystal.
"you okay?" krystal asks.
amber nods.
"so, are you okay with us packing after lunch and transferring this afternoon?"
amber looks away and nods.
there was silence before krystal finally lets out a small smile.
"i also informed yuri. she was happy, saying she can finally breathe," she says, settling the food on the table. "let's eat? we still have to prepare your things so we can drive there after lunch."
saying no other word, amber sits down and fills her plate.
they eat in silence, and amber can feel krystal's eyes on her from time to time.
she's not sure if being around krystal is good for her or not.
"you need help there?" krystal asks when she passes by amber's room and notices how the latter is having a hard time buttoning up her flannel with one hand.
amber hums, her eyes watching krystal's hands button up her shirt all the way to the top.
"is it okay if i pack only your button-ups and some these flannels?" krystal asks. "it will be easier for you to wear as it need not go over your head."
amber nods but she doesn't think krystal saw it as the latter is busy fixing her collar.
"you honestly still look dashing even with a cast." krystal smiles, fixing amber's hair this time. "this is so unfair."
amber's eyes remains glued to krystal. she wonders in silence how the voices in her head seem to stop whenever the woman is around? her brain seems to switch back to normal mode just by merely seeing the krystal around her apartment.
sensing the stares aimed at her, krystal's eyes shifts to amber. they stared awkwardly for seconds before she steps back, blushing a little.
"i... uh... i need to continue packing your things," says krystal, fingers reaching to play with her wedding ring. and without glancing at amber one more time, she walks out of the room.
amber stares at the now empty spot in front of her. as ironic as it sounds, krystal's presence is bringing her pain too. the reality of krystal having her own family still won't sit well in amber's mind.
amber took a deep breath, feeling the sharp pain in her shoulder.
if breathing would be this painful, then she wishes she'd just die. like seriously.
they were silent during the drive.
amber knows she should take advantage of this situation to talk to krystal and bond with her. but she can't. not that she doesn't want to, it's just that she doesn't have the will or energy to do it.
everything around her looks dull and lifeless. she feels empty inside. she spends the entire drive looking out the window, looking for something or anything that can make her feel.
she knows krystal's disappointed and worried about her lack of emotion and unresponsiveness. but that didn't stop the nurse from checking on her to make sure she's okay.
"this looks cosy." krystal walks into the apartment and admires the interior. she turns to amber. "do you like it here?"
amber nods. why wouldn't she like it when krystal is the one who picked this place for her?
krystal's smile grows wide. she turns to the landlady. "we're taking this."
the landlady claps her hands. "perfect. thank you."
krystal rummages through her bag. "by the way, here's the check for the down payment."
"yes?" krystal looks a bit surprised because this is the first time amber talks to her first after the episode last night.
"i'm paying for this."
"no, amber. it's on us. it's the least we could do for you." krystal hands a check to the landlady. "here you go. i'll be in touch with you again next month for the payment."
"thank you." the woman bows. "so, i'll leave you to it. don't hesitate to call me if you need help."
krystal's phone rings after the woman leaves. she excuses herself to answer it.
amber walks around the unit to observe the place which will be her abode in the next few weeks (or months). this one isn't much different from the one she has in the city. there's the small living room with a comfy-looking couch, a kitchen on the side, a bedroom, and a bathroom.
amber goes to the kitchen first to inspect the drawers. it's supposed to be fully furnished, but there's no single knife or scissors in the shelves. could krystal have asked the landlady to remove it?
she shakes her head and goes to the bedroom. from there, she can hear the small voice of krystal from the balcony whom she knows is talking to her husband.
"yup... we're here now... i've already given the check for the down payment... she seems better now compared to last night... yes. i will go home soon... yeah. i miss you too..."
grunting, amber retreats to the living room. her eyes catches a piece of art hanging on the wall next to the couch.
it's an abstract painting of what seemed like two people standing in front of each other, kissing under the rain. lampposts were lit and the leaves above shone brightly.
amber's eyes zooms into how the woman's arms were wrapped around her lover, which reminds her of something and someone before.
'i always wanted to know how it feels to kiss under the rain...'
'i can wait for you as long as you want. but no matter what happens, be strong for us.'
a tap on her shoulder pulls amber out of the memory pool.
"hey. are you all right?" krystal asks, worried. "i've called you for like twice now and you aren't responding."
"i'm... fine." blinking, amber tilts her head to stare at the painting once again. this painting gives her good feelings, and she wants to stay in that paradise longer.
the silence after tells amber that krystal is looking at the painting too.
after a brief moment, krystal moves and glances at her wristwatch. "i... uh... i need to pick katrien from school. i'll be back for dinner. will you be fine here alone?"
amber nods, eyes still at the painting. "don't worry."
there was dead air and amber can feel krystal staring at her.
"so, i'll keep going. i'll see you later," says krystal hesitantly.
not wanting to see krystal walk away from her, amber keeps her eyes at the painting. she feels krystal's hesitation to leave, but amber stands rooted to the ground, unmoving, as she lets the painting take her to a faraway memory.
krystal's footsteps pads away from her, then the door opens and closes after.
amber stays still, hoping the painting would just swallow her alive.
amber flinches when she hears someone unlock the door.
"amber?" she hears krystal's voice.
excitement builds up in her chest. she stands up from the study table to peek from the bedroom. krystal is carrying a bag of takeout foods. she's also changed to a fresh pair of jeans and a shirt. to amber's surprise, there is another person in the room.
"amber!" katrien runs towards her.
amber's face brightens at the sight of the kid. she bends down to catch the flying kid towards her. "hey. i missed you..."
"i missed you too." katrien leans her head on amber's shoulder.
"katie, careful. amber's injured," says krystal.
katrien pulls back. "i'm sorry. did i hurt you?"
"not at all." amber smiles, the kid's hair. "so, how are you?"
"i got a perfect score in our quiz earlier!"
"oh, did you? that's nice."
"and then i recited a poem in front of the class... and they all clapped!"
"oh. really? is that a long poem?"
"this long..." katrien holds her hands out to show amber the length of the poem. "it was hard. but i'm glad i memorised it."
"wow. little katrien is so bright, huh?" amber pinches the kid's chin.
"also..." the kid pulls out something from her pocket and shows amber a heart origami. "the teacher taught us how to create a heart with a paper."
"wow." amber stares at the red origami handed to her. "what is this for?"
"it's for love, forgiveness, and acceptance. teacher said we can give it to people to tell them we love them and we forgive them!"
amber smiles at the kid. "that's nice. i'm glad you're doing well in school."
"daddy says i can be a doctor someday if i keep studying hard."
"mmm-mmm. and do you want to be a doctor like him?"
"i want to."
"it's because you always get hurt because of me." katrien pouts. "i want to be the one to take care of you next time."
melting at katrien's words, amber pulls the kid for a hug. "it's not your fault. things just happen. but i'm glad you want to take care of me. thank you."
"i don't want you to get hurt anymore," says katrien. "please take care of yourself."
"i will." amber looks up at krystal who's eagerly looking at them with an expression that is a combination of surprise and wonder. "you okay?"
krystal blinks. "umm. yeah. i just..." she raises the takeout bags. "don't you two want to have dinner first?"
amber smiles. "yeah. dinner sounds great."
"mommy! look! look!"
krystal is washing the dishes when her daughter comes up to her holding a sketchbook. "hey, sweetie. what's that?"
"it's amber's! found it on her study table." the kid flips the pages. "look! she draws really well, mommy!"
krystal scans the pages as her daughter flips it for her to see. "wow."
amber steps out of the bedroom. "katie, don't brag about it. i'm not good. i was just randomly sketching."
"these are actually good," says krystal. "is this what you've been doing after i left earlier?"
"yeah. it's still hard though cos i can't hold the pad in place with my left hand."
"i want to draw too, mommy!" says katrien, excited. "amber, can you teach me?"
"it'll be my pleasure, little princess." amber slightly bows. "shall we start now with our lesson? we don't want to bother your mommy while she's busy."
katrien jumps. "yes, please!"
amber glances at krystal who's giving the same expression again like earlier.
"we'll be in the bedroom," says amber.
krystal nods, and lets out a small smile. "enjoy."
"katie seems to positively affect her, jiwon..."
amber turns her head to the small window in the bedroom when she hears krystal's voice from the balcony.
"i don't know how or why but when she saw katie earlier her face lits up and it's like life has been restored inside of her," krystal adds. "no. she hasn't been talking to me since last night. it's either she doesn't talk or she'll give me a two-worded response. but when katie came, she's back now to her usual self."
amber looks at the kid who is sleeping the bed and fixes the blanket over the little girl's body.
"i don't know how jihoon will react to this. he'll be back here tomorrow and i'm sure katrien will tell him what we did today." krystal pauses. "no, i don't have issues of bringing katie here. besides, my kid wants to see and be with amber. i won't deny her that opportunity." another pause. "yeah. i know. i just..." there's a sigh and a sharp inhale after. "anyway, my concern is amber's recovery. i'll be checking on her before and after work. will you be able to visit her daily? bring her lunch or something?"
amber's attention diverts to the voices arguing outside the apartment room.
she goes out of the bedroom to check the peephole in the front door. and yes, two people are standing just outside her door.
"i don't want to see your face here again, you hear me?" says the woman.
"fine," says the man. "you're not even good. you're just a waste of my time and money."
"!" the woman walks back to her room and slams the door hard the walls actually shake.
since the show is over, amber steps back into the living room and sees krystal.
"hey. why are you at the door?" krystal asks.
"neighbours were fighting," says amber. "had to check."
"ahh. that must have been the masseuse tenant the landlady was talking about."
"yeah. and her room is right next to ours... i meant, yours," says krystal. "the landlady told me this woman brings a lot her clients for private massage."
"by the way, where's katrien?" krystal asks. "she fell asleep, didn't she?"
"she did."
"i'm sorry if she's talking a portion of your bed."
"it's fine. are you two staying for the night?"
krystal looks at her watch and sighs. "it's past her bedtime and i wouldn't want to wake her up. will it be all right with you if we stay here? we'll just leave early so we can go home to prepare for school and work."
"yeah. sure. you're the one paying for this place so you can do anything you like. would you like to take the room? the couch looks comfy to me."
krystal shakes her head. "no. you're still injured. you sleep beside katrien tonight. i'll take the couch."
"okay." amber nods. "i'll go to bed now."
"go ahead. goodnight."
"um. amber?"
krystal doesn't speak right a way, but she's giving that look, the look amber knows is meant only for her. "i'm glad you're getting better now."
not knowing what to say, amber just nods and continues walking to the bedroom.
it's around ten in the morning and amber's starting to get bored. jiwon will come around lunchtime with some foods.
her creative juices are depleted at the moment, and nothing on the tv is interesting enough to watch.
so she steps out of the room and stays in the hallway, staring at the parking lot below, looking at people.
nothing is going on her mind now. no voices, no pain. nothing. and for the first time in days, she was finally able to get a full sleep last night.
she turns her head to the side when the door to her neighbour room creaked open. a long-haired woman in black shorts and tank top went out with a phone against her ear.
"... okay, can you hear me better now? yeah. i'm available today. what time would you want me there?"
the woman stands near amber, an arm over the railing. amber looks away when the woman glances at her.
"got that," says the woman. "just to clarify, it'll be pure massage, okay? no stuff at all. cool. see you in the afternoon."
amber had to repress a chuckle from coming out.
"hi, neighbour," says the woman, her voice cheery. "were you the one who transferred here yesterday?"
amber nods. "yes."
"what happened to your arm?"
"accident." amber touches her shoulder. "the cast extends to the arm for quicker healing i guess."
the woman stares at amber intently. "is it just me or you look familiar?" the woman stares longer, her eyes squinting. she finally covers with a hand. "oh, my god! you're not amber liu, are you?"
amber smiles and blushes.
"my goodness! what did i do to deserve a talk with you today?" the woman offers her hand. "it's a pleasure to be neighbours with you!"
"pleasure's all mine." amber shakes the woman's hand. "i believe you haven't mentioned your name yet."
the woman smiles widely. "it's hyuna. my name is kim hyuna."
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Hirokichi #1
Chapter 22: I really enjoy this story author ❤❤❤
engurrr_alonetwo #2
Chapter 14: I really love how yuri and jiwon supports amber and krystal's lovelife. I mean, after all these years and krystal is married, they always talk about "the tea" hahaha fangirling hahahahah
2076 streak #3
Chapter 22: This is my favorite chapter! I love fluff!
Chapter 22: What favorite part? I love every chapter! This is so good that it took me 5 hours to read this and it's prequel. Guess what it's almost 5am here.. Thank you Author! Hoping to read more of your Kryber stories!
DrKiddo #5
Chapter 22: Thank you!! This is a great stories.. It's been a while since I read amazing plot like yours. Love yaaa 😍 Waiting for more kryber story :D
Darkitohae #6
Chapter 22: Is there a sequel now that they are living as a family? The story is great and my favorite is every part of it. Thank you for writing this.
appetime #7
Chapter 6: ?
ImRiHyun #8
Chapter 22: I wonder if I'll ever find someone like Krystal in this story. Damn it, you sure set the bar high!!