the unspoken truth


It was as if everyone came to this school for the first time with the same mindset: Jennie Kim is not to be messed with.

Young Arts Academy private high school was the most prestegious school in Seoul, Korea. From dancers, to actors, to painters, to music producers, to models, to writers, to fashion designers, to singers, to musicians, every single student was incredibly smart. There were countless art schools in Korea, especially as this category has been growing in today's modern world. But Young Arts Academy was not just an art school, it was a private school, first to begin with, every single student was already smart enough to become lawyers, doctors, surgeons, or CEO's. But with their incredible high IQ's, they chose to go to an art school. Even if someone was smart or talented enough to even consider Young Arts Academy, the test and application to apply for this school was incredibly expensive. $10,000 to be exact.

Even though it was recently opened for the first time 3 years ago, it soon became the talk of Seoul and Korea everywhere. A private art school where the students are both smart and talented, and in the top 10% of society's richest as well. They were flawless. 

But someone that was considered way above any student was Jennie Kim. It was rumored that she had an IQ of over 160. Her main focus study at the academy was fashion design but it was also rumored that she was secretly a trainee at a huge entertainment company, but it was still a mystery to everyone if she was talented at rapping, dancing, or singing. But visually, she was undoubtedly extremely attractive. Her small face and small facial features gave her a very cute and soft look but her eyes were long and slanted like a cat's eyes and her eye color is dark and luring, which gives her the y and beautiful look. People either hated her or loved her from amazement or jealousy, but everyone respected her and admits that she is the Young Arts Academy #1 top student in everything.

Jennie Kim was the IT girl.


"Mom, do I really have a chance? And are you sure we can afford this?" Chaeyoung asked. Her mother gently put her hand on her daughter's shoulders, with a loving look, "Chaeyoung-ah, you're my beloved and talented daughter. And you're incredibly smart. Stop saying useless things and just follow your parents'. Trust me." Chaeyoung looked uneasy but she shifted the guitar strap around her shoulder, "Okay, let's go." She was so nervous.

She was about to audition for Hongdae school of music. But even if she got in, the yearly tuition was so expensive, surely, above her family's income. But she decided to just trust her mother for once, and just go for it. There was a long line, but once she got her sticker with the number 6 written on it, she settled down on a chair. The room was full and bustling with students nervously biting their nails, or tuning their instruments or sleeping. She noticed that some students would grab their earphones or instrument or a water bottle to go outside and practice. She decided she would quickly go over the song maybe one or two times. She didn't want to over practice. She was confident about her abilities in playing guitar and singing. She held the neck of her guitar protectively as she headed out with earphones and her phone in the other hand.

She found a private area secluded from the other students with a nice shade with trees surrounding the area. It was perfect! She sat down on the grass, and pulled her guitar from behind her back. Tightening the strap around her body, she tuned it quickly, and then strummed it. Suddenly all her worries and thoughts dissapeared. Her mind felt like a quiet lake, not an inch of a ripple. She pictured a clear dark night sky sprayed with dozens of small sparkling stars. "Wise men say only fools rush in...But I can't help falling in love" Her hand strung and plucked the strings delicately while she let her voice spill out of . She felt so peaceful as she continued playing and singing. She ended and decided she was ready.

She got up, dusting off herself and suddenly she heard a twig snap. She spun around, from alarm. Under the trees, a tall woman stepped out. She was about her mother's age and had silver glasses with curly black shoulder length hair. Chaeyoung raised her brows, confused. The woman chuckled lightly, "I apologize for alarming you, young lady. But I just couldn't help listening in on your lovely voice. It's so beautiful." Chaeyoung was still tense about this woman.

But she smiled politely, "Thank you!" The woman sighed, "I apologize again for confusing you, young lady. I'm sure you think of me as a weird stranger. I'm actually..."

She stepped more forwards from the shadows, and Chaeyoung could see the wrinkle-free dress the woman was wearing and her polished nails. She was a very wealthy woman, obviously.

The woman handed Chaeyoung a card, "...I'm actually Haeun Young. I am the CEO of Young Arts Academy."


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Ne09KS #1
Chapter 10: Nice story Author-nim keep it going👌
Ne09KS #2
Chapter 10: Oooooooh more updates pls